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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Karish. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Karish.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Karish, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Karish.png: Hey! [Player]! How are you doing?!
Player: So, can you finally return to your house?
Face Karish.png: Yeah! I admit, living in my house isn't as exciting as sneaking around and living in a hideout, but it's WAY more comfortable! OH, you should come visit sometime, actually!
Player: I'd love to drop by.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: lright! I guess this means I should probably clean up the place, though. Eh, someone rough and tumble like you won't mind, right?!
Player: Well, I'm awful busy... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: YES! Of course you are! But if you're ever not busy, you should come on by!
Player: I never got a chance to ask you - what made you want to be a hero?
Face Karish.png: What? Does someone have to WANT to be a hero? Life can be tough in The Deeps. Not just Brinestone, but everywhere down here. Not everyone can protect themselves.
Most people down here chalk that up to survival of the fittest, but it doesn't have to be that way! Why shouldn't the capable defend the weak?
Player: So you're your own source of inspiration?
Face Karish.png: Well, no! I want to be honest, [Player]. You remember when I distracted the guards for you, in the factory? I was scared out of my mind! It took every bit of my courage to do what I did.
...But I had to do it, y'know? Because there are other people who can't do it. That's my motivation. When I think of all the people out there who NEED someone to depend on, I can't help myself. No matter what, I have to act!
Player: It helps that you're so fearless.
Face Karish.png: Well, no! I want to be honest, [Player]. You remember when I distracted the guards for you, in the factory? I was scared out of my mind! It took every bit of my courage to do what I did.
...But I had to do it, y'know? Because there are other people who can't do it. That's my motivation. When I think of all the people out there who NEED someone to depend on, I can't help myself. No matter what, I have to act!

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Karish.png: [Player]! Let's go punch coral until our fists hurt!
Player: When you're not saving the town from an evil tentacle-guy, what do you do for fun?
Face Karish.png: Every morning I like to get up nice and early and patrol the town! I know all the best vantage points for giving the area a visual sweep. Of course, almost nothing ever happens - but it pays to be prepared! When evil and danger do show up... I'll be ready!
Player: Being prepared doesn't hurt.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Right?! Expect the unexpected, do you know what I mean?
Player: No, no, I mean, what do you do for FUN?-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Huh? Did you drink too much salt water, [Player]? I just told you what I do for fun!
Player: So... Were you born in this place?
Face Karish.png: "This place"? You mean our town, Brinestone Deeps? Yup! Born and raised, right here. 'The Brinestone' is hard on everyone, especially kids. But I got through it, heh.
Player: "The Brinestone"?
Face Karish.png: Oh, that's just what some of us call Brinestone Deeps. It's kind of catchy, right?! It makes us sound extra tough! I like it!
Player: Brinestone Deeps sounds like a tough place to grow up in.
Face Karish.png: Yeah! That's why we call it "The Brinestone"! But a tough place makes tough people, and anyone down here is pretty dang tough!

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Karish.png: You look like you're starting to get good at this underwater stuff. Not bad, considering you were born on a rock outside the water!
Player: Do you have any memories of growing up?
Face Karish.png: Well, when mom was still around, me and my brother would always go out hunting for the shiniest shells to give her. He always found the best shells, because he was bigger and faster!
Player: Did you hate losing to your brother?
Face Karish.png: What? No way! He was my older brother, so it made sense he was stronger and faster! Besides, mom deserved the best shells, and my bro always found them!
Player: You had a brother?
Face Karish.png: Yeah! He was my older brother, so it made sense that I could never beat him. But that's okay, mom deserved the best shells, and he always found them!
Player: Do you think poorly of people born on the 'top side'?
Face Karish.png: "Top side"? Haha! I love that! I have to use that, you don't mind if I steal it, right? But to answer your question, no!
...Well, sort of! I guess I never thought about it, but when I first met you, I never thought a top sider like you could've made the cut for... leaping right into a whirlpool. Maybe you completely broke my expectations!
Player: I'm glad you're open to changing your mind.
Face Karish.png: I don't know everything, [Player]. Heck, I barely know anything, probably. If I didn't keep an open mind, I might not ever change that!
Player: Guess you shouldn't underestimate us top siders.
Face Karish.png: Now I gotta know if there's anyone else on the top side who is as heroic as you!

