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Finish Unique Lines

This page lists the dialogue lines for Jun.


When speaking to Jun for the first time in a new game:

Face Jun.png Oh! It's you...
Um, the new farmer! Sorry, you caught me with my head in the clouds. I'm Jun.
Player: I didn't mean to startle you. My name's [Player].
Face Jun.png No no, it's fine. I was just in my head is all. It's really nice meeting you, [Player].

General Dialogue

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.


Face Jun.png:"You'll have an easy time getting to know Sun Haven, [Player], I just know it."
Face Jun.png:"We're lucky to have you here, [Player]."
Face Jun.png:"Hello, [Player]. Have a wonderful day."
Face Jun.png:"I knew that was you. I could spot you a mile away, [Player]."
Face Jun.png:"You smell wonderful today, [Player]. Oh - you're not wearing any perfume?"
Face Jun.png:"Keep your head up, [Player]."
Face Jun.png:"I wish I could stay to chat with you, really. Unfortunately, I must be going."
Face Jun.png:"Your hair is looking great today, [Player]. You should wear a fresh spring daisy in it, what do you say? Spring Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Ah, the start of a new year. I wish it could feel like this all the time. Spring Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Have I ever cooked Spring Rolls for you, [Player]? They are absolutely delicious! Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Nathaniel doesn't seem to understand the true value of talking about one's feelings... but his heart is in the right place. Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"You know, I think teaching is one of the best jobs there is! Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"You've really turned that old farm around, [Player]! It's such a beautiful place now. Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I love catching the sunrise, the summer air is always so crisp and fresh in the morning. Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I worry about Liam sometimes, he's got so much on his plate! Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"The best thing about fall is that studies with the children fully resume. I'm sure they're all excited to go back to school! Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"A bowl of chicken noodle soup would be perfect on a day like this. Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Ronald at the tavern tells me we have the same job... we both listen to people complain! Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I could have sworn I really did see someone flying over Sun Haven. No one believes me! Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Make sure you bundle up and stay warm, [Player]! Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Winter always makes our little town feel like one big, happy family. Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Wornhardt tells me I should exercise more often. Perhaps he's right. Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Being stuck indoors all winter can really impact one's mental health. You're out and about so often, however, that I don't think you have anything to worry about! Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Does every counselor need a counselor? Sometimes I think I need a Jun to talk to... Winter Token.png"


Face Jun.png:"I thought I saw someone flying in the sky over Sun Haven today. I must have been mistaken, right?"
Face Jun.png:"The kids started calling me "Uncle Jun" today. They're so cute!"
Face Jun.png:"I ate too many spring rolls last night and had some strange dreams... Has that ever happened to you?"
Face Jun.png:"It's a relief to see the town doing so much better these days."
Face Jun.png:"I wonder what other guardian dragons are like. Talking to a foreign dragon would be a valuable opportunity!"


Face Jun.png:"I'm pretty busy today, but I'll be thinking of you the whole way through. "
Face Jun.png:"When I shut my eyes, you're the first thing I see. Do you see me too? "
Face Jun.png:"Is your farm quiet at night? I'd love to relax in the field with you sometime. "
Face Jun.png:"You can always talk to me - don't forget that I'm also a counselor. "
Face Jun.png:"I'm feeling good about Sun Haven. Actually, I'm feeling good about everything! "


Face Jun.png:"Is it just me, or is the air sweeter these days?"
Face Jun.png:"I always wanted someone like you in my life."
Face Jun.png:"I'll remember our wedding day for the rest of my life, [Player]."
Face Jun.png:"Sorry if I'm out of breath... I've been running around town all day."
Face Jun.png:"The kids at class started calling me "Uncle Jun" today. They're so cute!"
Face Jun.png:"Do you always look so beautiful, [Player]? Perhaps it's the spirit of spring. Spring Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Ah, I was having some troubled thoughts just now... but seeing you dispelled them, [Player]. Spring Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Ah, [Player], my love. Maybe we could go on a walk together on the beach, once the sun sets? Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I'm so lucky to have found someone! I'm a hopeless romantic... could you tell? Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I can't help but smile whenever I see you, [Player]! Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I'm trying to learn how to cook more things. Then I can always prepare meals for us! Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Aha! You've just given me the inspiration for my next painting, [Player]! Summer Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I'm not sure if fall or spring is my favorite season... but I do know you're my favorite person, [Player]. Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I'd love to sit and watch the leaves change colors with you, [Player]. Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Nature is starting to wither and crumble, yet my love for you is only just beginning to bloom. Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"We both work hard, don't we? Let's take it easy together sometime soon... maybe a dinner, or a picnic? Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Hello, my dear [Player]! How is the autumn harvest going for you on the farm? Fall Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"If you ever need to talk to me about anything, [Player], you know that you can. Okay? Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"Watch out for Topi and Pod! They're getting better at aiming those snowballs. Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"It can be dangerous to walk around in the winter alone, slipping on ice and all. We should take each other's hand when we're out, just to be safe. Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I've never traveled out of Sun Haven before. Maybe we could visit the Grand City together? Winter Token.png"
Face Jun.png:"I made a wish last winter for my true love to appear... and look who moved in the very next year! It was you, is what I'm saying. Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "A [item]. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much, [Player]! You're the best. I mean it."
  • Liked: "A [item]. [Player], you're really getting to know me!"
  • Good: "A [item]. What a lovely gesture."
  • Disliked: "Oh... I have no use for things like these, [Player]."

