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This module contains the descriptions of all in-game items, and is used in {{Description}}. Any colors or variants are ignored.


Enter the item name in lowercase when editing. Follow correct Lua syntax, the editor will show warnings/errors otherwise.


local p = {}
local lib = require('Module:Feature')

function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		parentFirst = true,
		wrapper = { 'Template:Description' }

	return p.get_description(args[1] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().rootText)

function p.get_description(item_name)
	local lowercase_name = string.lower(item_name):gsub("_", " ")
	local first_letter = string.sub(lowercase_name, 1, 1)
	local description = p.descriptions()[first_letter][lowercase_name]
	if description ~= nil then
		return description
		return "Edit in"
function p.descriptions()
	return {
	["a"] = {
		["acai bowl"] = "Sweet yogurt topped with an assortment of berries, a common breakfast food for many across the land.",
		["acorn"] = "Bitter when raw but sweet and nutty once baked, a famous ingredient in Nel'Varian pies.",
		["acorn anchovy"] = "Perhaps the world's least favorite pizza topping.",
		["acorn milk"] = "A bitter, nutty 'milk' alternative when you don't have any cows handy in your magical Elven forest.",
		["acorn seeds"] = "Rustic nuts that are enjoyed by Elves and squirrels alike.",
		["acoustic guitar"] = "A style of guitar popular in the Western Region, it is the first real instrument many young musicians learn to play.",
		["adamant axe"] = "This will make short work of trees and stumps.",
		["adamant bar"] = "A bar of refined adamant, it's even stronger than iron.",
		["adamant chest plate"] = "Super heavy, but is great protection.",
		["adamant gloves"] = "Keeps your fingers safe!",
		["adamant helmet"] = "A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so keep yours protected with this metal helmet.",
		["adamant hoe"] = "Tills the land, turning grass into farmable soil.",
		["adamant key"] = "An adamant key crafted especially for the gates in the mines.",
		["adamant legs"] = "They clank whenever you walk, but they'll keep your legs shielded.",
		["adamant ore"] = "I can smelt this into a bar.",
		["adamant pickaxe"] = "The ideal tool for busting down stone and ore. Also useful for picking up decorations.",
		["adamant ring"] = "A simple looking adamant ring, it has actually been enchanted to impart increased strength to its wearer.",
		["adamant sword"] = "A well-honed blade, friend to every warrior.",
		["adamant watering can"] = "Holds plenty of water for your thirsty crops.",
		["advanced attack potion"] = "Imbued with the incredible strength of the dragons themselves, this potion boosts the strength of physical attacks for a short time.",
		["advanced compost"] = "Premium ingredients, processed down into a potent compost. Don't let this stuff go to waste!",
		["advanced defense potion"] = "Imbued with the indomitable spirit of the dragons themselves, this potion boosts defense for a short time.",
		["advanced earth fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of earth, significantly increasing your crop's harvest.",
		["advanced fire fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of fire, significantly increasing the speed your crops grow.",
		["advanced fish bait"] = "Bait made with quality ingredients, better than your standard fare.",
		["advanced furniture table"] = "A specialized carpentry bench, you can make furniture and decorations with this. This table contains advanced recipes for experienced crafters.More expensive than buying furniture in a store, but the convenience is nice.",
		["advanced magic fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of water, significantly increasing your crop's chance to stay watered over night.",
		["advanced magic fertilizer recipe"] = "Unlock the ability to craft Advanced Magic Fertilizer for all players!",
		["advanced monster compost"] = "Premium ingredients, processed down into a potent compost. Don't let this stuff go to waste!",
		["advanced spell damage potion"] = "Imbued with the arcanic might of the dragons themselves, this potion boosts spell casting potency for a short time.",
		["advanced water fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of water, significantly increasing your crop's chance to stay watered over night.",
		["adventure keepsake"] = "A token kept by those whose hearts are set on adventure, it fills you with strength.",
		["adventurer cape"] = "A rugged cloak made to withstand the rigors of adventure.",
		["adventurer potion"] = "A wild blue potion. If you had to hazard a guess, you'd say it probably tastes just like meat.",
		["adventurer shirt"] = "Made from tougher thread than typical clothing, this shirt will hold up well on any rigorous adventure.",
		["adventurer's barrel potion"] = "Ever needed to look sharp? Then this is the potion for you.",
		["aegis"] = "Increases Armor of all players on the same map and heals them over time.",
		["aerodynamic chest plate"] = "A chestpiece of fine griffon feathers, this armor reduces air resistance and allows its wearer to strike with great force and accuracy.",
		["aerodynamic helmet"] = "A helmet of fine griffon feathers, this armor reduces air resistance and allows its wearer to strike with great force and accuracy.",
		["aerodynamic plate legs"] = "Leggings of fine griffon feathers, this armor reduces air resistance and allows its wearer to strike with great force and accuracy.",
		["aerodynamic wings"] = "A cloak of fine griffon feathers, this armor reduces air resistance and allows its wearer to strike with great force and accuracy.",
		["air hockey table"] = "A premium game table. A sales tag tacked upon it reads \"McSmitty's Premium Toy Shoppe\", a shop located in the Great City. So why is it being sold in the Sun Haven sewer...?",
		["air mage potion"] = "A bubbly orange potion. If it isn't kept weighted down to the ground, it'll float right away.",
		["albert's sword"] = "An old copper sword.",
		["albino squid"] = "Hushed whispers in King Minos's court trade rumors of a tentacled squid, said to be as pale and reflective as the moon itself.",
		["albino squid rings"] = "Even for squid these things are a little on the gooey side, but they're surprisingly tasty.",
		["alchemy table"] = "A table equipped with all the tools one needs to brew their own potions. Potions grant temporary effects.",
		["algae dipped pretzel"] = "In The Deeps, algae is known as \"the sugar of the sea\". You're not sure why, because it definitely doesn't TASTE anything like sugar...",
		["algae staff"] = "Fed by the mana of the sun, algae is a bit magic in its own right. Mostly it's just slimy, though.When selected on your toolbelt, this staff grants 8 bonus spell damage.",
		["alien plushie"] = "Aliens may be out of this world, but this squishy plushie sure isn't. Pick him up today and take him to your leader.",
		["allergy medication"] = "A small vial full of tiny pellets, Hopsan Barley assures it will take care of Slobert's allergy symptoms.",
		["aloe vera plant"] = "Grows wild in both the Southern Isles and deserts of the Eastern Region. The gooey gel of its leaves is perfect for treating minor burns.",
		["alpine hat"] = "The alpine rangers are the Four Region's most storied explorers. They wore hats like this one as they trekked across the high peaks and ranges while on their adventures.",
		["amanda's book"] = "Looks like a novel about a man and a horse, several pages have been dog-eared.",
		["amethyst"] = "A gorgeously purple amethyst, mined deep from within the earth.",
		["amethyst ring"] = "A roughly cut amethyst set in a band of iron, it trades away elegant beauty in exchange for vitality and might.",
		["amp"] = "Eleven? This baby goes up to TWELVE.",
		["amulet of immortality"] = "A delicate amulet hanging by a thin golden chain, it preserves the life of its wearer. Increases the invulnerability period by 25% after taking damage.",
		["amulet of time"] = "A pocketwatch on a silver chain, enchanted with incredibly strong chronomancy. Its wearer can slip through time, controlling the outcome of battles.",
		["anchor shirt"] = "Anchors away to fashion!",
		["ancient amari totem"] = "An old totem seemingly dedicated to the ferocity of nature. Could it be Amari in origin?It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient angel quill"] = "A writing quill, it appears to be of Angelic origin. It has to be eons old, yet the ink on its tip is still wet.It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient elven headdress"] = "Despite its age, the headdress has preserved nicely. Maybe it was meant for some sort of old Elven celebration?It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient magic staff"] = "Lost for unknown ages, this staff still radiates the faintest signature of magic energy.It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient naga crook"] = "A serpentine shepherd crook. If you had to hazard a guess, you would say it looks Naga in origin.It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient nel'varian sword"] = "A metal blade, clearly Nel'Varian in origin. It's very old, and it looks like it's seen use in combat...It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient nel'varian text"] = "Ancient Nel'Varian text, bound in a protective leather cover. Surely Amanda won't notice it's missing...",
		["ancient sun haven sword"] = "A chipped sword, bearing the colors of Elios. It's quite old, and seems to be ceremonial rather than for combat use.It would look good in a museum!",
		["ancient withergate sword"] = "A wicked Demon blade, left to rust and degrade in the dirt. It seems old, and has clearly seen much use in war.It would look good in a museum!",
		["anemone dress"] = "Merfolk love wearing anemone dresses. They're stylish AND offer great protection from ocean predators!",
		["angel fish"] = "Sometimes called a \"doctorfish,\" like Wornhardt!",
		["angel wing ice sculpture"] = "They're beautiful, but don't try flying with them.",
		["angelfin"] = "Gliding through the waters with an unmatchable angelic grace, all it's missing is a chorus of trumpets.",
		["angelic dress"] = "The cloudy blue sky never looked as good as it does when you're wearing it.",
		["angelic floral tea pot"] = "A smart arrangement of daisies, kept in a beautiful teapot.",
		["angelic incense"] = "Simmering shards of Everbeyond dust, it gives off an indescribable aroma.",
		["angelic potion"] = "A perfectly white potion, topped with a tiny floaty halo. How cute!",
		["angie"] = "Funny, she doesn't look much like any Angel you've seen before. Oh well!",
		["angler snaccoon plush"] = "This snacoon plush couldn't be bothered to wait for someone to feed him fish, so he grabbed a rod and got to work!",
		["angry cardboard box hat"] = "From the \"Cardboard Style\" line, featuring a mystery guest hat designer who works exclusively in the medium of cardboard. Who could it possibly be?!",
		["animal feeder"] = "Auto feed animals.",
		["animal food"] = "A special blend, formulated for every type of farm animal.",
		["animal name tag"] = "This special tag that can be used to give your pets and barn animals a name of their own.",
		["anne record"] = "A record of Anne's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["anne wedding ring"] = "Don't think just because we're married that I'll give you a discount. Heh... I'm only joking. I love you.",
		["anne's pearl earrings"] = "They're beautiful... I deserve to have them.",
		["antler"] = "If you look closely, you can see this antler is actually covered in very tiny scales.",
		["anubis chest piece"] = "An ornate chest plate, based on an ancient style of armor worn by the Amari. It's been reproduced with modern materials, making it quite durable.",
		["anubis gloves"] = "Ornate plate gloves, based on an ancient style of armor worn by the Amari. It's been reproduced with modern materials, making it quite durable.",
		["anubis headpiece"] = "An ornate helmet, based on an ancient style of armor worn by the Amari. It's been reproduced with modern materials, making it quite durable.",
		["anubis legs"] = "Ornate plate boots, based on an ancient style of armor worn by the Amari. It's been reproduced with modern materials, making it quite durable.",
		["anvil"] = "A heavy anvil, the essential tool for hammering metal bars into useful armor and tools.",
		["apollo"] = "Born from the distant twinkles of primordial stars, this little ram has come a long way to be your friend.",
		["apple"] = "Crisp, sweet and great at keeping the doctor away.",
		["apple cake"] = "This definitely won't be keeping any doctors away.",
		["apple cider"] = "Ripe apples, pressed into a pulpy juice and spiced to cidery perfection.",
		["apple core"] = "It's a shiny, red apple. Or at least it's what's left of one.",
		["apple crisp ice cream"] = "Just like hot apple crisp straight from the oven, only it's ice cold and in a cone.",
		["apple jam"] = "Sweet jam made from apples, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming skill.",
		["apple juice"] = "It doesn't get anymore classic than a cool glass of apple juice.",
		["apple pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["apple pillow"] = "A big spongy pillow in the shape of an apple. It's one apple that you wouldn't mind falling on your head.",
		["apple sauce"] = "A soft 'sauce' of mashed apples, easy to make and even easier to eat.",
		["apple tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful apple tree once planted.",
		["apple and worm plushie"] = "This plushie would make a great gag gift for a teacher, or anyone else who loves a little worm in their life.",
		["apprentice potion"] = "A mellow orange potion. It smells like the inside of a well-used forge, but it's kind of nice.",
		["arcade shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a retro arcade skin.",
		["arcane essence"] = "Distilled essence of ancient Nel'Varian mana, it bestows arcanic might when tapped.",
		["arched bridge"] = "A sturdy arched bridge for your farm.",
		["arched bridge decor"] = "A sturdy arched bridge for your farm.",
		["arched wooden chair"] = "A fancy wooden chair with a high arched back, it's very comfortable to sit in.",
		["archeologist cape"] = "A garment treated with a special oil, making it water tight and resistant to pesky dust!",
		["archeologist chest"] = "Bronze armor crafted in the form of a fearsome dragon, crafted by the earliest Human settlers of Sun Haven.",
		["archeologist gloves"] = "Bronze armor crafted in the form of a fearsome dragon, crafted by the earliest Human settlers of Sun Haven.",
		["archeologist hat"] = "Bronze armor crafted in the form of a fearsome dragon, crafted by the earliest Human settlers of Sun Haven.",
		["archeologist pants"] = "Bronze armor crafted in the form of a fearsome dragon, crafted by the earliest Human settlers of Sun Haven.",
		["archmage potion"] = "A fiery red potion. It's sealed with a dab of wax stamped with Sun Haven's crest.",
		["armoranth"] = "This poofy flower might look soft, but its petals are as hard as iron.",
		["armoranth seeds"] = "These seeds are as hard as stone. Or, maybe more accurately, armor.",
		["arnold's shirt"] = "It's been stitched up so many times that even the stitches have stitches.",
		["arrow headband"] = "Someone missed the apple!",
		["arrow storage bin"] = "A storage bin to keep all of your sharp pointy arrows nice and out of the way.",
		["art deco purple wallpaper"] = "Sleek and industrial, a very classy wallpaper.",
		["aspect of the sun"] = "Adorned with a striking sunfire crest, this is the most masterfully crafted helmet you've ever seen.",
		["assassin's potion"] = "A nutty aroma with an ever-so-slight hint of rusty dagger. It probably tastes as odd as it smells.",
		["assistant's potion"] = "A leaf-green potion. It looks a tad viscous, like it might be hard to swallow. Hmph!",
		["astrological globe"] = "A map of different celestial constellations that can be found in the starry night sky.",
		["attack potion"] = "An alchemic mixture that temporarily increases strength and attack power.",
		["attendant potion"] = "A moon-shaped potion that twinkles with the dim shimmer of a lonely forest night.",
		["audrey"] = "Feed her!",
		["auto-mixer"] = "A state of the art automatic mixer contraption, what a thoughtful (and pricey) gift!",
		["automatic collector"] = "A new piece of engineering developed in the Great City. This will automatically collect your animal's products each day.",
		["automatic feeder"] = "A new piece of engineering developed in the Great City.",
		["autumn leaf sole"] = "This fish experiences a physical transformation in the fall season, blending in with falling leaves.",
		["averagemouth bass"] = "Not bad, not good. Just average.",
		["avocado shirt"] = "You were sadly not born as an avocado, but wearing this shirt is the next best thing!",
		["axie"] = "Axolotl' is a Nel'Varian word, it means 'weird looking lizard'.",
