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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Kitty. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Kitty.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Kitty.png: Hello again, nya!
What's up??
Player: Did you say "nya?"
Face Kitty.png: Nya, that's right! Haven't you met a cat like me before? Don't tell me I'm your first, nya? Oh my goodness, then what do you think of my ears??
Player: They look very colorful. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nya?! You really mean it?! Just don't stare too long, okie?
Player: They look fluffy and cute. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nya?! You really mean it?! Just don't stare too long, okie?
Player: What was it you do here, Kitty?
Face Kitty.png: I run the pet store, of course!
Player: You run the store all by yourself?
Face Kitty.png: Not alone, nya! I have help from Nim. And not only that, but I take care of all the animals in Sun Haven town! I even sell animals you could use on your farm.
Player: That makes a lot of sense!
Face Kitty.png: Not only that, I take care of all the animals in Sun Haven town! I even sell animals you could use on your farm.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Kitty.png: Hiiiii [Player]. Are you happy you moved to Sun Haven yet, nya?
Player: Have you always lived in Sun Haven?
Face Kitty.png: Almost my whole whole life, I have. It's my favorite place for sure!
Player: Could you see yourself living anywhere else?
Face Kitty.png: Maaaaybe the Great City, nya. But I've never seen the Great City before. It would be a Kitty adventure!
Player: It seems like a lot of travelers end up staying in Sun Haven.
Face Kitty.png: Sure sure, they know I'm here! Teehee, just kidding.
Player: What's your favorite place in Sun Haven?
Face Kitty.png: I like all the birdies that stop by the bird bath outside of Catherine's house. But she asks me to leave them alone, nyan. I just can't help but swat at them, teehee.
Player: You shouldn't attack the poor birds. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: I can't help it, they're so flappy! Besides, I'm not really attacking, just playing.
Player: I bet you could catch them easily! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Oh yes, nya! But don't worry, I don't hurt the little cuties!

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Kitty.png: In my whole life here, I've never seen the town so very very quiet as this last year.
Player: Are you worried about the rumors going around?
Face Kitty.png: You're talking about Withergate, nya? A city of monsters sounds bad! But maybe they're nice monsters? I think it's scary not to know!
Player: You don't need to be scared of rumors.
Face Kitty.png: Maybe... but I can't help but be on guard.
Player: I'll protect you, Kitty!
Face Kitty.png: Nya!! Thank you, [Player]! You're such a brave friend!
Player: What was it like growing up here?
Face Kitty.png: Sun Haven has always been fun for me to explore, nya. There's lots of trees to climb, you know. Perfect for a growing kitty, nya nya!
One time I got stuck and Nathaniel had to come save me, teehee!
Player: Sun Haven wouldn't be the same without you, Kitty. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Ah!! You're too nice, nya! You make Sun Haven even better than it was before, too.
Player: It sounds like you've been causing trouble your whole life. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Trouble? Kitty? Nyaaan...

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Kitty.png: Hi [Player]! I'm a little bored. Any ideas, nya?
Player: Do you have any hobbies?
Face Kitty.png: I try teaching tricks to my pet kittens, but they're too sleepy to learn. Oh, and I loooove sewing and knitting clothes! I especially love yarn, it's so soft and colorful and happy!
Player: I'm not so sure cats could use their hands that well. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Cats are very good with their hands. Plus, you haven't even seen my stuff I've made, nyan.
Player: Looking at your dress, I bet you make really great clothes! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Oh yes, even the house cats love them! No you silly, I don't put them in the clothes, they like to lay on top of them!
Player: You seem like the kind of cat who'd like dancing!
Face Kitty.png: Oh yes, but only to the right music. I can't dance to boring music, like what Claude listens to. It has to be energetic, like Kitty!
Player: What's the right kind of music?
Face Kitty.png: Fast music, for certain. I like a fast beat, nya! That's what gets my paws tapping!
Player: Somehow I think you could dance to anything.
Face Kitty.png: Maybe, maybe. Kitty dances in the grass, sometimes with no music at all!

