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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Donovan. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Donovan.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Donovan.png: It's my new favorite person, [Player]!
Let's talk.
Player: You seem to know this town well. What do you do for fun around here?
Face Donovan.png: I hang around the carnival a lot. I wait for people to lose the games so I can step up and win right afterwards, heheh.
Honestly, how hard is it to count jellybeans?
Player: Carnival?
Face Donovan.png: Don't tell me you haven't been to the carnival yet! Man, you're in for a treat. The food is unhealthy and there are so many people that you can't escape the body odor! You'll love it.
Player: That sounds kind of mean.
Face Donovan.png: I promise, I'm only mean when it's funny.
Player: So you live here?
Face Donovan.png: Sure, why wouldn't I? It's the city of darkness! What am I going to do, just pass up the chance to live in darkness forever? I don't think so.
Player: Only monsters live in darkness. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Well... yeah. Look around, we're all monsters here. You might want to rethink your view on monsters. Or at least, shut up about it!
Player: Maybe I should try living in the darkness for a while. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Really, you? I would love to see that! You could show the Human town that not everything is scary in the dark.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Donovan.png: Enjoying Withergate? There's always something to do here.
Player: What do you do here in your down time?
Face Donovan.png: I talk to people, sniff around, look for something fun. I don't really like having down time, so I try to find something to do as soon as I can.
Player: I agree, I hate wasting a day. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Right? Some people just want to put their feet up, but my feet are restless. You and I are more alike than I thought, [Player].
Player: I don't like being busy all the time. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: I get it. Taking life slow can be nice, but it's not my style.
Player: So do you like this city a lot?
Face Donovan.png: This place is a great home base when I need one. Lots of good food and new people to talk to. Yeah, it's a nice spot when you've got nowhere else to go.
Player: There are rumors in Sun Haven that Withergate is a dangerous place.
Face Donovan.png: Those Humans are so funny! Look around and tell me where the danger is. The hat shop? Oh I know, the pet shop! Aw, you're scared of hamsters, how cute.
Player: Have you lived here for a long time?
Face Donovan.png: The Demons only opened the city up to monsterfolk maybe ten years ago. Even though Amari aren't really considered monsterfolk, you can bet I was one of the first ones here.
Come on, a city of darkness? How could I resist!?

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Donovan.png: Oh hey [Player]... Huh? Oh, hey [Player]...
Sorry, I'm a bit sleepy. I found a job and barely got any rest yesterday.
Player: A job? So you actually work?
Face Donovan.png: Work? I try not to! I just do odd jobs when they come up. And if some treasure happens to cross my path, you can bet I'll take it. A dog's gotta eat, you know.
Player: You just sound lazy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Just because I don't have a regular job doesn't mean I'm not active. Those Humans in Sun Haven are so focused on their jobs, it's unhealthy.
Player: Sounds like you have some real fun! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: You're right about that. Hey, I'll take you out sometime - we would have a blast!
Player: You look really tired. What were you doing yesterday?
Face Donovan.png: I'm fine. I was just looking for griffon eggs is all. There's a man who sells them as pets, but someone robbed him of his nest. So, I went out looking for them.
I couldn't find them, so I'm going to go back out there tomorrow. It's a shame what happened to this guy.
Player: Can I help? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Sure, if you're up for it. I tracked the thief to the southern part of town, but I lost the scent. Come find me if you get the eggs back!
Player: That's horrible!
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, there are some scummy people in this city. Not many, but a few. I'm glad you seem to be one of the good ones.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Donovan.png: Hey [Player]! I'm glad to see you, I was getting pretty bored.
Player: Are you just talking to me because you're bored, or because you like me?
Face Donovan.png: That's a hard question, [Player]. On the one hand, I'm very bored. On the other, I actually do like you for some reason. I guess I just don't know how to answer the question.
Player: What do you mean, "for some reason?"
Face Donovan.png: Don't take it the wrong way - I just mean that I usually don't hang around the same people for too long. But I like chatting it up with you.
Player: Sounds like you're avoiding the question...
Face Donovan.png: Don't take it the wrong way - I just mean that I usually don't hang around the same people for too long. But I like chatting it up with you.
Player: If you're bored, tell me the wildest thing that happened to you last week.
Face Donovan.png: Last week... Oh, you've heard of Elementals? People made of fire or ice or whatever? I was sitting on a rock taking a rest and... Yep, it was an elemental.
This lady was not happy to wake up under my butt, let me tell you. She threw me so far, I landed in a harpy's nest halfway up a tree.
The upside? Harpy omelettes for breakfast the next day!
Player: There's no way that's all true. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Believe it or not, I don't care. I know what happened.
Player: Harpy's eggs? I've never had them, but I'll try anything. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: That's the right kind of attitude! Heck, I'll even make you an omelette someday.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Donovan.png: Hey everyone, my new best friend [Player] is here! Eh, nevermind. Nobody's even paying attention.
But hey... take this.
Player: W-what is it?! + Donovan's Dog Tag.png Donovan's Dog Tag
Face Donovan.png: It's one of my dogtags! I want you to have it.
Player: I, uh... thanks!
Face Donovan.png: Hey, I can do nice things too. Sometimes. Listen, I can't say why, but that tag is important to me. Don't lose it, okay?
Player: I'll... protect it with my life?
Face Donovan.png: Hey, I can do nice things too. Sometimes. Listen, I can't say why, but that tag is important to me. Don't lose it, okay?

