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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Vaan. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Vaan.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Vaan, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Vaan.png: It's been a long time since someone new has found their way to us. You must be something special, [Player].
Player: Those are interesting tattoos.
Face Vaan.png: Ah, do you like them? The Elder gives us these tattoos himself. They're meant to represent our individual spirits.
Sometimes they can even start glowing, but only when in a state of deep spiritual activity. I've only seen mine glow once before - the first time I flew on my cloud.
Player: Are you less spiritual than other Elves, then? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Hm? Not at all. You must be misunderstanding me, [Player]. It's a rare thing to see your tattoos glow.
Aside from the Elder, I might even be one of the most spiritual people in Nel'Vari.
Player: You must be very spiritual, then. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Aside from the Elder, I might even be one of the most spiritual people in Nel'Vari.
Ah! I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging. Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.
Player: And what do you do here, Vaan?
Face Vaan.png: I mostly practice my magic. I've been trying to push my knowledge of wind magic to its limits lately. It's exhausting, to be honest.
Player: How did you learn magic?
Face Vaan.png: I was taught by the World Dragon. No one else has the knowledge to train a master of wind magic.
Player: You sound pretty advanced.
Face Vaan.png: Of course, I trained under the World Dragon herself. No one else has the knowledge to train a master of wind magic.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Vaan.png: You know, I used to visit Sun Haven a lot. Your farm is quite beautiful.
Player: When did you do that?
Face Vaan.png: I've always like keeping an eye on things around the forest, but I didn't start visiting the farm until it was abandoned. It was so beautiful when it was overgrown.
Player: So you think it's ugly now that I've farmed it? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: No no! That's not what I meant at all.
Once again, it seems like we're speaking on different levels.
Player: It did look nice that way. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Ah, but don't misunderstand me. It looks great with you on it - I mean, with the work you've done. You've made it more charming than ever.
Player: Why did you visit Sun Haven?
Face Vaan.png: In part, it just came from me practicing my magic. I simply needed space to fly, and the sky over Sun Haven is nice and clear.
But then I began paying attention to the people down there. I guess I became sort of infatuated with the town. Human lives are interesting to me.
Player: What's interesting about it?
Face Vaan.png: I can't say exactly. It's so different from Nel'Vari, but the people still seem happy. Anyway, I can't help what interests me. That's just nature, and it's the Elven way not to interfere with nature.
Player: Do you get infatuated often?
Face Vaan.png: Ah! Heh, [Player], you caught me by surprise with that one. I can't help what interests me. That's just nature, and it's the Elven way not to interfere with nature.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Vaan.png: [Player]! I'm glad to see you. I had a... rough morning.
Player: What's wrong?
Face Vaan.png: I got caught in Sun Haven earlier this morning - apparently the guards are on high alert.
That guard with the really big sword was NOT happy to see me sitting on top of the town hall.
Player: Did you get hurt? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: No, I'm fine. Arrows are easy to dodge when you're above them. Thank you for worrying, though.
I guess I need to be a little more discreet when I visit your town, huh?
Player: You let yourself get caught? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: It's not that simple. That guard has eyes like a hawk. I swear, nobody else has ever seen me until her. I don't think I'm to blame here.
Player: How do you usually wind down from a rough day?
Face Vaan.png: I love to snack on some greenroot, for starters. Then I usually just escape on my own into the trees. There's nowhere as peaceful as a quiet branch in the middle of the forest.
Player: Do you always deal with your feelings alone?
Face Vaan.png: I've never thought much about it. But yes, I often seek solitude when I need to process my thoughts. It's how I've always been.
Player: You can spend time with me, if you need a friend. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: That's... very sweet, [Player]. I usually seek solitude when I need to process my thoughts. It's nothing against you, it's just how I've always been. But I'm glad to know you're here.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Vaan.png: Hey [Player], are you liking Nel'Vari? I hope you are.
Player: It's gorgeous here.
Face Vaan.png: You think so, too? I'm glad. You really do deserve to be here. After all, not just anyone could find their way to our home.
Player: Getting here was too easy, you should get more security. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Well, [Player], that's because it isn't meant to be impossible to find our city, only selective.
Player: Thank you for being so welcoming to me, Vaan. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Of course. You being here only adds to Nel'Vari's charm. Really, I mean that.
Player: Have you been to visit Nivara?
Face Vaan.png: Of course I have. When Elves come of age, they go to receive her blessing. For me, her blessing revealed my abilities with wind magic, for which I'm endlessly grateful.
Player: Do you think Nivara will give me a blessing?
Face Vaan.png: I'm sure I don't know. Nivara will make that judgement when she meets you.
Just be yourself, [Player], and Nivara will see you the same way that I do... I'm certain you will be found worthy.
Player: So Nivara's blessing gave you your magic, just like Elios.
Face Vaan.png: You're mistaken. A dragon's blessing doesn't give you magic. The blessing reveals your true self.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Vaan.png: [Player], I was just wondering something about you. I don't want to ask anything that might make you uncomfortable, though.
Player: You don't have to be shy. You can ask me anything. + Vaan's Ruby Ring.png Vaan's Ruby Ring
Face Vaan.png: I know that. I'm a little astonished with you, [Player]. I can already tell that you're an important person in my life. Someone who will change me, for the better.
Because of that, I want to give you something. It's my ruby ring.
Player: Your ruby ring?
Face Vaan.png: Yes, it has great personal value to me. I trust you to take care of it, and it should help keep you safe too. I know you won't lose it, [Player].
Player: Is this important?
Face Vaan.png: Yes, it has great personal value to me. I trust you to take care of it, and it should help keep you safe too. I know you won't lose it, [Player].