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Jun a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Jun's birthday is the 11th of Winter.

Face Jun.png:"Oh my, [Player]. You should have put more thought in my birthday gift."
Face Jun.png:"Thank you, [Player]. This is a nice gift for my birthday."
Face Jun.png:"I can tell you put some thought into this! What a perfect gift to get on my birthday!"
Face Jun.png:"Did you know it was my birthday, [Player]? This is... really nice, thanks."

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Jun.png: Sharing a potion with me? I wonder what wonderful concoction you've made for me!
Not Married
Jun drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Jun.png: What a strange taste... kind of like... wet cookies and chalk dust? We should get to know each other better, [Player]! I can teach you what sort of stuff I like to drink.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Jun drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Jun.png: Well, I wasn't expecting it to taste like that. Oh? Why do I have this ring on my finger? It looks like a wedding ring... how strange! Where do you think it came from?


Jun has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted a Spring Roll, Sesame Rice Ball, or Chicken Noodle Soup:

Face Jun.png:"Oh my, that looks quite tasty! You brought this for me? How wonderful of you, [Player]."

When gifted Blueberry Salad, Tomato Salad, Pickled Veggie Salad, Potato Salad, Citrus Salad, Berry Fruit Salad, or Cobb Salad:

Face Jun.png:"Ah, a salad is just what I was in the mood for. You know me so well, [Player]. I'm very fortunate to have you."

When gifted Brain Jelly Salad or Living Jelly Salad:

Face Jun.png:"Ah... well, it's a salad... I think? Um... thanks for trying?"

When gifted Cookies or Milk and Cookies:

Face Jun.png:"Ah, your heart is in the right place, [Player], but I don't usually like cookies myself. The children will enjoy them, though."

When gifted Spaghetti:

Face Jun.png:"It's not what I usually eat, but it does look very appetizing... thank you, [Player]!"

When gifted a Sand Dollar:

Face Jun.png:"Hah, I used to collect these as a kid. What a funny gift to get, I like it!"

When gifted a Painter's Easel:

Face Jun.png:"I was just in need of a new easel! Thank you, [Player]!"

When gifted an Apple:

Face Jun.png:"Ah, apples make an excellent healthy snack! Thanks for sharing, [Player]."

When gifted a Berry:

Face Jun.png:"Hm, found this while foraging, did you? It certainly looks delicious, thank you."

When gifted Coal:

Face Jun.png:"Oh, thanks for the thought... but I don't have any use for something like coal."

When gifted a Leafie's Leaf:

Face Jun.png:"Did you find this on a leafie you defeated? Very impressive, [Player]. But don't forget to be careful when you're battling monsters!"

When gifted a Log:

Face Jun.png:"A log? A word of advice, you should put more thought into your gifts, [Player]."

When gifted a Mushroom:

Face Jun.png:"Mushrooms are always a treat. Thank you for sharing!"

When gifted Stone:

Face Jun.png:"You must have gotten this from your farm? Or maybe the mines? The thought is nice, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with a rock."

When gifted a Wood Plank:

Face Jun.png:"Did you craft this plank yourself? Impeccable craftsmanship. I'll find something to do with it, I'm sure."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Jun.png:"This is wheat you grew on your farm? Incredible! Thank you for sharing with me."

When gifted Wheat Seeds, Greenroot Seeds, or Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Jun.png:"Oh, uh, you're the farmer, remember? Maybe you should keep seeds, so you can plant them?"

When gifted Greenroot:

Face Jun.png:"I haven't tried greenroot before. I suppose I'll have to now! Thank you."

When gifted Jun's Diary:

Face Jun.png:"Oh dear, I thought you'd care to have my diary. Maybe I was mistaken."

When gifted Jun Record:

Face Jun.png:"Did I get your musical tastes wrong? I'm sorry."

When gifted Jun Wedding Ring:

Face Jun.png:"What is...? But this ring was for you, [Player]. You were meant to keep it always. Maybe I made a mistake in giving it to you..."

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Jun.png:"That's a weird looking rock, wherever did you find it-... OOSH'A WIXLIASHA! O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZZZAAAAAA!!!! RAAAA!! ...What?! Where... why?! Am I... Are you? What's... I... I'll keep the rock, it's okay. There's something about it... I need it. It's fine. Um, thank you! Goodbye!"

Morning Gifts

When married to Jun, there is a chance he will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above his head, and will be available until the player talks to him.

When gifting Chicken Noodle Soup.png Chicken Noodle Soup:

Face Jun.png:"I want you to keep your strength up, so I made some soup! Promise me you'll eat it, alright?"

When gifting Sunflower.png Sunflower:

Face Jun.png:"I would give you the sun if I could, my love... but that's impossible! So take a sunflower instead, heh."

When gifting Indiglow Tea.png Indiglow Tea:

Face Jun.png:"I made tea this morning while thinking about you. I like to think those thoughts somehow imbue the tea, making it special."

When gifting Sesame Rice Ball.png Sesame Rice Ball × 2:

Face Jun.png:"I tried my hand at rice balls this morning. Try some, won't you? I want you to love them!"