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Karish.png: You know what, [Player]? You remind me of someone... It's something about you. Your attitude and fearlessness!
Wait, I know! You remind me of my older brother! Honestly, I really miss the guy. It's good to have someone I know who reminds me of him!
Player: You lost your brother? I'm sorry to hear that.
Face Karish.png: ...Huh? ...OH! Haha! No, nothing like that. He's still, uh, "with us". It's just that he met this really cute Naga girl. They got married, and then moved to the Southern Deeps. I still miss him sometimes, but that's just life, ya' know?
Player: He sounds like a jerk for abandoning you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Hey, he didn't abandon anything. He met a nice lady and went to start a family of his own. You have to remember, down in The Deeps, people are a little rougher and tougher than where you're from. Down here, everyone knows something about loss. Don't judge us, okay?
Player: Well don't worry, I'm here for you now! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Yeah! Sometimes you lose a little, sometimes you win a little! I guess in this case I won a lot when you showed up around here!
Player: Was your brother an inspiration to you?
Face Karish.png: Oh, [Player]! You have NO IDEA!! My big bro was the strongest, toughest coral-crusher this side of the tide. I once saw him smash a goliath snail... WITH ANOTHER GOLIATH SNAIL. Brinestone Deeps was never more safe with him around.
That's why I've always had to pick up the slack! And trust me, that's been tough! Uh, especially because nothing has really threatened the town in forever! But that was never an excuse for me to slack off.
Player: He sounds reasonably strong.
Face Karish.png: You have no idea! I wish I could be as great as he was, but I'll always be a small fry, and he'll always be my big brother!
But thats okay! Because it means I always have someone to aspire to be! Even if he's not around anymore!
Player: You'll get on his level someday.
Face Karish.png: Hahah! I wish! I could work as hard as I want, but I'll always be a small fry, and he'll always be my big brother!
But thats okay! Because it means I always have someone to aspire to be! Even if he's not around anymore!