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Vaan.png: Hey [Player], I'm happy to see you.
I've actually been meaning to ask you... I was thinking we could go visit your farm together. What do you think? Quest: Hangout Event
Player: I didn't know you liked my farm so much.
Face Vaan.png: Didn't I mention before that it's beautiful? You've really done well with it.
I used to sit on a hill nearby to think about all the future possibilities. I know it sounds a little vague, but I guess it's like... reflecting on the future, if that makes sense?
Ah. But maybe I'm moving too quickly. Why don't we just stay here, in Nel'Vari, for now? I can show you one my favorite spots in the village.
Player: That sounds great!
Face Vaan.png: Meet me outside of my house and we'll go together. Let's say, tomorrow at 12:00 pm. I already can't wait!
Player: Maybe not.
Face Vaan.png: That's okay, I can wait. But I won't wait forever, [Player]. If you change your mind, meet me outside of my house. Tommorrow, at 12:00 pm.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Vaan.png: Hey [Player], I got these for you. Go on, it's a gift!
Player: What should I do with this?
Face Vaan.png: Well, some people like to bake it into a dessert - some kind of peach cobbler, I'm unsure - but I prefer to just eat it raw.
Player: That sounds rough.
Face Vaan.png: Oh, do you really think so? Most people are repulsed by the taste of raw greenroot. I'm not surprised that you're the same.
Player: That sounds good!
Face Vaan.png: Oh, do you really think so? Most people are repulsed by the taste of raw greenroot. I'm surprised that you're the opposite.
Player: You're giving me greenroot?
Face Vaan.png: That's right, they're my favorite. But what's the point in loving something if I can't share it?
Player: It's okay to enjoy things on your own, Vaan. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: I'm well aware, but I want to share with you right now. But I guess I can't make you do anything you don't want to.
Player: I'm happy to share the things you love. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Frankly, I'm glad you enjoy raw greenroot. It's definitely not for everybody!

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Vaan.png: I'm already so used to seeing you here that I forgot you're not native to Nel'Vari.
Player: If you didn't live in Nel'Vari, where would you want to live? Quest: Date Event
Face Vaan.png: That's tough. I don't know many places outside of Nel'Vari and Sun Haven. Although, I have heard of towering peaks in the Northern Region covered in snow.
The wind must blast up those steep cliffs with such force... I can only imagine what I would learn from the wind there.
Heh - this talk of adventure has me wanting to go on one right now. Shall we share some time together, [Player]?
Player: Sure, I'd love to!
Face Vaan.png: Alright! Meet outside of my house tomorrow night at 5:00 pm. I can't wait to see you there, [Player].
Player: I'm not so sure.
Face Vaan.png: Hm, I completely understand. Should you decide otherwise, you can meet me outside of my house. Tomorrow night, at 5:00 pm.