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Kitty.png: Kitty had a nightmare last night... I was climbing a tree all grown up, but I got stuck like I did as a kitten!
Player: I'm sure you're strong enough to get back down, now!
Face Kitty.png: What if it's a warning that I shouldn't be climbing trees anymore? Oh that would make Kitty sad!
Player: Don't be sad, I'm sure you won't get stuck.
Face Kitty.png: You're right, I'm a pretty good climber now, nya! So nice to have a sunny friend cheering me on. Thanks, [Player]!
Player: You'll be ok, but maybe you can climb shorter trees for now, just in case!
Face Kitty.png: You're right, nya! Gosh you're so clever, [Player]!
Player: Maybe Catherine can help you with those nightmares.
Face Kitty.png: Like with magical herbs, nya? I don't like Catherine's potions too much. They taste so... yuck! Nasty.
Player: You should just deal with it if you want to avoid the nightmares. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Ugh, I'd rather have nightmares, nyan...
Player: It's true... Maybe she could make one that tastes like berries? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Oh! Or fish! I think I'll go ask her to try, nya. Good idea, [Player]!

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Kitty.png: [Player]! Are you happy to see me? I'm happy to see you, of course!
Player: Are you okay? You look anxious. + Kitty's Cat Toy.png Kitty's Cat Toy
Face Kitty.png: Kitty's a little excited is all! I have a surprise for you, [Player]. A gift from me!
Player: What is it?
Face Kitty.png: I made it myself! It's a toy to keep you from getting bored, nya. It's my favorite one, and it's for you because you're my faaavorite friend! Here, take it take it!
Player: What the heck is this?
Face Kitty.png: I made it myself! It's a toy to keep you from getting bored, nya. It's my favorite one, and it's for you because you're my faaavorite friend! Here, take it take it!

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Kitty.png: Do you know I almost learned to farm, too? I read about it in a book!
Player: What kind of books do you like to read? Quest:Hangout Event
Face Kitty.png: Fairy Tales! My favorite one is about a cat who turns into a human princess. I'm sure you can guess why, teehee!
We should spend some time together, [Player]! We can talk about more fun stuff!
Player: That sounds lovely, Kitty.
Face Kitty.png: Nya, I'm sooo happy you think so! You can meet me in front of my house, tomorrow at 10:00 am, okaaay?
Player: I'm not sure about that.
Face Kitty.png: No, no? Nyan... I understand. If you change your mind, you can meet me in front of my house, tomorrow at 10:00 am, okaaay?

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Kitty.png: Hello [Player], you've got a funny funny look on your face. Did you sleep okay?
Player: I've had a lot of fun with you, Kitty... Quest:Date
Face Kitty.png: I've had fun with you too, [Player]! We should go out together, nya! Like, on a date!
Player: Would you like to go out tomorrow?
Face Kitty.png: AH! Yes, I'd love to! Oh so fun, nya. You should come to my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm!
Player: I'm a little busy, actually.
Face Kitty.png: Oh, really? I thought different, but okay... if you change your mind, you should come to my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm!


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Kitty.png: Lately a big, mean dog has been chasing my kittens, nyan!
Player: Are your kittens okay?
Face Kitty.png: They're all safe and sound right now, nya! The first time that dog came by, though, it was terrible! Kitty had to look everywhere for the kittens after they ran off!
Player: Do you think your kittens are in danger?
Face Kitty.png: Nya. It's fine, mostly. I always scoop them up quick quick when I hear the dog coming, now. Kitty has very good hearing, you know!
Player: I hope your kitties are okay!
Face Kitty.png: Nya. It's fine, mostly. I always scoop them up quick quick when I hear the dog coming, now. Kitty has very good hearing, you know!
Player: You must really hate this dog.
Face Kitty.png: I don't hate the doggy, even if it chases my kittens. Kitty has tried to make friends with dogs before, but it's so hard, nyan! They just wanna chase Kitty, usually!
Kitty has been friends with dog Amari before, so why can't cats and dogs get along?!
Player: Dogs and cats getting along would be so cute. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: See, nya? You get it, [Player]! Kitties and puppies being friends, friends, friends! Very cute, yes?
Player: Dogs and cats aren't supposed to get along. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nyan. That's not a great way to look at the world. It must be so sad, thinking you couldn't be someone's friend just because of how you are!

