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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Vivi. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Vivi.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Vivi, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Vivi.png: Well well well, if it isn't a new neighbor! Who I've NEVER met before!
Player: We met in the wilderness.
Face Vivi.png: I have no idea what you're talking about! We've never met before and do not know each other!
Player: You were stuck under a snaccoon.
Face Vivi.png: Nope, you must have planted one wheat seed too many, farmer. Your brain is turning into wheat. We've never met before and I am a normal, ordinary new neighbor. Who is definitely. Not. Watching. You.
Vivi narrows her eyes at you, her hands at the hilts of two poorly concealed daggers upon her hips.
Player: You tried to 'assassinate' me.
Face Vivi.png: Nope, you must have planted one wheat seed too many, farmer. Your brain is turning into wheat. We've never met before and I am a normal, ordinary new neighbor. Who is definitely. Not. Watching. You.
Vivi narrows her eyes at you, her hands at the hilts of two poorly concealed daggers upon her hips.
Player: So you live in Sun Haven now?
Face Vivi.png: That's right! I've got my tent set up, and your Archmage has already welcomed me to town! I'm a certified Sun Haven citizen now.
They don't even charge outrageous rent like Withergate does. Hah! What a bunch of goody-goody saps.
Player: Welcome to Sun Haven! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Yes, just ordinary me! Being welcomed to Sun Haven! By someone I have definitely never met before in my life!
Player: You better not be here to cause trouble. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Cause trouble?! I'm only here to live peacefully, jeez. Don't be so suspicious of people that you don't even know.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Vivi.png: Howdy, neighbor. Hey, funny question - do you know of any poisonous creatures around town?
Player: You need to get a hobby.
Face Vivi.png: Hobby? I have PLENTY of hobbies! I like collecting knives, I like foraging, I like camping, I like fighting monsters, I like tracking, I like eating acorn cake... I tried fishing once, but I hated it. Fish are disgusting.
Player: You really do have plenty of hobbies.
Face Vivi.png: Thanks! I see you doing a lot of the same things, too. You're not bad at them, which means you're a formidable foe.
One of these days, though, I'm going to catch you slipping... then it's BOOM! Assassination time, baby! Wait, you didn't hear that. +2 Heart.png Points
Player: Great, so do ANY of those and leave me alone.
Face Vivi.png: You shouldn't tell people what to do, you know! It's sort of rude. What do you mean 'assassinating people is even more rude'? Grr... arguing with people is super duper even more rude! -1 Heart.png Points
Player: What do you need poisons for?
Face Vivi.png: Oh, you know... uh...
...I'm just an ordinary... poison shopkeeper... who keeps a shop. A shop that sells poisons.
Come on! It's not like I'm trying to assassinate you or something! Why would I EVER want to assassinate a disgusting, vile, easy-to-assassinate fool like you?
Player: So where is this 'shop' you keep?
Face Vivi.png: Um... right, yeah! It's... somewhere in the world, of course! What if I said it's in the Northern Region? That's right! The Northern Region, waaaay up there. Like, super north. You wouldn't have ever heard of it.
Player: ...Right. What's your shop's name?
Face Vivi.png: It's, uh, it's... 'Vivi's... Special Poison Shop... and Flower Boutique'? You never would've heard of it! It's up in the Northern Region. Yeah, that's right!

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Vivi.png: *Sniff sniff*. You smell like dirt and animals. It's not bad.
Player: How are you fitting into Sun Haven?
Face Vivi.png: Bleck. How does anyone live in places like this? So many buildings and roads and rules. There's a cat Amari who sells animals here? It's absolute madness! I can't wait to get out of this place.
Player: What's wrong with Sun Haven?
Face Vivi.png: Weren't you just listening?! Do you got CORN in your ears? Been planting too much corn, now it's growing in your EARS? Sun Haven STINKS! Give me a night out in the wilderness anyday over a dump like this.
Player: You should try making friends.
Face Vivi.png: Who would I want to be friends with here? The Archmage? She's boooring. Or the pink cat Amari? Just because she has great fashion sense doesn't mean I would like her! Oh, wait, you couldn't POSSIBLY have meant you, did you?
Player: So how long have you been 'watching' me?
Face Vivi.png: That's for me to know and for you to not know. Maybe if you weren't busy being heroic all over the place, you would have noticed me. Hah! Now I know EVERYTHING about you, and you don't know ANYTHING about me!
Player: I've learned a few things about you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: O-oh yeah? So maybe you're a GOOD LISTENER, too! That's good to know! Because now I'll be extra silent when I strike!
Player: I don't even CARE about you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Grrr! You should care!! Because this pretty little face is going to be the last thing you see before it's night-night for good!