Cycle P9

Cycle P9
Face Vaan.png: So many developments in Sun Haven lately! The little city is really getting its groove back, it seems. I'd love to check it out more, if the guards weren't so aggressive!
Player: Why do the guards in Sun Haven hate you so much?
Face Vaan.png: Well they don't have anything against the Elven race in general, they just don't like that I won't "identify myself" in a "proper way", or whatever.
Maybe I would, if they'd stop shooting at me everytime I fly near! And that guard with the big sword! Who taught her to talk the way she does? Yeesh!
That's the problem with society. Either you follow all their rules, or you're good for nothing. And everyone wonders why I'm always bouncing around from place to place.
Player: Maybe you should just follow the rules. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Ugh, after the way they've been jerks to me? Not a chance.
Player: They shouldn't see you as such a threat. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Right?! That's what I've been trying to tell them! Maybe it's too late now, though. They seem to hate me pretty good, so perhaps I'll never be able to freely enjoy Sun Haven.
Player: What's the biggest change to Sun Haven you've seen?
Face Vaan.png: Well, that's pretty easy. Your farm is probably the number one thing, but it isn't just that. It's as if the whole town seems busier than it has before, more bustling.
If Sun Haven was a dwindling breeze before, it's a lively gale now.
Player: It must be interesting, seeing it all happen from above.
Face Vaan.png: It is. A bird's eye view is usually my preferred way of seeing things, but I'd love to check Sun Haven out from the ground more, though.
Player: I wish I could see the town grow from the sky.
Face Vaan.png: It is a sight to be savored, that's for sure. Ah, how unfortunate that everyone can not be as skilled as myself! I'd love to check Sun Haven out from the ground more, though.

Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Vaan.png: You were probably fast asleep, but before daybreak this morning there was a fantastic fog blanketing the sky. So refreshing to fly through.
Player: So you were up earlier than me, huh?
Face Vaan.png: Oh my, is the farmer feeling a little insecure? Not always the earliest to rise after all? I'm only joking with you.
Yeah, sometimes I like to wake up really early and go on flights. Watching the whole world light up beneath me in real time is always so breathtaking. It's like a reverse sunrise, I guess.
Player: Flying must be amazing.
Face Vaan.png: You can believe me when I say that it truly is. It is something about me that I will never relinquish. No matter what, who or why.
Player: Isn't there any downside to flying?
Face Vaan.png: No, not really. I mean, if there's one bad thing, it's when I hit a bug. You ever smack face-first into a gnat while flying full speed?
Well, of course you haven't, but it feels like getting hit with a rock!
Player: Don't you get cold when you fly?
Face Vaan.png: Well, yeah. Sort of. Honestly I've learned that 'cold' is mostly a state of mind! I guess that's my inner-Elf talking, but I've learned to feel a connection to the chill.
Like it doesn't bother me, it's just part of the experience. Which makes it part of me. Or does that sound a little silly?
Player: That's fascinating. So you're sort of cold-resistant? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Heh, I wouldn't say "resistant", more like "receptive". I'm receptive to the cold, because the cold is just part of the experience of flying.
Thanks for trying to get on my wavelength, [Player]. You're alright.
Player: Sounds kind of ridiculous. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Hm. I shared that piece of info with you because I thought you'd be understanding of it. Guess I was wrong.

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Vaan.png: I was just thinking the other day, [Player]. You and I are like kindred flames!
Player: What's a kindred flame?
Face Vaan.png: Ah, you know. Like "peas in a pod" or "cut from the same cloth"? In Nel'Vari we usually say "kindred flame", though I've always thought I'm more of a 'breeze' than a 'flame'.
Player: What a neat saying.
Face Vaan.png: Yes, the words of Nel'Vari can certainly be pretty eloquent. I like the stuff they say in Sun Haven, though. More rustic and to the point.
Player: Nel'Vari lingo can be kind of dramatic.
Face Vaan.png: I know, right? The words of Nel'Vari can certainly be pretty eloquent. I like the stuff they say in Sun Haven, though. More rustic and to the point.
Player: What do you mean we're 'kindred flames'?
Face Vaan.png: You go all over the place. Nel'Vari, Sun Haven. I'm pretty sure I've spotted you going towards Withergate, even! And you grew up in the Great City.
I never want to stay in one place for very long, either. There's just so much world to be seen, and people like us gotta get out and see it!
Player: The world was made to be explored. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Well said! And might I add, it's so commemorable that you do it all without even being able to fly!
Player: I travel so I can earn a living, though. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Well, sure. But come on, now. Are you telling me you don't enjoy the adventure of it...?