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Kitty.png: When's the last time you climbed a nice, tall tree, [Player]? We should go climbing together sometime, nya!
Player: I don't really climb any trees.
Face Kitty.png: Nya?! Well you should start! It's a great pastime!
Player: What if I fall?
Face Kitty.png: You just land on your feet, silly! Wait, you're good at that, right? Kitty is! I've never landed anywhere else, nya!
Player: You're probably a lot better at it than me.
Face Kitty.png: Heheh, I bet you aren't wrong! I've climbed trees my whole life, and I'm very good at it, nya!
Player: Where do you usually climb trees?
Face Kitty.png: Any tree is a good tree to climb, nya. Out in the forest there's always big, soft, lazy Snaccoons sleeping under the trees!
They're just sooo big and cute, I wish I could keep one as a pet, like my kitties!
Player: A Snaccoon would be a cute pet, but hard to feed! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: That's truuueee, [Player]! But they sleep a lot, so it gives Kitty plenty of time to find them some food!
Player: Don't be crazy, you couldn't keep a Snaccoon as a pet! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: You think too small, [Player]! You gotta dream like Kitty: big!

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Kitty.png: I wanna learn how to fish! But Peter says he doesn't have time to teach me, and Rupert is always too shy to talk to Kitty, nya!
Player: Rupert is shy around you?
Face Kitty.png: Yup yup, whenever I try to talk to him he gets sooo embarrassed, he can't even be grumpy! I guess he never learned how to talk to cute girls, teehee!
Player: I wouldn't think he'd have such a soft side.
Face Kitty.png: Hehe. It's cute, but he still won't teach Kitty how to fish!
Player: I guess Rupert likes cats.
Face Kitty.png: Hehe. It's cute, but he still won't teach Kitty how to fish!
Player: Why do you want to learn how to fish?
Face Kitty.png: Fish is my favorite food, you know that, right? Usually I just fish with my claws, but people using fishing rods catch sooo much more fish!!
It's against Kitty's better instinct as an Amari, but I must learn the secret of fishing rods, nya!
Player: I couldn't picture you using a fishing rod. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nyan?! Is it so strange Kitty wants to learn something new, [Player]?
Player: If you ever learn, we could go fishing sometime! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Ohh, that's a fun idea! We could see who catches more fishies, and then Kitty could eat them all! Right?

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Kitty.png: Sun Haven is so warm in the spring! Warm days make me want to curl up and nap alllll day long!
Player: If you nap all day, who will manage the pet shop?
Face Kitty.png: Nya! Sometimes I wish I had no responsibilities, but then I remember someone has to take care of all the cute little pets!
Player: The pets are lucky to have someone so dedicated. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Aw, you really mean that, [Player]? Kitty loves all the cute little animals. I would never abandon them! Just because it's warm doesn't mean Kitty HAS to nap!
Player: Well, I hope you never forget. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nya?! Kitty would never do something like that! [Player] must have lost their marbles! Just because it's warm doesn't mean Kitty HAS to nap!
Player: It does get pretty warm here in the spring.
Face Kitty.png: Lots of sunny, sunny days in sunny, sunny Sun Haven! "Sun" is in the name after all, nya! Rain is nice, too, but it makes Kitty's ears and tail all wet!
Player: Do you ever nap when it rains?
Face Kitty.png: Why would Kitty waste a rainy day like that?! When it rains, all the lil' worms come up out of the ground and then all the little birdies try to get 'em! It's so fun to watch!
That's why warm days are best for napping!
Player: Where's your favorite place to nap?
Face Kitty.png: Oooh, good question! Sometimes Kitty likes to nap in a tree, or by Catherine's birdie bath! I tried to nap with the little chickie-chickens once, but it... didn't go so well, nyan...

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Kitty.png: Jingle jingle, don't you like how Kitty's bells jingle? Teehee.
Player: Your bells must make sneaking up on critters hard.
Face Kitty.png: Give Kitty more credit, [Player]! If Kitty is prowling, the bells don't make a sound! Kitty only jingles with Kitty wants to jingle!
Player: Makes sense. You're a cat, after all.
Face Kitty.png: Why do you think my name is Kitty, nya?!
Player: You can really move that quietly?
Face Kitty.png: Of course, of course! It's real easy for Kitty to be nice and quiet! When Kitty wants to be, of course! Other times Kitty jingle, jingle, jingles! Nya!
Player: Why do you have so many jingle bells on your outfit, anyway?
Face Kitty.png: I just like the sound they make! Jingle jingle! Kitty can make music whenever, wherever! Claude says Kitty's bells don't count as music, but Kitty disagrees! Nya!
Player: Claude can be very picky about music. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Teehee, I knew you'd understand. Claude is just a stick-in-the-mud! Jingle jingle!
Player: Claude isn't wrong. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nyan? Kitty didn't think [Player] was such a stick-in-the-mud! You must be hanging out with Claude too much, nya!

