Leaf Me Alone

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The quest Leaf Me Alone is a quest that has the chance to be available at the Sun Haven bulletin board anytime during the fall season. Claude's groundskeeper needs iron bars to repair his tools. The objective of this quest is to bring Claude eight iron bars.

The Sun Haven bulletin board is located between the General Store and the Farming Store. Every day the bulletin board will have randomly generated tasks that the player can accept and complete in exchange for currency and experience. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a red exclamation point floating above it.


Requirements Rewards Bonus
Iron Bar.png Iron Bar × 8 Coins.png Coins × 800Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 50Community Token.png Community Token × 3 Coins.png Coins × 850Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 100Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 100Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 100


  1. Accept quest on bulletin board.
  2. Craft 8 Iron Bar by smelting iron ore at the Furnace.
  3. Turn in to Claude.

Bulletin Board Description

I've got an issue with leaves. My groundskeeper broke his rake and now he can't keep my yard free of the falling leaves. We'll need iron to make repairs, for the rake and the rest of his tools while we're at it. 8 Iron Bars, please.


Quest Complete Text

Upon turning in this question, the NPC will say:

Face Claude.png:"Is this the iron from my post? Thanks, you're helping me out a lot. Here, this is for you."