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Karish.png: Now that you've been hanging out in Brinestone Deeps for awhile, I gotta ask - how does it compare to where you're from? You know, uh... Jeez, you told me where you're from, right?
Player: I'm from a town called Sun Haven.
Face Karish.png: Sun Haven! Riiight! You know, I've never actually met someone from the surface. There must be some incredible things up there, right?
Player: Two words: We. Have. Giant. Talking. Dragons.
Face Karish.png: That was... a lot more than two words! But wow, really? Is a "dragon" sort of like a mega urchin, or would you say it's more like a leviathan? Not that either of those actually TALK!
Player: Well, there's my farm, and town hall, and this guy named Emmett...
Face Karish.png: Huh? "Emmett"? That doesn't sound like a very impressive name, but if YOU know him then he must be pretty strong!
Player: Have you ever wanted to visit the surface?
Face Karish.png: YES! Well, no! I mean, I thought it would be fun to explore, but... Ehh. I've been busy down here, I guess. Never got around to it.
Player: Well what's stopping you now?
Face Karish.png: That's a good point, [Player]. Maybe I need to just face the bubbles and see what's up top.
Player: You followed the whirlpool to the surface.
Face Karish.png: Well that was different! I was trying to save Brinestone Deeps, so I had a reason to swim up top and check things out.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Karish.png: Oh, hey! [Player]! I was just thinking about you!
Player: Thinking about me?
Face Karish.png: Yeah, like how great it was that I met you! It was a real chance meeting, too. We could have gone our whole lives never even knowing each other, but a magical whirlpool suddenly comes out of nowhere and boom! Who knew you'd be my forever person, right?!
Player: I guess we owe tentacle-face for something, huh? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Hah! That's right! Without his dastardly deeds, we would be strangers right now! Isn't it sort of funny how that works?
Player: "Forever" is a little sudden. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Ah, you're right. It's a bit early to be moving so quickly, isn't it? I'll have to tone it down a notch.
Player: Is being a hero your only dream?
Face Karish.png: Well, ultimately I want to help people! Protecting people who can't protect themselves is the real purpose of strength.
But before I learned that lesson, I always wanted to be a Boss! I dreamed of being Boss of Brinestone, but Jabbu is too big! He eats all day. Haha, I realized I'd never be bigger than he was, so I gave that dream up.
Player: So... the biggest is the boss...?
Face Karish.png: That's how it works, yup. Every town in The Deeps has a Boss, and the Boss is always the biggest. If someone else gets bigger, then they're the new Boss.
Player: I don't think I understand...
Face Karish.png: It's a simple concept. Every town in The Deeps has a Boss, and the Boss is the one who gets the biggest. If someone else gets bigger, then they're the Boss.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Karish.png: You're already strong enough to protect yourself, but I'll still do my best to be there whenever you need me!
Player: Tell me more about being a Boss.
Face Karish.png: What is there to say? Every town needs a leader, and the biggest gets to be the leader. That's all there is to it! Boss Jabbu is pretty smart as far as Bosses go. Brinestone Deeps is a lot wealthier than most other places in The Deeps.
Player: Why not elect a leader, or have a king or something? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: That's a good question, [Player]! And the answer is because, why should we all kneel to some bratty king, just because their dad was king before them? And no one down here agrees on enough things for an election to work. Nah, the biggest is the leader. It's simple and it works!
Asking questions is a great way to keep an open mind! I love it!
Player: That sounds like a terrible way to choose a leader. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Terrible? Why should we all kneel to some bratty king, just because their dad was king before them? And no one down here agrees on enough things for an election to work. Nah, the biggest is the leader. It's simple and it works.
I know our culture might be really strange to you, but try to keep an open mind, yeah?
Player: Tell me more about your family.
Face Karish.png: Well, I've already told you about my big bro, right? And there was our mom...
Well, there is my old man... But...
Eh... I'd rather not talk about that guy. Really, when I think of my family, it's just me, my brother and mom.
Player: It still sounds like a wonderful family.
Face Karish.png: Hey, you know... Thanks for saying that. No one in The Deeps is dumb enough to expect much from their folks, but we were left high and dry even by local standards. I think my family is great, though! It's awesome that you agree.
Player: Dad problems? Ouch.
Face Karish.png: Hey, I didn't say problem, did I? Haha! I just don't have fond memories of the guy, that's all! And besides, we didn't need him, anyways. We got along just fine, the three of us.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Karish.png: Hey! I feel like everytime I see you, my heart beats faster! I can really feel the blood pumping.
Player: You're looking at me a little funny...
Face Karish.png: Oh, am I? Well, I have something I need to ask you! [Player], I want to show you something I've never shown anyone else before! I have a good feel for these things, [Player], and I know that you're more special to me than anyone else.
I want to share everything about myself with you! What do you say, [Player]?
Player: Alright, I'm game.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: YES! EXCELLENT! Alright, meet me at my house at 5 pm tomorrow, okay? I can't wait!
Player: Actually, I'm a little busy.
Face Karish.png: Oh, yeah... I can understand that. Well, if you find the time, I'll be waiting for you at my house at 5 pm tomorrow! I won't be mad if you can't make it, just a little sad!

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Karish.png: Does the undertow heat up when you're around, [Player]? Or maybe it's just me!
Player: Would you ever leave The Deeps?
Face Karish.png: I've never thought about doing it, but if there was a good reason to, I don't see why I wouldn't. Maybe an underwater volcano explosion or piranha clam invasion?
Player: What about moving to Sun Haven with me?
Face Karish.png: Oh, you mean... Like how my bro left to live with his wife somewhere else? Yeah! I could do that, [Player]! Besides, Sun Haven is just a whirlpool away, haha! Whenever I want to visit Brinestone, I can come back!
Moving to Sun Haven with you is certainly something to think about, [Player].
Player: What about traveling the world?
Face Karish.png: I don't know. I'm not really an adventurer type. I'd rather stay in one spot, unless I have a reason to move around. Like... I don't know, what if I moved to Sun Haven with you? Just like how my big bro moved with his wife! That would be a worthy reason to leave my home!
Player: Why do you live in The Deeps if it's so dangerous?
Face Karish.png: Because... It's where I belong! It's where all of us belong. I suppose to an outsider that sounds a little crazy, but hey - maybe down here, we're a little bit crazy! Haha! Besides, you know by now that we're tough down here, too.
Player: I understand having pride in your home.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: That's right! Down here we have Brinestone Pride! Thanks for not judging us based on your softy air-sucker expectations. Er - no offense!
Player: You should move to where it's more safe. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: No way you'd ever convince people of The Deep to leave. It's where we were born, and it takes more than a few giant, hungry monsters to make anyone leave. It'd have to be for a way better reason than that!