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Vaan.png: I was soaring over the forest when I heard some delightful music. It was coming from that big house by the wheat field in Sun Haven. Do you know the one?
Player: Do you like that kind of music?
Face Vaan.png: It was very unlike Elven music, for sure. But it was calming. A very pleasant surprise to find in the clouds above the forest!
Player: I don't like that kind of music. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Oh? You must prefer loud music. Too much noise makes it difficult to meditate, but to each their own.
Player: I can't imagine a better place to listen to music. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: It really was a perfect moment, even if it was just a moment.
Player: That's Claude's house.
Face Vaan.png: Claude? Is he the broody one with the blonde hair? I think I've seen him before. I wouldn't have taken him for a musician.
Player: Why not?
Face Vaan.png: Most of the musicians I know are mushrooms... But besides that, he doesn't look very happy.
In Nel'Vari, the best crafters are the happiest ones. You can feel their happiness in their work. To create from a place of sadness sounds wrong to me, but maybe it's just a Human thing.
Player: "Broody" is one way to describe him.
Face Vaan.png: I don't mean to judge him harshly. I've just never seen a smile on his face, I don't think.
Can you imagine, never smiling? That would be so sad, and boring!

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Vaan.png: I've been making strides in my work with Nivara lately. You should spend some time with the World Dragon if you're ever feeling lost, spiritually.
Player: I thought you already mastered your magic?
Face Vaan.png: Sure I have, but Nivara still has plenty to teach. Her wisdom spans farther than just magic, anyway.
I'm talking about spirituality, [Player]! You must be slightly familiar with the concept.
Player: Sure I am!
Face Vaan.png: Oh yeah? That's great! I've wondered if the Sun Dragon taught similar lessons. It's good knowing that Nivara isn't the only source of wisdom in the world.
Player: I am not, actually.
Face Vaan.png: Oh, no? I've wondered if the Sun Dragon taught you that kind of stuff along with the usual blessing. I guess not all dragons can dispense wisdom like Nivara.
Player: Are you very spiritual, Vaan?
Face Vaan.png: Heh, you still have a thing or two to learn about Elven society, [Player].
Spirituality is part of every Elf's life on some level. It's important for my magic, so I focus on it quite a bit.
Player: Spirituality doesn't help me with my magic, though. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: [Player], your ignorance is showing. Your spirit comes into play with every use of magic, no matter if you realize it or not.
Player: That explains why your magic is so strong. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: It's certainly part of the reason, yes. You could probably have a similar experience if you focused more on your own spirituality!

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Vaan.png: Seeing all the different people in Sun Haven makes me wonder what Nel'Vari would be like if it were more open.
Player: How open do you mean?
Face Vaan.png: Nel'Vari could benefit from the diversity Sun Haven experiences every day. If our village weren't hidden so deep in the forest, we could host travelers like the Humans do.
The Elven people could use an outside perspective. I don't see how we can progress as a society while never learning anything from the outside.
Player: A lot can be learned from traveling strangers. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: That's exactly my point. Yes, Elves are masters of woodcraft and we have the World Dragon's wisdom behind us. I still think we Elves could be more.
I really admire the Humans' natural desire to expand their perspective. If only Elves were the same way...
Player: Wouldn't that make you vulnerable to an attack? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Ah, so you've heard about the ancient attacks that nearly destroyed all of Nel'Vari? The Elder uses that excuse to justify our secrecy.
It's been hundreds of years since that attack. It's silly to keep hiding. [Player], I hoped you would see through the Elder's lame excuses like I do.
Player: What made you think of that?
Face Vaan.png: Speaking plainly, I think Sun Haven is everything a city should be. It has different people from every part of the world. I just wish I could live in a town like that.
Player: You've learned things in Nel'Vari that most people never learn.
Face Vaan.png: That's true, having Nivara around is a major advantage. Especially for the Blessed who have magic within them.
Trying to get a handle on my magic without a dragon's guidance would have been nearly impossible.
Player: Every city has its interesting people.
Face Vaan.png: Hm, well you're not wrong. I suppose we have Rel'Tar, not to mention the World Dragon herself. Maybe I'm taking my home for granted.
This was a good chat, [Player].


Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Vaan.png: My dearest [Player]! I was just thinking about you, and about our future.
Player: Our future? What were you thinking?
Face Vaan.png: I'm not sure! There are so many possibilities, [Player]. I'm just glad we're finally together. Suddenly the future is a bright, branching river - and we get to choose where we go.
Player: The future is completely in our control. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: I feel exactly the same way. [Player], I'm constantly amazed at you. I always knew we were a perfect match.
Player: I don't think we get to choose our futures. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Every part of me disagrees, [Player]. But that's okay, you'll see when the time comes.
Player: What goals do you want to accomplish in the future?
Face Vaan.png: Since I've learned all I can about wind magic from Nivara, I would love to find a new source of instruction. I know there's more knowledge out there, I just don't know where.
Player: Be patient, I'm sure you'll something will come to you.
Face Vaan.png: You're right. I just need to keep myself open to all possibilities.
Player: Keep looking. You won't find it if you don't look.
Face Vaan.png: You're right. I just need to keep myself open to all possibilities.

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Vaan.png: I accidentally flew through a flock of birds yesterday. I think I was even more startled than them!
Player: What is it like to fly?
Face Vaan.png: So you actually are curious? I'm surprised you haven't asked already.
Flying is the most freeing experience in the world. It changes how you think about everything - distance, nature, and even other people.
Player: Is it really that important?
Face Vaan.png: Absolutely. One day, I'll show you so you can see. Standing in one spot, it's easy to miss the squirrels in the trees or the deer on the other side of the lake.
You can see it all at once from above. That's when I realized that I'm just one small piece in a constantly changing picture.
Player: How did it change the way you think?
Face Vaan.png: I realized how active the world is. Standing in one spot, it's easy to miss the squirrels in the trees or the deer on the other side of the lake.
You can see it all at once from above. That's when I realized that I'm just one small piece in a constantly changing picture.
Player: Not so good with animals, huh?
Face Vaan.png: I wouldn't say I'm bad with animals, but I don't have a lot of experience. Maybe I should talk to Clemmett for advice.
Player: You have an intense energy, working with animals might be hard for you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: I haven't even tried yet, but you think I'd fail? I was hoping for a little more support from my own partner.
Player: You have a gentle spirit, you could figure it out if you tried. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Even when I doubt myself, you lift me up. You're truly the wind in my wings, [Player].

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Vaan.png: Have you met Iris yet? She was a big help with getting my house set up.
Player: Why is your house so far away from everyone else?
Face Vaan.png: I like it that way. It's a little quieter, a little more my own. It's important for me to have control of my own space.
Player: That sounds a little isolated. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: It is, but that's the point. Maybe you don't share the same appreciation for solitude that I do.
Player: That kind of solitude does sound peaceful. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: That certainly factors in. The peace and quiet have allowed me time to meditate and focus on myself.
Player: Is she a good friend of yours?
Face Vaan.png: Iris? Sure, we've known each other for many years. Without Iris, many of the buildings in town wouldn't have been possible to build - like my house.
She's the second strongest magic user in Nel'Vari - other than me, of course.
Player: You say you're stronger?
Face Vaan.png: I only say that because I've mastered my practice. She's still learning the secrets of enchanting magic, I believe.
Player: You said she helped build your house?
Face Vaan.png: Maybe "build" isn't the right word. I had a vision of a home inside the trunk of a great tree, and she engineered it with her enchanting magic.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Vaan.png: [Player], I think you've gotten stronger since we first met. I wonder, is that the farming? Or have you been going on adventures without me?
Player: You go on adventures without me, right?
Face Vaan.png: Oh, yes. I didn't mean to sound like I was accusing you or anything. It's important to spend time apart, too.
Player: Do you wish we spent more time together?
Face Vaan.png: I'm not worried about us, [Player]. It's good to have some space. Something Nivara once told me is, "the tallest trees of the forest grow not in each other's shadow."
Player: Do you think we spend too much time together?
Face Vaan.png: I'm not worried about us, [Player]. It's good to have some space. Something Nivara once told me is, "the tallest trees of the forest grow not in each other's shadow."
Player: I can't help it if I'm getting stronger.
Face Vaan.png: Of course not. I actually think it looks quite good on you. I'm happy to see you taking good care of yourself, that's all.
Player: Oh Vaan - still admiring me from afar after all this time? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: I can't help it if I'm enamored by you still. You won my heart at first sight, and every time after that.
Player: Will you ever stop watching me from a distance? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Ah! When you point it out like that, it makes it sound bad!