		["axolotl"] = "These strange looking salamanders reach adulthood without ever undergoing metamorphosis. They're literally just a big baby!",
	["b"] = {
		["blt"] = "A relatively simple, yet undeniably tasty, sandwich.",
		["baby binky"] = "Babies go through many \"micro growths\" in their earliest days. This will help pacify them during the worst of it.",
		["baby blanket"] = "Perfect for all your swaddling needs!",
		["baby bottle"] = "A bottle of gently warmed milk, perfect for babies!",
		["baby dragon"] = "A hatchling dragon, befriended only by those most worthy.",
		["baby elios plushie"] = "Children all through Sun Haven beg their parents to buy them this adorable plushie-version of the guardian dragon.",
		["baby food"] = "Mushed up and tasteless. Yucky for you, yummy for baby.",
		["baby griffon"] = "Adult griffons make for ferocious beasts, but baby griffons make for cute little companions.",
		["baby mushroom light"] = "A tiny little baby bioluminescent mushroom. It's been magically cultivated to function as a light.",
		["baby panda plushie"] = "What's the only thing cuter than a baby panda? This baby panda plushie.",
		["baby phoenix"] = "Phoenixes are beautiful and legendary creatures, though they take thousands of years to mature! In the meantime, they often scavenge fire runes for their keepers.",
		["baby pumpkin stack"] = "An absolutely adorable stack of lil' baby pumpkins.",
		["baby rattle"] = "Rattle rattle rattle!",
		["baby snaccoon plushie"] = "Soft and pillowy, this will help keep your baby mildly entertained.",
		["baby sprout plant"] = "Don't let the name fool you, this plant is actually fully grown. It just happens to be tiny and adorable, like a little baby.",
		["baby stool"] = "It's a little baby stool. How adorable!",
		["baby stump"] = "You never thought a stump could be adorable, but here we are.",
		["baby table"] = "Aw, it's like a cute little baby table.",
		["baby tiger"] = "This tiny tiger cub can't wait to be your new best friend!",
		["baby's teddy bear"] = "Who's ready for the teddy?",
		["back scratcher"] = "Great for scratching all of those hard-to-reach spots.",
		["bacon burger"] = "A burger loaded with strips of bacon. What else do you need?",
		["bad luck potion"] = "A thin, ink-like potion that gives off a strange and foreboding vibe. The name is just a fun little joke... right?",
		["bag of doubloons"] = "A pouch containing 10 Doubloons, obtained by exchanging Gold, Mana Orbs or Tickets at the Brinestone Deeps currency converter.",
		["bag of jelly beans"] = "Were they grown on a jelly farm?",
		["bag of kibble"] = "Baked pellets of food, dogs and cats love it... as well as dog and cat Amari, for that matter.",
		["bag of kitten nip"] = "A mixture of dried herbs, it smells quite strange but apparently kittens love the stuff. Who could have lost it?",
		["baked beans"] = "Ronald's famous smokin' hot beans. Great for barbecues, parties or eating alone in your kitchen!",
		["baker potion"] = "A soft brown potion. Smells like baking bread, with just a hint of stuffed animals.",
		["baker's station"] = "An advanced cooking station for making breads and other oven baked goodies.",
		["balloon fruit"] = "This wild fruit actually floats into the sky as a way of distributing its seeds.",
		["balloon fruit seeds"] = "Careful, these seeds can be picked up and blown away by even the lightest breeze.",
		["bamboo door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a tropical bamboo style.",
		["bamboo patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a tropical bamboo style.",
		["bamboo roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a tropical bamboo style.",
		["bamboo walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a tropical bamboo style.",
		["bamboo windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a tropical bamboo style.",
		["banana bread"] = "Soft and springy, like a pillow. A bread pillow. Made with bananas.",
		["banana jam"] = "Sweet jam made from bananas, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming and exploration skills.",
		["banana mobile mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your crazy banana mobile to your side.",
		["banana monkey mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your funky monkey companion to your side.",
		["banana peel hat"] = "Trash to you or I, but to a monkey this is one funky hat.",
		["banana peel pie"] = "The peel is really just there for presentation, you're meant to remove it before eating. Although if you're feeling especially adventurous...",
		["banana potion"] = "This potion sort of looks like a banana smoothie. Maybe it'll taste like one too?",
		["bandana"] = "Adventurous headwear for sailing even the highest of seas.",
		["bark fish"] = "Doesn't actually bark.",
		["barley"] = "The grain of this crop is high in fiber, but more importantly, it's useful in brewing!",
		["barley seeds"] = "You can barley wait for these seeds to grow.",
		["barn"] = "Your farm animals will stay nice and cozy in this sturdy wooden barn.",
		["barn barrel"] = "Is it really a barn if it doesn't have at least one random barrel?",
		["barn permit"] = "Required to craft a barn at the Construction Table. Barns are a great place to keep farm animals!",
		["barn wallpaper"] = "The default look of the barn.",
		["baroque end table"] = "An attractive little end table, display this in your home to show off your great taste.",
		["baroque half moon table"] = "A compact half table polished to a glimmering shine.",
		["barred shirt"] = "If there's one thing this shirt isn't barred from, it's from looking fabulous.",
		["barrel cluster"] = "What could be more fun than one barrel? A CLUSTER of barrels!",
		["barrel of red flowers"] = "A stunningly beautiful arrangement of flowers, all in a rustic wooden barrel.",
		["barrel of swords"] = "Nothing is more fun than a barrel of swords.",
		["barrel of purple flowers"] = "A stunningly beautiful arrangement of flowers, all in a rustic wooden barrel.",
		["bartleby"] = "He's a chill fellow, so long as you don't try pulling him from his pot.",
		["baseball hat"] = "A simple hat with a long stiff brim, this will keep that pesky sun out of your eyes.",
		["bashful pike"] = "This fish perfers to hide in rocks and reeds to avoid prying eyes, it is quite shy!",
		["basic door"] = "A standard door for your house.",
		["basic fireplace"] = "Rough stones and mortar, some might call it \"basic\", but we prefer the term \"rustic\".",
		["basic fish bait"] = "A simple bait made from simple ingredients.",
		["basic fishing rod"] = "Basic, but perfectly functional. A great start for learning how to fish.",
		["basic fridge"] = "It's just a basic unit, but that's all you really need.",
		["basic furniture table"] = "A specialized carpentry bench, you can make furniture and decorations with this.More expensive than buying furniture in a store, but the convenience is nice.",
		["basic patio"] = "A standard patio for your house.",
		["basic roof"] = "A standard roof for your house.",
		["basic shed"] = "Will you store tools in it? Winter decorations? Excess snaccoon plushies?! The tantalizing storage possibilties are endless.",
		["basic skirt"] = "People living in the Great City are often found wearing this common skirt.",
		["basic wallpaper"] = "A simple wallpaper to spruce up your home's walls.",
		["basic walls"] = "A standard set of walls for your house.",
		["basic windows"] = "A standard set of windows for your house.",
		["basic wooden chair"] = "Basic in style, but not in quality.",
		["basket of yarn balls"] = "Enough wool to knit a hundred blankets, or entertain about one cat.",
		["basket of buns"] = "Just looking at this basket of freshly steaming buns is enough to make anyone hungry.",
		["basket of eggs"] = "Why not put all your eggs in one basket? It's less baskets you have to carry.",
		["bat headband"] = "The headband of choice for those who want to go absolutely batty.",
		["bat monster statue"] = "A fiendishly chiseled statue of dark stone, the gemstone eyes almost seem to follow your every movement.",
		["bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["bat plushie"] = "Small and fuzzy, this plushie could almost be mistaken for the real thing.",
		["bat poster"] = "A poster depicting a wicked bat, flying in front of some sort of sword. Looks like it's an advertisement for some old concert that took place in Withergate.",
		["bat streamer"] = "An electrical light display depicting the streaming shape of a bat in flight.",
		["bat tea set"] = "The kettle and cups are made of black porcelain clay, collected from the marshlands around Withergate. The bat is just along for the ride.",
		["bat window"] = "Found yourself stuck choosing between getting a window or getting bats? Why not get BOTH? You deserve it.",
		["battle exchange student boots"] = "Self-lacing boots. A technological marvel in more primitive times.",
		["battle exchange student dress"] = "New kids have the most to prove. How good can you hack? More importantly, how good can you e-Battle?",
		["battle exchange student gloves"] = "The knuckles of these Acadamia uniform gloves have been modified with extra padding. Keeps you punchin' fresh!",
		["battle exchange student hairband"] = "Ooh, is it made out of a super top secret material that lets you read minds?! ...Nope, just a strip of old cloth, but great at keeping your hair tied up and out of the way when you're in an e-Battle!",
		["battle exchange student wig"] = "Did a rival Acadamia have a great fighter you wanted for your underground crew? Simple, hack the Acadamia databases and transfer the student to you.",
		["battle eye scanner"] = "[ERROR 502: OVER 9000 JOKE NOT FOUND]",
		["batty boxes"] = "Cardboard shipping boxes used by Withergate's official courier service, their bat logo is iconically emblazoned upon each box.",
		["beach ball"] = "The official ball of beaches everywhere.",
		["beach chair"] = "Feel the waves at your feet while you soak in the summer rays on this chair of woven tropical leaves.",
		["beach chair bed"] = "Woven in the traditional style of the Southern Isle Humans, every night can feel like a cozy tropical evening.",
		["beach cooler"] = "Keep the drinks cold on the hottest of sands.",
		["beach hammock"] = "Elven in origin, the hammock was quickly adopted by many races across the Four Regions.",
		["beach house shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a beach house skin.",
		["beach rug"] = "The fabric of this rug is loosely woven, so it doesn't trap sand. Genius!",
		["beach sand mixer"] = "Mixed with four different kinds of sand. Delicious...",
		["beach shorts"] = "Official legwear of beach bums.",
		["beach snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that is ready to hit the beach and soak up some summer rays!",
		["beach table"] = "The bamboo feet of this table are extra light, so it doesn't sink into the sand!",
		["beach wardrobe"] = "I hope you don't mind a little sand in your clothes!",
		["beanie"] = "A fluffy knitted hat, use it to keep your head warm or just wear it for looks. It's all up to you!",
		["bed"] = "A comfy place to lay your head after a long day of work.",
		["bee antenna hat"] = "The Wildborn of Iseron communicate with each other wordlessly - something that perplexed and amazed the exploring Curators.",
		["bee box"] = "A home for bees. The bees will travel to nearby flowers to collect pollen and create honey. If there are '''12 of the same type of flowers''' within '''six tiles''' of the bee box, the bees will create honey. The honey's flavor and effects are altered by the flowers the bees collect from.",
		["bee chest plate"] = "A heavy carapace is required for survival in the ruthless jungle.",
		["bee grieves"] = "I bee-lieve these are some bee greaves' - Unknown Curator, making a dad joke.",
		["bee plushie"] = "A soft bumble bee plushie, just as cute as the real thing and significantly less likely to sting when you hug it.",
		["bee wing cape"] = "As thin as rice paper, but strong enough to carry a full size Wildborn Amari aloft through the air.",
		["beehive shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a beehive skin.",
		["beelsie"] = "This chunky little trickster's interests include burning brimstone and eating cupcakes.",
		["beet"] = "You have to admit, these beets can't be beat (unless a recipe calls for it).",
		["beet seeds"] = "Lumpy, irregular seeds. Are these really going to grow something?",
		["beezy buzz"] = "The Curators brought back many live specimens from Iseron. They had very little luck taming this angry little fly - maybe you'd like to give it a try?",
		["beginner's apple pie"] = "Apples in a sweet syrup, baked inside a flakey pie crust.",
		["beige chaise couch"] = "A long couch designed without an armrest on one end, giving you plenty of room to stretch out your legs.",
		["belted pants"] = "All too common in the Great City, they're not seen often in a place like Sun Haven.",
		["bench potion"] = "Sometimes you just want to sit on a bench and enjoy the sunset... but what if you were the bench?",
		["bent traffic cone"] = "A discarded traffic cone from the streets above, looks like a crab was using it as a makeshift wizard's hat.",
		["bent withergate lamp"] = "The iron pole of this hanging lamp was accidentally bent during production, which just adds another dimension of style.",
		["beret hat"] = "Floppy and a bit unusual as far as hats go, yet still very trendy.",
		["bernard's big bundle"] = "A TON of supplies - all gifted to you from the citizens of Sun Haven!",
		["berry"] = "A common berry, found almost everywhere in the forests.",
		["berry cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["berry fruit salad"] = "A refreshing berry salad. A classic for warm springtime days, or any other day for that matter.",
		["berry glazed pretzel"] = "A crispy pretzel fresh from the oven and glazed with a sugary berry syrup.",
		["berry ice cream"] = "Ice cream flavored with fresh berries. Perfect for a hot summer day - or any other time!",
		["berry pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["beryl"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["big delicious cake"] = "Tempt your guests with this irresistibly delicious looking cake.",
		["big jack-o-lamp"] = "Tired of your jack-o-lanterns turning into mush before the spooky season is even over? This lamp will have you covered all year round.",
		["big leafy plant"] = "A tropical species brought to Sun Haven from the Southern Isles, it adapted fairly well to growing indoors.",
		["big red comfy couch"] = "It's big and it's comfy, what else could you ask for from a couch?",
		["bingle"] = "The Curators gave up trying to understand what sort of creature this little fellow is. Maybe you could study it as it follows you about?",
		["bird's nest"] = "Looks like the birds who made this nest moved out awhile ago.",
		["birdhouse lamp"] = "No birds in here, just a light!",
		["birdhouse mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["birthday bed"] = "Get some sleep after a long day of birthday parties in this birthday bed.",
		["birthday cake"] = "Hey, it's someone's birthday somewhere.",
		["birthday cake dress"] = "Have your cake, and wear it too!",
		["birthday cake hat"] = "What's a cake day without a cake hat?",
		["birthday chair"] = "A special chair for your special day, to sit on with your special butt.",
		["birthday couch"] = "Wow! How did they make the frosting look so real? Oh, because it IS real...",
		["birthday dress"] = "A traditional dress worn during birthday celebrations, popular across the Four Regions.",
		["birthday lamp"] = "A light shaped like a birthday balloon, how clever.",
		["birthday pants"] = "It's not a birthday until you bust out the birthday pants.",
		["birthday place settings"] = "All of the odds and ends one needs for the perfect birthday party.",
		["birthday shirt"] = "Provides considerably more coverage than a birthday suit.",
		["birthday table"] = "An ultra sturdy table, built to withstand the weight of 40,000 pounds of birthday cake, probably.",
		["birthday wardrobe"] = "Lots of room to fit plenty of birthday suits.",
		["bitey planter"] = "A planter box full of ravenous snapper plants... with a taste for farmer!",
		["bitter seltzer"] = "Brewed up with zero sweetener, it's no wonder they call it bitter!",
		["bitterling"] = "This fish has a reputation for tasting bitter, experienced cooks know how to prepare it in ways that are quite delicious.",
		["black bass"] = "Caught for sport in many areas of the world, many new anglers are excited to catch this fish for the first time.",
		["black bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["black bishop"] = "Bishops disrupt the movement of enemy pieces, keeping the board tied down.",
		["black bottle cap"] = "A discarded bottle cap, painted black, seemingly in mockery of golden coins.",
		["black bunny"] = "No matter where you go, your bunny buddy will be sure to hop dutifully behind you.",