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Donovan.png: [Player]... You're staring at my dog parts. I don't really care, but if you have a question then just ask. No need to be all... starey.
Player: What, is it so obvious that I'm staring? Quest: Hangout Event
Face Donovan.png: I've got eyes like an Elf. Well, eyes as good as an Elf. I see lots of things - like how much you wanna hangout with me.
Player: How did you know I wanted to hangout?!
Face Donovan.png: Heh, I told you. I see things. Meet me outside the apartments tomorrow and we'll take it from there. Let's say... 12:00 pm?
Player: You should get your eyes checked out.
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, right. Well, if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. But if not, meet me outside the apartments tomorrow and we'll take it from there. Let's say... 12:00 pm?

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Donovan.png: You're really starting to like Withergate, huh [Player]? I can see it on your face!
Player: You know, Withergate is actually a nice community.
Face Donovan.png: I can see that. But I try not to get too involved with community wherever I am. Who knows when I'll need to split, right?
Player: Would you really leave Withergate?
Face Donovan.png: Sure, if I had to. But hey, it's not like I'm planning on it or anything. This city has been the best home I've had, maybe ever!
Player: It's good to keep your options open.
Face Donovan.png: No way - I just said the exact same thing last night! Man [Player], you and I really seem to be on the same page these days.
Player: I wonder what it's like to live in the castle...
Face Donovan.png: Castle, shmastle. Nobody needs all that space. I get that they're royalty, but... I mean, who cares! Give me a leafy tree to sleep under and I'm happy.
Player: Kings should live in regular houses, like the rest of us. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Oh, that's a great idea. Then we could make the castle into a huge carnival ride. I bet it already looks like a carnival on the inside, too.
Player: You wouldn't say that if the prince were here right now. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Oh man, don't get me started on the prince. That guy really needs to relax!

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Donovan.png: Hey [Player]!
Player: I never asked - what's the story with your tags? Quest: Date Event
Face Donovan.png: You mean my necklace? No real story. I thought it would be funny to wear them. You know, since I'm half-dog. And... they're dog tags. See? Funny!
Eh... maybe we should hangout. Does that sound cool with you?
Player: I'm down to hang, Donovan.
Face Donovan.png: Sure, it's a date then. Meet me in the sewers right outside my house by 12:00 tomorrow. I've already got ideas!
Player: Actually, I'm a little busy.
Face Donovan.png: Suit yourself. I'll have more fun on my own, anyway. If you change your tune, though, meet me in the sewers right outside my house by 12:00 tomorrow.


Cycle P-10

Cycle P10
Face Donovan.png: That Xyla lady was bothering me earlier today. She kept asking if I'd like a job as a city rat catcher. So annoying!
Player: Why would Xyla be asking you about a rat catcher job?
Face Donovan.png: I mean, don't get me wrong. I love a good rat chase now and then. They're small and quick, so it makes it extra rewarding when you catch one of em'.
Xyla seems to think I'd be pretty good at it. As like, a real "profession", I mean. Guess the city is having extra trouble with the rats these days, and all.
Player: What do you do with a rat when you catch it?
Face Donovan.png: See, that's the thing! I like to let the little guys go. Rat doesn't taste very good, so I see no sense in harming them. Xyla would want me to 'get rid' of the rats, though.
Player: The idea of you chasing rats is hilarious.
Face Donovan.png: Yeah yeah, big bad Donovan the rat chaser, I know. But don't knock it until you try it. It's all sorts of fun, not to mention good exercise.
I even let the rats go when I catch them, don't see a point in hurting them. Xyla would want me to 'get rid' of the rats, though.
Player: I bet it pays decent, and it'd be a steady gig.
Face Donovan.png: Maybe. But the last thing I'm worried about is stuff like that. I'd have to work every day, report to some 'boss' and worst of all, I'd be on the prince's payroll!
And all for what? Some extra change in my pocket? I wanna chase rats when I feel like chasing rats, not because it's my obligation. No way.
Player: Keeping the dream alive. I can appreciate that. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Heheh, thanks, [Player]. I knew you'd understand. You're usually working everyday and I can understand that. We're just two different people in that way.
Cool to have someone who's different, but understands. Rare in this world, for sure.
Player: A job would give you some possibilities, though. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Ew, a pep talk. No thanks. Maybe some people need those kinds of "possibilities" in their lives, but I sure don't. I thought you of all people knew that.