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Vaan.png: I can smell the sea on the wind, even this far into the forest. That means a lucky day!
Player: What are you up to today?
Face Vaan.png: There's a heavy branch that sticks out of the top of the Grand Tree which makes for a good seat. I was hoping to spend some time up there today.
Player: That sounds peaceful. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: It's like a separate little world up there. I've been watching a bird's nest that I think is close to hatching, too. I hope to see it when it happens!
Player: That sounds dangerous. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Maybe it is, but I've found great clarity in places like that.
Player: I didn't think you believed in luck.
Face Vaan.png: Well, you know that I think the future is completely in our control. But outside forces have an influence too, even if it's small.
Player: What do you mean?
Face Vaan.png: Let me put it this way - if you work harder, then your farm succeeds. But sometimes it rains, and your farm succeeds without you.
That's a small example of how luck can help us, even when we're firmly in control of our actions.
Player: I've had great luck since I moved to Sun Haven.
Face Vaan.png: You took matters into your own hands - chose your own future - and the luck rode in your wake.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Vaan.png: You're just like one of your crops - started as a seed but grown strong and elegant.
Player: You see me like a plant?
Face Vaan.png: Yes! You know, you're really precious when you're watered.
Player: You're messing with me.
Face Vaan.png: That's right, my precious sunflower - haha!
Player: Watered??
Face Vaan.png: Yes, my precious sunflower.
Haha, I just like pushing your buttons.
Player: You're unlike anyone I've ever met, Vaan.
Face Vaan.png: Of course I am, and so are you. I think that's a big reason why we fell for each other, [Player]. Nobody else fits us.
Player: Even I don't understand you sometimes. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Is that how you've felt this whole time? Maybe there really isn't a perfect match for me after all.
Player: We're two of a kind. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: As long as I have you in my life, [Player], I'll feel complete. I would fly anywhere with you.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Vaan.png: You have a thoughtful look on your face, [Player]. What's on your mind?
Player: I'm thinking about the future.
Face Vaan.png: I see. It has been some time since we've talked about the future. For me, it looks more bright and clear than I would have ever thought.
Player: Why are you so sure about it?
Face Vaan.png: Oh, I know this is going to sound corny... but there's no avoiding it.
Now that I've got you with me, I see nothing but happiness in my future. I hope you feel the same way, [Player].
Player: Has your vision of the future changed?
Face Vaan.png: Oh, I know this is going to sound corny... but there's no avoiding it.
Now that I've got you with me, I see nothing but happiness in my future. I hope you feel the same way, [Player].
Player: Are you happy with our relationship?
Face Vaan.png: [Player]! I'm surprised at you. Of course I'm happy, how could I not be?
Besides, if I was unhappy then I'd be sure to let you know. It... wouldn't be pretty.
Why do you ask?
Player: I was just having doubts. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: That wasn't the direction I thought this conversation was headed... Rest assured, [Player], that I will stand by your side any day. If you want me there, I mean.
Player: I was wondering what it would be like if we were together, forever. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Are you saying what I think you're saying? [Player], it sounds like you're talking about a big step - the big step!
You should know, that I'll stand by your side any day!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Vaan.png: It takes someone special to capture my attention, [Player]. And now you've captured so much more than that!
Player: I don't like to think that I've "captured" you.
Face Vaan.png: I only meant it as an expression, but I see your point. Maybe a better word is "won."
Oh, but does that make me sound like too much of a prize?
Player: A prize is exactly what you are! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Ah! [Player], you're such a jokester! I'm going to get smile lines because of you.
Player: We could always just say, "married!"
Face Vaan.png: I guess that's easiest, huh? Heh, with how much you make me smile, [Player], I see smile lines in my future.
Player: You don't feel restricted by our marriage?