		["black buppy"] = "Who's a good doggy?",
		["black cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["black cat painting"] = "Don't worry, a painting of a black cat isn't going to give you any bad luck.",
		["black cat plushie"] = "It might not purr when you pet it, but it's still as cuddly as can be.",
		["black couch seat"] = "Your home is your castle, and this comfortable couch seat can be your throne.",
		["black cushioned couch"] = "A nice comfy couch. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["black diamond"] = "A rare black diamond. They're not found very often and are considered a miner's blessing.",
		["black diamond ring"] = "A ring, set with a carved black diamond. An enchantment upon it brings the wearer a chance to find additional black diamonds.",
		["black forest cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["black forest cake slice"] = "Layers of rich chocolate cake smeared with cherry sauce. One slice is enough to sate any sweet tooth.",
		["black fox mount whistle"] = "Majestic and intelligent, the foxes of the Elven forest have long made trusty mounts and companions.",
		["black fridge"] = "The Great City produces all sorts of cutting edge industrial wonders.",
		["black gloves"] = "Fancy black gloves.",
		["black king"] = "Protect your king!",
		["black kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["black kitty"] = "Here kitty, kitty.",
		["black knight"] = "Moves in a funny L-shape and is great for weird and confusing attacks on enemy pieces.",
		["black leather chair"] = "A sleek chair of black dyed leather, it'll never go out of style.",
		["black lion mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your courageous lion companion to your side.",
		["black ornate oval rug"] = "Only the highest quality thread was hand selected for this ornate rug.",
		["black pawn"] = "Pawns are useless cannon fodder that commit crimes, like en passant.",
		["black percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["black queen"] = "The most powerful piece on the chess board, throwing your queen away is usually the first step towards defeat.",
		["black rook"] = "The mighty rook forms the cornerstone of your defense.",
		["black rug"] = "Just a simple, plush black rug.",
		["black smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["black tire"] = "A rubber tire, what's that saying about \"one person's junk is someone else's treasure\"?",
		["black unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["black and white fox mount whistle"] = "Majestic and intelligent, the foxes of the Elven forest have long made trusty mounts and companions.",
		["blazeel"] = "Though native to the Magma Isles, this eel can be found as far north as Sun Haven when the weather is hot enough.",
		["blazing herring"] = "This herring is a lightning fast swimmer, keeping its body running warm even in the cold of winter.",
		["blizzard berry"] = "These berries grow best when encased under the snow of fresh blizzards.",
		["blizzard berry seeds"] = "They're unusually sharp for seeds, which helps them grip into the soil of their icy habitat.",
		["blizzard berry stew"] = "This stew will cool you down after just one bite. Brrrr!",
		["block of cheese"] = "An aged hunk of fragrant cow's milk cheese, this will keep nicely even on a tabletop.",
		["bloom"] = "A budding Spring fairy ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["bloom and doom bed"] = "A bed fashioned in the style of Iseron's Wildborn Amari.",
		["bloom and doom chair"] = "When the Curators returned from the Iseron expedition, they brought new furniture designs with them... The invasive lily vines snuck along, as well.",
		["bloom and doom chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Bloom and Doom DLC Pack!",
		["bloom and doom couch"] = "A couch bearing the winged crest of Iseron's Wildborn people.",
		["bloom and doom end table"] = "Creeping jungle lily vines have made this end table their home. Go ahead, take a whiff!",
		["bloom and doom lamp"] = "It's like basking in the gentle light of an Iseronian morning. Only without all the monster insects trying to gobble you up.",
		["bloom and doom record player"] = "In Iseron, the only music is the constant buzz of wings and snapping of mandibles. Play something more pleasant to the ears with this record player.",
		["bloom and doom rug"] = "Iseron's jungle canopies are a the fluttering of wings, a natural experience of nature that this carpet was inspired by.",
		["bloom and doom table"] = "It looks like this table could pick up and fly away at any time... It's a good thing the wings are fake, because that would be downright inconvenient!",
		["bloom and doom wardrobe"] = "It'll store your clothes fine, but watch out for any poisonous plants!",
		["blooming bass"] = "This clever bass uses freshly bloomed water lilies to lure in its insect prey.",
		["blooming warrior cape"] = "Crush the chitin of your enemies upon your glorious spikes' - Old Iseronian piece of advice.",
		["blooming warrior crest"] = "Iseron warriors are known to intimidate rivals with vicious and pokey armor.",
		["blooming warrior skirt"] = "Battle armor made from plant leather and reinforced with some sort of lacquer.",
		["blooming warrior top"] = "Their battle garb seems to emulate the most deadly of the local plantlife.' - Unknown Curator's observation on Iseronian battle armor.",
		["blue and green bottles"] = "Little bottles that make for simple, yet effective, home decor.",
		["blue beach towel"] = "A vital tool for having a fun day at the beach.",
		["blue bed"] = "A comfy place to lay your head after a long day of work.",
		["blue boho round rug"] = "A rug styled after the aesthetic of a frugal bohemian lifestyle.",
		["blue bubbles"] = "Might look a little scary, but it just wants to be your friend!",
		["blue campfire"] = "The logs of this captivating blue flame were full of mana energy, collected as they grew in the Elven forests.",
		["blue cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["blue carpet"] = "Softer than your typical rug, this intricately sewn carpet can pull any room together.",
		["blue choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["blue couch seat"] = "Produced in Withergate, this couch has a subtle design that makes sitting down in it with a tail much more comfortable than any normal chair.",
		["blue cushion chair"] = "The method of making this chair's special padding is kept a strict trade secret. Super comfortable, it's sure to never go lumpy or hard.",
		["blue cushion side couch"] = "A nice comfy couch. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["blue cushion stool"] = "A comfortable little stool.",
		["blue diamond wallpaper"] = "The checkered design of this wallpaper is almost hypnotic to stare at.",
		["blue electric guitar"] = "A brand new guitar that utilizes the power of electricity to ROCK.",
		["blue elephant plushie"] = "Considerably smaller- and softer- than a real elephant.",
		["blue elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed blue.",
		["blue floor cushion"] = "Turns your floor into a chair, and its comfy to sit on to boot.",
		["blue fluffy stool"] = "Extra fluffy for your tuffy.",
		["blue fox mount whistle"] = "Majestic and intelligent, the foxes of the Elven forest have long made trusty mounts and companions.",
		["blue fringe carpet"] = "A short carpet made especially to accent the ends of furniture.",
		["blue gill"] = "Doesn't look very blue to me!",
		["blue gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["blue glow skateboard whistle"] = "Riding on this sure beats walking.",
		["blue hibiscus planter"] = "The beautiful hibiscus flower is usually only native to the warm climate of the Southern Islands, though this particular flower has been bred to survive in cooler weather.",
		["blue holiday stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["blue lava lamp"] = "The magic used to capture molten lava in a glass lamp doesn't seem safe... or especially legal!",
		["blue leather side couch seat"] = "A nice comfy couch upholstered with faux leather. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["blue lined wooden table"] = "The top of this wooden desk is framed in a dark blue border, a universal symbol among Demons and affluent monsters that it is a desk meant for work and study.",
		["blue lion mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your courageous lion companion to your side.",
		["blue lockers"] = "Lockers from the hallowed halls of a great academic institution, they've been repurposed into home decor.",
		["blue matey bandana"] = "Not only will this bandana make you look just like a swashbuckler, but you'll never have to worry about a bad hairday again!",
		["blue mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["blue moon fruit"] = "This fruit only grows once in a blue moon, but it is worth it for a taste of the night.",
		["blue moon fruit seeds"] = "Even the seeds are blue!",
		["blue oil drum"] = "You ever try keeping something in a barrel made out of haunted deadwood? It doesn't work so good. The Demons quickly adapted metal for their barrel-related needs.",
		["blue percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["blue pet house"] = "A tiny house, perfect for your small best friends.",
		["blue polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a blue polka dot style.",
		["blue polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a blue polka dot style.",
		["blue polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a blue polka dot style.",
		["blue polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a blue polka dot style.",
		["blue polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a blue polka dot style.",
		["blue puppy beanie"] = "Woofin' good.",
		["blue puppy boots"] = "Pup-two-three-four...",
		["blue puppy hood"] = "Make your inner-dog your outer-dog.",
		["blue puppy mittens"] = "Mittens: Not just for kittens anymore.",
		["blue puppy pants"] = "Extra poofy pants to make you look just like a puppy.",
		["blue puppy shirt"] = "An extra poofy shirt to make you look just like a puppy.",
		["blue puppy sweater dress"] = "A soft blue sweater stamped with the classic puppy paw.",
		["blue regal rug"] = "An ornate pattern has been sewn into the fine fibers of this lush regal rug. It truly looks straight out of a royal castle.",
		["blue rose"] = "Graceful blue roses are a symbol of peace and elegance, in the Eastern Region these roses replace the red variety in wedding ceremonies.",
		["blue rose bouquet"] = "A bundle of bright blue roses. Though it may seem like they were bundled without much thought, they were actually placed quite meticulously.",
		["blue rose bouquet recipe"] = "Unlock the ability to craft Blue Rose Bouquets for all players!",
		["blue rose cake"] = "A cake dramatically topped with a blue rose. The rose is entirely edible, if you're feeling frisky.",
		["blue rose seeds"] = "Blue roses don't occur naturally in the wild, it took years of special growing to develop roses of such a color.",
		["blue roses honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of blue rose flowers, it revitalizes the spirit and restores mana.",
		["blue rug"] = "Just a simple, plush blue rug.",
		["blue seaside shell rug"] = "The world might be your oyster, but this clam can be your rug.",
		["blue seaside starfish rug"] = "Did you know that starfish can have as many as 15,000 suction cups across their body? Well, not this one, though. Because this one is a rug.",
		["blue shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["blue skull wall lantern"] = "Only a real bonehead would pass up this gnarly skull wall light.",
		["blue smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["blue spool of thread"] = "Not only is thread handy for tailoring, folks of the Northern Region often tie a length of it around a finger as a way to remember important thoughts.",
		["blue stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["blue string lights"] = "Shiny baubles of blue light, all hung together on a single string. Good for mood lighting, or maybe just for having fun.",
		["blue striped door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a striped blue style.",
		["blue striped patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a striped blue style.",
		["blue striped roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a striped blue style.",
		["blue striped wallpaper"] = "It's not the most complicated wallpaper design, but it's so pleasant to look at.",
		["blue striped walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a striped blue style.",
		["blue striped windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a striped blue style.",
		["blue table lamp"] = "A chic table lamp to light up your home.",
		["blue tang"] = "A group of these fish is referred to as a clan.",
		["blue tiled door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a blue tile style.",
		["blue tiled patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a blue tile style.",
		["blue tiled roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a blue tile style.",
		["blue tiled walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a blue tile style.",
		["blue tiled windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a blue tile style.",
		["blue unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["blue velvet couch"] = "Couches don't get any smoother than this, trust me.",
		["blue velvet fringe rug"] = "Kick your boots off and treat your feet to a piece of velvety heaven with this super soft rug.",
		["blue wooden abstract sculpture"] = "Proof that *abstract* doesn't have to *detract* from style.",
		["blue wooden counter"] = "A wooden counter, hit with a fresh coat of blue paint. Perfect for storing whatever you want.",
		["blue wooden end table"] = "A stout end table, it would look great with a lamp or some trinkets on top of it.",
		["blue wooden l table"] = "A slick L table, this will give your living space a good dose of cool.",
		["blue wooden long table"] = "A long table with room for plenty of friends and family.",
		["blue wooden round table"] = "King Arthur sold separately.",
		["blue wooden square table"] = "A wooden table, hit with a fresh coat of blue paint. It's ready to hold whatever you'd like on it.",
		["blueberry"] = "They're definitely blue and most assuredly berries, so the name checks out.",
		["blueberry cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["blueberry candy drop"] = "A little candy, wrapped up in a cute fruit foil.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["blueberry ice cream"] = "Ice cream flavored with fresh blueberries. Perfect for a hot summer day - or any other time!",
		["blueberry jam"] = "Sweet jam made from blueberries, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your fishing skill.",
		["blueberry muffin"] = "A perfectly baked muffin dotted with juicy little blueberries.",
		["blueberry pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["blueberry salad"] = "A refreshing salad, most commonly enjoyed on sunny days.",
		["blueberry smoothie"] = "An amazing new drink of blended fruit and juice, all the rage in the Great City! This smoothie is made with blueberry.",
		["blueberry sprinkles"] = "Apparently pets come in flavors, who knew?",
		["blueberry tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful blueberry tree once planted.",
		["blunted swordfish"] = "Not the sharpest fish in the sea.",
		["boho round rug"] = "A rug styled after the aesthetic of a frugal bohemian lifestyle.",
		["boiler"] = "A sturdy boiler to keep your home warm.",
		["bomb fish"] = "It's like any other regular, normal fish... except it explodes!!",
		["bonding ring"] = "A pretty heart-shaped gem that has been enchanted to increase the wearer's favor among their peers.",
		["bone gift"] = "A great gift for unusual friends!",
		["bonemouth bass"] = "The perfect fish, if you happen to be a dog.",
		["bonsai plant"] = "A tree sapling that has been carefully grown to remain small, these diminutive plants are said to be reflections of nature.",
		["bonus attack damage"] = "A permanent increase to attack damage.",
		["bonus health"] = "A permanent increase to maximum health, you'll be sturdier and take more damage before fainting!",
		["bonus mana"] = "A permanent increase to maximum mana, allowing you to cast more spells before running out!",
		["bonus movement speed"] = "A permanent increase to movement speed.",
		["bonus spell damage"] = "A permanent increase to spell damage.",
		["book candles"] = "Whether you call it art or a waste of a good book, it no doubt makes great decorative lighting.",
		["book collection"] = "Books on all sorts of subjects, from history to magic. This collection was handpicked by scholars of the Great City's Grand Library.",
		["bookstore shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a bookstore skin.",
		["bookworm potion"] = "A potion supposedly distilled from the plasm of a certain type of spectre. Well, bottoms up?",