Cycle P-11

Cycle P11
Face Donovan.png: I was thinking about hosting a cookout. Maybe some drinks, and a lot of meat roasting over an open fire.
Player: But you live in a sewer. Where would you host a cookout?
Face Donovan.png: Good point. Didn't think about that. Well, no biggie. We'll host it right on the streets of Withergate! Everyone's invited! Plenty of drinks, friends and meat. Lots of meat.
Player: Where did you get everything for this cookout?
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, see. That's the thing. I don't have it all yet. Well, more accurately, I don't have any of it yet. But like I said, it's all in the planning stage of things.
Let's dream big and worry logistics later.
Player: How will you get the invites out?
Face Donovan.png: Oh that's the easy part. Just mention it to a few of the bats around the city. They blab about everything. Give it a few hours and half the town will know what's going down.
Player: What would you serve other than meat?
Face Donovan.png: What else is there, [Player]? Meat is like, I dunno, most of what I eat. I don't know much about other types of food, other than I don't like them as much as meat.
I'm just going to focus on doing what I know best. No sense in trying something new and screwing it up.
Player: Sounds great, as long as everyone loves meat! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Hey, if they don't like meat then they can go host their own cookout! But Donovan's cookout is serving meat, meat, meat!!
Player: You should give new things a try. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Nah, been there, hated that. I know what I like, [Player]. Don't try changing that, because I'm not interested.

Cycle P-12

Cycle P12
Face Donovan.png: Hey, [Player]. You're an honest person, right? Well, do I... stink?
Player: You want me to smell you?
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, yeah. Just, uh, you know. Take a good whiff of me. What do I smell like to you?
Player: You smell like Donovan to me.
Face Donovan.png: See! I knew I didn't stink!
Player: You sort of stink.
Face Donovan.png: You mean I stink good, or I stink bad? I'm okay with stinking good, but please tell me I'm not stinking bad...
Player: What in the world makes you ask?
Face Donovan.png: Look, us wolf Amari have excellent senses of smell. Like right now, I can smell the dirt on your boots. It's actually nice, one of the things I love about you, really.
But I have been informed, incorrectly, that I smell like I live in a sewer. But if I don't smell it, then there's no way it's true! Which it definitely isn't.
I try not to care what others think of me, but I can't stand it when they say something that isn't true.
Player: Whoever it was, just ignore them. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Heh. Sure, you're right. Helps to hear you feel the same way, though.
Player: You have to stop letting it get to you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: I wanted some support from a friend, not a lecture. Nevermind, I shouldn't have asked in the first place.

Cycle P-13

Cycle P13
Face Donovan.png: Man, I'm tired. The castle held some big royal parade after midnight the other day. Imagine, the castle guards all stomping down the streets non-stop!
My sewer was shaking the whole time, and it took forever to get to sleep!
Player: A military parade sounds out of place for Withergate.
Face Donovan.png: Oh, trust me, everyone pretty much feels the same way. No one really wants to watch a big, boring parade of armored stiffs walk up and down the streets.
Player: What's the point of a parade?
Face Donovan.png: I guess it was to "celebrate Withergate's sovereignty," whatever that means. It sounds like a bunch of goblin cake to me.
Just the king flexing his power, and keeping me awake!
Player: Minos probably likes flaunting his power.
Face Donovan.png: See, that's what I said! The parade was supposed to "celebrate Withergate's sovereignty", whatever that means.
Like you said, though, it was just the king showing off his power, and keeping me awake!
Player: How did you finally get to sleep?
Face Donovan.png: I figured I'd wait it out, at first. But they never stopped. Finally I just went out into the forest and found a good log to snooze on.
It's been awhile since I slept outside and I thought that would be as good a reason to as any.
Player: Desperate times call for Donovan solutions. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Whoa, that's an awesome saying! Did you get that from me? I feel like I've said that before. I'm using it from now on, either way.
Thanks for cheering me up after that obnoxious parade.
Player: Maybe you'd have slept better if you had an apartment. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: One night of ruined sleep versus paying rent... let me see...
Yeah, your idea is no good, [Player]. I'll take my chances with the parades.

