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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Jun. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Jun.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Jun.png: [Player], great to see you again!
If you have the time, I'd love to check in with you. I am the town's counselor, after all.
Player: Sure, let's check in!
Face Jun.png: How are you settling in, [Player]?
Player: I've been settling in well.
Face Jun.png: That's really good to hear, [Player]. You already look much more comfortable than when you first showed up.
Player: Sometimes I get lost around here.
Face Jun.png: I would love to help, but... I'm terrible at giving directions.
Player: What do you do as a counselor?
Face Jun.png: Simply put, I talk to people about their problems. If you're feeling overwhelmed, come find me. Everybody needs someone to talk to.
Player: People need to learn to deal with their own problems. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I'm surprised to hear you say something like that.
Player: This town is lucky to have someone like you in it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Thanks, [Player]. I knew you were a kind person.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Jun.png: So is it love at first sight? I mean, with Sun Haven?
Player: You've been here a while, right Jun? Do you still like it here?
Face Jun.png: Of course, Sun Haven is great. I just wish it was doing better. The people here have a strong will, though, so I'm optimistic.
The trick is not losing hope, and if anyone does lose hope then that's where I come in.
Player: I think Sun Haven will bounce back! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: That's exactly the positivity I'm talking about! I already knew you were a positive person, but it's nice hearing you talk like that.
Player: How do you stay so positive?
Face Jun.png: I take care of myself. For me that means taking an inventory of my worries or fears and writing them down. Maybe it's not for everybody, but that's my process.
Player: Did you move here like me?
Face Jun.png: Not at all, I was born and raised here in Sun Haven. I've never even visited the Great City. My little house has been my only home all my life.
Player: There's no reason to move if you're happy. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Oh, absolutely. Hey, feel free to come visit me whenever you want! You know, so you can see my home. My house is just above Liam's. He's a great neighbor, too.
Player: Living in one house your whole life sounds terribly boring. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: It's good to know you think I'm boring!

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Jun.png: Even when it's struggling, Sun Haven is a gorgeous town. And having you here makes it that much better!
Player: Are you worried about Sun Haven, with the monster town nearby?
Face Jun.png: Are you talking about Withergate? I'm not worried about monsters attacking the city, if that's what you're asking. I am concerned for Sun Haven's people, though.
It's never good when tensions are high throughout a whole community.
Player: People will just panic and make things worse. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I can't say I agree. You'd be surprised how good people can be when given the chance. I hope you get to see that goodness in action soon, because it sounds like you need it.
Player: I have faith in the people here. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I agree wholeheartedly. Sun Haven is blessed with thoughtful and caring citizens. Like you, [Player].
Player: Do you have a favorite spot in town?
Face Jun.png: It isn't very exciting, but I love my home. I have a bench to sit on outside, and when the sun sets over the wheat field... is it silly to call that my happy place?
Player: I don't think it's silly - it sounds beautiful!
Face Jun.png: You're welcome to come by, then. I can't think of a better way to spend time with yourself than in a quiet, beautiful space. I'm lucky to call it my home.
Player: Isn't there anywhere else you like to go?
Face Jun.png: Well, I can just barely peep the top of your farmhouse from my home. Honestly, your farm looks really peaceful too - at least from what I've seen.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Jun.png: You're looking energetic today - you must have slept well, huh?
One of the first things I tell my clients is, good sleep is key to a healthy attitude!
Player: What made you want to be a counselor to begin with?
Face Jun.png: I always get emotionally involved in people's stories, even when they have nothing to do with me. In part, I'm just a naturally good listener.
That's also part of why I enjoy teaching so much... Oh, you didn't know that I'm also the teacher for the kids here?
Player: Do you really think you're making people happier?
Face Jun.png: Of course! Just having a friend to talk to can do wonders for your mental health.
Player: All your work is really shaping the future of Sun Haven!
Face Jun.png: I suppose you're right. I never thought of it that way, but that's actually a huge responsibility.
Player: So what are your tips for sleeping well at night?
Face Jun.png: I work hard every day to tire myself out. There's nothing like going to bed feeling adequately exhausted.
But really, it's all about time management. Just keep an eye on your clock when it gets dark to make sure you don't stay up too late by mistake.
Player: That's not much of a tip. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: All I can do is tell you what works for me, [Player]. What you do with that is up to you.
Player: Thanks Jun, you're so helpful! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I do get a strong satisfaction from helping out whenever I can. Heh, I guess it's kind of my pastime.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Jun.png: Hi, [Player]. You look distracted. Is there something on your mind?
Player: What do you mean, Jun? Quest: JunHangout1Quest
Face Jun.png: Oh, nothing. Perhaps I'm sensing something that isn't really there. Or maybe something really does have you distracted!
You know what, [Player], we could talk privately sometime, if you'd like.
Player: That sounds like fun! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I'm so glad you think so! Let's meet outside of my house tomorrow at 10:00 am.
Player: I don't know about that.
Face Jun.png: Are you sure? If you change your mind, we should meet outside of my house tomorrow at 10:00 am.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Jun.png: I love seeing you around town, [Player]. You make Sun Haven a little more perfect!
Player: I feel like I could tell you anything, Jun.
Face Jun.png: I cherish the ability to gain someone's trust. People confide in me because I'm good at keeping secrets - really good. You can trust me more than anyone, [Player].
Player: You had my trust a long time ago. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: To hear you say that... Well, the feeling is mutual. I don't have as many people to confide in as I have confiding in me, so I'm grateful to have you, [Player].
Player: On second thought, I'm not so sure. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I understand. Take your time, [Player].
Player: What does a perfect day look like for you?
Face Jun.png: Hm, good question. I'd most likely paint in the morning and walk around town in the afternoon. I enjoy seeing the people that I know just living their lives.
Then in the evening, I would watch the sunset from my house with a nice, hearty salad.
Player: Everything about that screams, "Jun."
Face Jun.png: Oh, I forgot something important! The day wouldn't be perfect without you in it, [Player].
Player: I can't think of a more perfect day.
Face Jun.png: Oh, I forgot something important! The day wouldn't be perfect without you in it, [Player].