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Vivi.png: Too many guards in this town. How do you guys do anything FUN?
Player: The guards are here to make sure everyone follows the rules.
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, I could kind of tell. Nothing fun happens around here. Well, the festivals are alright. And the food I smell in the tavern is good. Everyone is pretty nice, too. Oh, and that Jun guy makes great paintings. Other than that, it's boring.
Player: What more could you want? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Pfft, I don't know?! Why doesn't anyone fight around here? Everyone's all rainbows and hugs. Even the big guard captain with the stupid haircut just smiles and tells me to have a good day.
Player: The wild outdoors are full of fun. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, that's right! You get it, farmer. Out in the free outdoors, no one makes rules or tells you how to live! It's great! I think I might even miss you, once my job here is done.
Player: So where did you come from, exactly?
Face Vivi.png: I came from the shadows!! More specifically than that, though, I come from the exotic land of Non'uv'ur'bisnis. Hehe, get it?
Player: Yeah, yeah. Very cute joke.
Face Vivi.png: Hehe, thanks. I thought of it awhile ago and have been waiting for you to ask me ever since. But oh, don't tell me, I'm breaking Sun Haven's 'don't make jokes' rule, aren't I?
Player: Huh?
Face Vivi.png: Come on! Do I have to spell it out for you? None. Of. Your. Business. It's none of your business! You're not the nuttiest acorn on the tree, are you? Oh wait, don't tell me, I just broke the 'don't make fun of the dumb farmer' rule, didn't I?

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Vivi.png: Hey! Why didn't you tell me Sun Haven has a bakery?!
Player: You never asked me if Sun Haven had a bakery.
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, well...
Okay, fine! Fair enough! I guess I didn't ask! But I didn't WANT to ask! You should've told me!
Player: Do you like the bakery?
Face Vivi.png: Well, it bakes some great things. When the baker wasn't lookin', his two little sisters let me take some bread. Have you ever seen two Humans act so wild? I haven't!! Maybe there's a shred of hope for this town after all.
Player: Did you visit the bakery?
Face Vivi.png: I checked it out. When the baker wasn't lookin', his two little sisters let me take some bread. Have you ever seen two Humans act so wild? I haven't!! Maybe there's a shred of hope for this town after all.
Player: It seems like you're starting to like Sun Haven.
Face Vivi.png: Puh-lease. 'Like' is such a strong word. Sun Haven is tolerable enough to serve as a base of operations while I'm at work on my TRUE objective.
Player: Too bad, you're really fitting in. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Wait, do you actually think so? Actually, it doesn't matter! Stop trying to distract me, grr...
Player: I wish you'd leave already.
Face Vivi.png: Hah! I bet you do! But too bad! I'm staying right where I am until I've finished taking care of a certain pesky farmer named [Player]! By the way - YOU'RE a pesky farmer named [Player]... so watch your back!