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Kitty.png: [Player], listen listen! Last night I had a dream that was the most strangest dream ever. I wasn't Kitty at all, but a Human!
Player: A Human? That is weird.
Face Kitty.png: It felt so strange! No claws, no reflexes, no smells. I don't know how Humans live every day like that, nyaan!
Player: Was there anything about it that you liked?
Face Kitty.png: Well, my ears didn't itch so much. Did you know my ears get so so itchy all the time, nya? When the wind messes up my fur, it itches - itchy itchy!
Player: At least it was only for a night!
Face Kitty.png: True true! If Kitty had to be that way all the time... I don't even like to think about it, nyan!
Player: Do you have many dreams like that?
Face Kitty.png: Not so many like that, nya. I do have dreams though! My favorite is when I'm flying in the air, and then I catch the birdies right out of the sky!
Player: That sounds like fun! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: The next time you dream about flying, you should try to catch a birdie too! Then tell Kitty aaaallll about it, nya!
Player: Poor birds! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nyan? They're not real, silly [Player].
Kitty doesn't hurt animals in real life. Except maybe fish for dinner...


Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Kitty.png: Kitty thinks [Player] looks especially good today, nya!
Player: Kitty, you're adorable but also kind of intense.
Face Kitty.png: I've heard that before, nya! I think it's a compliment. Do you like it?
Player: I wish you were more calm. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Calm? Ooh sorry [Player], I thought you knew me better than that!
Player: I love it - you make every day fun! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Oh, good! Not everyone thinks the same, but it doesn't bother me. Kitty has to be Kitty, after all!
Player: Do you feel okay? You look a little red.
Face Kitty.png: I spent yesterday prowling the areas near your farm, nyaa. I wanted to protect it for you now that we're a couple! Maybe that's weird...Woops, tee hee. But the farm is safe, nya!
Player: Good to know it's safe, thanks Kitty!
Face Kitty.png: Nya! You're so very welcome! I have to protect you and your land, nya.
Plus it's fun! I get to chase off pesky squirrels and rabbits, teehee.
Player: You don't have to do that.
Face Kitty.png: I know I don't have to, but I like to! I only want to help [Player], like [Player] helps Kitty!

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Kitty.png: This morning I met a traveler from the East. From what they said, the Eastern Region sounds beautiful!
Player: You don't plan to ever leave Sun Haven for good, right Kitty?
Face Kitty.png: Actually, I never thought about it before... Sun Haven is such a comfy home, the thought of leaving is so so sad!
Player: I can't imagine staying. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Oh no... I don't know if I can leave, [Player]. If you leave, I might not come with you, nyan!
Player: I'd love to stay here with you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Ah! [Player], that's a nice thought, nya. It will be so much more fun sharing this town with my partner!
Player: I haven't asked, have you traveled much outside of Sun Haven?
Face Kitty.png: Yes yes, I've gone across the big bridge once! ... Well actually, only halfway. Nyaaan - it's too scary!
Player: I could walk across with you one day.
Face Kitty.png: You're so brave!! Let's do that one day, nya. In the meantime we can just chase butterflies in the grass, yeah yeah!
Player: Wait, you've never even been across the bridge?
Face Kitty.png: Don't tease me about it! There's a lot of water under that bridge, eep! No thanks!