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Jun.png: Did you do your hair different? Wait, that's just the wind. Let me fix that for you.
Player: Oh - thank you, Jun. Quest: JunHangout2Quest
Face Jun.png: Don't mention it, [Player]. I've gotten to know you rather well, I think, so I can tell when something about you is off.
Say, wouldn't it be fun to spend some time together? Just you and I?
Player: Are you trying to ask me out on a date?
Face Jun.png: Heh... well, maybe I am! Does that sound okay to you, [Player]? If you'd like, why don't you meet me at my house. Tomorrow, at 5:00 pm?
Player: Maybe, maybe not.
Face Jun.png: Oh? You sound so indecisive, [Player]. But if you'd like, why don't you meet me at my house. Tomorrow, at 5:00 pm?


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Jun.png: Ah, [Player]. I was hoping to find you. Would you be interested in a town survey?
Player: Why are you doing a town survey?
Face Jun.png: It's nothing, really. I like to prepare little things like this from time to time, just to gauge how Sun Haven's citizens are feeling on certain topics.
Player: You do too much, Jun!
Face Jun.png: Ah, it's not necessarily something for my job! I just enjoy knowing how everyone feels on things.
Sure, it comes back to help me as Counselor, but it's also just nice to get everyone's thoughts and feelings.
Player: I suppose that can be helpful information for your job.
Face Jun.png: Ah, it's not necessarily something for my job! I just enjoy knowing how everyone feels on things.
Sure, it comes back to help me as Counselor, but it's also just nice to get everyone's thoughts and feelings.
Player: I'll bite. Show me the survey, Jun.
Face Jun.png: Excellent. I'm glad you don't mind taking the time to help out! Sometimes people get too busy for this stuff, but that's okay, too.
Making Sun Haven the best it can be is a big part of why I do anything I do, so every voice counts!
Anyways, the survey is really just one question, but: What do you think of the town bulletin board?
Player: It's great! I don't have to talk to people as much. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I see. So you value it for the purpose of not needing to directly interact with others. Not exactly the real purpose of the bulletin board, but I suppose it's just how you feel.
Player: It's a great way to see who needs help around town. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: So you're saying you feel pretty positive towards it? That's good to hear, [Player]. I believe helping one another is the best way to build a strong community!