Cycle P6

Cycle P6
Face Vivi.png: I've been keeping my eye on that witch - Catherine. Amari shouldn't be messing with witchcraft! It's bad stuff!
Player: Catherine is a good witch.
Face Vivi.png: 'Good' witch? That's a good joke! I almost forgot to laugh. I've seen witches in the dark woods. I know what kind of creepy stuff they do. I've heard some people call them 'Dark Wizards', but they're still witches!
Player: Dark wizards are witches?
Face Vivi.png: Ummm, yeah? Are you as dumb as you are cute? Don't answer that. Witches mess with all sorts of dark magic. Catherine might SAY she's mixing herbs and berries, but I don't trust her!!
Player: I've never known Catherine to do something bad.
Face Vivi.png: Are you as dumb as you are cute? Don't answer that. Witches mess with all sorts of dark magic. Catherine might SAY she's mixing herbs and berries, but I don't trust her!!
Player: Have you ever met another witch before?
Face Vivi.png: I wish I could say I hadn't! One time, me and a friend of mine were exploring in the dark woods. We came across a coven of Dark Wizards. They turned my friend into a FROG!!! Which was okay, because he was already a frog.
But imagine what would've happened if they turned ME into a frog?! Actually, don't. Yuck. My friend went to that Elven Village out in the boonies to get away from anymore Dark Wizards. Haven't seen him since.
Player: You shouldn't judge all witches as bad.
Face Vivi.png: Oh, really, I shouldn't?...
Well too bad!!
Player: You should give Catherine a chance.
Face Vivi.png: HmmmMmmMmm... let me thiiink...

Cycle P7

Cycle P7
Face Vivi.png: I was playing hopscotch with a couple of Human girls today. They couldn't keep up with me, hahah!
Player: They were just kids. That's hardly fair.
Face Vivi.png: Yeah? So what? Where I'm from, weakness isn't an excuse. If they want to get good at hopscotch, then they gotta battle against someone like me! I won't go easy on them. That way, they'll grow up strong!
Player: You're taking hopscotch too seriously.
Face Vivi.png: Shows what you know! Everything you learn is something that makes you stronger!
Player: Strong at... hopscotch?
Face Vivi.png: That's right! Even silly games like hopscotch make you stronger. How do you think I got so powerful?!
Hey!! I am too powerful!!
Player: Why don't you pick on someone your own size?
Face Vivi.png: Psshh-aw. I totally did! That pink cat Amari came and played with us. She's fast and strong, but she sits around all day feeding animals and making dresses. I started going extra fast and she ended up falling right on her dumb pink butt, hahaha!!
Player: Kitty was probably just having fun.
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, grrr!! When I beat her, she just LAUGHED! You're supposed to get MAD when you lose, but she said she had fun playing. What's up with that?! Cat Amari are weeeird. Must've ate one too many goldfish.
Player: Kitty tried her best.
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, well, she just LAUGHED when I beat her! You're supposed to get MAD when you lose, but she said she had fun playing. What's up with that?! Cat Amari are weeeird. Must've ate one too many goldfish.

Cycle P8

Cycle P8
Face Vivi.png: What's up with the bank in this town?! There was nothing in it but a bunch of stupid papers!
Player: Sun Haven doesn't have a bank...
Face Vivi.png: Huh?? So then what the heck did I break into?! You're telling me that the big stone building that the Archmage and the old guy work at isn't a bank?!
Player: That would be town hall.
Face Vivi.png: ...Hall? It didn't look like a hall to me! I thought it would be full of COINS. Instead it was just full of papers with dumb numbers and names on them. Who collects stuff like that?
Player: No... it isn't a bank...
Face Vivi.png: So you're telling me I broke into it for NOTHING?! And Sun Haven doesn't even HAVE A BANK?? Grrr!!! Thanks a lot for telling me now!
Player: Why are you looking for a bank?
Face Vivi.png: Ugh, don't be duuumb. It's 'cuz I want to steal all the gold so I can have lots of money. Don't worry about what I need it for!
Player: I wasn't going to ask what you needed it for.
Face Vivi.png: Good! Because I wasn't going to tell you!
Player: Do you need money for... acorns?
Face Vivi.png: No!! Well, maybe 'yes', but also no! Don't worry about what I need it for, because I'm not going to tell you!

