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This page details out the mail the player receives from Miyeon. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Miyeon will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
Dear [Player],

I hope you find this letter. You must get a lot of mail from different people, there's probably a good chance mine would get lost. If you do read this, I wanted to tell you that I'm glad you've helped me feel more at home in Sun Haven. You have lots to be busy with, and I don't, so that you find the time to spend on me... Please don't feel like you have to be nice to me, I know it's probably better if you focus on important things.

I bought this Strawberry Milk, but then I thought you probably needed a cool drink more than I do. Please drink it when you need it.


Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 6
Dear [Player],

I know this isn't the case, but I still feel guilty whenever I write to you! like I'm taking up too much of your time... But then I remember how you seem to enjoy spending your time with me and the guilt lessens. Sightly.

As I was tending to the flowers at home, a sigil shower started in the heavens. I've seen plenty of showers, but this one in particular moved me - I realized that there's a lot about my world I want to show you someday. Whenever I feel like I'm weighed down by expectations, I listen to this record. It helps me feel like I'll be able to fly free someday. It could help you too, [Player]. Keep it for as long as you need it. It's alright, really.


Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Dear [Player],

I've always wanted to write to you in confidence, but it wasn't easy. I would start and stop each letter to you countless times before finding the privacy and courage to actually finish writing. But now I'm starting to feel less afraid and embarrassed to be seen writing to you anymore, it's like a boldness I didn't know I had has been awoken inside of me. I feel like a tiny bud that's started to blossom into something greater.

Farmers are good at growing things, aren't they? I wanted to show you that I could be good at growing, too! I grew these Giant Sunflowers for you - I really hope they measure up to your expectations.