Cycle P-14

Cycle P14
Face Donovan.png: Hey, I think I can smell the last meal you ate. Did you have... tree bark? Wait no, that must be something else.
Player: You're probably smelling my farm, Donovan.
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, okay that makes a lot of sense. I didn't take you for a tree-eater.
Player: What's a tree-eater?
Face Donovan.png: Someone who eats trees, obviously. Not that I've ever met anyone who did...
Player: Still, your nose is pretty impressive!
Face Donovan.png: Ah, thanks! I try to keep a sharp sniffer in case of emergencies.
Player: Why would you want to smell my last meal, anyway?
Face Donovan.png: People are usually impressed by that trick. Then again, I also usually get it right. Guess today's not my lucky day, huh?
Player: I'm sure it's really impressive when it works! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Heheh, yeah! Maybe I'll try again next time to really impress you.
Player: That's a silly trick anyway. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Huh, you might be right... Maybe it's time to retire that tired old trick.


Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Donovan.png: You're looking pretty buff, [Player]. Is that from farming or fighting?
Either way, keep it up and you'll have nothing to fear in this town!
Player: You seem pretty fearless, but I wonder... what scares you, Donovan?
Face Donovan.png: Okay sure, I'll tell you. But only because we're getting to know each other pretty well. And you have to keep it quiet. This is a test to see if I can trust you, [Player]! Don't blow it.
Player: You can trust me.
Face Donovan.png: I can't swim to save my life. For some reason, I sink like a bag of rocks. I just can't keep my head above water.
Maybe I need to gain some weight or something. Anyway, now you know. So don't tell!
Player: Out with it already.
Face Donovan.png: I can't swim to save my life. For some reason, I sink like a bag of rocks. I just can't keep my head above water.
Maybe I need to gain some weight or something. Anyway, now you know. So don't tell!
Player: Is there anybody in town that you would be afraid to fight?
Face Donovan.png: Hm... Not Darius... Not Xyla... Maybe Arianella, the seamstress... Actually, the only person I can think of is you, [Player].
Player: You're right, I would cream you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Whoa whoa whoa - that's not what I meant at all! Good to know where you stand though, sheesh.
Player: I wouldn't want to fight you, Donovan! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: That's exactly my point, I think I actually like you too much. Heck, I'd rather get crushed by the club bouncer than have to fight you.

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Donovan.png: It's my favorite outsider! Heh, just kidding. You're a real local by now.
Something on your mind?
Player: You never talk about family. Have you got any family in town?
Face Donovan.png: My family has been out of the picture for a while... But not like that! No, they're alive. I mean, I assume they're alive. They just live far away from here.
Player: If they saw you now, I bet they'd be proud. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: That's a nice thing to say, [Player]. I'm starting to think you really are a great friend - and not just as a joke!
Player: Don't you want to see them? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Funny, you kind of sound like them. It's making my feet itch!
Player: Donovan, have you ever been in a serious relationship?
Face Donovan.png: The longest relationship I've ever had was with an old friend named Addy.
It wasn't romantic or anything, I just owed them a lot of money.
Player: Did you pay them back?
Face Donovan.png: Sort of. I saved their life when a crate almost fell on top of them, knocked 'em out of the way. Crate was full of gemstones though, so we split the gems and called it even.
Player: That's not exactly what I meant...
Face Donovan.png: Hey, that really is the most serious relationship I've been in. You asked, I answered. That's all I can do!