These are conversations the player will see while they are friends with Karish, during any season.

Cycle P-6

Cycle P6
Face Karish.png: Still stickin' around, [Player]? I knew you were tough! No ordinary air-sucker, that's for sure.
Player: Were you expecting me to leave?
Face Karish.png: Hey, I wouldn't have thought less of you. The pressure down here is intense and everything wants to eat you. It doesn't keep you away, though! No surprises there.
Player: The pressure doesn't bother me at all.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: You've certainly proved that to everyone here! You're proof that air-suckers are tougher than anyone around here might think!
Player: You shouldn't judge me. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Judge?! No, it was nothing like that, [Player]. Ah, did I say the wrong thing again?
Player: Do people here not like 'air-suckers'?
Face Karish.png: Ah, don't take it personally. Most folk in The Deeps think poorly of everyone! Nothing we love down here more than a good rivalry. Like those seaweed-lickers over in Slimelight Deeps!
Player: Is everywhere down here "Deeps"?
Face Karish.png: Well, there's Slimelight Deeps, Riptide Deeps, Serpentfin Deeps... Well, there is that one place... No, it's got "Deeps" in its name, too, doesn't it?... Huh! I guess I never thought about it, but yup! Everything is "Deeps" around here!
Player: You mean there are other villages down here?
Face Karish.png: Of course. You didn't think this was the only one, did you? There's Slimelight Deeps, Riptide Deeps, Serpentfin Deeps... And those are just the ones I know about! There's tons of towns all throughout The Deeps.

Cycle P-7

Cycle P7
Face Karish.png: What are you up to today, [Player]? Saving anyone from a terrible fate? Defending a town against evil?
Player: I usually just farm, or mine, or... stuff like that, actually.
Face Karish.png: Hm? Farm? What exactly does that mean?
Player: You know, like planting stuff in the ground and watching it grow?
Face Karish.png: Planting? What, you mean like seaweed? ...Corn? What the heck is a CORN? It sounds weird!
Player: It's a complicated scientific process of growing tiny seeds into mighty plants.
Face Karish.png: "Huh? What's so complicated about growing stuff? I see seaweed grow all the time! What could you grow that's more complicated than seaweed? ...Corn What the heck is CORN? It sounds weird!
Player: Do you have any friends in town?
Face Karish.png: Nah, I don't hang out with anyone. My brother was my best friend, but then he took off to start a family of his own. I guess I never realized I never really got a new best friend...
Player: I'll be your new best friend, Karish.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: What, really? You WILL? That's awesome news, [Player]! It really saves me from needing to look for one myself, too! That settles it. You and me are best friends now! After everything we've been through, it only makes sense, right?
Player: Wow, you're that unlikable?-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: NO! I'm super likable! I just... No one around here... It's because... Grr! Jeez, [Player]! You really know how to tick a guy off!

Cycle P-8

Cycle P8
Face Karish.png: I'm starving! Maybe I should take a swim and find some fish.
Player: I usually catch fish with a fishing rod.
Face Karish.png: Huh? Ohh, you mean a stick-and-rope? Hah! We don't need things like that down here. When we get hungry, we just grab some fish right out of the water! Way better than using a stick-and-rope.
Player: I suppose it does sound convenient.
Face Karish.png: Everyone in The Deeps learns how to catch fish. You're either taught to hunt, or learn to go hungry! It's a tough rule, but it gets us all by.
Player: I can catch more fish than you with my "stick-and-rope".
Face Karish.png: OH YEAH?! I'd like to see you try! Let's have a competition sometime, [Player]! We'll see who is the fish catching master! I can't wait!
Player: What's your favorite food?
Face Karish.png: Well, it's fish, naturally! Have you seen me? No one loves fish more than me! Crunchy scales, chewy meat! Just don't ruin it by cooking it - yuck!
Player: Oh, so you like your fish nice and fresh, huh? +1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: That's right!! I'm glad you understand, [Player]. You're thinkin' like a true member of The Deeps.
Player: Raw fish? Yuck...-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Yeah?! So what? You don't have a problem with that, do you?

