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This page lists the dialogue lines for Kitty. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.


When speaking to Kitty for the first time in a new game:

Face Kitty.png Hiiiii! I'm Kitty! You're that new farmer in town, aren't ya? Nya nya!
Player: That's right, I'm the farmer. My name's [Player].
Face Kitty.png [Player], [Player]! So happy to meet you, nya.


Face Kitty.png:"Hi hi!! Are we having a super duper day, nya?"
Face Kitty.png:"You look tired, [Player]. You need a cat nap, nya!"
Face Kitty.png:"Where are you going, nya? Can I come too? Oh wait, I forgot I'm so so busy!"
Face Kitty.png:"Gotta keep my claws sharp, nya!"
Face Kitty.png:"AH! - Sorry [Player], I saw a birdie."
Face Kitty.png:"Sun Haven has the most beautiful springs, nya! Don't you think so too? Spring Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"The birds are always singing these days. It must be because it's spring! Spring Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Liam baked a cake that looked like Kitty! He called it a Kitty Cake! I love it! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Catherine tells me my ears perk up when I'm happy! Look, I'm happy! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Kitty caught a giant pufferfish today! They're kinda scary, nyan... Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"The warm grass is so nice for practicing my somersaults in, nya. Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Do you cook a lot on your farm? I think I can smell all sorts of wonderful things being made there, nya!! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I think my favorite drink is milk! What's your favorite, [Player]? Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I love falling asleep to the sound of rain. It's so peaceful, nya. Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"So many juicy juicy fish in the river! And the ocean! And the ponds! Fish everywhere, nya! Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Kitty is good at hide and seeking! You can't hide from me, nya! Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"The leaves turn sooo many pretty colors. And they fun to play in, nya. Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"The poor animals at the animal shop don't like the snow, Kitty has to bring them in at night, nyan. Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Some Amari like to sleep over the winter, but that would be too much sleep for me, nyan. Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I'm gonna build a snowkitty! Nya! Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Brrr! Start a fire sometime, so Kitty can keep warm in the winter! Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"What's your favorite part of the winter, [Player]? Winter Token.png"


Face Kitty.png:"Topi and Pod are fun to play with, but Pod cheats at hide-and-seek!"
Face Kitty.png:"I was running through the forest when I found a bag of money!"
Face Kitty.png:"If you ever want to race, just let me know, nya!"
Face Kitty.png:"Are my clothes dirty, [Player]? I just came back from the beach. It's fun digging in the sand!"
Face Kitty.png:"Do you look around when you walk places? I find treasures all the time!"


Face Kitty.png:"It's a much much happier day when I can see you, [Player]. "
Face Kitty.png:"I love my ears, but I wish I had whiskers too. What, you don't? "
Face Kitty.png:"The animals seem extra playful today, nya! "
Face Kitty.png:"I heard a song from the record store and now it's stuck in my head, nyan... "
Face Kitty.png:"What to eat for dinner?? Mmmm... fish! "


Face Kitty.png:"I'm smiling a lot lot more now. And that's saying something, nya! "
Face Kitty.png:"I'll keep the birds from eating your crops, [Player]. That's a Kitty promise! "
Face Kitty.png:"Maybe it's just Kitty, but Sun Haven smells even better than it used to! "
Face Kitty.png:"Ah, [Player]... You make my heart beat so so strong! "
Face Kitty.png:"Did I scratch you? Sorry! My claws are extra sharp right now, teehee! "
Face Kitty.png:"You should let Kitty SPRING into your lap! Get it? Because it's spring? Nya! Spring Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Last winter was cooold! Promise me you'll keep me warm next winter, nya? Spring Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"All my farm animals love you too, [Player]! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"[Player] takes care of the farm, Kitty takes care of the animals! We're perfect together, nya! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"We should go fishing together! I wouldn't even mind if we didn't catch anything, nya. Just as long as we're together! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"What's your favorite color, [Player]? Kitty wants to sew you some new clothes, nya nya! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I'll catch us fish for dinner! You can count on Kitty, nya! Summer Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Kitty still prowls your farm at night to keep it safe, [Player]! Aren't you lucky? Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I still remember the day you made me FALL for you, nya. Get the joke?? Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Can you cook Kitty some Fish Tempura? It's too hard to cook alone, nyan... Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I want to go on one of your adventures! Why do you always leave your Kitty at home, nyan... Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Kitty wants to spend time with [Player] today! Please say yes! Fall Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"It's cold, but you make me feel so warm inside, [Player]! Nya! Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Nya, nya, nya. I love you, [Player]! Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"I'm so happy you feel the same way I do, [Player]! Now every day is my favorite day! Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Let's share a cup of hot chocolate later, [Player]! Winter Token.png"
Face Kitty.png:"Kitty knows how to stay warm in the winter, you know, nya... Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "[Player]! Thank you, thank you! I abso-LUTE-ly love [item], nya!!"
  • Liked: "How did you know Kitty wanted [item]?? Thanks thanks!"
  • Good: "I'm not the biggest fan of stuff like [item], but thanks for trying, nya!"
  • Disliked: "A [item]. Nyan..."