Cycle P9

Cycle P9
Face Vivi.png: Shh! Don't give my cover away!
Player: ...Your cover?
Face Vivi.png: Yes, my COVER! I'm hunting a bounty right now, if you have to be nosy.
Player: Who's bounty is that?
Face Vivi.png: It's this old guy, his name is Ablurt or Ablob or whatever. The Demons put a big bounty on him! I guess in his younger years, he used to be some 'shining knight' who whooped a bunch of Demon butts.
They were so mad that they put a bounty on him, but can you believe it hasn't been claimed in all these years? It's MINE!... What do you mean "Albert will be fine if it's only me?" You better take that back, grrr...!
Player: I thought you wanted MY bounty.
Face Vivi.png: Oh, don't worry! I'll get around to you yet. But for now, I'm after this old guy.
His name is Ablurt or Ablob or whatever. The Demons put a big bounty on him! I guess in his younger years, he used to be some 'shining knight' who whooped a bunch of Demon butts.
They were so mad that they put a bounty on him, but can you believe it hasn't been claimed in all these years? It's MINE!... What do you mean "Albert will be fine if it's only me?" You better take that back, grrr...!
Player: So... how many bounties have you claimed?
Face Vivi.png: Huh? Why? Worried that I have eyes for someone other than you? Hah! If you MUST know, I... actually... really haven't... claimed any bounties. But that's about to change! I'm about to be up to my tail in bounty money!
Player: That's not a very nice way to make money.
Face Vivi.png: Pffft. Like I'm worried about what you think is 'nice'? I've got people to take care of. I'm worried about them, not you.
Player: Why don't you just get a real job?
Face Vivi.png: Pffft. Like I'm worried about what you think is 'a real job'? I've watched you dig in the dirt all day, planting seeds. Not much of a 'real job', if you ask me! I've got people to take care of. I'm worried about them, not you.

Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Vivi.png: Too many people around here fish! I can't even visit the beach, it always smells like FISH! Yuck!
Player: Why do you hate fish?
Face Vivi.png: Cuz I do! Got a problem with it?! That Peter guy does. When I was at the beach the other day he threw a fish he caught right in my FACE! So I cut his stupid fishing rod in two!
Player: Peter must have been angry about that.
Face Vivi.png: Grrr, I wish. He just laughed and got another one out from his pocket. But he never threw a fish in my face again! So he must have learned his lesson.
Player: It sounds like you overreacted.
Face Vivi.png: If anything, I should have reacted even MORE! Because he just laughed and got another one out from his pocket. But he never threw a fish in my face again! So he must have learned his lesson.
Player: Do you like the beach?
Face Vivi.png: It's fun. The water is nice, but the sand gets stuck in my tail, and then I have to spend alllll day cleaning it. But it's a fun place to hang out whenever I get bored of the forest.
Player: Do you spend a lot of time in the forest?
Face Vivi.png: Yeah! It's where an Amari like me BELONGS. Of course you have a lot of those purple-sleepy-eaty beasts living around here. They're sooo loud and annoying, and never listen when you yell at them.
Player: What do you do in the forest?
Face Vivi.png: I forage and explore. Of course you have a lot of those purple-sleepy-eaty beasts living around here. They're sooo loud and annoying, and never listen when you yell at them.


Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Vivi.png: Oh, hello there, dearest! Darling! Sweetie! Love-of-my-life!
Player: You're acting awful romantic today, Vivi.
Face Vivi.png: Of course I'm 'romantic', silly. The suuuper hot farmer I'm dating is here. Hi, super hot farmer! Why don't you come... just... a little... closer...
Player: Put the dagger away, dear.
Face Vivi.png: Boo. I thought dating you would get you to lower your guard. Why can't you just make this easy for both of us, huh?!
Player: You're going to have to do better than that.
Face Vivi.png: Boo. I thought dating you would get you to lower your guard. Why can't you just make this easy for both of us, huh?!
Player: So do they have any festivals where you come from?
Face Vivi.png: Each year there's the Hunt, if that's what you mean. It's not really a festival, though. It's more like... a hunt. A big one. Lots of us join in, even the Amari who aren't typically inclined to hunts.
Player: That sounds like a festival to me. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Oh yeah? Is that your idea of a good time? Maybe you'd fit right in where I'm from! Then again, maybe you'd just get chewed up and spit out!
Player: Ew, hunting? No thanks. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: I figured you'd have a weak stomach to that sort of thing. If there's one thing that isn't tolerated back where I'm from, it's weakness.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Vivi.png: What's with the library? Who needs such a big building just for some stupid books? And that lady who guards them is sooo annoying.
Player: You know, I've never met an Amari like you before.
Face Vivi.png: Hah! That's because you're used to Amari who have forgotten what it's like to be wild! Amari were shaped by the wilds, they're not supposed to fit into what you call 'civilization'.
Player: You certainly look like you can handle life in the wilderness. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: That's right! Life in the wilderness isn't for the weak. It's tough! When you want something, you have to hunt for it!
Player: Living in Sun Haven is nice too, isn't it? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: No way. Give me an untamed forest or endless grassland anyday over a place like this.
Player: So I take it you don't like books?
Face Vivi.png: Who even needs books? The most important things are passed down with voice, and kept in the heart. Everything else is pointless. In the wilderness, there's no time for books.
Player: Books are important for recording stories and history.
Face Vivi.png: Huh, that's funny, because everyone I know has never needed a book for something like that. Do you do everything you read on paper? Haha, on top of everything else, you're also a total NERD!
Player: Life in the wilderness sounds tough.
Face Vivi.png: Aww, does the little Sun Haven baby want their book? Their big, smelly baby book? Life might not be easy in the wild, but I'll take all the problems it comes with a hundred times over before I'd live in a place like this.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Vivi.png: Oh, [Player], there you are!
Player: Were you looking for me? Quest:Hangout Event
Face Vivi.png: I had an INCREDIBLE idea to get you alone! Er, I mean, for us to be alone together!! We should go on a DATE! What do you say?
Player: A date would be fun.
Face Vivi.png: Hehe. I'm glad you think so! Meet me tomorrow, outside my house at 12 pm. Trust me, this date will be so romantic it'll knock... you... dead!
Player: I'm too busy.
Face Vivi.png: Aw, come on! Don't be like that! Change your mind and meet me tomorrow, outside my house at 12 pm. Trust me, this date will be so romantic it'll knock... you... dead!

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Vivi.png: Grr...
Player: Is everything okay, Vivi? Quest:Date
Face Vivi.png: I give up! You're too hard to assassinate!
...Who am I kidding? I'm not even a real 'assassin'. I just said that because I thought if I did, you'd be easier to beat...
So fine, you win! Happy now? I was only counting on claiming your bounty so that I could buy medicine for my sick tribemates!
I'll just assassinate someone else, I guess! Maybe an Archmage or dragon, or an Archmage dragon... or someone easier than an annoying farmer like YOU!
Player: If you need to make money, I can teach you how...
Face Vivi.png: Huh?? Is this some kind of trick, [Player]? You better not be trickin' me! I'll bite you!!
...Fine. You can try teaching me how to make money. But it better be good! And it better not involve fishing, because fishing really stinks! Meet me outside my house, tomorrow at 5:00 pm!
Player: If I teach you how to make money, will you spare me?
Face Vivi.png: Huh?? If you taught me how to get cash, I'd never have to talk to you again! But it better be a good way of making cash! No fishing, because fishing really stinks! Meet me outside my house, tomorrow at 5:00 pm!

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Vivi.png: Hmm...
Player: You look like you're thinking about something.
Face Vivi.png: Huh? Oh well, yeah. That's because I am. I'm thinking about what else I can grow.
Player: You've really taken up farming?
Face Vivi.png: Yeah! Why not? If it's as easy as just putting some seeds in the ground and waiting for them to grow, then I don't see why everyone doesn't farm. It's basically just free money. Why didn't I think of this sooner?!
Player: You're serious about farming?
Face Vivi.png: Yeah! Why not? If it's as easy as just putting some seeds in the ground and waiting for them to grow, then I don't see why everyone doesn't farm. It's basically just free money. Why didn't I think of this sooner?!
Player: How are you doing today, Vivi?
Face Vivi.png: I was talking to that rabbit Amari. What's her name? Catherine? She was telling me how to plant new things, which was nice of her. For an Amari who lives in a house, she's not bad. I guess.
Player: You have to admit that Sun Haven is a friendly place. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Friendly, sure. And stuff grows here really well. I still don't know why an Amari would ever want to LIVE here, though...
Player: You're starting to go soft, Vivi. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Grr!! We'll see how soft I am when I bury you like an acorn!