		["booshroom"] = "Booshroom are smart and adorable creatures who love to follow you around, no matter where you travel.",
		["bordered crimson rug"] = "Repeating bands of colors descend into each other, creating a sleek bordered look for this rug.",
		["bossa record"] = "You'll have to learn to mambo if you're going to play this record!",
		["bounty hunter's ring"] = "Wearing this ring signifies its wearer as a bounty hunter- so bounties beware!",
		["bow bell"] = "These holidays need more bow bell.",
		["bow tie shirt"] = "Nothing ties a style together quite like a bowtie. Take this fashionable shirt for example.",
		["bowed gift"] = "This gift isn't even wrapped, but dramatically topped with a single bow ribbon. You have a feeling that the wrapper wasn't being lazy, but rather was trying to grab your attention.",
		["box paper lantern"] = "Made of rice paper dyed in festive colors, take this home and then every night can be your own mini-lantern festival!",
		["box of bottles"] = "A box full of empty bottles just waiting to find uses. You'd look like quite the potion brewer with a couple of these laying around.",
		["brain jelly"] = "Brain jellies are the world's smartest jellyfish. Considering other jellyfish don't have brains, though, this isn't exactly an achievement.",
		["brain jelly salad"] = "It wiggles, it jiggles, it... tastes about as good as you'd imagine.",
		["branch fishing rod"] = "Appears to just be a branch with some fishing line, though it's actually of very high Elven quality. Increases Fishing skill by 5 and reduces slider speed during the minigame by 15%.",
		["bread"] = "A simple loaf of oven-fresh bread.",
		["bread basket"] = "Is there anything quite as quiant as a basket of bread? Probably not!",
		["breadsticks"] = "Long sticks of dough, slathered in seasoned oil prior to baking. Absolutely delicious looking.",
		["brewing cauldron"] = "Two parts toil, two parts trouble, light the fire and watch it bubble.",
		["brick floor tile"] = "Classic red brick, sturdy and reliable.",
		["bright skirt"] = "Sewn from a variety of brightly colored thread, this skirt is certain to turn a few heads.",
		["brimmy"] = "Imps are feral and bitey little critters, often following in the footsteps of Demons. They respect only the most powerful of pet keepers.",
		["brine berry"] = "A bitter berry with an oddly fuzzy shell, its overpowering salty taste definitely justifies the name.",
		["brine berry jam"] = "Briney jam made from Brine Berry, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration skill.",
		["brine berry salad"] = "A salad as unpleasant and briney as the underwater denizens who traditionally prepare it.",
		["brine berry sorbet"] = "An incredibly exotic treat with a flavor profile like none other, it has just the right amounts of sweet and brine.",
		["brine berry tree seeds"] = "Tiny coral bulbs, they'll sprout into a bountiful brine berries fruit tree once planted.",
		["brine stones floor tile"] = "Floor tiles, intentionally distressed in brine. Trendy!",
		["brineapple punch"] = "Far more brine than apple. Big surprise.",
		["brined coconut water"] = "Like the name implies, it's coconut water... brined to, um, perfection.",
		["brinestone boil"] = "Brinestone Deep's official dish, not only because it utilizes many of the natural crops in the area, but also because it happens to be Boss Jabbu's favorite meal.",
		["brinestone chest"] = "Heavy armor enchanted with strange and alien-looking runes that enhance magical potency.",
		["brinestone gauntlets"] = "Faintly glowing runes burn on each knuckle of the gauntlets. Power? Most certainly. Worth it? Eh, probably...",
		["brinestone helm"] = "Jabbu is lazy, but careful and clever. Well-armed soldiers keep the Boss in charge.",
		["brinestone legs"] = "You've never seen anything quite like the runes that are inscribed upon these leggings. They promise to increase magical might, yet it feels like the power may come with a price.",
		["brinestone statue"] = "A depiction of a vicious hammerhead shark, carved from solid brinestone. Karish doesn't seem like one to collect art, though the subject matter definitely makes sense.",
		["briney surprise"] = "Surprise! It's heavily brined!",
		["briny mage's potion"] = "It's not quite a potion so much as it is bottled sea water... but it's bursting with primordial mana.",
		["brisket"] = "Caked in seasoning and slowly cooked over hot coals, brisket is every meat-lovers dream cuisine.",
		["broad leaf plant"] = "Obviously named for its broad leaves, this plant does well even without much direct sunlight which makes it popular among newbie plant keepers.",
		["broken branches"] = "These branches look oddly similar to Elios's mighty wings.",
		["broken cobblestone"] = "Two pieces of cobblestone that, of all things, look exactly like Elios's eyes.",
		["bronze dragon relic"] = "It's a bronze dragon, countless years have worn away its features but you'd wager it looks a bit like Elios...It would look good in a museum!",
		["brown baggy pants"] = "Though other races may snub it as boring, a nice earthy brown is a classic color for any self-respecting Elf.",
		["brown bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["brown brick wallpaper"] = "This wallpaper will make your house look like it was made of bricks!",
		["brown bunny"] = "No matter where you go, your bunny buddy will be sure to hop dutifully behind you.",
		["brown buppy"] = "Who's a good doggy?",
		["brown cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["brown cobblestone door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a cobbled together style.",
		["brown cobblestone patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a cobbled together style.",
		["brown cobblestone roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a cobbled together style.",
		["brown cobblestone walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a cobbled together style.",
		["brown cobblestone windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a cobbled together style.",
		["brown geo couch"] = "This couch is designed to be extra spacious, leaving plenty of room for everyone sitting together.",
		["brown gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["brown leather couch"] = "Don't worry, it's made out of an artificial leather. It looks just like the real deal, and no animals were harmed making it! Neat.",
		["brown leather couch seat"] = "A nice comfy couch upholstered with faux leather. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["brown leather stool"] = "This faux-leather stool would go great in a study.",
		["brown ornate oval rug"] = "Only the highest quality thread was hand selected for this ornate rug.",
		["brown pet house"] = "A tiny house, perfect for your small best friends.",
		["brown scissors"] = "You really shouldn't run with these.",
		["brown slacks"] = "Snazzy slacks, worn by members of the illustrious Mushroomneers of Nel'Vari, an elite group of mushroom tenders.",
		["brown sneakers"] = "A new style of shoes developed by designers in the Great City. They're just show models, not very good for walking in but good for decoration.",
		["brown stone door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a brown stone tile style.",
		["brown stone patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a brown stone tile style.",
		["brown stone roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a brown stone tile style.",
		["brown stone walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a brown stone tile style.",
		["brown stone windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a brown stone tile style.",
		["brr-nana"] = "Someone cultivated a species of banana capable of growing in the frigid Northern Region. Natural banana ice cream!",
		["brr-nana seeds"] = "Banana seeds look funny enough already, but these ones are downright crazy!",
		["brr-nana smoothie"] = "An amazing new drink of blended fruit and juice, all the rage in the Great City! This smoothie is made with brr-nana.",
		["brrrr-y"] = "A bear-y chill Winter friend ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["bubble net"] = "Create an air bubble that floats forward, magically catching any fish that it travels over.",
		["bubble panic"] = "A board game produced by gamemakers in the Great City. It doesn't look like it's officially been released yet... So how did Viktor get ahold of it?",
		["bubble staff"] = "Bubbles may look sweet and fun, but your enemies should beware - because bubbles POP.When selected on your toolbelt, this staff grants 6 bonus spell damage and .2 Mana Regen per second.",
		["bubble tea"] = "Naturally bubbly, it tickles your lip when you try to drink it.",
		["bubblefish"] = "A mythical elemental fish that is impossible to see in the water. Angling this would truly be a feat worthy of songs.",
		["bubbles"] = "Might look a little scary, but it just wants to be your friend!",
		["bucket crab trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["bucket of water"] = "A metal bucket filled up with rain water. Probably not fit for drinking.",
		["bucketfish"] = "Often found in the bottoms of waterlogged buckets. It also... tastes like bucket.",
		["bucky"] = "A bucket full of friendship! Literally!",
		["buffo"] = "Toads make great pets if you're lazy. All they want to do is sleep and eat!",
		["bug shell"] = "It's just a shell, but it's harder than iron.",
		["bumblebee whistle"] = "This whistle will call your buzzy bumblebee companion to your side.",
		["bunny"] = "No matter where you go, your bunny buddy will be sure to hop dutifully behind you.",
		["bunny bed"] = "HOP on into bed? Well, don't mind if I do!",
		["bunny carrot painting"] = "A painting depicting an endless field of carrots, a bunny's dream.",
		["bunny chair"] = "The perfect chair to sit in when you're munching carrots, digging holes or doing any other important bunny-related business.",
		["bunny couch"] = "The cushions are extra-springy, like they're almost asking to be hopped on.",
		["bunny ears"] = "Embrace the bunny. Be the bunny.",
		["bunny fridge"] = "Who thought a refrigerator could be so cute?",
		["bunny lamp"] = "Lighting doesn't get any cuter than this.",
		["bunny mat"] = "A floor mat with cute bunny emblazoned on it.",
		["bunny poster"] = "Hang this on your wall to show off your bunny pride.",
		["bunny potion"] = "A white potion with only the faintest hint of pink. It strangely seems as if it would taste of carrots.",
		["bunny side table"] = "The drawer handle is a little carrot, how cute!",
		["bunny snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that thinks it's a bunny. How cute!",
		["bunny table"] = "A wooden table with little white bunnies painted onto it.",
		["bunny wallpaper"] = "A wallpaper that is certain to quell anyone's doubt in your obsession with the bunny lifestyle.",
		["bunny wardrobe"] = "Ever seen a wardrobe with giant bunny ears? Well, now you have!",
		["bunnycorn whistle"] = "This whistle will call your fantastical bunnycorn to your side.",
		["buppy"] = "Who's a good doggy?",
		["burlap gift"] = "Someone forgot to wrap their gift and instead elected to toss it into a burlap sack. \"SHIELD POLISH\" is printed on the side of the sack.",
		["bush chest"] = "A chestpiece formed from leaves and wood, it increases one's combat capabilities when worn and is the favored equipment of scouts and spies.",
		["bush gloves"] = "Gauntlets formed from leaves and wood, it increases one's combat capabilities when worn and is the favored equipment of scouts and spies.",
		["bush helmet"] = "A helmet formed from leaves and wood, it increases one's combat capabilities when worn and is the favored equipment of scouts and spies.",
		["bush pants"] = "Leggings formed from leaves and wood, it increases one's combat capabilities when worn and is the favored equipment of scouts and spies.",
		["bush potion"] = "A box used to be considered the stealthiest of items, but no one expects the bush!",
		["bushie's branch"] = "The remnants of a fallen foe.",
		["business pants"] = "Alright, no more playing around. It's business pants time.",
		["business shirt"] = "Business in the front, business in the back. All business, all the time.",
		["butter"] = "Half the ingredients of buttered toast.",
		["butterfly ring"] = "A beautiful ring enchanted with the essence of butterflies, summoning a butterfly companion who protects you from the first instance of damage taken every 30 seconds.",
		["butterfly statue a"] = "A bush, expertly trimmed into the shape of a beautiful butterfly.",
		["butterfly wall display"] = "A collection of butterflies, how academic.",
		["butterflyfish"] = "Did it come from a sea cocoon?",
		["butternut"] = "Better a squash than a smoosh.",
		["butternut mac and cheese"] = "When in doubt, add cheese!",
		["butternut seeds"] = "Butternut Squash seeds may look similar to pumpkin seeds, but they are actually just close cousins!",
	["c"] = {
		["cabin boy hat"] = "Cabin boys actually have a rather demanding job, but at least you get to wear this cool looking hat!",
		["cabin boy shirt"] = "Neat, sharp, proper and ready to get messy. The cabin boy's creed.",
		["cabin boy shorts"] = "Keeps your legs nice and cool while you're scurrying back and forth across a pirate ship all day.",
		["cactus flower hat"] = "Who knew a prickly cactus could grow such a pretty flower?",
		["cactus plant"] = "Add some desert flair to your home or garden with this potted prickly plant.",
		["cactus potion"] = "A watery green potion. It smells strongly of cactus flowers.",
		["cafe shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a chic cafe skin.",
		["cake mix"] = "The basic ingredients required for a cake, what will you add to flavor it?",
		["cake pop"] = "A modern take on traditional cake, now you can take cake with you wherever you go!",
		["cake shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a huge cake skin.",
		["calico kitty"] = "Here kitty, kitty.",
		["california roll"] = "A type of sushi roll native to a far, far away and mythical land that is only spoken about in legends.",
		["camo shirt"] = "What shirt? I can't see any shirt!",
		["camp fire"] = "Who doesn't love to sit around a good fire?",
		["camper snaccoon plush"] = "Snaccoons love to camp. Well, they love to walk to places and fall asleep, which is sort of like camping.",
		["camping potion"] = "Thankfully this potion smells of burning logs and melting marshmallows, instead of the inside of a tent or something.",
		["can of beans"] = "Unfortunately these beans are not of the magical kind.",
		["can of sardines"] = "It's said these are an acquired taste. As in, anyone who likes these should acquire some new taste.",
		["can of soup"] = "Hearty soup, cooked under pressure to seal it into a tin can. Just an amazing bit of food preservation technology.",
		["candelabra"] = "A candelabra, provides a lot of light while looking quite striking at the same time.",
		["candelabra witch hat"] = "Witches of the dark forests often wear candles upon the brim of their hats, for navigating - and a bit of style.",
		["candied yams"] = "Bad for your health, good for your mouth.",
		["candle"] = "A simple wax candle, this will light up the darkness.",
		["candle costume"] = "Here's a clever DIY costume idea: Cover yourself in 165 pounds of melted candle wax.",
		["candle costume hat"] = "We're not saying that melting a giant candle on your head is a great idea, but it certainly does make an awesome costume.",
		["candle dress"] = "Only a witch has the magical skills - and wild imagination - necessary to conjure such a waxy garmet.",
		["candle witch hat"] = "An enchanted flame burns forever, lighting the way whilst you're on official witch work.",
		["candy apple"] = "A sweet red apple absolutely coated with a thick sugar glaze. The sugar of the glaze really brings out of the sugar of the apple.",
		["candy bowls"] = "Cute glass pumpkins full of tantalizing, irresistible candy. Try to contain yourself.",
		["candy cane"] = "The most popular winter candy.",
		["candy cane seeds"] = "Who knew candy canes grew on trees?",
		["candy corn"] = "Perhaps the most controversial of all the candies, it's said you aren't a true Withergatian unless you love this stuff.",
		["candy corn bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["candy corn fruit"] = "No, this does not count as a vegetable. It shouldn't even count as a fruit! It's CANDY!",
		["candy corn fruit pop"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["candy corn fruit smoothie"] = "Blended up candy corn. Eh... Why not?",
		["candy corn fruit tree seeds"] = "Monsterfolk adore candy. Case in point: they invented candy corn!",
		["candy corn hat"] = "Looks just like candy corn, though sadly it only tastes like hat.",
		["candy corn pieces"] = "Used as a currency by monsterfolk, accepted at the shops in the Withergate subway. Do you think they grow it on candy farms?",