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Kitty a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Kitty's birthday is the 23rd of Winter.

Face Kitty.png:"Nyan... is this the best you could do for Kitty's birthday?"
Face Kitty.png:"You remembered my birthday, [Player]! That's so sweet, nya. The gift doesn't even matter!"
Face Kitty.png:"How did you find out I wanted this for my birthday?! Are you SPYING on Kitty, nya?! You must be really good, because I never saw you!"
Face Kitty.png:"Ohh, this is the MOST perfect thing anyone has EVER gotten for my birthday!! I could almost purr! Thank you, [Player]!"

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Kitty.png: Ohh, what a pretty looking potion, nya! You want me to drink it? Okay, [Player], I trust you!!
Not Married
Kitty drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Kitty.png: Ew! That was really gross, [Player]! You didn't do that to pull a prank on me, did you, nyan? We're supposed to be friends, after all...
Married Wedding Ring.png
Kitty drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Kitty.png: Blegh! That wasn't very yummy, nyan... huh, how come I have this ring on my finger? Hehe, I'm not married! Maybe someday, though, if I find someone who reeeally loves me, nya.


Kitty has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted Coal:

Face Kitty.png:"Ugh, I don't like coal! The dust gets all over, nyan..."

When gifted a Dorado:

Face Kitty.png:"Ew! It's the only fish I DON'T like!"

When gifted a Pet Leash:

Face Kitty.png:"Nyan, I don't like stuff like that, [Player]..."

When gifted a Wood Plank:

Face Kitty.png:"Aw, did you make this plank at your very own crafting station? I'll use it to make a little bird house, nya."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Kitty.png:"Did you grow this on your farm? Wow, thanks for sharing with Kitty, nya!"

When gifted Wheat Seeds or Greenroot Seeds:

Face Kitty.png:"I don't farm, nya. Maybe you should keep these and plant them on your farm?"

When gifted Greenroot:

Face Kitty.png:"Catherine says greenroot is a good spice to use in cooking. Maybe I'll see if she was right, nya!"

When gifted Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Kitty.png:"I don't know if I can manage to grow a whole tree by myself, but if I do, I'll climb in it! Thanks, [Player]!"

When gifted a Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, or Amethyst:

Face Kitty.png:"Shiny! Is this for Kitty? You're the best, [Player]!"

When gifted an Apple

Face Kitty.png:"Ohh, what a shiny apple! I wish it were a nice juicy fish, though, nya!"

When gifted a Berry

Face Kitty.png:"Did you find this little berry in the forest? There's so many things you can forage out there, nya!"

When gifted a Leafie's Leaf

Face Kitty.png:"Did you get this from a leafie? Wow! You're stronger than most farmers!"

When gifted a Log:

Face Kitty.png:"Hmm, maybe I could use it as a scratching post?"

When gifted a Mushroom:

Face Kitty.png:"Nyan, I don't really like mushrooms, but it's a cute gift."

When gifted Stone:

Face Kitty.png:"Hmm... this doesn't sparkle very much. But at least you tried?"

When gifted Kitty Wedding Ring:

Face Kitty.png:"But... but... you were supposed to keep this forever, [Player]... nyan..."

When gifted Kitty's Cat Toy:

Face Kitty.png:"Oh, nyan... maybe you don't think this toy is so fun?"

When gifted Kitty Record:

Face Kitty.png:"I thought for sure you'd like this record, nyan..."

When gifted XBK One Chance, Romance Record:

Face Kitty.png:"Aww, are you a fan of Kitty's band? I'm gonna listen to this tonight for sure, nya!"

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Kitty.png:"Ohh, is this for me? Than-... OOSH'A WIXLIASHA! O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZZZAAAAAA!!!! RAAAA!! ...Nyan... What happened... Why is my head fuzzy? What was that voice... Huh? No! Kitty isn't giving this back! Nyan! Never, never!!"

Morning Gifts

When married to Kitty, there is a chance she will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above her head, and will be available until the player talks to her.

When gifting Animal Food.png Animal Food × 5:

Face Kitty.png:"Take this, [Player]. I wanted to help make sure the animals were nice and fed today, nya."

When gifting Fish Tempura.png Fish Tempura:

Face Kitty.png:"I made TEMPURRRA! I know how much you like when fish is cooked, nya."

When gifting Mochi.png Mochi × 5:

Face Kitty.png:"I ordered mochi, [Player]! I wanted to share some with you, because you're my favorite person."

When gifting Carp.png Carp × 3:

Face Kitty.png:"Look what I caught for the love of my life, nya! It's a nice fat carp!"