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Vivi.png: *humming*. Huh? Oh, hey there, [Player].
Player: You're in a good mood today.
Face Vivi.png: Well, I've been sleeping better recently.
...Better than ever before, maybe. I was able to afford some medicine to send back to my tribe, and everyone is doing alright now. So now that that's settled, I don't have much else to worry about.
Player: I'm glad everyone is alright.
Face Vivi.png: My tribemates are survivors. You shouldn't worry about them. I do owe you, though. If I hadn't have chased you to Sun Haven, I wouldn't have learned how to farm. Now I can take care of everyone.
Player: You're much nicer when you've gotten your sleep...
Face Vivi.png: Yeah... well... I'm a lot less grumpy, I guess. Not having to worry about finding money to help my tribemates out is nice, too. Plus, I don't even have to assassinate you anymore! It's a win-win.
Player: Will you stick around Sun Haven?
Face Vivi.png: It looks like I have to. Everything I plant in the ground here grows like magic, and my tribemates still need help. Plus, if I stick around, you might end up teaching me how you got so strong.
Player: It's good of you to put your friends and family first. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: It's not just 'good', it's expected. In the Wildborn tribes, you have to be strong. But that also means that the strong help the weak. Thank you for saying so, though.
Player: You'll never be as strong as me! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: You don't know what I'm capable of! In the Wildborn tribes, the strong help the weak. Just because you're stronger now, doesn't mean you'll be stronger forever!

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Vivi.png: I've decided that you will tell me a story, [Player]!
Player: Why do you want me to tell you a story?
Face Vivi.png: In the Wildborn tribes, telling someone a story about yourself is like sharing your life with them. It's an acknowledgement that the listener has a lot to learn from the teller.
Player: Soo, you admit that you have a lot to learn from me?
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, I do! Got a problem with it??
Player: I do have a lot of things I could teach you, I suppose.
Face Vivi.png: I'll admit, you're a lot smarter and stronger than you look or smell. You can teach me how to be more powerful, like you!
Player: What about the time I snuck into the Demon city of Withergate?
Face Vivi.png: ...YOU actually dealt with a heatviper? No way!
...And went through SEWERS?
The dark forest is a cursed place, not many Wildborn like to wander there. But you don't think it's scary at all? Huh...
Player: See? I'm pretty strong, right? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: I knew you must be pretty strong if the Demon king put such a big bounty on your head... but I had no idea you were THIS powerful. I guess I was really in over my head when I tried going after your bounty, huh?
Player: It was nothing. A baby could've done it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: R-really?? You think a baby could've done all that? I guess I must be really weak...

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Vivi.png: Come here, [Player]! I have something for you! What? No, it's not a trick!
Player: ...Is this a bone? + Vivi's Bone Dagger.png Vivi's Bone Dagger
Face Vivi.png: It's a dagger. Well, an old dagger. It was my mother's, and before it was my mother's, it was her mother's. Before it was her mother's, I think it was someone's ribcage. But yes, it's made from a bone.
It's not supposed to be used for combat, but it symbolizes that you're strong enough to protect me. See? Wildborn Amari don't need useless books to tell people what things are for - we have daggers for that.
I'm trusting you with this, so you better live up to the expectation! It's your duty, now.
Player: I'll try my best, Vivi.
Face Vivi.png: Y-yeah, well! You'd better!!
Player: It's sort of cool looking, I guess.
Face Vivi.png: The feathers on the hilt came from a giant cockatrice I ate one time, hehe!