		["candy corn plushie"] = "This plushie might not be yummy like the real candy, but with his happy face and super soft stuffing, it's got a sweetness of its very own.",
		["candy kebab"] = "Pieces of candy kebabed on a candy skewer, you're not sure how anyone got the notion to make something like this, but you're not going to question it. Get chomping!",
		["candy mushroom light"] = "This bioluminescent mushroom looks really sweet, hopefully it doesn't attract ants. Ants would be just awful.",
		["candy necklace"] = "A necklace of candy gems, woven by an artistic Monsterfolk. Is it meant to frighten enemies, or just look stylish?",
		["candy plushie"] = "Candy is dandy and plushies are... well, nothing cute rhymes with 'plushie', but the point is that this candy plushie is a real treat.",
		["candycorn popcorn"] = "If it's corn, it can pop.",
		["cape of combat"] = "A heavy cloak adorned with a super thick trim of fur, made especially to weather the most extreme of combat.",
		["cape of exploration"] = "Worn by seasoned adventurers to display their experience with surviving in the harsh wilds.",
		["cape of farming"] = "This deep green cloak will match perfectly with your green thumb.",
		["cape of mining"] = "A style of cape traditionally worn by miners in the Western Region, it keeps you warm even in the darkest and deepest of mineshafts.",
		["captain coat"] = "Spun of fine silk brought in from far across the Eastward sea.",
		["captain shoes"] = "Freshly polished and ready to stomp across the deck. Show your crew who's the boss!",
		["captain's hat"] = "Every vessel needs a captain, and every captain needs a snazzy hat.",
		["caramel"] = "Sugar, heated up until it breaks down and reforms into heavenly caramel.",
		["caramel apple"] = "A sour green apple dipped into a generous amount of caramel sauce. The bitter of the apple compliments the sweetness of the caramel quite well.",
		["caramel creme brulee"] = "A baked custard dessert, torched with just a touch of fire magic. 'Creme Brulee' is a fancy way of saying it's slightly burnt!",
		["cardboard box mount whistle"] = "A mount powered entirely by the most powerful force of them all: your imagination!",
		["cardboard box piece"] = "A piece of cardboard. With enough of these, maybe you could create something incredible?",
		["cardboard door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a beautifully boxy style.",
		["cardboard patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a beautifully boxy style.",
		["cardboard roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a beautifully boxy style.",
		["cardboard walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a beautifully boxy style.",
		["cardboard windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a beautifully boxy style.",
		["caribbean green soup"] = "A spicy soup popular in the Southern Isles.",
		["carnival balloons"] = "Balloons commemorating the great Withergate carnival.",
		["carnival flier"] = "It's actually not too spooky, at least by Withergate standards.",
		["carnival tent shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a festive carnival tent skin.",
		["carnivorous bonnet"] = "They're only plant Amari, let's go talk to them.' - Unknown Curator, proposing a stupid idea.",
		["carnivorous crop top"] = "Once endlessly fertile, an ancient calamity wounded Iseron. The rich soil turning dry and barren, Iseron's native plant Amari were forced to adapt to a 'different' type of sustenance.",
		["carnivorous skirt"] = "Everyone loves a flower until, until your daisy grows teeth and a taste for flesh!",
		["carp"] = "For a fish that spends all of its time eating algae it's surprisingly tasty.",
		["carrot"] = "Surprisingly high in sugar, carrots are a cornerstone of flavor in many different types of dishes.",
		["carrot cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["carrot juice"] = "Favored drink of rabbit Amari.",
		["carrot seeds"] = "Orange and crunchy, a common ingredient in delicious meals.",
		["carrot sword"] = "Strike down your foes with the might of a hundred hungry bunnies!",
		["carved elven coffee table"] = "Impeccably carved from a single piece of wood, this is an excellent place to put your Elf coffee.",
		["carved elven counter"] = "The drawers and cupboard doors of this countertop fit together with such precision that they open with no resistance or friction.",
		["carved elven l counter"] = "A countertop of Elven make, it's been designed to fit into the corner of your kitchen.",
		["carved elven long table"] = "A gorgeous long table hand carved entirely from a single piece of wood.",
		["carved elven round table"] = "Carved by hand, yet the surface of this table is perfectly smooth. How do those Elves do it?",
		["carved elven square table"] = "A gorgeous square table hand carved entirely from a single piece of wood.",
		["carved elven wardrobe"] = "Using no nails, this wardrobe has been carved with working doors from only a single piece of wood. Very impressive work.",
		["cask of elven grape juice"] = "A cask of Elven grape juice, sealed up tight enough that no water could leak into it. Who could have lost it?",
		["castle door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a Middle Ages castle style.",
		["castle patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a Middle Ages castle style.",
		["castle roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a Middle Ages castle style.",
		["castle shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a mighty castle skin.",
		["castle walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a Middle Ages castle style.",
		["castle windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a Middle Ages castle style.",
		["casual rock beanie"] = "A soft beanie, nice and gentle for a head after a whole night in the mosh pit.",
		["casual rock hoodie"] = "A dirty old hoodie that's seen its share of rock - each stain is a memory. A dirty, stained rockin' memory.",
		["casual rock pants"] = "They don't have any rips in them... Yet.",
		["cat door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a nya-rific cat style.",
		["cat dress"] = "No cats were harmed in the making of this cute dress.",
		["cat eye flower"] = "An eerie flower, the \"eye\" gives off a dull shine in the light. Definitely native to Withergate's haunted forests.",
		["cat headphones"] = "Sorry, I can't hear you over my awesome cat headphones.",
		["cat nip"] = "Cats usually keep this potent herb safely guarded, though they are known to drop some when excited.",
		["cat patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a nya-rific cat style.",
		["cat roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a nya-rific cat style.",
		["cat scratcher"] = "Nothing is more purrrrfect than a scratching post, nya!' - Kitty's hottake on scratching posts",
		["cat scratching post"] = "Kitty's kittens love scratchy posts. Why not a farmer?",
		["cat tail"] = "Grassy stalks topped with a fuzzy brown 'tail' that no cat can resist the urge to pounce and paw at.",
		["cat tail seeds"] = "A seed covered in soft fuzz that feel almost like fur.",
		["cat treat rug"] = "A rug that looks just like a tasty, irresistible treat.",
		["cat walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a nya-rific cat style.",
		["cat windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a nya-rific cat style.",
		["cataclysm"] = "Transform into a spinning ball, granting massive movement speed and causing heavy damage to all enemies you collide with during this time.",
		["catch of the day"] = "\"You catch it, I'll grill it. Don't care what it is.\" - Ronald",
		["catfish"] = "It doesn't look anything like a cat!",
		["catherine record"] = "A record of Catherine's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["catherine wedding ring"] = "I didn't need any magic to know this would be the happiest day of my life, hehe. I love you sweetheart.",
		["catherine's charm"] = "You're the strongest charm I've ever made... I want you to protect someone special to me.",
		["catsup"] = "What's up, catsup?",
		["cauldron"] = "The contents of this bubbling cauldron is unknown, but you can bet every last one of your tickets that it is most assuredly of the wicked variety.",
		["cauldron of mysterious green liquid"] = "Maybe it's best if the contents of this cauldron stay a mystery.",
		["cauldron of mysterious orange liquid"] = "Maybe it's best if the contents of this cauldron stay a mystery.",
		["celesti"] = "Most celestial creatures encountered are primordial and violent beasts. But others, like this one, are cute little buddies.",
		["celestial braid wig"] = "These braids are twisted with a starry galaxy.",
		["celestial cauldron end table"] = "Cast in gold and polished until the stars shine like those in the night sky above.",
		["celestial chair"] = "Shaped like a crescent moon and as soft as sitting on an astral cloud adrift through the heavens.",
		["celestial chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Celestial DLC Pack!",
		["celestial couch"] = "It's like sitting with your back resting against eternity.",
		["celestial dress"] = "Begemmed with twinkling stars, caught in a galactic dance.",
		["celestial matador pants"] = "Stylish and fancy, yet practical enough to go toe to toe with a raging beast.",
		["celestial matador shirt"] = "Strut with the confidence and swagger of a matador... A matador FROM SPACE!!",
		["celestial night light"] = "The dark of night, cut back by astral light.",
		["celestial ram bed"] = "Having trouble sleeping? Try counting an astral ram. Or two. Or three. Or four...",
		["celestial ram mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your plane-trotting ram companion to your side.",
		["celestial runes gift"] = "A gift wrapped in sparkling golden runes of the Everbeyond. It's almost too pretty to open...",
		["celestial wardrobe"] = "Keeps your clothes free of any stray stardust.",
		["celtic record"] = "A selection of rousing instruments that is certain to get your blood pumping.",
		["cement slime"] = "Slimes are versatile and adaptable. If it's a viscous liquid, a slime has embodied it. This guy, for example, literally drips Withergate concrete.",
		["centipede potion"] = "A centipede potion? Is there anything they WON'T make a potion out of these days?",
		["centipillar trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["cerberus mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your ferocious cerberus companion to your side.",
		["ceremonial dagger"] = "A golden dagger with a blood red ruby set on its pommel. Whatever the purpose of this dagger was, it's definitely seen plenty of use.",
		["chain lightning"] = "Shoots a bolt of lightning at an enemy, damaging them, and then jumping to additional nearby enemies.",
		["charcoal"] = "A piece of sooty charcoal. When it comes to writing, it'll work better than nothing.",
		["charcuterie board"] = "A board filled with various snacks, perfect for a party, or just for me.",
		["charles"] = "Charles is a cucumber. From the sea. A sort of 'sea cucumber', if you will.",
		["charming door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a wonderfully charming style.",
		["charming patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a wonderfully charming style.",
		["charming roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a wonderfully charming style.",
		["charming walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a wonderfully charming style.",
		["charming windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a wonderfully charming style.",
		["charon plushie"] = "Withergate's trusty and ever-working boat-hound, now collectable in plushie form.",
		["checkered skateboard whistle"] = "Riding on this sure beats walking.",
		["cheese"] = "A wedge of fresh cheese, just waiting to cheese up any dish.",
		["cheese dip"] = "The thing about Dip is that you can dip anything in it. The only limit is your imagination (and courage).",
		["cheese souffle"] = "In the old days, souffles were prone to deflating if disturbed. With a little mana, however, you can have the perfect souffle all the time!",
		["cheeseburger"] = "It has lettuce on it, so it's healthy. Right?",
		["cheesecake"] = "Bad for your health, good for your mouth.",
		["cheesecake ice cream"] = "Can't choose between having cheesecake or ice cream? Now you don't have to!",
		["cheesy slime potion"] = "An extra thick potion that sloshes slowly around in its bottle. It certainly smells plenty cheesy.",
		["chef hat"] = "Mandatory headwear for any self-respecting chef.",
		["cherry bowl"] = "A bowl full of ripe cherries, ready for snacking or topping off an ice cream sundae.",
		["chess bed"] = "Drift to sleep and dream of en passant... whatever \"en passant\" means.",
		["chess board"] = "A battle waged by minds, rather than blows.",
		["chess board rug"] = "Now you can play chess with your feet!",
		["chess chair"] = "You'll find me in my chess chair, pondering my next perfectly calculated move.",
		["chess couch"] = "A lovely couch with soft velvet cushions mimicking the checkered spaces of a chessboard.",
		["chess end table"] = "Slot this end table up against a bed or couch for a checkmate in interior design.",
		["chess lamp"] = "Shall I start this game with the four knights opening? Well I only have this one, so I suppose that will have to do.",
		["chess rug"] = "A rug to stand on, while you... how do you actually do the queen's gambit?",
		["chess table"] = "Putting your elbows on the chessboard is considered rather rude.",
		["chess wardrobe"] = "T-shirt to hanger 3.",
		["chest"] = "A basic storage chest.",
		["chest potion"] = "The real treasure inside this chest is you.",
		["chewy rope pet toy"] = "A length of thick rope, perfect for a good chew.",
		["chick lantern"] = "Sheets of paper elegantly arranged to resemble a colorful chick, commemorating a successful lantern festival.",
		["chicken"] = "Take good care of your chickens and you'll have all the eggs you ever need.",
		["chicken bastilla"] = "Shredded chicken wrapped in layers of paper-thin dough. This delicious pastry was the signature dish of Raine, a world-famous chef and culinary visionary.",
		["chicken coop"] = "It's like a little house, but for chickens!",
		["chicken coop wallpaper"] = "The default look of the chicken coop.",
		["chicken lantern"] = "Sheets of paper elegantly arranged to resemble a colorful chicken, commemorating a successful lantern festival.",
		["chicken noodle soup"] = "A bowl of noodles dressed up nicely with an egg.",
		["chicken tenders"] = "Food fit for the goodest of boys.",
		["chicken wings"] = "Eh, the chicken wasn't using those wings anyways.",
		["chili"] = "A hearty meal that will leave you satisfied for hours after.",
		["chilly fishing bait"] = "It's like a popsicle for fish.",
		["chimchuck trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["chipper"] = "Squirrelbears are... well, they're kind of like squirrels... but they're also like bears... well, anyways - they're super cute!",
		["chocoberry"] = "A standard semi-sweet chocolate on their own, but using them in recipes brings out their true sweetness.",
		["chocoberry seeds"] = "Some people like chewing on these chocolatey seeds, though they're very bitter. Worth much more when grown and used in recipes!",
		["chocolate"] = "It's actually a complex process to render edible chocolate from chocoberries, but it's totally worth it.",
		["chocolate cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["chocolate cupcake"] = "You'll have to eat a lot of cupcakes to make up for how small they are... but that's okay, you're up to the challenge.",
		["chocolate ice cream"] = "The definitive, classic ice cream flavor that is second to none (except for vanilla).",
		["chocolate milk"] = "Perhaps the greatest culinary invention of all time.",
		["chocolate pretzel"] = "Someone absolute madman dunked this pretzel into melted chocolate. Was the world ready for this? Maybe not, but it's still delicious.",
		["chocolate pudding"] = "There's proof in here somewhere.",
		["chocolate sprinkles"] = "Apparently pets come in flavors, who knew?",
		["chocolate tart"] = "Technically a chocolate custard, though the bitterness of the chocolate lends itself to a tart flavor.",
		["choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["choo choo train toy"] = "These handmade toy trains are all over the Western Region, kids (and train-obsessed adults) love them.",
		["chow mein"] = "\"Chow mein\" translates to \"Fried noodles\", which is a very fitting named, considering this dish is made primarily of fried noodles!",
		["christmas lightfish"] = "People of the Southern Isles have the oddest tradition of topping their holiday trees with this festive fish.",
		["chromafin"] = "Legends tell of a fish, said to have descended from the rainbows above, whose chromatic scales endlessly shift and change color.",
		["chubby dynus plushie"] = "Can plushies be menacing? Dynus's plushie is here to say that yes, plushies CAN be menacing.",
