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This page details out the mail the player receives from Donovan. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Donovan will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
Heyo [Player],

Nice to get to stretch the old brain muscles and write a letter. Do you know how rare it is for me to do this? Mainly since Manhole #3 doesn't count as a valid return address. Lucky for me though, I could just borrow Darius's address. I'm sure they won't notice. Anyway! I was just coming up to get some grub and this guy just hands me a bone. Can you believe it! These suckers are like candy for an Amari like me. As much as I wanted to chew through it right away, I thought you might like it more. So give it a try!

- Donovan

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Heyo [Player],

I was sliding back down my ladder after helping this slime dude find his lost keys, and I had to pause - this great tune was playing on my record player! So in that moment I decided you need a copy. I mean, if I can jam out down in the sewers then you should be able to jam out wherever you want.

- Donovan

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Heyo [Player],

Woof right, it's been a bit crazy since you came to Withergate. Your spice is exactly what this boring town needs, though. So thanks for that, making this place feel like home even though I am technically not supposed to be near the city right now due to... *ahem* circumstances.

Well [Player], you did it! You got me liking human culture all over again. Jeez. Good thing you're cute or you would've gotten some real pushback.

- Donovan