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Vivi.png: How come you only want to be a farmer? With your power, you could rule a whole kingdom! Or an empire! Or at least live in a really big mansion or something.
Player: I have other things to focus on right now.
Face Vivi.png: Well, I suppose you are always busy with something. Maybe you'll get around to ruling your own kingdom eventually.
Player: I'll do what I want with my life, don't worry. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Well, who's going to stop you? That must be the great thing about being so strong - you can do ANYTHING! Nothing is better than that.
...Or more attractive, *cough*.
Player: You shouldn't tell me how to use my power. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: What's the point of being super strong if you're not going to do anything? I thought you weren't so boring!
Player: How is your farm going?
Face Vivi.png: It's fine. I can't farm too much at once, but it's enough. I don't know how you have the energy for everything you do... It's almost like you don't even have energy or something! You run on something else, like... determination, or pure rage.
Player: I don't let anything stop me.
Face Vivi.png: You don't have to tell me twice! You managed to survive my attacks multiple times! Even the exploding cow! Well, the exploding cow never ended up exploding, but still. You survived it!
Which is exactly why someone with your strength has got to do something with it!
Player: No energy? I never thought of it that way before...
Face Vivi.png: A long time ago, in a place far away, I came across this other farm. The farmer there was running out of energy allll the time. You must be super special if that doesn't happen to you, which is exactly why you've got to do something with your strength!

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Vivi.png: Are you sure you'd never leave Sun Haven, [Player]? You'd make a great tribe leader.
Player: A tribe leader?
Face Vivi.png: Yeah! Every tribe needs a leader, obviously. Even Sun Haven has Lucia. She's strong, but she smells too pretty. Not like you! You smell like fighting, and dirt, and water. A tribe of Wildborn would follow you anywhere!
Player: Do you really think I'm tribe leader material? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Of course I do! I wouldn't be saying this if I didn't think so! Come on, think about it! We can leave Sun Haven together and rule over a whole tribe!
Player: You're wrong, I'm not cut out for that sort of stuff. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Grr, are you calling me a liar, [Player]? You better not be!!
Player: Now that you've been in Sun Haven for awhile, what's your favorite place?
Face Vivi.png: The... what are they called, again? The bare-rocks? Yeah, that place, where Nathaniel lives. They don't mind if join in their fighting drills. Roza even asked me if I would think about joining their war tribe... or 'army', or whatever she called it.
Player: Are you going to join them?
Face Vivi.png: What? No way! It was nice to be asked, but I couldn't stomp around all day wearing some heavy suit of metal armor. I'd rather sit in a throne of stone, like a proper tribe leader - the kind you could be, [Player]!
Player: The Grand Army wouldn't be a bad career path.
Face Vivi.png: What? No way! It was nice to be asked, but I couldn't stomp around all day wearing some heavy suit of metal armor. I'd rather sit in a throne of stone, like a proper tribe leader - the kind you could be, [Player]!

Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Vivi.png: You're looking extra strong today, [Player]!
Player: I've never asked but... what made you take up bounty hunting?
Face Vivi.png: Hm, well, I'm the best tracker in my tribe. I can find ANYTHING! When some of my tribemates were doing business with some Monsterfolk, they learned of the huuuge bounty the king had put on your head.
The money would've solved all of our tribe's problems. Since I could track you down, we decided that I'd go and take your head.
Player: Look how that turned out for you! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, yeah!! I wasn't expecting someone so STRONG!! It's okay, though, because it all worked out in the end.
Player: It turned out to be a terrible plan. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Yeah, well... it was MY plan, for your information.
Player: Vivi, are you happy with our relationship?
Face Vivi.png: Huh?? Relationship? Well, you're super strong, and you're strangely nice to me, even though I tried to assassinate you. Plus you smell reeeally good. I'll follow you anywhere, [Player]! ...Unless it's away from my garden, because I have to keep that watered!
Player: I'm happy you're so impressed with me.
Face Vivi.png: Oh YEAH? Well I'M happy that you're so impressive! You'll never have more passion than a Wildborn like me!!
Player: You really like me, huh?
Face Vivi.png: I- I didn't say that! I also didn't not say that, b-but still...!


Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Vivi.png: Come back here, [Player]! I want to give you more nuzzles!
Player: Haven't we had enough nuzzles...?
Face Vivi.png: Grr, no way! We're bonded now - or married, whatever word you want to say. It doesn't matter which. Now I can nuzzle you WHENEVER I want, for however LONG I want!!
Player: Fine, nuzzle away... +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Yes!!! Nuzzles!!! YEEESS!!! Mwhahaha!!!
Player: Down, girl. No more nuzzles! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Grr!! Just because we're bonded doesn't mean I won't BITE you!
Player: How did you like the wedding ceremony?
Face Vivi.png: It was fine. A little boring, but I've gotten used to how boring this place can be. Wildborn bonding ceremonies are a celebration, a party and a brawl all at once!
Kitty helped me make my dress, though... I hated wearing it a lot less than I thought I would. Oh, and the cake was good. We needed more of it, though.
Player: You were beautiful in your dress.
Face Vivi.png: Yeaaaah, yeaaah!! I hope you took a picture, because you'll never catch me dressing up like a pretty bride ever again! Maybe someday we can visit my tribe and have a proper Wildborn bonding ceremony.
Player: I'm glad you're happy with it.
Face Vivi.png: You asked me to bond with you, so it was only fair that we have the ceremony you wanted, but... it was a good time. Maybe someday we can visit my tribe and have a proper Wildborn bonding ceremony.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Vivi.png: Hmm, we should have dinner together. Maybe some nice acorns, cooked over a fire?
Player: Does your tribe know you're married?
Face Vivi.png: Of course. I sent them a message on the day we bonded. They would have loved to come visit, but I told them it was fine and that they shouldn't come. It would have been nice to see them all, but they would have trashed the whole town.
Player: They sound like a bunch of barbarians. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Probably because they are a bunch of barbarians? You should watch how you speak about them, considering they're technically your tribe now, too.
Player: I'm sure Lucia wouldn't have minded... the entire town being trashed... +2 Heart.png Points
Face Vivi.png: Aw, you're so cute when you're trying to be deceptive. It's fine, really. You Sun Havenites could never handle a Wildborn tribe! You'd be cleaning up the aftermath for weeks.
Player: What about a nice meal at the tavern?
Face Vivi.png: The tavern is alright. I just want to be alone, with you, out in the dark wilderness. Doesn't that sound nice?
Player: It sounds like you're trying to lure me into a trap...
Face Vivi.png: Oh, come on now! What would ever give you THAT idea...
Player: That does sound pretty nice.
Face Vivi.png: Exactly! See? You'll eventually learn that my way is the BEST way!

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Vivi.png: Is that danger I smell?! ...No, it's just the bakery. Liam's burning something.
Player: You won't get bored of how safe Sun Haven is, will you?
Face Vivi.png: You already know I don't think Sun Haven is exciting! But maybe I don't think it's boring. Living in a safe place has its advantages, especially when we have kids!
Player: Children?!
Face Vivi.png: The tribe needs needs new members! How do you think that happens, silly?
Player: I take it you want kids?
Face Vivi.png: Of course! It's like, the whole second half of being bonded!
Player: It looks like it's finally time for Vivi to settle down.
Face Vivi.png: Huh? Settle down, maybe. But I still got work to do! And now I have you to help me with it, mwahaha!!
Player: Yes, dear...
Face Vivi.png: A wise Wildborn shaman once said, 'If you can't beat the ultra-strong farmer, get them to marry you'. Or something like that.
Player: Fat chance. I've got my own stuff to do.
Face Vivi.png: Hey!! You're not going to get lazy just because you bagged a B-E-A-UTIFUL wife like me!!

Cycle 20

Cycle 20
Face Vivi.png: Know what? I think it's time we got serious in this marriage! When were you planning on asking me to have a kid, [Player]? I'm getting tired of waiting!
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Vivi.png: Me too! Pretty soon we'll have FAMILY NUZZLES. Just think about how great that would be! I'll have to let my village know about the big plans.
Player: Let's do it!
Face Vivi.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Vivi.png: Eh? Really? Well, I can't make you want a kid, I guess. At least you make me happy enough on your own. Who needs a hyperactive little kid ruining our romance?
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Vivi.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!