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Donovan.png: There's my little farmer! I don't know why, but it's adorable to me that you're a farmer.
Player: Not everyone can live as freely as you do.
Face Donovan.png: Sure they can, it's easy. All I do is take jobs as they come. What's hard about that? People need help with stuff all the time.
Player: I don't think it's smart to live without steady work. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Maybe there's better things in life than being smart. Dating me sure isn't smart, but here you are!
Player: People would be happier if they lived like you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: I've been saying that for years! Everyone could stand to loosen up a bit.
Player: My job feeds a lot of people, you know.
Face Donovan.png: I know, you're a total provider! I'm not making fun of you or anything. I just think it's cute.
Player: I can't tell if you're making fun of me.
Face Donovan.png: Ah, shoot. I don't mean to be a jerk. I just see you making your living and compare it to my life. I guess it's funny how different people's lives are... well, different.
Player: I guess I'll take that as a compliment?
Face Donovan.png: Ah, shoot. I don't mean to be a jerk. I just see you making your living and compare it to my life. I guess it's funny how different people's lives are... well, different.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Donovan.png: These days all I want to do is hang with you instead of just doing my own thing. I think you broke me, [Player]!
Player: You know, I'm surprised you're doing so well in a real relationship.
Face Donovan.png: That sounds almost like a compliment, but also kind of like an insult. I know you're not trying to hurt my feelings, right?
Player: I just mean, it seems like this is new to you.
Face Donovan.png: Aw man, is it that obvious? I was trying to play it cool.
Yeah, being in a real relationship is kind of weird for me. But I'm having fun!
Player: I'm only saying that I appreciate the effort.
Face Donovan.png: Aw man, is it that obvious? I was trying to play it cool.
Yeah, being in a real relationship is kind of weird for me. But I'm having fun!
Player: Is Donovan... losing his edge??
Face Donovan.png: What? No way!!
There's nothing wrong with wanting a little time to relax - juuuust a little! But maybe you don't get a lot of time for that, being a farmer. That's rough!
Player: I like the hard work. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: You would say something like that. We have some real different ideas about how to make a living, that's for sure.
But if we're both happy then who cares!
Player: You're right, it's terrible. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: If you hate it that much then you should make a change. Who says you have to be a farmer? Go exploring or... I don't know, fishing or something.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Donovan.png: How long have we been together now? I'm already forgetting what it was like being without you!
Player: We've both changed a lot. Just wait until I get you eating healthy.
Face Donovan.png: I don't really know what eating "healthy" means, but I always feel good after eating a lot of meat. I especially love a big steak.
If it makes me feel good, that's got to mean it's healthy. Right?
Player: You know you need vegetables too, right?
Face Donovan.png: ... Why would you say something like that? Don't even joke, [Player].
Player: That's... not right. But I can help you with your diet!
Face Donovan.png: Hm... All right, I trust you. But I won't stop eating meat! I need it. For my soul, which is in my stomach.
Player: Do you miss running around without any attachments?
Face Donovan.png: If you're asking whether or not I miss being single - without you - then it's a big fat NO. Sometimes I think about running off somewhere, but that's just animal instinct.
When it comes down to it, I really love being with you, [Player].
Player: Good, because I don't like the idea of you running around who-knows-where. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Whoa, slow down [Player]. I'm not going to stop my outings just because we're together. That would change who I am entirely, which is just not going to happen.
Player: If you ever feel the need to run off somewhere, don't stop on my account. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: And that's why you're the only one for me, [Player]. You let me be myself. But part of being a wolf is having a pack, and it feels really good to have one now.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Donovan.png: Seeing how you live your life, I'm starting to get it. Maybe.
It doesn't look so bad, settling in one spot.
Player: Now there's something I never thought I'd hear you say.
Face Donovan.png: Heh, me either. I guess I'm starting to rethink some things. It's new. And weird. [Player], you're making me weird.
Player: You're finally growing up. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: I don't know if you meant it, but hearing that you think I'm childish is pretty brutal.
Player: I couldn't make you any weirder than you already are. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: You're one to talk! You met me in a city that was rumored to be full of "vicious monsters," remember? Only a real weirdo would go looking for a place like that!
Player: Where would you settle down, if you could?
Face Donovan.png: The sewer isn't good enough? No actually, you're probably right... I don't really want to spend the rest of my life surrounded by rats. Even if they're fun to scare away.
Player: You didn't answer the question!
Face Donovan.png: I guess if I could choose any place, it would be someplace with a lot of nature. The city is fun and all, but there are too many rules. I need more space.
Actually, a farm wouldn't be half bad.
Player: I was hoping you'd say something like that.
Face Donovan.png: I guess if I could choose any place, it would be someplace with a lot of nature. The city is fun and all, but there are too many rules. I need more space.
Actually, a farm wouldn't be half bad.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Donovan.png: Hey [Player]. It's another beautiful, slow day. I could get used to days like these.
Hey, do you think Xyla would arm wrestle with me?
Player: I don't think that arm wrestling match would end well...
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, you're totally right!
Wait do you mean for me, or for her? Whose side are you on, anyway?
Player: Xyla is really scary.
Face Donovan.png: That's... a good point. And exactly why I need to beat her at arm wrestling!
Player: I believe in you, even if you'll obviously lose.
Face Donovan.png: Now THAT'S the kind of support I love to hear from you, [Player].
Player: Can we be serious for a sec? Are you happy in our relationship?
Face Donovan.png: Huh? Happy? Yeah, sure. I mean, I'm plenty happy with you.
[Player], what's this all about?
Player: I'm having doubts. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Doubts? Well don't string me along, [Player]. If you're going to leave, just do it. I don't like games like this.
Player: I'm just trying to plan for our future. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Our future? Oh... Oh! I see what's going on here. You've got a special question to ask me, huh?
I won't pressure you - take your time! Just know that whenever you're ready to ask, I'm ready to answer.


