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This page lists the dialogue lines for Karish.

One Liners


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Karish.png:"Hey - stand still for a second! I'm giving you my signature ocular patdown! ...Alright, you're clear."
Face Karish.png:"See any rampaging sea monsters lately that need a pounding?"
Face Karish.png:"What is that?! ...Oh, just a piece of driftwood."
Face Karish.png:"If you need anything, just let me know!"
Face Karish.png:"I could go for some fish right about now. Nice and fresh and wriggly!"
Face Karish.png:"Can you smell that in the water, [Player]? The jellyfish are migrating - it must be spring!"
Face Karish.png:"The water is always so fresh and pure this time of year. It's my favorite!"
Face Karish.png:"You can feel the summer heat all the way at the bottom of the sea! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"The waters get too warm for my taste around this time of year. Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"It's tuna season! Grab a harpoon and let's go snag some! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"OUCH. I just bit my tongue! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"It's easy to tell when it's summer up top. All the little shrimp come out to eat all the plankton that grows on the surface! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Hey, do you think you could try keeping your leaves out of our water? Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"The coral turns such amazing colors in fall. Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"If it isn't local legend [Player]. What brings you back to Brinestone? Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Don't tell me disaster has struck again, [Player]! Oh? It hasn't. Darn. Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"I feel like training! Do you feel like training, [Player]? Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"The cold of winter always makes me want to speed up! I have to keep the blood flowing so I can stay warm! Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"I thought I saw a snowflake earlier, but it was just a fish scale.Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"he kids love making sandmen this time of year. Huh? The kids on land make "snowmen"? That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard!Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Leviathans tend to hibernate in the winter, but they'll still wake up when they get hungry!Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Don't mind me, [Player]! I'm just keeping an eye out for any danger.Winter Token.png"


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Karish.png:"Wanna flex with me sometime, [Player]?"
Face Karish.png:"Have you been training recently? You're looking solid!"
Face Karish.png:"I got tossed way up out of the water by a HUGE wave the other day, but it's okay. A chunk of coral broke my fall."
Face Karish.png:"Hey, weird question, but... Does this look like fin-rot to you? Oh, it's just a piece of kelp? Hah, my bad!"
Face Karish.png:"Too much sand in the water today. It makes me all itchy..."


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Karish.png:"Do we need to team up again, [Player]? Please say we do!"
Face Karish.png:"I'm right behind you, [Player]. Whenever you need me, wherever you go!"
Face Karish.png:"I can't stop thinking about you, [Player]! Huh? "Obsessed"? Yeah, that's a good word to call it!"
Face Karish.png:"The water is always warmer when you're around, [Player]!"
Face Karish.png:"Wait, I need to give you another ocular patdown. ...Okay, now another. ...Wait, one more. What? No way, I am totally not "just using this as an excuse to stare at you"!"


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Karish.png:"We'll be the greatest team to ever exist, [Player]! Me and you!"
Face Karish.png:"You hold every part of me in your hand, [Player]. I don't trust anyone more than I trust you!"
Face Karish.png:"Why are you staring at me like that, [Player]? Are you giving ME an ocular patdown?!"
Face Karish.png:"From the very moment I met you, I knew you were special, [Player]."
Face Karish.png:"I'm with you for life, [Player]!"
Face Karish.png:"Summer will making sucking air even harder, but it's a small price to pay to spend my time with you, [Player]! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"I never realized how bright the sun shines on the water in summer. How does it not blind you every time you look at it?! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Is marriage as great for you as it is for me, [Player]? Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Let's go out training together sometime! Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"The next bad guy to show their face gets POUNDED, right, [Player]? Summer Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Everytime I see you it feels like I'm falling in love all over again! I love it! Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"I saw a piece of coral that looked just like you, [Player]! Well, at least I thought it looked like you. Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"We should go on a swim together, [Player]! Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Seeing you makes my heart go into overtime, [Player]! Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"I don't care how much the air dries out my skin! I'm not going anywhere without you, [Player]. Fall Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"The water is cold but my heart is hot, [Player]! Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Together forever, [Player]. Isn't that right? Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Apparently every snowflake is unique... But... They're all super tiny, how can anyone tell?! Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Am I feeling a little cold right now, [Player]? Here, take my hand and tell me what you think! Winter Token.png"
Face Karish.png:"Thinking makes my brain hurt, so I'm glad that being with you was a no-brainer! Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


Loved: "[item]? I can't believe it! I love it, [Player]! What an incredible gift!"

  • Liked: "[item]? For me? Nice, [Player]! Thanks a lot!"
  • Good: "Wow, what a cool [item]! Thanks a lot, [Player]!"
  • Disliked: "Um, thanks for the [item], I guess!"

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Karish a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Karish's birthday is the 17th of Summer.

Face Karish.png:"Really? On my birthday, [Player]? Lame!"
Face Karish.png:"Hey, thanks! I hardly ever get anything on my birthday these days!"
Face Karish.png:"You remembered by birthday, [Player]? And got me something really neat! Awesome!"
Face Karish.png:"You REALLY got me something special on my special day! You went HARD, [Player]!!"

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a romanceable NPC, will cause them to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Karish.png: I have no idea what this is, [Player]! You say I should drink it, though? Alright! It'll definitely be a big help, I'm sure! Here I go!
Not Married
Karish drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Karish.png: Wow! Why did I drink that? It tasted awful! Thanks for the gross drink, [Player]!
Married Wedding Ring.png
Karish drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Karish.png: Wow! Why did I drink that? It tasted awful! And why does my finger hurt? Huh? A ring? Where did this come from? Anyways, thanks for the gross drink, [Player]!


