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This page details out the mail the player receives from Karish. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Karish will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
The message is tightly wrapped in several layers of adhesive tape... It takes some time to work the parcel open...

Hey, [Player]!

You've done SO MUCH for Brinestone. No, really. No one is as selfless or heroic as you... not even me! I wanted to give you something to show you how thankful I am, but I couldn't dredge up anything good. I did find some juicy worms, though! So here you go! If there's no worms in the envelope, then they probably managed to wriggle out. I used extra tape, just to make sure they don't get away! There should be exactly 13 of them!

Worm.png Worm × 12

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Hey again [Player]!

Now that things are settled back down in Brinestone, I've been spending the nights listening to the ocean currents sweeping past my bedroom window. I know a dry-lander like you must think The Deeps is a pretty dark and gloomy place, but there's a certain beauty to the desolation, I think. Maybe this music will help you realize what I'm talking about!


Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Hey again, again [Player]!

When I first met you, I knew we were kindred spirits. Well, AFTER you jumped face-first into a raging whirlpool, I mean. I didn't imagine we'd grow to be such good friends, though. Knowing you and being your friend has inspired me to keep being the best I can be! To keep going beyond my limit! I can't wait to go on another amazing adventure again with you someday, [Player]! Oh yeah, by the way, I found this empty glass box on the ocean floor the other day. I thought it looked like something you'd be interested in, so I'm giving it to you!