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Jun.png: Hello again. How's your day? I just got out of a session with a client, myself.
Player: What did you and your client talk about?
Face Jun.png: Now that I can never tell you! Sorry, [Player]. It's really nothing personal, but I can not discuss clients with other people. It's all very private, you know.
I apologize if it comes off as strict, but I take that part of my job incredibly seriously.
Player: I understand, don't worry about it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Thank you. You won't believe how pushy some people can be about wanting to know who I talk to and about what!
Heh, people are just naturally curious, though.
Player: Boring. I wanna hear the juicy details. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I understand you might be curious, [Player], but I can not violate a client's privacy. I admit I'm a bit disappointed you'd even ask...
Player: How many people do you work with in Sun Haven?
Face Jun.png: Hm, well that's something I think would be okay to answer.
I work with lots of people, to put it broadly. Some of my clients I see weekly, but some I've only see once or twice as they work through an issue.
It doesn't matter how often they need me, though. I'm always here for whenever they do.
Player: Where do you find the time to make it all work?
Face Jun.png: Sometimes I'm not even so sure! But it's all part of what I do. I have to find time for a client if I want to help them, after all.
Player: Your schedule must be all over the place.
Face Jun.png: It's true, I have a bit of a messy plate most of the time. But it's worth it, in order to accommodate everyone.

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Jun.png: Sunny days are always nice, but I still appreciate a good gloomy day now and again.
Player: Does Sun Haven get many gloomy days?
Face Jun.png: Not usually. It's a bit out of our weather pattern, if you haven't realized that yet. I guess as a farmer, you would prefer it to be perfect farming weather, more often than not!
Player: Sun Haven does seem to have predictable weather.
Face Jun.png: That's a good thing, though, isn't it? No big surprises must make your farming much easier.
Player: As long as the weather is fine for farming, I'm not bothered.
Face Jun.png: Ah, if only everyone could be as laid back as you, [Player]. The world would be a better place.
Player: What do you like to do on a gloomy day?
Face Jun.png: Well, it's a perfect excuse to relax at home. I like to lay back and maybe focus on mind games or a picture puzzle.
If you try looking on the positive sides, then I believe you can find something good about almost any situation.
Player: You must be good at always seeing positive sides. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: It's a skill I've gotten very adept at, that's for sure. It all stems from not wanting to take any days for granted, no matter what they are.
Player: No way, I hate days that are gloomy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I see. Not shocking, I suppose, as most people would probably agree with you. Still, I feel like you're missing out by not seeing the good in every day.

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Jun.png: How are you today, [Player]?
Player: How are you doing, Jun?
Face Jun.png: Oh, hah. Caught me off guard for a second. I'm so used to asking how everyone else is doing that I never stop to think about myself.
I'm actually doing just fine, thank you for asking. I love asking others how they're doing, but it's good to be asked myself every once in awhile.
Player: Keep up the good spirits, Sun Haven relies on you! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Don't I know it. It's a big task, but it's one I'm glad to take up. Positive reinforcement like yours makes it all the easier, though. So thanks for that, really.
Player: This counselor stuff seems like a breeze. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: There's much more to being a counselor than just asking how someone is doing, [Player].
I appreciate you asking me how I'm doing, but please don't go off and try to give people counseling...
Player: I've been busy with... farmer things.
Face Jun.png: From what I can tell, "farmer things" seems to be all sorts of stuff! It's actually amazing, everything you seem to do.
I like to think a little bit of your energy has rubbed off on everyone.
Player: I'm glad to help Sun Haven.
Face Jun.png: I'm sure you are! It's good our town has so many dedicated people living in it. Maybe we aren't as big as the Great City, but we have a lot of heart.
It's why I like to keep up to date on everyone and see how they're doing.
Player: I suppose I haven't noticed.
Face Jun.png: Well, you're always pretty busy so there's nothing odd about that. It's my job to keep up with everyone on their day-to-day feelings, though.
It's why I like to catch up with people and see how they're doing.

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Jun.png: Keeping a sharp mind and body, [Player]?
Player: Why do you ask if my body is sharp?
Face Jun.png: Good question. Well, it's my belief that mental and physical health are very closely linked with one another.
A healthy body is important in order to have a healthy mind and spirit. That's why I tell all my clients to try to eat a good diet and get plenty of sleep.
Player: That's a very interesting theory. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: It is, isn't it. It's important that we be mindful to keep every component of ourselves healthy and strong.
Player: Maybe save physiology for Wornhardt. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I'm sorry you don't see the importance of a mind-body balance, [Player]. I hope you do well and feel good, regardless.
Player: Look, I've always been meaning to ask. How do you do your hair?
Face Jun.png: Catherine developed it for me, using her plants. I had no idea something like Greenroot could be used to make a hair dye! I think my hair really expresses my individuality.
Player: But is your hair blue with dark dye, or dark with blue dye?
Face Jun.png: Oh, I can't spoil the mystery completely, can I? You'll just have to use your imagination, [Player], heh.
Player: You're certainly a unique person, Jun.
Face Jun.png: Everyone is unique in their own way. Whether it's a hairstyle or a favorite food. In a way, we're all different. That's what makes the world so special, I think.