Cycle P-9

Cycle P9
Face Karish.png: I'm glad we saved the town, but things have been boring ever since. Boring is no fun!
Player: Would you prefer Brinestone Deeps be under threat?
Face Karish.png: No, of course not! I just prefer life with a little action. A little zest, a little excitement! What's the good of living if you loaf around all day doing nothing?
Player: If something "exciting" happens again, we'll be ready for it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: We'll be ready, huh? Alright! I like the sound of that! I guess until then I'll just find something else to do. May as well take it easy while I can, right?
Player: Better to be boring and safe than exciting and dangerous. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: No way, [Player]! Is that really how you feel? But life is supposed to be enjoyed! How can I enjoy life when all I do is loaf around all day?
Player: Aren't you worried what the others in town think about you?
Face Karish.png: Nope, not ever. ...Why? Should I be? It feels like I shouldn't. In fact, I'm pretty sure I shouldn't. Who cares what they think?
Player: Reputation is important.
Face Karish.png: Nahh, I'll leave boring stuff like that to boring people. I've got too much on my mind to even think about what anyone else thinks about me! Well, except maybe you, [Player].
Player: You're very confident.
Face Karish.png: I've got too much on my mind to even think about what anyone else thinks about me! Well, except maybe you, [Player].

Cycle P-10

Cycle P10
Face Karish.png: I don't see many boats going to and from your town of Sun Haven. Is something wrong up there?
Player: Sun Haven has been a little down on its luck right now.
Face Karish.png: Oh, right! You mentioned the same sort of weird darkness attacked your town too, didn't it?
Well, don't worry! Bad times can't last forever. With you helping out, Sun Haven's luck is going to turn around BIG time!
Player: I hope you're right.
Face Karish.png: Ah, don't worry! I am right! ...At least, I'm pretty sure I'm right!
Player: I've got a feeling that good times are on their way.
Face Karish.png: YES! So true! If you can feel it, then you can make it happen!
Player: Have you been watching Sun Haven?
Face Karish.png: Well, just its waters. Even from the seafloor I can see see the ships at Sun Haven's docks. The water over in Sun Haven is strangely warmer... richer. There's something special about Sun Haven, that's for sure.
Player: Sun Haven is known for being a legendary town.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Yet I'd NEVER heard of it! I guess there's all sorts of stuff in the world you miss out on if you don't keep your eyes open for it, huh?
Player: You seriously didn't know Sun Haven was special? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Well, uh, no. I guess I didn't. I've never met anyone from Sun Haven until you, you know that.


These are conversations the player will see while they are dating Karish, during any season.

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Karish.png: ...Huh? OH! Hey, [Player]! I didn't see you!
Player: You looked like you were lost in thought.
Face Karish.png: It's YOU, [Player]!
All I ever wanted to be was a hero. Now I'm a real town hero, and I know I've made my brother and mom proud! But you... You're a hero, too, but I see you, running into Sun Haven from your farm.
You collect all sorts of incredible stuff and I know you must be doing incredible things. Wasn't being a hero enough? What drives you to keep going?
Player: I want to keep helping the communities I live in.
Face Karish.png: ...You mean, even if you're not saving your town from a horrible disaster or evil villain? Just... Helping out? I never really thought about it like that. Huh... Now my head hurts! I have to really think about this!
Player: Doing nothing is boring. I want to be doing SOMETHING.
Face Karish.png: ...You mean, even if you're not saving your town from a horrible disaster or evil villain? Just doing things for your neighbors that keep your skills sharp at the same time? I never really thought about it like that. Huh... Now my head hurts! I have to really think about this!
Player: How's the hero work going?
Face Karish.png: Honestly, babe, it's been going... Not great! I guess it's not everyday that Brinestone Deeps gets invaded by freaky mind control slimes and an ancient race of evil monsters. It was fun being the town hero for a few days, but everyone's already forgetting about it.
Player: There are other things you could do to make an impact in town.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: You're right, [Player]! Maybe I've been focusing on the big picture too much? Maybe I need to see the reef for the coral?
Karish looks suddenly deep in thought, as if ideas are hatching in his mind...
Player: You're really milking the "hero" thing, Karish. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Gah... You really think so, [Player]?! Because I think you're right. Maybe I've been focusing on the big picture too much? Maybe I need to see the reef for the coral?
Karish looks suddenly deep in thought, as if ideas are hatching in his mind...