Face Vaan.png: I might, if it were with anyone else. But you've always encouraged my freedom, [Player]. More than that, you've inspired me to thrive in it.
Heh, sorry if I'm getting too serious. I get carried away with you!
Player: You can get a little intense sometimes. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Apologies, [Player]. I didn't know it bothered you. I always thought you could handle my spirit, but I suppose I was wrong.
Player: I like it when you get carried away. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: And you manage to build my spirit up even more! I'm lucky to have found someone exactly as passionate as me.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Vaan.png: I was in the middle of a cloud meditation when a bird flapped past my head. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was you on your farm.
I don't know, it felt like a meaningful moment to me.
Player: Meaningful in what way?
Face Vaan.png: How to explain... From that high up, I can see farther than anybody. I could even see the Sun Dragon Elios on his mountaintop. But out of all that, I saw you on your farm.
You and your farm were so small compared to everything, but you're still all I wanted to look at.
Player: I'm lucky to have stolen your attention like that! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Be sure, [Player], it's nothing to do with luck. You've completely captivated me - even in meditation!
Player: You need to practice staying focused. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: My point was that I'm focused on you, but I guess you didn't get that.
Player: What's a "cloud meditation?"
Face Vaan.png: That's a style of meditation I invented! It's just what it sounds like - you settle on a cloud in the sky and meditate. It takes a lot of experience using wind magic, of course.
Player: I'll keep my meditation on the ground for now.
Face Vaan.png: I suppose it would be difficult for you to share that space with me. You're probably a few decades away from that level of mastery.
Player: That sounds peaceful.
Face Vaan.png: It might be the most peaceful space I've found for myself. I wish I could share it with you, but you're probably a few decades away from that level of mastery.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Vaan.png: I spoke with Nivara today. It was the first time in a long while.
Player: You haven't been speaking to her as much?
Face Vaan.png: No, I haven't. I actually didn't realize how long it's been since our last conversation. Do you think that's a bad thing?
Player: Isn't that like skipping school?
Face Vaan.png: She certainly has a few lessons left for me, probably more than I realize. You're right, [Player]. I'll make a better effort to see her more often.
Player: Don't you think she still has much to teach?
Face Vaan.png: She certainly has a few lessons left for me, probably more than I realize. You're right, [Player]. I'll make a better effort to see her more often.
Player: What did you talk about?
Face Vaan.png: She said that my spirit feels stronger than the last time we met. Before I could even respond to that, she said she could feel an abundance of love in my energy.
According to Nivara, knowing love is crucial to spiritual freedom. I'm still exploring that idea.
Player: Let me know if you need any help testing that idea! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Heh, oh [Player]. I'm already getting all the "help" I need from you.
I should thank you, actually. I didn't realize it, but you've accelerated my spiritual growth here. And just by being yourself! You're truly remarkable, [Player].
Player: Do you really think she could sense that? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vaan.png: Of course, [Player]. It's not our place to doubt the guardian dragons, especially not Nivara. I'm sure you wouldn't cast doubt on Elios.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Vaan.png: [Player], your love has filled my heart like the wind fills the sky. I've begun to think that maybe it's time we added a third member to our little family. We should have a child, is what I mean. What do you think?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Vaan.png: I can think of no greater way to prove my everlasting love for you than to nurture a new life together. I look forward to it with every moment, my love!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Vaan.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Vaan.png: Do you think our love is perfect as it is? If that's what you believe, then I will trust you. I have no intention of trying to coerce you into something you don't want. Consider the matter settled.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Vaan.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!