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Kitty.png: I have lots of free time today, nya! Stop and talk with Kitty, yeah?
Player: What would you do on your perfect day off?
Face Kitty.png: Purrfect, you say? I would spend the day like I used to when I was a kitten, nya nya - running around with my friends, climbing trees and chasing squirrels!
Player: That sounds kind of tiring.
Face Kitty.png: It's hard for me to get tired - I have lots and lots of energy! Can't you tell?
Player: ... What do you do with squirrels when you catch them?
Face Kitty.png: Teehee, oh, [Player]. I let them go, silly! Sometimes I'll sneak a little kiss on their cute little heads, but that's all!
Player: Who do you like to hang out with in your free time?
Face Kitty.png: Lynn is really the best, nya! She lets me keep talking forever and ever. I don't know anyone else that does that for Kitty.
Player: Lynn is nice like that - I'm glad you're friends! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Yeah! She doesn't even interrupt me when I go on forever about things. She's a good good listener, nya!
Player: I think Lynn is just too nice to interrupt... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Well... Still, she never does interrupt, at least. Either way, I like her.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Kitty.png: I'm bored lately, [Player]. Maybe I need a new project to focus on?
Player: What project are you most proud of?
Face Kitty.png: I'm so so proud of my dress. I made it to match my ears and tail - can you tell, nya??
Player: Your dress is... unique. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Huh? Is that it, [Player]? You don't really like it, nyan...
Player: You have a great eye for design! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Ah no, don't say that - I'm just average! You're too too nice to me, [Player]. Thank you for always making Kitty happy, nya!
Player: Do you have any goals you're working toward?
Face Kitty.png: Well, since we last talked about it, I'm secretly training to get back in shape like I was when I performed in the carnival. But don't tell, nya! It's between you and me, okay??
Player: Why are you doing that?
Face Kitty.png: It makes me better at climbing and jumping, which are two of Topi and Pod's favorite ways to play. I want to show them how good I am!
Player: Why is it secret?
Face Kitty.png: It's a surprise for Topi and Pod! Sometimes Kitty plays with them, running and jumping. Very very soon I'll be able to show them the best jumps ever!

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Kitty.png: I had fun with my barn animals this morning! I wish you saw, [Player]. They're so snuggly...
Player: By the way, why do you love animals so much?
Face Kitty.png: They're so sweet and funny. And did you know each one has their own unique personality? Plus plus, I can talk as much as I want and they don't leave as long as I have food for them.
Player: You really think of them as friends, huh?
Face Kitty.png: Aw, of course! What else would they be? They're some of my best friends, nya!
Player: It sounds like you treat them very well!
Face Kitty.png: Aw, of course! What else would they be? They're some of my best friends, nya!
Player: What's your dream pet, Kitty?
Face Kitty.png: Ooooh, dream pet? [Player], that's a tough tough question... No it's not! A White Lion would be my top top choice.
White Lions are majestic and fast and strong - just like me! Except, maybe stronger... and a loooot bigger.
Player: Are you sure you could handle a White Lion? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: If anyone can, it's Kitty. No doubting, [Player]!
Player: You would be the perfect friend for a White Lion! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Yes, friend! Exactly! [Player], you really really understand my relationship with animals. Maybe that's why we have such a good relationship too!

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Kitty.png: Hi hi, [Player]! Do you have a busy day? Don't let it get you down!
Player: How do you stay so happy all the time?
Face Kitty.png: Just look around [Player], the whole world is happy, nya! Just look at the sunshine and flowers. They're so bright and joyful, I just copy them!
Player: That doesn't make any sense. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: I don't know how else to explain to you, [Player]. That's all there is to it! If you don't understand, then Kitty can't help.
Player: Does that make you a... copycat? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Heehee, [Player]! I can't believe I never thought of that - I'm a real copycat. How funny, nya nya!
Player: I'm never sad with you around, Kitty!
Face Kitty.png: Aw! Same same, [Player]! Since we became two peas in a pod, everything has been happier. I'm very very grateful to have you with me!
Player: I'm glad you're happier now, Kitty!
Face Kitty.png: I promise to always be happy with you, [Player]. And Kitty doesn't break promises!
Player: You make me happier, too!
Face Kitty.png: I promise to always be happy with you, [Player]. And Kitty doesn't break promises!