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Karish.png: Hey, [Player]!! I need to ask you another question!
Player: What do you need, my dear Karish?
Face Karish.png: "I was giving Sun Haven an ocular scanning the other morning - No, an 'ocular scan' is nothing like spying! - And I saw this crazy fast lady running all over town, throwing things at people's houses!
Everyone seemed pretty happy that she visited them. It looked to me like she was delivering something to them. It must have been live-saving rations, right? Or maybe extra armor and weapons to defend themselves with?
Player: That was Tonya. She delivers the mail.
Face Karish.png: MAIL? Oh, yeah, OF COURSE! It's so obvious! We have a mailfish down here, too, but he's lazy and never works. Brinestone would function way better if he actually did his job! I wonder why no one's stepped up and taken over?
Player: Um, that was Tonya. She just delivers mail, not... live-saving rations.
Face Karish.png: MAIL? Oh, yeah, OF COURSE! It's so obvious! We have a mailfish down here, too, but he's lazy and never works. Brinestone would function way better if he actually did his job! I wonder why no one's stepped up and taken over?
Player: Are you thinking about turning over a new leaf?
Face Karish.png: "A new leaf"? Is that some sort of weird dry-lander saying? I think I get the gist of what you're asking, though! I guess I am thinking about what I want to do with myself. I achieved my dream, but what's next? I have to think of the future!
Player: The future is looking exciting with you in it, Karish.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Oh yeah?! Well, I can say the same about the future with YOU in it, [Player]! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, and I REALLY can't wait to start building it! Building it with you, especially!
Player: Are you thinking about getting a real job?-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: What...? "Real job"? I'm not sure what you mean by that, [Player], but it sounds judgmental. I don't like it.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Karish.png: [Player]! I've got it!! It's all thanks to you!
Player: What have you 'got', Karish?
Face Karish.png: I've thought about all the things I've seen and talked about since I met you and lead to a decision to do something that benefits everyone in Brinestone Deeps! I want you to be with me on my first official day, [Player].
You're the one who gave me the idea! It only makes sense that you be by my side! What do you say, [Player]? Will you do with me?
Player: I'll always support you, Karish. I'll be there.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: YES! Meet me tomorrow at 10 am right in town square, [Player]! I'll wait for you! This will be LEGENDARY!
Player: You're a tough guy, you'll figure it out on your own.-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Yeah, you aren't wrong about that. I understand if you have other plans, but if things change, you should meet me in town square at 10 am tomorrow!

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Karish.png: Hey-hey, [Player]! Uh... Hey! What's up?!
Player: So, about your brother... Why did you think he was so great, exactly?
Face Karish.png: Well, he IS great, [Player]. Or, he WAS. When we were kids, he was my hero! He still is my hero! He just... changed. But that's okay. People change, right?
But, is he right? Do I have to change, too? I want to be more like he is... Married, a family... But does having those things mean I have to be like he is?
Player: You can be whatever you want, Karish. Don't let anyone tell you how you have to be.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: I-is that right?
...Yeah! Of course it's right, [Player]!! That's so smart! I should have asked you sooner! Thanks for helping me sort through this, my brain was having a really hard time with it!
Player: Why let that jerk get to you? Forget about him.-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Ah, [Player]... But I can't just forget about him. He's my brother! My hero! I was hoping you'd help me sort through this, but it looks like I'll just have to do that on my own...
Player: Can I do anything to help you?
Face Karish.png: I think I'll be just fine, [Player]. I can't let bad feelings stand in the way of my life! I'll get through it, don't worry about me, heh.
Player: I'm here if you ever need me.
Face Karish.png: Thanks, [Player]. I feel stronger than ever now that I have you. It's like I can get through anything!
Player: Are you sure that's the healthiest way to cope with things, Karish?
Face Karish.png: Nope! But it's what I know how to do, and it's always worked before. I think I just need time to think, even if I can't stand wasting time by thinking about things!