Karish has several unique lines for gifts. These lines will override the generic love/like/dislike dialogue lines.

When gifted Legendary Fish Bait:

Face Karish.png:"Whoa! Is this stuff how you dry-landers capture so many fish?! I can't wait to try this out, [Player]! Thanks!"

When gifted Fried Carp:

Face Karish.png:"I've never seen carp look so good! How did you get it all... crunchy? It tastes absolutely INCREDIBLE! I love it!"

When gifted Grilled Carp:

Face Karish.png:"Grilled... Carp...? Oh yeah!! You can light fires on the surface! Fire is amazing! It makes fish taste even better!"

When gifted a Poke Bowl:

Face Karish.png:"An entire BOWL of fish?! I love it!"

When gifted a Tuna Nigiri:

Face Karish.png:""Tuna Nigiri"? The only word I understand is "tuna", but that's all I need to know! Thanks!"

When gifted a Roasted Tuna:

Face Karish.png:"I never considered ROASTING a tuna before! Mostly because I live underwater and all... But it's an amazing idea, [Player]! Thank you!"

When gifted Tuna Sashimi:

Face Karish.png:"Tuna Sashimi? Like "now shashimi, now you don't?" Haha!! Get it, [Player]? ...Er, maybe I'll leave the joke-making to someone more qualified. Thanks for the fish, anyways!"

When gifted Grilled Crab:

Face Karish.png:"You really gotta teach me how you "grill" sometime, [Player]! Fresh food is great, but this grilling stuff is INCREDIBLE!"

When gifted a Crab Roll:

Face Karish.png:"Whooooa, you can roll a crab? That's AWESOME! Thank you!"

When gifted a Adamant Sword:

Face Karish.png:"Dang, this thing is sharper than any coral I've ever found. I'm gonna like using this! Thanks!"

When gifted a copper or iron sword:

Face Karish.png:"So people on the surface make their weapons out of metal? That's incredible! Time to see what this thing can do!"

When gifted a Adamant Chest Plate:

Face Karish.png:"Whoa, look how STRONG this armor is! I better start training, so I can wear it without sinking!"

When gifted a copper or iron chest plate:

Face Karish.png:"Wow, this is dry-lander armor? I wanna see how it stands up in battle!"

When gifted a small or large fishing net:

Face Karish.png:"Oh yeah, NETS! I forgot you can use these to catch a TON of fish! Thanks, [Player]!"

When gifted a Fishing Totem, Fishing Skill Tome, Handmade Bobber, Basic Fishing Rod, Very Good Fishing Rod, or Enchanted Fishing Rod :

Face Karish.png:"You mean this will help me catch fish? Amazing! Thank you for sharing it with me, [Player]!"

When gifted a Carp:

Face Karish.png:"Nothing is better than a big, juicy carp! Thanks!"

When gifted a Tuna:

Face Karish.png:"Nothing is better than a big, juicy tuna! Well... Except maybe a carp! But thanks anyways!"

When gifted a Sea Bass:

Face Karish.png:"Dat bass! Thanks!"

When gifted a Worm:

Face Karish.png:"Awesome, I LOVE these little things! Thanks![]Karish... eats the worm in front of you, like it were a piece of popcorn..."

When gifted Sweet Fish Bait:

Face Karish.png:"This stuff smells delicious! I bet it'll lure in all sorts of fish! Thanks!"

When gifted a Blunted Swordfish:

Face Karish.png:""Blunted" Swordfish? Well, yeah, it's because I punched it in the face earlier! What a coincidence that you ended up catching the very same fish I punched, ha!"

When gifted a Ironhead Sturgeon:

Face Karish.png:"I LOVE these things! My favorite part is how the ironhead part breaks my teeth! You can't beat that crunch!"

When gifted a Silver Carp:

Face Karish.png:"Hey, this looks good even by carp standards. Thanks!"

When gifted a Salmon:

Face Karish.png:"I never say "no" to a good salmon! Or a bad one, even!"

When gifted a Old Boot:

Face Karish.png:"Ew... What is this? The only thing you should ever fish up from the water is... well, fish!"

When gifted a Roasted Old Boot:

Face Karish.png:"Wow, these things smell even worse when they're warm! No thanks!"

When gifted a Apple Core:

Face Karish.png:"Huh? No worms? Yuck..."

When gifted a Tin Can:

Face Karish.png:"Ohh, is this some kind of cool metal fish?
Karish attempts to take a large bite out of the tin can....
...Uh... Gross! This is just trash, [Player]! Why did you give this to me?!"

When gifted a Purrmaid:

Face Karish.png:"Aw jeez, [Player]... I like fish, but this thing is too cute to eat!"

When gifted a Catfish:

Face Karish.png:"Yuck... Catfish tastes like dirt!"

When gifted a Cat Tail:

Face Karish.png:"Eh... I don't really like cats, [Player]. No thanks!"

When gifted a Catsup or Spicy Catsup:

Face Karish.png:"W-why would anyone ever put this on fish? Gross!"

When gifted Cat Nip:

Face Karish.png:"Huh? Do I look like a cat to you, [Player]??"

When gifted Mud Catfish:

Face Karish.png:"I didn't think catfish could get any worse... And then you give me this thing! Yuck!"

When gifted a Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Karish.png:"Um, [Player]... You should... Put that rock down... No, I don't want it! Jeez, keep it away from me! Don't you guys up on the surface know you shouldn't go around touching stuff like this?"

Morning Gifts

When married to Karish, there is a chance he will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above his head, and will be available until the player talks to him.