		["chunky grouper"] = "A fat, oily grouper. Most anglers throw them back, as they make a poor meal. Unless you're a baby dragon, that is.",
		["churros"] = "Dough sticks, fried in oil and breaded with sugar. Simple, yet very delicious.",
		["cinnaberry"] = "Crunchy and bursting with unique spice, these berries are imperative for creating the perfect dessert.",
		["cinnaberry jam"] = "Spiced jam made from cinnaberries, fire crystals and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat and farming skills.",
		["cinnaberry seeds"] = "A sweet snack that can be eaten on the go or used as an important ingredient in delicious desserts.",
		["cinnamon"] = "This delicious dust adds a cool spice to your recipes.",
		["cinnamon apple pie"] = "Apple pie with a cinnamon kick.",
		["cinnamon cake"] = "Heavily spiced with cinnamon, be careful not to eat it too quickly!",
		["cinnamon ice cream"] = "The spicy cinnamon mixed with the sweet ice cream produces a fairly complex flavor profile. Yummy!",
		["cinnamon spice latte"] = "A new style of drink from the Great City, it didn't take long to spread across the four regions.",
		["citrine"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["citrus rub"] = "A powder made out of the dried peels of tangy citrus fruits, tastebuds love it and bugs can't stand it.",
		["citrus salad"] = "Fragrant and slightly tangy, it's very invigorating for only being a 'mere' salad.",
		["citrus star fruit"] = "These star fruit grow on the beaches of the Southern Isle, though they took exceptionally well to growing under water as well.",
		["citrus star fruit tree seeds"] = "Tiny coral bulbs, they'll sprout into a bountiful citrus star tree once planted.",
		["citrus star jam"] = "Briney jam made from Citrus Star, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your mining skill.",
		["citrus star juice"] = "Freshly squeezed and ready to be sipped by the seaside... Or wherever you feel like sipping it, really.",
		["citrus star soup"] = "Enjoyed by many citizens of The Deeps when they're feeling a bit (literally) green around the gills.",
		["citrus star tart"] = "The firm touch of salt water actually lends itself surprisingly well to this tart's unusual taste.",
		["cityscape painting"] = "An artist's recreation of the Withergate skyline, set against the darkness of eternal night.",
		["clam"] = "This would go great in a nice chowder.",
		["clam chowder"] = "A steaming hot bowl of clam chowder.",
		["classic bell"] = "Rung by carolers through the land as they sing songs to winter cheer.",
		["classic bookshelf"] = "Some might refer to this bookshelf as \"outdated\", but they just don't appreciate the classics.",
		["classic brick door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a classical brick style.",
		["classic brick patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a classical brick style.",
		["classic brick roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a classical brick style.",
		["classic brick walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a classical brick style.",
		["classic brick windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a classical brick style.",
		["classic hutch"] = "A standard hutch of Human make, typically this furniture is used to store dinnerware and other odds and ends.",
		["classic mailbox"] = "A stadard issue mailbox from the Four Regions Postal Service (FRPS).",
		["classic wooden dresser"] = "A dresser of classic Human design, it's a bit rustic but gets the job done beautifully.",
		["classical edm record"] = "Nothing will get your feet going quite like this electric record.",
		["claude record"] = "A record of Claude's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["claude wedding ring"] = "I've never felt this way before, about anything. You've changed how I see everything. I love you.",
		["claude's concerto"] = "The original copy of Claude's famous concerto. It bears the composer's own signature, written in a blood red ink.",
		["claude's house key"] = "A spare house key? What am I ever going to do with this?",
		["claude's performance record"] = "A recording of Claude's performance taken from the music festival.",
		["claw gloves"] = "Claws need gloves, too.",
		["claws and paws chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Claws and Paws DLC Pack!",
		["clay pot"] = "A simple clay pot, made right here in Sun Haven.",
		["clay vase"] = "Just a simple clay vase shaped by hand. Sometimes there's beauty in simplicity.",
		["clef note pretzel"] = "In music, clef notes determine the sound of a song. In your mouth, pretzels taste yummy.",
		["cloak rack"] = "Usually used exclusively by desk workers, this light would nonetheless look great in your home.",
		["clock tower shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a clock tower skin.",
		["cloud bed"] = "It's like sleeping on a cloud. No, literally. This bed is like sleeping on a cloud.",
		["cloud couch"] = "So light and fluffy that you'd swear you were sitting on a real cloud.",
		["cloud halo"] = "A small ring of puffy clouds, to festoon your head in wispy magnificence.",
		["cloud hat"] = "Now you can really have your head in the clouds!",
		["cloud nightstand"] = "The top of this nightstand is actually carved from stone, polished to a shine.",
		["cloud table"] = "Maybe you can't eat your lunch on a cloud, but this table is a pretty close second.",
		["cloud wall shelf"] = "Store all your odds and ends in this poofy white cloud shelf.",
		["cloud wardrobe"] = "At first glance it might look like it's a wardrobe of real clouds, really it's just upholstered with a fluffy material.",
		["cloud wig"] = "Talk about having your head in the clouds...",
		["clover"] = "Do you think it's a lucky one?",
		["clover seeds"] = "Clovers don't have much value when sold, but growing them is an excellent way to gain experience.",
		["clown fish"] = "Tell us a joke, clown fish. ...Oh wait, fish can't talk.",
		["clown wig"] = "No self-respecting clown would be caught without their signature hairdo.",
		["cluck potion"] = "A potion with the creamy color of fresh eggshells. Will it make you lay an egg?",
		["coal"] = "A hard lump of coal, mined from deep within the earth.",
		["coalfish"] = "Tastes considerably better than its namesake, thankfully.",
		["cobalt elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed cobalt.",
		["cobb salad"] = "With too many ingredients to count, this 'mere' salad is as hearty a meal as any.",
		["cobble stone bridge"] = "A sturdy cobble stone bridge for your farm.",
		["cobble stone bridge decor"] = "A sturdy cobble stone bridge for your farm.",
		["cobra plushie"] = "A venomous snake from far away lands... so of course Demons turned it into a cute plushie.",
		["coconut water"] = "Simple and refreshing. The classic tropical drink.",
		["cod sashimi"] = "Thinly sliced cod, served nice and raw!",
		["coducopia"] = "Hey, this would look great in a cornucopia.",
		["coffee"] = "Sleep is a poor substitute for coffee.",
		["coffee bean"] = "This bean turns into a magical drink when brewed in a keg.",
		["coffee bean seeds"] = "You must resist the urge to drink these seeds! Plant them and get even more beans to drink!",
		["coffee cup shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a coffee cup skin.",
		["coffee mug"] = "The mug is empty. Time for more coffee.",
		["coffee shop shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a coffee shop skin.",
		["coins"] = "Known for making the world go 'round.",
		["collector's shelf"] = "Shelves packed full of curious trinkets, along with volumes of books that explain where they all came from.",
		["combat exp"] = "Experience in the Combat skill.",
		["combat hat"] = "Headgear worn by seasoned fighters who have proven their mettle in countless battles.",
		["combat skill tome"] = "A mystical tome imbued with the very essence of combat. Reading its pages will impart increased combat prowess and experience.",
		["combat totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["combat trophy"] = "A golden trophy, awarded for completing the combat bundle of the Sun Haven museum.",
		["common fish"] = "Any common fish",
		["community token"] = "A token proving your contribution to Sun Haven's community. Bernard will trade these for all sorts of amazing things at Town Hall.",
		["companion ring"] = "Your best friend can wear the other half! This ring increases HP regeneration by a small amount. This effect grows stronger with each person in your party who also wears this ring.",
		["compost"] = "Useless junk given a new lease on life as helpful compost.",
		["composter"] = "A farming essential, composters turn resources into compost and fertilizer.",
		["conch cone"] = "If you hold it to your mouth, you can taste the ocean.",
		["confetti rug"] = "A pile of leftover birthday confetti 'repurposed' into a rug.",
		["conjured brazier"] = "Captured flame, burning eternally in a brazier that is... also made out of flame.",
		["construction table"] = "A heavy duty construction table with all the tools needed for building houses and barns.",
		["cookie spider"] = "Yummy AND creepy!",
		["cookies"] = "The specialty of grandmas the world over.",
		["cooking pot"] = "A trusty cooking pot where you can cook ingredients and crops into yummy meals.",
		["cool cat couch"] = "Be the coolest cat around with this super long wraparound couch.",
		["cool jacket"] = "What makes this jacket so cool? You. You're what makes this jacket so cool.",
		["cool pants"] = "The ideal slacks for keeping it real cool.",
		["cooled lava honey"] = "It cooled down a lot quicker than you expected.",
		["copper axe"] = "This will make short work of trees and stumps.",
		["copper bar"] = "A bar of refined copper. Not the strongest metal, but it does the trick.",
		["copper chest plate"] = "Super heavy, but is great protection.",
		["copper gloves"] = "Keeps your fingers safe!",
		["copper helmet"] = "A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so keep yours protected with this metal helmet.",
		["copper hoe"] = "Tills the land, turning grass into farmable soil.",
		["copper key"] = "A copper key crafted especially for the gates in the mines.",
		["copper legs"] = "They clank whenever you walk, but they'll keep your legs shielded.",
		["copper ore"] = "I can smelt this into a bar.",
		["copper pickaxe"] = "The ideal tool for busting down stone and ore.  Also useful for picking up decorations.",
		["copper ring"] = "A simple looking copper ring, it has actually been enchanted to impart increased strength to its wearer.",
		["copper sword"] = "A well-honed blade, friend to every warrior.",
		["copper watering can"] = "Holds plenty of water for your thirsty crops.",
		["coral compass"] = "A golden compass, stuck in a chunk of colorful coral. It looks like something Zaria found on her corsair travels.",
		["coral staff"] = "Just as the woodland Elves perfected woodcraft, their island-goer cousins perfected coralcraft. Unsurprisingly, it seems Brinestone does trade with the sea Elves.When selected on your toolbelt, this staff grants 30 bonus spell damage.",
		["corn"] = "A fresh ear of corn, it's not very good for eating uncooked, but it makes excellent popcorn.",
		["corn dog"] = "A hotdog that has been breaded in cornmeal, stuck on a stick and fried in oil. Food this bad shouldn't taste so good.",
		["corn flour"] = "Made of finely milled corn. It's heavier than wheat flour and slightly sweeter, too.",
		["corn seeds"] = "Slow to grow, but each crop provides double the yield.",
		["corn sword"] = "A blessed blade (of corn) divinely delivered to only the most devoted and holy of adherents.",
		["cornelius"] = "This is one piece of candy that is friend, not food.",
		["corsair potion"] = "A potion brined in sea water... It looks like it's VERY sour.",
		["costume mouse ear headband"] = "Won't actually help you hear cheese.",
		["costume mouse robe"] = "Squeak-y clean robes, ready to play in.",
		["cottage core door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a cottage aesthetic style.",
		["cottage core patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a cottage aesthetic style.",
		["cottage core roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a cottage aesthetic style.",
		["cottage core walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a cottage aesthetic style.",
		["cottage core windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a cottage aesthetic style.",
		["cotton"] = "It may be second to wool, but cotton is never forgotten.",
		["cotton candy"] = "The culinary Demons of Withergate have developed a method of spinning heated sugar in a bowl, cooling it into sweet strings. Light as cotton, yummy as candy. Ingenious.",
		["cotton seeds"] = "They might seeds, but they feel as soft and fluffy as fresh wool.",
		["country hat"] = "Does it actually hold 10 gallons?",
		["cow"] = "Cows are a trusty farm staple that are a great source of milk.",
		["cow plushie"] = "Much smaller, and much softer, than non-plushie cows.",
		["cow print door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a moo-rific cow style.",
		["cow print patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a moo-tastic cow style.",
		["cow print roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a moo-tastic cow style.",
		["cow print walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a moo-tastic cow style.",
		["cow print windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a moo-tastic cow style.",
		["cowboy snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that is at home under a starry sky on the open range. Your bedroom would be fine, too.",
		["cozy blanket"] = "This blanket naturally heats itself!",
		["cozy fire logs"] = "A stack of dried logs, ready for the kindling.",
		["cozy house shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a cozy home skin.",
		["crab"] = "You'd be crabby too if someone reeled you in on a hook!",
		["crab mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your scuttling hermit crab mount to your side.",
		["crab plushie"] = "These claws are too soft to pinch!",
		["crab roll"] = "This crab is on a roll!",
		["cracked mage's ring"] = "Some power or force has cracked this enchanted ring nearly in two. The power of its enchantment is now wild and barely contained, becoming both powerful and dangerous.",
		["cracked reindeer ice sculpture"] = "Uh-oh! Looks like the sculptor slipped a bit...",
		["crafting table"] = "A sturdy work bench where you can craft all sorts of exciting things.",
		["crafting workshop"] = "A tidy crafting area is a happy crafting area - this workshop will help you keep everything in one place! Workshops are HUGE on the inside!",
		["cranberry"] = "Cranberries are highly valued for the sweet sauce they're cooked into for holiday feasts.",
		["cranberry seeds"] = "These seeds normally only grow in bogs, though strangely they grow just fine in Sun Haven.",
		["crate of apples"] = "How do you like THESE apples?!",
		["crate of fetch balls"] = "Think: why have only one fetch ball when you can have an entire crate of fetch balls?",
		["crate of clothes"] = "A crate of spare clothes, ready to be stored away until needed.",
		["crate of fabrics"] = "Assorted fabrics, conveniently compiled and contained within the capacious confines of this crafty crate. Great.",
		["crate of mushrooms"] = "Freshly picked forest fungi, crated up and ready to be used in all sorts of mushroomy plans.",
		["crate of scrolls"] = "A whole crate stuffed with parchment scrolls, you'll never run out of scrolls again.",
		["crate of tentacles"] = "\"Go eat a crate of tentacles\" is a popular saying among Demonkind, but who knew they meant it literally...",
		["crate of toys"] = "A crate full of all sorts of great toys. Keep your kids (or maybe yourself) entertained all day.",
		["cream seltzer"] = "Rich with creamy, smooth vanilla for that ultra fine taste.",
		["creamer pitcher"] = "A glazed clay pitcher for storing cream, the special glaze keeps the pitcher nice and cool.",
		["creamy beef stew"] = "A vegan variation of the popular meat and cream dish, it tastes almost like the real thing!",
		["creamy mushroom soup"] = "In the past this simple soup was made due to a lack for any better ingredients. Today, however, it's an old fashioned comfort food classic.",
		["creepfish"] = "This odd fish is known for creeping through the muck to ambush its unwitting prey.",
		["creme brulee"] = "A baked custard dessert, torched with just a touch of fire magic. 'Creme Brulee' is a fancy way of saying it's slightly burnt!",
		["crescent plant"] = "An exotic plant from the Southern Isles, planted in special island soil.",
		["croc scale"] = "Long ago the untamed swamps of Withergate were home to vicious crocodiles. Though the Demons have since made their city on the land, the crocs have adapted to sewer life fairly well.",
		["crop totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["cropped top"] = "A light and breezy garment with a name that is really fun to say! Crop top, crop top, crop top...",
