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This page lists the dialogue lines for Iris.


When speaking to Iris for the first time in a new game:

Face Iris.png Oh? Sorry, you surprised me. We don't get many new faces around here. My name is Iris.
Player: I didn't mean to surprise you. I'm [Player].
Face Iris.png [Player], interesting name. If nobody has said it yet, welcome to Nel'Vari.

General Dialogue

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.


Face Iris.png:"Do you have a question about my work?"
Face Iris.png:"I work mainly with plants, but animals are just as vital to the environment."
Face Iris.png:"Consider this: plants can't live without animals, and animals can't live without plants. The solution? Balance."
Face Iris.png:"I could go for some noodles..."
Face Iris.png:"Is it just me, or do my tattoos look a little darker?"
Face Iris.png:"The leaves are thickest after the winter ends. It's nice... I feel Nel'Vari is more concealed this way. Spring Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Does it rain often in Sun Haven? It's so close by, but I wonder how much different the weather is."
Face Iris.png:"How is summer in Sun Haven? It would be interesting to see the plants that grow there... if I were able to go, I mean. Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"It smells like the world is in the prime of its life. Yet fall and winter aren't far behind. Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"The changes in Nel'Vari's seasons are subtle, but when you learn to notice them they become more obvious. Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Hmm. Walking bushes? No, too impractical. Funny, but impractical. Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Wesley has been urging me to go faster with my work. He's excited to see what I can produce, but the extra pressure is... Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Is it true that the leaves in Sun Haven change color in the fall? How fascinating! Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I should gather some more spring water today. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"So many busy animals out and about. I hope they all manage to prepare in time for winter. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I've noticed your farm here in Nel'Vari. It's like your own little secret garden. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Why do they call it 'fall', anyways? Oh... right, because the leaves fall from the trees. Quite obvious now that I think about it... Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Don't take this the wrong way, [Player], but snow sounds terrible to deal with. I prefer having no snow, frankly. Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I can feel my plants slowing down as the soil grows cold. They'll need extra love and care to keep flourishing. Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I think I want something spicy... maybe some spiced honeybrew? Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"This winter I hope to do some serious research into which plants grow the best in colder conditions. Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Huh? Sorry, I'm a little sleepy. I stayed up late last night working. Winter Token.png"


Face Iris.png:"Hello, [Player]. Another fine day in Nel'Vari, isn't it?"
Face Iris.png:"I'm never too invested in work to pass up a friend. How's it going, [Player]?"
Face Iris.png:"Hey, [Player]! Two words: Tree. Bark. Noodles. Well, okay, that's three words. But still, this is going to be big."
Face Iris.png:"How have you been enjoying Nel'Vari? Is it everything you thought the home of the Elves would be?"
Face Iris.png:"You should stop by more often. A friendly face is perfect for clearing my head."


Face Iris.png:"Did Nel'Vari just get a little warmer? Oh, it's you, [Player]! "
Face Iris.png:"It's hard to balance thinking about enchanting and thinking about you, [Player], but it's a fun little challenge. "
Face Iris.png:"It doesn't feel like a proper day without seeing you. "
Face Iris.png:"Don't worry about interrupting my work, it's not going anywhere. "
Face Iris.png:"Maybe someday I can visit your farm. It would be interesting to combine your farming with my enchanting. "


Face Iris.png:"You and I are a perfect balance, [Player]. "
Face Iris.png:"I was never sure what to expect from marriage, but this is more ideal than I ever could have imagined. "
Face Iris.png:"Work hard for me, okay? I'll be sure to work hard for you! "
Face Iris.png:"You married an Elf and an enchantress, but I'm the one who feels lucky to have you, [Player]. "
Face Iris.png:"To think that the first day we met was the start of a journey that ended with marriage. I'm glad that's how it turned out, [Player]. "
Face Iris.png:"Let's go foraging for spring flowers later, [Player]. You would come with me, right? Spring Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"The air gets so clear in the spring. It makes me feel lighter. Spring Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Everyone in Nel'Vari seems so happy! Or maybe it just seems that way because I'm so happy? Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I'm the enchantress of Nel'Vari, but you're the one who enchanted me. Heehee... Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Elder Gorwin mentioned you to me the other day... he caught me blushing, and then he laughed... Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Do you prefer it here in Nel'Vari, or over in Sun Haven? I wonder which one feels more homely to you... Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I love prickly pears. Avoiding the thorns to get to the fruit makes me really appreciate the flavor! Summer Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Nivara seems to know pretty much everything... I wonder if it's harder to be happy when you know so much. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Baby stumps are so precious. We should get some, [Player]! Our little stump babies, teehee. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Bring me some fallen leaves, won't you? They'll be little reminders for me, for when you're not around. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I really FALLED for you, [Player]. Oh wow... that was a terrible joke. I'm sorry. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Maybe you'll learn to sense the subtle changes in Nel'Vari's seasons someday, [Player]. Fall Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Sometimes it's hard to talk to you... like my heart skips a beat... Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"Do you promise to keep me warm whenever I need it, [Player]? Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"I'm sorry if I ever feel like a burden to you, [Player]. I know my reclusive lifestyle can be hard... Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"You befriended that griffon on your farm? Thats... very, very impressive, [Player]. Winter Token.png"
Face Iris.png:"We should have dinner together sometime, [Player]. You and me. Wouldn't that be nice? Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "Wow, I never would have gotten this [item] for myself. This is perfect, thanks!"
  • Liked: "Ooh a [item], thanks [Player]!!"
  • Good: "A [item]. Did you go out of your way for this?"
  • Disliked: "I can't imagine why I would need this [item]."