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Kitty.png: Sometimes I get bored at home, but it's easy to relax around you. [Player], you're like magic!
Player: It's funny - I can never tell when you're relaxed.
Face Kitty.png: That's because I'm still a kitten at heart, nya nya. Even when I'm relaxing, I am ready to pounce!
Player: That's what makes you fun!
Face Kitty.png: I think so too, even if some people say I need to grow up. I only want to be my natural self!
Player: I want to be more like you, Kitty - I want to have more fun!
Face Kitty.png: It's a good thing we're dating, nya! We can always have fun together!
Player: Kitty, are you happy in our relationship?
Face Kitty.png: Wha? Of course Kitty is happy! I'm always so joyful around you, [Player].
In fact... I have been thinking a looot about the next step for us! Do you know what Kitty is talking about, [Player]?
Kitty will give you a hint - I'm ready to be with you forever!
Player: I don't understand. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Oh nyan... Maybe this isn't the right time after all.
Player: I think I understand! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Good good! It's the perfect time, [Player]. I'm ready and very very excited!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Kitty.png: Hey [Player], do you know what I am? I'm the happiest Kitty alive!
Player: What has you so happy?
Face Kitty.png: Don't act like you don't know! You're just teasing Kitty, nya!
Player: I'm only joking, Kitty!
Face Kitty.png: Teehee, I know that! [Player] is very silly, but very fun too. It's why I love you!
Player: You think it's fun, too!
Face Kitty.png: Teehee, I know that! [Player] is very silly, but very fun too. It's why I love you!
Player: Is this really the happiest you've ever been?
Face Kitty.png: Hm, I think so. The only other time I can think of is when I was in the circus. Kitty slipped off her rope and fell very very far to the ground, nyan.
I thought everyone would be disappointed, but they all cheered for me when I landed on my feet!
Player: A mistake is nothing to be happy about. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Mm, I disagree! Turning a mistake into a happy moment is a great thing, nya! Maybe you just don't understand?
Player: That's amazing, Kitty! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Because Kitty wasn't hurt? It's normal for me! I fall all the time and haven't been hurt not once, nya!

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Kitty.png: Hello hello, happy day [Player]! It's going to be a happy day because my animals told me so.
Player: You can... talk to animals?
Face Kitty.png: Huh? No, silly! Don't joke [Player], I can just tell by their moods, nya.
Today the chickens were bobbing their heads a lot and talking to each other. If the chickens are happy, then it's a happy day!
Player: It's incredible how well you know those animals. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: It only takes time to get to know them, nya. You can do the same thing too, easy easy. Just spend time with animals on your farm and you'll see!
Player: I don't know why you think that means they're happy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: You don't understand the animals like I do, [Player]. I'm friends with all my animals, nya nya!
Player: What are you going to do on this happy day?
Face Kitty.png: I was thinking of stretching in the sunshine... but then I remembered how Roza told me not to lay down on the paths, nyaaaan.
Player: Why not lay on the grass?
Face Kitty.png: The grass doesn't get as warm as the paths do. I also like to rub my cheeks in the hard ground, teehee!
Player: Why not go for a run?
Face Kitty.png: Or better yet - a chase! But who should I chase... Squirrel? Bird? Pod? Choices, choices, nya...

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Kitty.png: Yesterday a man flew out of the sky! I told Lucia but I don't think she believed me...
Player: I believe you!
Face Kitty.png: Yeah? I knew you would believe Kitty, [Player]! Thank you for always being good to me, nya.
The man said his name was Vaan. He was an Elf from the forest!
Player: Okay, now your story is getting a little far fetched. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: Nyan!? You don't believe me after all...
Player: I hope he was nice to you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kitty.png: He was very nice indeed, yep! He asked me what I do here. And then he gave me some greenroot, yuck!
Player: What did this person want?
Face Kitty.png: I don't think he wanted anything, nya. He said he was only visiting. But he hid from the guards when they came by, and then he left! He was a funny guy, hehe.
Player: It's weird that he didn't want anything.
Face Kitty.png: I had the same thought after he left. I guess Sun Haven is popular to everyone - even sky Elves!
Player: I can't blame him for wanting to visit!
Face Kitty.png: Me neither, nya! I had the same thought after he left. Sun Haven is popular to everyone - even sky Elves!

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Kitty.png: [Player], I have something to ask you, nya. Now that our marriage is going smoothly, do you think we should have a kid? A little version of us to run around and cause trouble, hehe.
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Kitty.png: Then what are we waiting for, nya? Let's have a little trouble maker of our own!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Kitty.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Kitty.png: No? That's okay, nyan. You should never do something just to make someone else happy. If you don't want a kid, we'll be just fine on our own!
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Kitty.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!