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Jun.png: I'm trying to find a good book for the kids to read, but I've almost read everything the library has to offer.
Player: Maybe you could make up your own stories.
Face Jun.png: Heh, that's a creative idea! I'm afraid I'm not as creative as you, though. I've tried storytelling before, and I'm no good unless the story is written down.
Player: I bet you could become a great writer with practice! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Ah, thanks! I'm not so sure, but everything is worth a proper try, I suppose.
Player: You don't have to tell me. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Oh... I'm sorry, have I bored you with my stories in the past? Or... do you mean right now? Hm.
Player: What kind of books do you like to read personally?
Face Jun.png: This is a little embarrassing, but I'm a sucker for a good romance. Anything with a "happily ever after" does the trick for me.
Player: Romance? I should have known!
Face Jun.png: Why, uh, do you say that? Actually you know what, don't answer that question.
Player: Romance? I don't see the appeal.
Face Jun.png: No, not even a little? That's too bad. I have one I thought was perfect for you, but I guess I'll just return it to the library.


Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Jun.png: [Player], my better half! Life in Sun Haven is perfect now that we're together.
Player: Do you think people will talk about us?
Face Jun.png: Knowing the people in this town... most likely, yes. But what does it matter? I don't care a bit, personally.
Player: You're right, it shouldn't matter.
Face Jun.png: You've got a good head on your shoulders, [Player].
Player: I can't help but think about it.
Face Jun.png: If it really bothers you, just remember that it will pass. Gossip doesn't last forever, right?
Player: How long do you expect to stay in Sun Haven?
Face Jun.png: Oh, I don't plan to leave ever. This town has my heart... like you. That isn't a problem, is it?
Player: Not at all - I feel the same way. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: You don't know how much of a relief it is to hear you say that.
Player: I can't imagine staying here forever. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Oh... Is that so? I'm surprised that you feel that way, [Player].

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Jun.png: I confess, [Player] - I've been thinking of you constantly. I'm even starting to picture our future together!
Player: You're looking at me funny... + Jun's Diary.png Jun's Diary
Face Jun.png: I'm just excited!
[Player], I have something for you. It's a gift. I want you to keep it with you always, okay?
Player: What is it?
Face Jun.png: It's my journal where I keep all my thoughts and ideas - please take it! Consider it my way of sharing my thoughts with you.
Player: I promise to keep it safe.
Face Jun.png: It's my journal where I keep all my thoughts and ideas - please take it! Consider it my way of sharing my thoughts with you.

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Jun.png: [Player]! For a moment I forgot I was awake. Sometimes I see you in my dreams.
Player: You've dreamed about me?
Face Jun.png: Sometimes... actually, quite often. I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable. They're just silly dreams, anyway.
Player: I think it's flattering. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Oh thank goodness - I was worried you'd think I was being a creep!
Player: It is a bit weird... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I was worried you would feel that way. I'm sorry [Player], but I can't control what happens in my dreams.
Player: Don't read into this, but what would be a good gift if I wanted to surprise you?
Face Jun.png: Oh, [Player], don't tease me. I'd love to just spend time with you. I don't need any fancy gifts.
Player: Aw, come on!
Face Jun.png: All right, let me think... I suppose I have been looking for a new decoration to go in my home. I would love a new houseplant!
Player: Oh well, at least I tried.
Face Jun.png: You're so full of surprises, [Player]. I think I know every little detail about you and then you come back with another surprise.