		["crossbow"] = "A perfectly balanced crossbow, this won't let you down.",
		["crown"] = "Be the king or queen of all you gaze upon (or at least look like it) with this regal black crown.",
		["crumble"] = "Gargoyles have followed Demons for as long as anyone can remember. This one would love to follow you!",
		["crumpled paper"] = "Hey, don't sweat it. First drafts are made to be crumpled.",
		["crystal bat"] = "Unlike other bats, the crystal bat has excellent eyesight. They love to scavenge for stones and shiny rocks - but most of all, they love to scavanage glorite.",
		["crystal cluster"] = "A small cluster of crystals, they look freshly formed and brimming with mana.",
		["crystal tetra"] = "A hardy fish covered with gemstone scales that twinkle in the light.",
		["cuckoo wall clock"] = "An old-time favorite style of clock in the Eastern Region, the cuckoo craze is beginning to sweep through the rest of the land.",
		["cuddlefish"] = "Looks cute enough to cuddle, though doing so is not advised.",
		["cupcake mix"] = "With some good flavoring, this cupcake mix can be baked into, well, cupcakes!",
		["curator headwear"] = "It is not merely the thrill of the hunt, but also the satisfaction of history preserved, wot-wot.",
		["curator legs"] = "Durable enough for intense treasure hunting, yet posh enough for the finest of gentlemanly gatherings.",
		["curator torso"] = "Durable enough for intense treasure hunting, yet posh enough for the finest of gentlemanly gatherings.",
		["cushion"] = "Stuffed full of bouncy wool, this should keep anyone's bottom comfy on even the hardest ground.",
		["custard"] = "A jiggly dessert that was once the food of wealthy lords. These days anyone can afford to make it.",
		["cut stump potion"] = "Use potion, become stump. The perfect plan.",
		["cute cape"] = "Very pink, very ribbony.",
		["cute monster plushie"] = "Definitely not a monster of the ferocious type, this cute plushie looks like it'd much rather make friends than scare people.",
		["cutting board with lemon"] = "A solid cutting board of oak, it's ready to see some action.",
		["cyberpop arc capacitor"] = "In the year 3XXX capacitors hold electrical arcs to power everything from digi-homes to mecha-ships. Sun Haven doesn't have any of those things, though, but at least it makes a cool looking decoration.",
		["cyberpop armored pants"] = "Don't get caught with your pants down. This is cybernetic war!",
		["cyberpop armored uniform"] = "In the year 3XXX, armor designs are much more streamlined to make them easier to uplink to master control, making for faster downloads to the battle bytes. Whatever that means.",
		["cyberpop bed"] = "Do Framedroids dream of mechanically-enchanced bio-sheep?",
		["cyberpop bicycle"] = "In the year 3XXX, even bicycles require pass-bytes to operate. This one is only useful for display.",
		["cyberpop chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Cyberpop DLC Pack!",
		["cyberpop couch"] = "No fantastical mainframes or uplink ports on this thing. It's just a fancy couch from the distant future.",
		["cyberpop desk"] = "A quaint desk built in the primitive style of 3XXX years ago.",
		["cyberpop flight suit jacket"] = "Take control of the skies, courtesy of a cyberguard security jet.",
		["cyberpop flight suit pants"] = "Pressurized flight pants that keep the blood from rushing to your feet during intense aeriel maneuvers.",
		["cyberpop globe"] = "A globe of the cyber world of 3XXX. It's... All cybernetic.",
		["cyberpop goggles"] = "Not just ordinary goggles, these puppies let you see the digital controls of security jets. They'll also look really neat on your head.",
		["cyberpop headphones"] = "Whether you're fighting against the cyberguard or battling over turf with a rival gang, you gotta blast the tunes.",
		["cyberpop hover bike"] = "Without a pass-byte the engine of this cyber rig won't start. It's only useful for display now.",
		["cyberpop motorcycle"] = "Without a pass-byte the engine of this cyber rig won't start. It's only useful for display now.",
		["cyberpop record player"] = "In the year 3XXX almost everything has changed - all expect your classic record players, that is.",
		["cyberpop robo boots"] = "The cyberguard installed student tracking software in these boots - until it was disabled by the very student it was meant to track, of course.",
		["cyberpop robo headband"] = "It looks like a child's headband toy, but in reality its ears can hear microfrequencies emitted by Great Frame hall monitor drones.",
		["cyberpop robo jacket"] = "Let them think you're a good little cyberstudent. When class is out and the teacher-bots go offline, it's battle time.",
		["cyberpop rug"] = "A red rug bearing the gilded crest of the cybernetic Great City.",
		["cyberpop student chair"] = "In Acadamia classrooms these chairs are programmed to monitor every tiny movement a student makes. Once the bio-monitors are hacked out, though, it makes a really comfy lounge chair.",
		["cyberpop student chest"] = "A storage chest issued to every Acadamia student. This one has been stolen from the school for personal use.",
		["cyberpop table"] = "An electronic display on this table is capable of playing thousands of amazing cyber games... too bad you don't know what any of the buttons do!",
		["cyberpop tanky gauntlets"] = "A tanksuit arm cannon can blast clean through hundreds of feet of solid metal. Too bad this one lost its ammo core!",
		["cyberpop tanky jacket"] = "The Great Frame thought this decommissioned tanksuit was turned into scrap. Little do they know a plucky gang of hackers managed to get it operational again.",
		["cyberpop tanky pants"] = "Heavy duty tanksuit pants, they're far too heavy to walk in without the command code activating their mobility engines.",
		["cyberpop throne"] = "When you've defeated the rivals standing before you, when you've stepped over the broken shards of their battle chips, then you may sit on the throne of victors.",
		["cyberpop uniform earpiece"] = "The year is 3XXX. In the cybernetic Great City, digital warriors compete for dominance and glory, communicating with friends and rivals through spiffy electronic earpieces.",
		["cyberpop uniform gloves"] = "More than just stylish handwear, these gloves contain microsensors that activate everything in the Cyber Acadamia from doors to soda machines.",
		["cyberpop uniform jacket"] = "Official uniform for the Cyber Acadamia, every hacker worth their bytes immediately disables the uniform's anti-cheating sensors.",
		["cyberpop uniform pants"] = "Not the most comfortable pants, but then, comfort isn't the focus of anything in the year 3XXX",
		["cyberpop wardrobe"] = "Thankfully the bytelocks of this wardrobe didn't survive the trip back in time, so it can be opened freely.",
	["d"] = {
		["daisy"] = "Wild daisies like these grow all along the countryside, though this is a domesticated species.",
		["daisy honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of daisy flowers, it's infused with healing properties.",
		["daisy seeds"] = "Easy to plant and grow, daisies are popular among beginner gardeners.",
		["dandelion"] = "Grown by the monster Weedil. Despite its appearance this 'flower' is, in fact, a weed.",
		["danger poster"] = "Danger: You are on a farm with KILLER style.",
		["darius record"] = "A record of Darius's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["darius wedding ring"] = "They'll tell tales of our love for generations in Withergate, my dear. I'll see to it that they do. I love you.",
		["darius's royal heirloom"] = "I wonder if I will ever meet someone worthy of accepting this... Not likely.",
		["dark grey table lantern"] = "A compact table lantern, great for late night reading or writing.",
		["dark knight helmet"] = "The Knight Corps of the Great Army are legendary for their heroic exploits. Withergate smiths, perhaps inspired by their sense of armored style, took to recreating their metallic outfits... with a suitably dark twist, of course.",
		["dark teal sink counter"] = "Does your house have everything but the kitchen sink? Then this is the counter top for you.",
		["dark wooden round table"] = "King Arthur sold separately.",
		["darkness essence"] = "A thick droplet of darkness energy. It feels strangely similar to mana, but... somehow twisted and wrong.",
		["darkness essence seeds"] = "Strange seeds, they'll drop essence of darkness once their flower blooms.",
		["darter"] = "Don't worry, these frogs aren't poisonous. They're actually venomous!",
		["daydream"] = "This little dream ram lost their way to dreamland! They'll follow you around in the meantime.",
		["dead crop"] = "Withered and crumbling, it's as if these vines didn't get enough energy...",
		["dead eye shrimp cocktail"] = "In Demonic these cocktails are known as hors d'oeuvres, basically fancy party food for fancy Demon parties.",
		["dead hardwood"] = "The zombified log of a haunted hardwood tree, ready to be turned into planks.",
		["dead hardwood plank"] = "Night of the living plank? Nah, just a heavy deadwood plank. Used in Withergate crafting.",
		["dead heavystone"] = "An extra hard dark rock from the haunted forests of Withergate. You're not sure why, but something about it feels... wrong.",
		["dead log"] = "The zombified log of a haunted tree, ready to be turned into planks.",
		["dead plank"] = "Night of the living plank? Nah, just a deadwood plank. Used in Withergate crafting.",
		["dead stone"] = "A dark rock from the haunted forests of Withergate. You're not sure why, but something about it feels... wrong.",
		["deadeye shrimp"] = "Thankfully it's out of ammo!",
		["dean"] = "A cute little raptor from the Southern Isles! Just watch your toes around this one...",
		["deep sea bed"] = "There's a farmer in a bed in the bottom of the sea.",
		["deep sea chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Deep Sea DLC Pack!",
		["deep sea clam chair"] = "If the world can't be your oyster, maybe this chair can?",
		["deep sea door"] = "Customizes your house's doors in a deep sea style.",
		["deep sea nightstand"] = "A lovely artisan end table, made out of 430 pounds of ocean stone and carved out by millions of years at the bottom of a trench.",
		["deep sea octopus plushie"] = "This plushie has enough arms for the biggest, softest hug!",
		["deep sea patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a deep sea style.",
		["deep sea roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a deep sea style.",
		["deep sea table"] = "Furniture isn't easy to keep Deep Sea, most merfolk are happy enough to go with what's most practical.... like a giant rock!",
		["deep sea walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a deep sea style.",
		["deep sea wardrobe"] = "Your clothes may be soaking wet and full of sand, but at least you'll have a nice wardrobe to put them in.",
		["deep sea windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a deep sea style.",
		["deeplight lamp"] = "In the darkest reaches of the briney Deeps the only light you'll find is the soft illumination of bio-light lamps such as this one lighting up the dark fathoms.",
		["deeps treasure map"] = "A map of underwater landscapes, known as a bathymetric map. It leads to a lost treasure that Zaria has, naturally, already claimed for herself. Still, it's a neat map!",
		["deer potion"] = "A thick brown potion, it gives off a strange aura of forest grace.",
		["defense essence"] = "Distilled essence of ancient Nel'Varian mana, it bestows increased defenses when tapped.",
		["defense potion"] = "A thick, syrupy potion that temporarily hardens the skin and increases defense.",
		["delicate gloves"] = "Extra soft, they'll protect anything you touch from the roughness of your hands.",
		["delicate hammer"] = "A blacksmithing hammer made from the fragments of many failed pieces of armor forged by Lynn. Turning her failures into something beautiful is very poetic, though the hammer is only for show.",
		["delicious bread display"] = "A baker always has a foolproof gift to fall back on: fresh bread.",
		["delicious drink"] = "A sugary drink made from the root bark of a special type of tree, hence the name. To top it off, there's a scoop of ice cream floating in it!",
		["delicious potion"] = "The name seems to fit the potion, this looks absolutely delicious to drink.",
		["demolition kit"] = "Don't like where you built your house or barn? Just move it somewhere else!",
		["demon coffee"] = "Thick as mud and smelling just as awful, but Demons chug this stuff to start their day.",
		["demon drama tv"] = "You have to hand it to the Demons, they know how to put on a show!",
		["demon drink"] = "A devilish brew, Demonkind often have it on special occassions or holidays.",
		["demon energy juice"] = "Withergate wasn't built in a day, but this energy concoction certainly sped development right along.",
		["demon mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["demon orb"] = "A perfectly round sphere of demonic energy, what could it possibly be used for?",
		["demon seeds"] = "These seeds glow with a faint eerie light, growing quick and providing a fast yield.",
		["demonsoul latte"] = "Brewed from the essence of demon orbs, the drink glows with a pale and eerie light.",
		["dev axe"] = "an axe that RUNS ON GASOLINE",
		["dev pickaxe"] = "makes rocks be not alive anymore",
		["dev scythe"] = "THE SCYTHE OF THE GODZ",
		["dev sword"] = "Wield this slicey weapon on your way to victory.",
		["devhoe"] = "who are you calling a hoe",
		["devil donut"] = "A devilishly delicious pastry that's been fried in oil and frosted in heavy icing. If eating this donut is wrong, trust us, you won't wanna be right.",
		["deviled eggs"] = "The only thing evil about these is their delicious taste!",
		["devilfin"] = "Fishermen in Withergate go about their work in constant fear that they may be unlucky enough to meet the Devilfin on the end of their line.",
		["devilishly good stew"] = "A stew so tasty that even an angel would be tempted.",
		["diamond"] = "A person's best friend.",
		["diamond amulet"] = "A piece of carved diamond, hymns and mantras have been placed on it to impart protection and endurance.",
		["diamond display"] = "A hunk of diamond, the size of your head, cut into a breathtakingly beautiful shape. 'Nothing is too good for you' an inscription on the golden glasp reads.",
		["diamond ring"] = "Throughout all the regions of the land, there's no ring quite as iconic or as classic as a diamond.",
		["diapers"] = "You're gonna need a LOT of these...",
		["dindle weed plant"] = "Also known as 'milk thistle', it's technically a weed but some people enjoy keeping it around as a houseplant despite that fact.",
		["diner dress"] = "I didn't know diners could wear dresses.",
		["dinner plate"] = "Plates are like hats, but for tables.",
		["discolored fishing lure"] = "An old fishing lure, a good time time spent in the water has faded its once bright coloration. Who could have lost it?",
		["diver bottoms"] = "If you insist on diving into the briny deeps, you'd better have the right pants for the job.",
		["diver gloves"] = "Heavy duty mitts, capable handling all the bounties of the ocean - while keeping your fingers dry!",
		["diver helmet"] = "Like a fishbowl for your head.",
		["diver top"] = "It's not the fanciest suit you've ever worn, but who cares about style when you're walking on the ocean floor?!",
		["dizzite"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["dizzlette"] = "Aw, it's a little baby Dizzy. Maybe with a little tender, love, and care this one won't grow up to be an earthquake-causing monster.",
		["doctor potion"] = "A smooth grey potion. It smells like popsicle sticks and cotton balls.",
		["doctor's eye patch"] = "Strips of gauze, fashioned into a makeshift eye patch.",
		["dog biscuit rug"] = "A rug that looks just like a tasty, irresistible treat.",
		["dog hat"] = "Bark bark, hurry up and make this hat your property.",
		["dog plushie"] = "Man's best friend, now in plushie form.",
		["donovan record"] = "A record of Donovan's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["donovan town flag"] = "A blood-red banner, with a self-portrait of Donovan haphazardly taped across it. Castle Withergate has plenty of banners, they probably won't miss this one...",
		["donovan wedding ring"] = "The wedding thing was nice and all, but I'm just glad we can be together from now on. I love you.",
		["donovan's dog tag"] = "From now on, I'm only going to march where I feel like marching... if I feel like marching at all.",
		["donut slime"] = "This slime is perfectly content as long as it has its precious donut. It will even hang out as furniture... just don't touch the donut.",
		["dorado"] = "This fish is known for its power and speed, it can easily swim up to 60 miles per hour!",
		["double headed cat plushie"] = "Two heads just means this plushie will have to get twice the ear scratchies.",
		["double lamp post"] = "A post with two glowing lamps, it's two lights for the post of one.",