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Iris a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Iris's birthday is the 22nd of Summer.

Face Iris.png:"Oh... I thought you'd put a little more thought into a gift, considering it was my birthday. Sorry, I'm just a little disappointed."
Face Iris.png:"Thank you for the birthday gift, [Player]."
Face Iris.png:"Oh, what a nice gift to get me for my birthday. Thank you, [Player]."
Face Iris.png:"Oh, [Player], you didn't have to go through so much trouble to get me something so nice. But thank you, it's the best birthday gift I've ever gotten..."

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Iris.png: A potion? I don't usually drink things like potions, but I'll try it if it's from you, [Player].
Not Married
Iris drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Iris.png: Oh my, what an odd potion. What were we talking about, anyways? I can't seem to recall... oh well, it probably wasn't important. I'll see you around, [Player].
Married Wedding Ring.png
Iris drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Iris.png: Hm, I don't feel any different. Aren't potions supposed to make you feel different? And what's this ring doing on my finger? Strange...


Iris has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted an Apple:

Face Iris.png:"Oh... this was grown in Sun Haven? It looks delicious, thank you."

When gifted a Leafie's Leaf:

Face Iris.png:"A leaf from a leaf monster? I don't usually condone violence... but I can certainly use this in my studies. Thank you."

When gifted an Mushroom:

Face Iris.png:"Oh, a mushroom. I love enchanting these things. Thank you, [Player]."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Iris.png:"You grew this? That's very thoughtful of you to share with me, thank you."

When gifted Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Iris.png:"Hmm, Nel'Vari could always use an extra tree. Thank you, [Player]."

When gifted any type of sword or crossbow:

Face Iris.png:"Why would I ever need a weapon like this...? You don't know me at all..."

When gifted Rel'Tar's Mark specifically:

Face Iris.png:"Rel'Tar can keep his crossbows... I don't want anything to do with them."

When gifted a Sapphire, Ruby, Amethyst, or Diamond

Face Iris.png:"Oh, what a lovely gemstone. Maybe I could practice my carving on it later. Thank you."

When gifted Glorite Ore or Glorite Bar

Face Iris.png:"What strange ore. It feels... almost like mana. I'd love to study this, [Player]. Thanks a lot."

When gifted any type of fertilizer:

Face Iris.png:"I always need more fertilizer... thanks!"

When gifted a Small Mana Tome:

Face Iris.png:"Oh, thank you, [Player]. I really needed some more mana tomes... but I was having trouble getting around to doing it. Thank you so much."

When gifted a Prickletot Pear or Pricklepop Pear:

Face Iris.png:"It's been forever since I've had a good prickly pear! They're so hard for me to come by. Thank you!"

When gifted Spicy Ramen:

Face Iris.png:"What's that? Ramen? Oh, that's my favorite! Thank you, [Player]."

When gifted a Lotus:

Face Iris.png:"What a beautiful flower. Is this something you grew yourself? I love it."

When gifted Iris Record:

Face Iris.png:"Oh, maybe you didn't like this sort of music. I should have known better..."

When gifted Iris's Enchanted Totem:

Face Iris.png:"But... I made this for you, [Player]. Didn't you want it?"

When gifted Iris Wedding Ring

Face Iris.png:"Why would you give this to me...? You're meant to keep it, [Player]. Did you not want it?"

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Iris.png:"Is this some kind of weird gemstone? Let me take a look-... OOSH'A WIXLIASHA! O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZZZAAAAAA!!!! RAAAA!! ...What is this? It feels wrong, and so, so dark... but... No, it's okay! G-get away from me! I just need to... keep this. Really, it's fine. Go away, please!"

Morning Gifts

When married to Iris, there is a chance she will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above her head, and will be available until the player talks to her.

When gifting Grapes.png Grapes × 5:

Face Iris.png:"I grew some grapes over night. I hope they're as sweet as they look, because I grew them just for you!"

When gifting Blueberry Smoothie.png Blueberry Smoothie:

Face Iris.png:"I love smoothies, so I made us some for breakfast. Because I love you."

When gifting Berry.png Berry × 10:

Face Iris.png:"I grew the perfect little berry the other day. It reminded me of you, here, look!"

When gifting Earth Crystal.png Earth Crystal × 5:

Face Iris.png:"I had some extra earth crystals. Please, use it if you need it, okay?"