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Jun.png: After all this time together, I only feel closer than ever with you, [Player]. I don't know how I could get any happier.
Player: Have you ever been this close with someone before?
Face Jun.png: I'm curious... What if I had been? How would that make you feel?
Player: That might be a disappointment, but nothing I couldn't move past.
Face Jun.png: Thank you for your honesty. Don't worry [Player], I've only had passing fancies in my time. I've never connected with anyone like you before.
Player: I wouldn't mind - you're your own person.
Face Jun.png: A very healthy mindset. [Player], I have a suspicion you would make a good counselor yourself!
To answer your question, I've only had passing fancies in my time. I've never connected with anyone like you before.
Player: Jun, more and more I feel like we were meant for each other.
Face Jun.png: I strongly believe in fate and I'm sure that my fate is with you. [Player], let's allow our destinies play out.
Player: I don't believe in fate at all. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Well, that's not very romantic...
Player: Fate definitely brought us together! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: And nothing in this world will break us apart, [Player]. Nothing.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Jun.png: [Player], have you ever tried painting? I'll teach you how sometime!
Player: You're so talented, Jun. I'm jealous!
Face Jun.png: It's no big deal, I just find things that relax my mind and practice them. It's the same with meditation.
Do you have a hobby like that, something that relaxes you?
Player: For me, it's farming.
Face Jun.png: Of course, I should have guessed that one.
Player: You relax me more than anything, Jun.
Face Jun.png: Ah, [Player]! You're too good at making me blush!
Player: You're always teaching. Do you ever get tired of teaching the kids?
Face Jun.png: I'll never get tired of it, especially with the children. Helping them learn how to problem-solve and follow their curiosity makes my days feel meaningful.
One day I'll be teaching my own kids and watching them grow, and that will be even more meaningful.
Player: Aw Jun, you're going to be the best dad one day! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Thank you, [Player]. That means a lot, especially coming from you.
Player: I don't know how you can stand being around kids that much. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I didn't know you had so much trouble with children, [Player]. That could be a problem one day.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Jun.png: [Player], my sweet. I was thinking of you while painting the other night.
Player: Hey, how come you haven't painted me yet?
Face Jun.png: Oh, um, well... I don't want to lie to you, [Player]. There's a chance that I already have.
Player: That's so thoughtful!
Face Jun.png: Oh good! I was worried you might be uncomfortable with it.
It was one day that I noticed you in your field with the sun setting behind you, and I was simply inspired.
Player: You painted me without telling me? I don't know how I feel about that.
Face Jun.png: I'm sorry if that's uncomfortable. One day I noticed you in your field with the sun setting behind you, and I was simply inspired.
Player: Do you have any goals as a painter, Jun?
Face Jun.png: It would be nice to paint a large mural one day. But otherwise, painting is just how I relax. I don't feel the need to put pressure on it with too many big goals. Does that make sense?
Player: I get it - making it competitive would ruin the hobby. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Some people can't separate their ambitions from their hobbies, which leads them to quit doing something they love just because they don't get recognition.
I'm glad you aren't one of those people, [Player].
Player: I get it - it's just for yourself, not others. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Some people can't separate their ambitions from their hobbies, which leads them to quit doing something they love just because they don't get recognition.
I'm glad you aren't one of those people, [Player].

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Jun.png: Feeling well today? It looks like you got good sleep last night.
Player: I dreamed I was flying with dragon's wings. Did you dream?
Face Jun.png: Dragon wings? Mine definitely wasn't as adventurous as yours.
In my dream I was a cloud in the sky watching all the people in town below. I could even see into their homes, like dollhouses. It was strange, but also quite unique.
Player: Yeah, that's not quite so adventurous.
Face Jun.png: Maybe next time I'll join you in the sky with dragon's wings. One can only hope!
Player: That sounds kind of fun!
Face Jun.png: You think so? Part of me thinks so too. It's too bad we aren't clouds in the sky, [Player].
Player: You always notice me, Jun. I'm lucky to have someone as mindful as you.
Face Jun.png: [Player], I noticed you right away. How could I not? I feel like the lucky one here!
Player: Strange, I didn't really notice you until we started talking. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Oh, huh. Not even once? That's a little disappointing...
Player: I noticed you on my first day here, too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Is that true? So we were sneaking glances at each other from the very beginning? That's too cute!