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Donovan.png: Wow... I can't believe it! I just saw you and thought, "I'm MARRIED to this person!"
Player: How does it feel?
Face Donovan.png: It's weird! It's weird, right? Or am I blowing this out of proportion?
Player: It's definitely weird.
Face Donovan.png: I'm glad you think so, too. At least it's weird together, right?
Player: I don't think it's weird at all.
Face Donovan.png: I guess it's different for someone like me. Settling down feels weird. That's what people call it, right? We're "settling down?"
Player: Did you think you'd ever get married?
Face Donovan.png: It definitely wasn't in the plan. Then again, I didn't really have a plan, either. So I guess if there never was a plan... at least it wasn't against the plan?
Player: I love your logic. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Hah, if you can call it that! It works for me, anyway. I've made some of my best decisions using flawed logic. Like marrying you!
Player: That makes no sense. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: I know the logic is flawed, but at least try to stay with me here.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Donovan.png: I love your scent. I can smell you a mile away!
Player: Can you really smell me from a mile away?
Face Donovan.png: Well not an actual mile. It's a figure of speech, I think. But I really do smell you before I see you... I don't know, maybe a couple blocks away?
Player: That's not very far. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: I'm sorry, I didn't realize my nose was under review. Say, how far does your nose smell?
Player: That's still pretty far! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: You think? Heh, thanks! It's not always a good thing though. I can smell Slobert halfway across the city...
Player: What's my scent smell like?
Face Donovan.png: It's a nice mix of fresh dirt and sweat. And maybe a hint of the beach. Is your farm close to the ocean?
Player: Hey, that's pretty good!
Face Donovan.png: I love smelling the beach. The closest thing we have here is either the river or the sewer. They just stink. But the beach stinks good.
Player: I'm right next to the beach, actually.
Face Donovan.png: Yeah, I thought so! I love smelling the beach. The closest thing we have here is either the river or the sewer. They just stink. But the beach stinks good.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Donovan.png: You wanna hear something weird? I haven't felt bored in... well, the longest time ever!
Player: What have you been doing to keep from getting bored?
Face Donovan.png: I can't really explain it, but I haven't been doing anything different at all. Even if I'm at home alone for a few hours, I'm just... relaxed?
Ugh, I'm starting to bore myself now.
Player: You're becoming a boring person! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: No way! I would sniff the Moon Dragon's butt before I let that happen!
Player: Maybe you're just more content now. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Donovan.png: Content, huh? Eh, I guess. Sounds a little too similar to "boring" but maybe it's not as bad.
Who knows? This could be a turning point for me!
Player: Why is that so weird, anyway?
Face Donovan.png: I always thought boredom was like failing yourself. I mean, if I can't even keep myself interested then how am I supposed to be interesting to other people?
Player: You're always interesting to me, Donovan.
Face Donovan.png: You've got a point. If I can keep you interested, then who cares about anyone else?
Oh, except Arianella. I need her to like me so she'll teach me how to sew. I tear holes in a lot of my clothes...
Player: You worry too much about how other people see you.
Face Donovan.png: You've got a point. If I can keep you interested, then who cares about anyone else?
Oh, except Arianella. I need her to like me so she'll teach me how to sew. I tear holes in a lot of my clothes...

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Donovan.png: Umm, hey, [Player]. Random question, but... How do you feel about having a kid? Don't take it too seriously, it's just a question. I'm just wondering how you feel is all. Most married couples usually have a kid, right?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Donovan.png: Yeah? Really? I guess I feel pretty similar, now that I hear how eager you are. I think I'm down to have a kid sometime!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Donovan.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Donovan.png: Me neither. But if you wanted a kid, I think I'd be down for it. I'm just worried I'd be a terrible role model for a little kid, heh.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Donovan.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!