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This page details out the mail the player receives from Vaan. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Vaan will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
To [Player],

Since I fly over your farm on my way into Sun Haven, I've seen you do such interesting things. In Nel' Vari I see Iris, the Elven Enchantress, work with her plants.. but it's different from you. You tend your crops so gently, and with such care, instead. Truly, I'm delighted to see you care for nature, so with this letter I've included a gift that should help your work. Farewell.

- Vaan

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Dearest [Player],

Taking to the air allows me to think and clear my head. It is a freeing experience I doubt you've had the honor of feeling just yet. There is one thing that clears my head just as well though - this song, a true waltz in symphonic form. When the day comes where we dance in unison, this shall be our song. So learn it well, I would quite enjoy our dance to be perfect.

- Vaan

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Greetings my dear [Player],

The more I explore, the more I find people who admire my abilities and admire me. Yet, you continue to only watch me with a smile. Knowing you has made me grateful for the time I spend more grounded. And while I cannot take you with me on my Nimbus Cloud, I wish you to have the same sense of being in the clouds as me. I used my own magic to make a bed this soft for you, so please enjoy it, my dear. I worked so hard that I nearly broke a sweat!

- Vaan