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Jun.png: Is there anything you need? I want to be sure you're completely taken care of.
Player: You don't need to worry about me.
Face Jun.png: I can't help it, it's my job! You might as well ask a bird not to fly or sing.
I'll always be looking after you, [Player].
Player: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Face Jun.png: Heh, that's so like you. You always let me be myself.
Player: We'll look after each other, Jun.
Face Jun.png: Heh, that's so like you. Only you would think to take care of the counselor.
Player: Are you happy in our relationship?
Face Jun.png: Of course I am, [Player]. Aren't you, or is something wrong?
Player: I have doubts. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Well, at least we're talking about it. Addressing the problem is always the first step. I'm willing to work through this if you are, [Player].
Player: I'm just thinking about our future together. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Oh... [Player], if you're saying what I think you're saying then you should know that I've already thought about this a lot.
I'm not afraid of commitment, and the idea of being with you for the rest of my life is... a dream!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Jun.png: Not long ago, I thought Sun Haven had run out of surprises for me. Now I know just how wrong I was!
Player: Are you saying I was the surprise?
Face Jun.png: You were the biggest surprise of my life, [Player]. When I first saw you, it was like the world turned upside down.
Player: It took me a while, but I got there too. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I see. I guess "love at first sight" isn't for everyone.
Player: I felt the same exact way. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: I know you did, [Player]. And now that we're married, well, we have the rest of our lives to surprise each other.
Player: Were you really getting bored here?
Face Jun.png: Don't mince words, [Player]. I didn't say I was bored, only that there were no surprises left for me here.
I can see how you'd think those are the same things. But for me, I feel contentment instead of boredom.
Player: Maybe I should practice that, too.
Face Jun.png: It does take a little practice, but I'm sure you could get it. The hardest part is to remember that being bored is okay and not inherently bad.
Some people avoid boredom like their lives depend on it. But I'll take a little boredom over meaningless distractions any day.
Player: You must get bored sometimes.
Face Jun.png: Well... one time I had to wait in line at the town hall for an hour while Albert asked questions about his property line. That was boring!

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Jun.png: My dear [Player], I hope you're enjoying your day. I see you're already building a sweat!
Player: ... Am I really sweaty?
Face Jun.png: Oh! Sorry [Player], I didn't mean to make you self-conscious.
Anyway, I like it! It lets me know that you've been busy.
Player: I guess I don't mind it then! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Ah, good! It's important to get comfortable with this kind of thing. We're spending our lives together, and that means sharing everything.
Player: I don't want to look like a mess in front of you, Jun. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: [Player], you need to get comfortable with this kind of thing. We're spending our lives together, you know. That means sharing everything.
Player: I hope your day is going well, too!
Face Jun.png: Well, so far I stopped Emma and Elizabeth from fighting over a book they both wanted, then I picked up some trash around town, and now I'm talking to you!
You could say it's a pretty standard day for me.
Player: Sometimes I forget how much you do in a day.
Face Jun.png: Look who's talking! I couldn't keep up with you in a day if I tried!
Player: We need a "Jun Day" to celebrate how much you do for Sun Haven.
Face Jun.png: Hah! Can you imagine, little flags with my face on them?
I don't think my ego is big enough for something like that, though. I would be so uncomfortable!

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Jun.png: I don't remember my dream last night, but I woke up feeling entirely at peace. I wonder what was going on in my head!
Player: Don't you usually wake up feeling that way?
Face Jun.png: People are often surprised to learn this, but I'm actually a rather restless sleeper. It's why a quiet morning routine is important to start my day.
Player: I appreciate quiet in the morning too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: That makes sense. We're kindred spirits, you and I.
Player: I like to get straight to work when I wake up. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Jun.png: Ah, that makes sense. Farming is busy work, after all. But I'm afraid I wouldn't be mentally prepared for the day if I went straight to work.
Player: I bet I know what you were dreaming about.
Face Jun.png: Oh, stop you. I already know what you're going to say - you!
Player: Actually, I was going to say the sunset over the farm.
Face Jun.png: Oh! That's a good guess, actually. It almost feels right, too.
Oh well, I guess I'll never know. But now I'm in the mood to watch tonight's sunset!
Player: Of course it was me!
Face Jun.png: You know [Player], I do have other interests outside of you. However... you're probably right.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Jun.png: Our life together has been nothing but wonderful for me, [Player]. But now, my dearest, I wonder: Is it time for us to consider a child? I think we're ready, personally. That is to say if this is something you want, of course.
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Jun.png: Then perhaps we should begin seriously considering bringing a child into our lives, [Player]! I know we'll both make fantastic parents.
Player: Let's do it!
Face Jun.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Jun.png: No? It's okay - a child is a very big and serious commitment. As in to say, it's not for everyone. I want you to know that if you're ever interested, I'm ready and waiting.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Jun.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!