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Karish.png: Hey, [Player]! There's something I need to ask you!
Player: What did you need to ask me?
Face Karish.png: I decided something, [Player]. I'm not going to be like my brother. Or my dad! I'm going to be... like me! I don't know how to do anything else! But, I want to know... Are you sure you're okay with that? With me being me, I mean.
Am I... "grown up" enough for you?
Player: Karish, I like you just how you are. You're MY hero!+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: YES! I was hoping you'd say something like that, [Player]! If you like me how I am, then I must be perfect! Well, perfect enough, anyway! Okay... That makes me feel better! I think the future is looking a little bit more clear now!
Player: You worry way too much about what other people think.-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: No, no! I don't care what other people think. I care what YOU think!! Gah, I blew this, didn't I?
Player: Are you having doubts about your place in Brinestone?
Face Karish.png: No! Well... Yes! Well, maybe. A little. Grrr, I told you that I don't like thinking, right?
Player: I think you fit in perfectly here.
Face Karish.png: Do you, [Player]? Now that you mention it, people have been telling me that they love finally getting their mail delivered. I really am important around here, aren't I? What's wrong with being important in a place like Brinestone Deeps, anyways?!
Player: Come on, this place JUST got someone to deliver mail. Do you really want to take that away from them?
Face Karish.png: Actually, that's a good point! People have been telling me that they love finally getting their mail delivered. I really am important around here, aren't I? What's wrong with being important in a place like Brinestone Deeps, anyways?!

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Karish.png: [Player]! There's something I wanted to give you!
Player: Really, Karish? What is it?
Face Karish.png: It's a trident! Well, it's more like the twisted remains of a trident, heh.
When I was a still a kid, I saw my brother throw this very trident at a mega urchin so hard that it obliterated the urchin. I searched the crater the blast made and managed to find what remained of the trident.
I've kept it as a personal trophy. Anytime I started to think I could take it easy and slow down, I'd look at my brother's trident and remember how much further I still had to go.
...But now I think it's time to focus on the future, [Player]! No, I'm not going to give up on Brinestone or my new gig or anything like that! But maybe my bro was right about one thing... It's time to set my sights on tomorrow.
I want you to hold onto this for me. I've told you things about myself that no one else knows, so it makes sense to give it to you. You hold my past, [Player]!
Player: Are you sure you want me to hold onto this... er, trophy?
Face Karish.png: I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life ever! I want to dedicate myself completely to you, [Player]. Past, present and future!
Player: "I hold your past"? That's a little poetic.
Face Karish.png: Is it? Huh, I never thought of it as poetic! I meant it literally - that trident is my literal past! Now you hold it literally! I want to dedicate myself completely to you, [Player]. Past, present and future!

Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Karish.png: Life is good, [Player]! It makes me excited to think about how much better it will be in the future!
Player: Does the future worry you at all?
Face Karish.png: Why should it? As long as I have you, there's nothing that can stop me. From here on out things only get better, [Player]. I can feel it! I'm never wrong, except for when I'm not right!
Player: I have a feeling you're not wrong.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: SEE? You feel it, too! We're swimming from the same stream, [Player]. It's like we were made for each other!
Player: You're too optimistic.-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: What? No way, [Player]. I'm NOT optimistic at all! I just say things how I see them. How could you think I'm the kind of guy to be blinded by optimism?
Player: Karish, are you happy with our relationship?
Face Karish.png: YES! I'm the happiest I've ever been! I feel like you're exactly who I was looking for my entire life, [Player]. You're someone who filled in a blank spot in my heart that I never even realzied I had! That probably sounds super confusing, but trust me. It's real simple!
Player: I can't argue with that.
Face Karish.png: Right?! That's because it's true! I feel like the day I met you wasn't just the day I became the hero of Brinestone, but the day I finally felt whole!
Player: Your confidence is undeniable.
Face Karish.png: "Undeniable"? I like that!! Nothing is more undeniable that the two of us together, [Player]! We're unstoppable! Untoppable! Unpreventable! Un...Un... Uh... UNDENIABLE! Yeah, that's right!

After this cycle the player will be able to propose to Karish.


These are conversations the player will see while they are married to Karish, during any season.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Karish.png: Wow! So this is what being MARRIED feels like, huh? I like it! I really like it, [Player]! I love how this feels, and I love you, too!
Player: I take it that you're happy with the marriage?
Face Karish.png: I'm happy with everything! Everything feels so complete now! I've found my partner for life, [Player]. You! We should celebrate somehow, what do you think?
Player: Maybe we could find some sea monsters to fight?+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: YES! That sounds so romantical, [Player]! We'll have the greatest date nights of all time!
Player: Let's just take it easy. No need to go crazy...-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: But I'm so excited, [Player]! You're probably right like usual, though. Maybe we should take it easy for a bit.
Player: Are you going to write to your family about the marriage?
Face Karish.png: I already sent my brother the news! I should have hand-delivered it, though. Imagine the look on his face to see me show up at his doorstep with news of my own marriage. He'd completely freak out!
Player: Why not do it?
Face Karish.png: Eh, maybe! He lives all the way in the waters of the Southern Islands, though. It would take awhile to travel there and back, but it WOULD be worth it, wouldn't it?
Player: I can imagine you at your brothers door, with a big toothy grin...
Face Karish.png: OH! You know what would be even better than that, [Player]? If you were there with me! But... The trip to the Southern Islands can be dangerous. I wouldn't want my new spouse eaten by a sea monster so soon!

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Karish.png: Hey, [Player]! Look! I'm getting better at breathing dry air! HNNNNNHHHHGG... bHHHHHHHHFHHHH...
See?! I can almost tolerate breathing through my nose! Pretty soon being on dry land won't be uncomfortable at all!
Player: I didn't realize it was hard for you to breath air.
Face Karish.png: Oh, it's not HARD, [Player]. It's just really different. I'm not used to it! Dry air tickles my nose and make my throat feel weird. But I'm just being a BABY. I'll get over it, trust me!
Player: If anyone can 'get over' something, it's you.
Face Karish.png: You know me too well, [Player]! I guess that's why we're married, huh? I WILL master breathing dry air, mark my words!
Player: Don't push yourself too hard, dear.
Face Karish.png: C'mon, don't worry! I'd never push myself TOO hard, you should know that! But I WILL master breathing dry air!
Player: Would you prefer to stay in The Deeps?
Face Karish.png: [Player], you're not native to The Deeps. I would never expect you to move down there with me. We're married now, so the only way this will work is if I move to Sun Haven!
Player: You don't have to do this for me, Karish.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: No, [Player]! I DO! I'm your husband now, which means I have to step up and make sure we can live together comfortably! Don't worry about me, really!
Player: You shouldn't be doing this for me, Karish.-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: What do you mean, [Player]? We're married! How do you expect this marriage to work if we can't comfortably live in the same place? You're not cut out for life in The Deeps... I didn't think you'd have a problem with things working out this way...

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Karish.png: You know, [Player]. I realized that this is the first time I've had a family since my brother moved away. I didn't know what I'd have a family again, but I'm really happy it was with YOU!
Player: Can you be a family with only two people?
Face Karish.png: Well, of course! ...I think! We're our own family, [Player]! Who cares what the "official" number is supposed to be. Besides, if we ever wanted more, we could always just have kids, right?
Player: Our family will be perfect no matter its size.+2 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: That's exactly what I'm saying, [Player]! Whether we're 2 or 5 or 100. We'll be the perfect size because it will always be us!
Player: I'm worried that our 'family' is a little sad and puny.-1 Heart.png Points
Face Karish.png: Oh, come on, [Player]. Don't talk like that! That's not the [Player] I know! You aren't having second thoughts about marrying me, are you?
Player: Have you missed being part of a family?
Face Karish.png: I don't know for sure if I "missed" it, but it's nice to be a family again. I feel more focused, like I have something more clear to work towards - I mean our lives together, [Player]!
Player: With a little bit of focus, you'd be a force to be reckoned with.
Face Karish.png: You really think so, [Player]? I guess we're going to find out, because I've got nothin' but focus now! I have my eyes on the prize and I won't take them off of it for anything! Oh man, I feel like posing!
Player: I'm focusing on our future, too, Karish.
Face Karish.png: I've said it before, [Player]. You and me? We're the same kind of person! It's so amazing to be so in-synch with someone!

Cycle 20

Cycle 20
Face Karish.png: You know what, [Player]?! I think we should start a family! That's right! I'm talkin' that we have a kid! What do you think?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea!
Face Karish.png: Alright! Then we both feel the same way, right? We'll be great parents... Well, even if I make a lousy parent, at least we'll know our kid will have someone like you to pick up the slack!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Karish.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure.
Face Karish.png: Are you sure? We don't have to do it if you don't want to! We'll be perfectly happy without having a kid, right?
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Karish.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!