		["double scoop monster"] = "Don't you dare ask for less than two scoops!",
		["doubloons"] = "Old coins that have been polished to a shiny finish and stamped with the official seal of The Deeps.",
		["dough"] = "D'oh!",
		["dracaena plant"] = "Covered in spiky thin leaves, this is actually a type of small tree.",
		["draco"] = "A wyrm, kind of like a dragon without legs. This one is small enough to be a pet!",
		["dragon chow"] = "Kitty's special baby dragon chow. It doesn't look very appetizing, but then again, you're not a baby dragon.",
		["dragon fang"] = "The fang of an immature dragon, likely intentionally shed from the mouth to make way for big boy dragon teeth.It would look good in a museum!",
		["dragon fruit"] = "Beloved by dragons and anyone else who can tolerate the spice of this fruit's fiery seeds.",
		["dragon fruit jam"] = "Spicy jam made from dragonfruit, earth crystal and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your mining and fishing skills.",
		["dragon fruit seeds"] = "Large and covered in soft green thorns, these seeds radiate a warmth you can feel even through the bag.",
		["dragon gulper"] = "A fierce predatory fish, its spiny fins are almost as sharp as its knife-like teeth.",
		["dragon ice sculpture"] = "A very bold, yet elegant, dragon carved of solid ice.",
		["dragon potion"] = "White and cool in color, but this potion is very much warm in your hands.",
		["dragon scale"] = "Though comparatively tiny compared to a scale from a fully grown dragon, it's still harder than mithril.",
		["dragon tea"] = "With only the slightest hint of heat, this drink really does perk you up.",
		["dragon trap"] = "It's a box. It's literally just a box. But maybe it will do the trick?",
		["dragonfly"] = "Doesn't look like any dragon you've ever seen!",
		["dragonfly antenna headband"] = "As the Curators explored the steamy jungles of Iseron, they documented the antenna-based communication methods of the Amari natives.",
		["dragonfly pants"] = "The padded feet really cushion the impact of jumping branch to branch.",
		["dragonfly shirt"] = "The Wildborn Amari of Iseron dart with incredible speed through their jungle homes, chasing down prey in the blink of an eye.",
		["dragonfly wing cape"] = "Spun from translucent thread to mimic the wispy wings of Iseron's dragonfly Amari.",
		["dreamy painting"] = "A thought provoking painting of an ethereal dreamscape.",
		["dreamy pet chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Dreamy Pet DLC Pack!",
		["dreamy ram chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Dreamy Ram DLC Pack!",
		["dreamy ram hat"] = "Dreams are never sweeter than when you're dreaming them whilst wearing this mystical hood.",
		["dreamy ram mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your dreamy ram companion to your side.",
		["dried herbs"] = "It looks like Catherine handmade this wooden rack just for you! The dried herbs are aromatic, and are meant to stink nice.",
		["driftwood"] = "Slightly waterlogged from its time adrift, it will still make some fine planks.",
		["driftwood gift"] = "A gift wrapped in scraps of old ship sails and fishing nets. It's covered in sand.",
		["drill bit"] = "An impressive appendage, perfectly adapted to life underground.",
		["drinking chocolate"] = "Known less formally as hot chocolate, this brew is the essential drink for the chilly winter season.",
		["drum set"] = "A complete rock band drumkit, ready and waiting to annoy your neighbors on long jam sessions.",
		["dumbo octopus"] = "How in the world does such an adorable little octopus find itself in the spooky waters of Withergate?",
		["dumbo octopus takoyaki"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["dummy potion"] = "A potion the color of hay. Being a dummy has never been easier thanks to this transformation brew.",
		["dumplings"] = "What's a lantern festival without dumplings? Let's hope we never have to find out.",
		["duorado"] = "The fish with a face so nice it has it twice.",
		["duorado double roll"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["durian"] = "This fruit stinks! Literally!",
		["durian seeds"] = "Are you hurryin' to plant your durian?",
		["dynus blanket"] = "A blanket bearing the image of Dynus, Moon Dragon.",
		["dynus plushie"] = "A plushie of legendary size, perfectly capturing the Moon Dragon's majesty and might.",
		["dynus victory trophy"] = "A glorious golden cup, commemorating your victory against the Moon Dragon.",
	["e"] = {
		["earlygator"] = "Some gators are later. This one isn't.",
		["earth crystal"] = "The elemental force of earth, hardened into a crystal.",
		["earth dragon tea"] = "Nel'Varians often drink dragon tea in honor of the natural elements.",
		["earth rune"] = "A magical sealing rune, containing the element of earth.",
		["earthquake"] = "Shake up the earth, instantly tilling land in an area around you.",
		["earthy elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed a deep earthy color.",
		["earthy grid wallpaper"] = "This wallpaper mimics the look of clay tiles on your walls.",
		["earthy striped couch"] = "A modest little couch in reserved, earthy colors.",
		["eastern bangle"] = "The colors represent a Region in the east, and a piece of molten metal looks stuck to the normally smooth edge of the bangle. Who could have lost it?",
		["eastern door"] = "Customizes your house's door in an Eastern style.",
		["eastern dragon painting"] = "A famous painting that originates from a land across the East Sea. This is just a reprint of the original, but it looks no less stunning.",
		["eastern landscape painting"] = "A painting based loosely on an explorer's recounting of a village they visited, far across the East Sea.",
		["eastern patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in an Eastern style.",
		["eastern roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in an Eastern style.",
		["eastern walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in an Eastern style.",
		["eastern windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in an Eastern style.",
		["eclair"] = "Basically a really fancy filled donut.",
		["economy ticket"] = "A ticket permitting one ride on the Withergate subway train. This economy ticket is more likely to take you to a small or medium neighborhood.\"We'll just charge a TICKET for the subway! Tickets are the solution to everything! Bwhaha!\" - Xyla",
		["edgy pants"] = "Pants have never been edgier than these sleek leggings.",
		["eel"] = "I hope it's not the electric kind!",
		["eel roll"] = "Eels are pretty easy to roll.",
		["eel skewer"] = "You wouldn't FEEL very good if you were skewered, either.",
		["eel-like-thing"] = "It's... some sort of... eel... like-thing... with a face. Huh.",
		["egg"] = "It doesn't matter which came first, we're just happy they both showed up.",
		["egg crossbow"] = "A crossbow modified to fire projectile eggs. Getting shot by this bad boy is painful AND humilating!",
		["egg hash"] = "Some delicious hash fried up perfectly with an egg.",
		["egg ramen"] = "Delicate egg noodles floating in a savory broth, topped with hard boiled eggs. Eggsactly what you need for the perfect bowl of ramen.",
		["egg tarts"] = "Savory little egg bites, perfect as a snack.",
		["eggplant"] = "The skin of this peculiar plant resembles an eggshell, but it doesn't sound hollow. What does the inside taste like?",
		["eggplant cola"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["eggplant ravioli"] = "Little pockets of time, love, and eggplant.",
		["eggplant seeds"] = "Is it an egg? Is it a plant? It's an eggplant! Or a plantegg? Plant it and find out!",
		["electric eel"] = "Trust us, you're a lot better off never finding out just why they call it an 'electric' eel.",
		["electric eel sushi"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["elegant bass"] = "A beautiful bass cello, handcrafted by an artisan instrument maker who lived over a hundred years ago.",
		["elegant tiara"] = "Humans haven't been ruled by kings or queens for centuries, though their elegant sense of style has remained enduringly popular.",
		["elegant vanity painting"] = "Framed in a beautiful flowing wood frame, this will make any room look extra fancy.",
		["elemental cocktail"] = "The powers of earth, water and fire combine to form a cocktail with a delightful complex flavor profile.",
		["elemental seeds"] = "Elementally imbued seeds that sprout into one of three different crops, you'll have to plant them and find out!",
		["elemental tap"] = "Tap into the mana of the earth, restoring 10 Mana <color=#39CCFF>plus</color> 10% of your Maximum Mana to yourself and nearby players.",
		["elios blanket"] = "A blanket bearing the image of Elios, Sun Dragon.",
		["elios gingerbread cookie"] = "It looks just like Elios, even though it's a cookie!",
		["elios tiki mask"] = "A tropical take on Sun Haven's resident guardian dragon.",
		["elite leafie trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["elite scorpepper trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["elixir of arcane might"] = "An elixir distilled from the poison of a jungle plant, this potent tonic imparts magical prowess to its drinker.",
		["elixir of combat"] = "An elixir brewed with the essence of battle and victory. It expands one's understanding of Combat when consumed.",
		["elixir of exploration"] = "An elixir brewed with the essence of the untamed wilderness. It expands one's understanding of Exploration when consumed.",
		["elixir of farming"] = "An elixir brewed with the essence of cultivation and growth. It expands one's understanding of Farming when consumed.",
		["elixir of ferocity"] = "The juice of a Snakethorn cactus has been fermented into this potent elixir, increasing the drinker's strength and fury.",
		["elixir of fishing"] = "An elixir brewed with the essence of patience and fish bait. It expands one's understanding of Fishing when consumed.",
		["elixir of fortitude"] = "An elixir brewed from the shed scale of a mighty fire dragon, it will increase longevity when consumed.",
		["elixir of iron will"] = "An elixir brewed from the crushed stones of a legendary mountain, a small part of the unyielding mountain is imparted onto those who drink it.",
		["elixir of mind"] = "An elixir made of waters drawn from an enchanted pool found only in the lost Elven village of Nel'Vari, drinking it expands the mind and increases clarity.",
		["elixir of mining"] = "An elixir brewed with the essence of the deep earth. It expands one's understanding of Mining when consumed.",
		["elixir of speed"] = "An elixir made from a rare and exotic berry, drinking too many of them may have... especially fast results.",
		["ellis"] = "A lifelike hologram of Tech Acadamia, primary rival of the Cyber Acadamia. GO BYTES!",
		["elven barn"] = "A home for your Elven farm animal friends.",
		["elven barn permit"] = "Required to craft an elven barn at the Elven Crafting Table. Barns are a great place to keep farm animals!",
		["elven barn tier 2 upgrade"] = "Use this to make your barn bigger and add 8 more animal capacity!",
		["elven barn tier 3 upgrade"] = "Use this to make your barn even bigger and add 8 more animal capacity!",
		["elven bridge"] = "A bridge crafted in the Elven style for your farm.",
		["elven bridge decor"] = "A bridge crafted in the Elven style for your farm.",
		["elven compost"] = "Useless junk given a new lease on life as helpful compost.",
		["elven crafting table"] = "An enchanted stump stocked with highly specialized Elven tools.",
		["elven crossbow"] = "Breathtakingly carved of enchanted Elven wood, it isn't the most powerful but is unmatched in grace.",
		["elven eyes"] = "Your elven eyes see much and miss nothing, increasing damage with crossbows by 15%.",
		["elven forest cake"] = "Elven forests have a reputation for being a little eerie. Elven forest cake, on the other hand, has a reputation for being absolutely delicious.",
		["elven furnace"] = "A metal furnace that glows hot enough to metal down Nel'Vari ores into usable material.\"An old method from a different era, yes. But one worth preserving, I think.\" - Gorwin",
		["elven furniture table"] = "A furniture table fully equipped with specialized tools to create furniture in the fine style of the Elves of Nel'Vari",
		["elven gloves"] = "Gloves of sophisticated Elven make.",
		["elven hardwood"] = "A log of Elven hardwood, shimmering with mana and ready to be turned into planks.",
		["elven hardwood plank"] = "Enchanted Hardwood, now in convenient plank form. Used in advanced Nel'Varian crafting.",
		["elven health book"] = "An ancient tome of Elven script, detailing how to increase one's vitality.",
		["elven heavystone"] = "An extra hard rock mined from the Nel'Vari mines. Like everything else in Nel'Vari, it feels slightly magical.",
		["elven juicer"] = "Turns Nel'Vari crops into juice - it works so well you'd swear it was magic! Juices provide restorative properties.",
		["elven lamp potion"] = "A strange orangish-yellowish potion. It emits a good amount of light.",
		["elven leaf bed"] = "A bed fashioned of giant soft leaves, you won't believe how comfortable it is!",
		["elven leaf chair"] = "Ever seen a chair photosynthesize?",
		["elven leaf couch"] = "For the homeowner who wants to keep a houseplant but still values functionality.",
		["elven leaf lamp"] = "This would look great in your house or on your farm.",
		["elven leaf nightstand"] = "This would look great in your house or on your farm.",
		["elven leaf rug"] = "A huge leaf that has been dried out using special Elven craft, now it's a rug!",
		["elven leaf wall bookshelf"] = "Wooden shelves carved in the shape of leaves, do shelves get any cuter than this?",
		["elven leaf wardrobe"] = "You can LEAF your clothes in here. Get it?",
		["elven log"] = "A log of Elven wood, shimmering with mana and ready to be turned into planks.",
		["elven loom"] = "None are better at a loom than Elves, the Nel'Varians especially so. Turns Nel'Vari silk into all sorts of useful things.",
		["elven lore tapestry"] = "Woven from natural threads taken from forest vines, the tapestry depicts the legend of the Elven race's creation: born from a great tree.",
		["elven plank"] = "Enchanted wood, now in convenient plank form. Used in Nel'Varian crafting.",
		["elven seed maker"] = "A specialized extractor that can produce extra seeds from Nel'Vari crops fed into it.",
		["elven sewing machine"] = "Not a people to do absolutely everything by hand, this sewing machine was designed by brillaint Elven smiths to speed up tailoring.",
		["elven steel bar"] = "Peerless and naturally enchanted steel, it shimmers in the light like a mirror.\"The Nel'Varians lost the technique of forging ore into steel, but why did they learn it in the first place?\"",
		["elven steel ore"] = "A rare form of iron ore found only in the land of Nel'Vari. Due to a ban on fire crystals, no one in the forest city is sure how to smelt it into bars.In ancient Nel'Varian the word \"steel\" roughly translates to \"hard as dragon\".",
		["elven stone"] = "A rock mined from the Nel'Vari mines. Like everything else in Nel'Vari, it feels slightly magical.",
		["elven stone shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with an Elven stone skin.",
		["elven window"] = "Nature is outside your window. Now, it can be ON your window, too.",
		["emerald"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["emerald chaise couch"] = "A long couch designed without an armrest on one end, giving you plenty of room to stretch out your legs.",
		["empty crate"] = "Just an empty old shipping crate.",
		["empty jar"] = "An empty jar, just waiting to be filled with all sorts of creepy ingredients.",
		["empty pet dish"] = "Who nibbled all the kibble?",
		["empty planter"] = "Planting boxes are great for junior farmers. Naturally, a farmer of your skill has no use for this - it's still a cute decoration, though.",
		["empty soda can"] = "The necessary vessel for soda storage.",
		["empty wheelbarrow"] = "It may be empty, but it carries something heavier than any physical load: the weight of potential.",
		["enchanted adamant axe"] = "An axe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower woodcutting within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted adamant bar"] = "An adamant bar, enchanted with Elven magic.",
		["enchanted adamant pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower mining within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted copper axe"] = "An axe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower woodcutting within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted copper bar"] = "A copper bar, enchanted with Elven magic.",
		["enchanted copper pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower mining within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted fishing rod"] = "Seemingly an ordinary fishing rod, though it is enchanted to make Fishing much easier. Increases Fishing skill by 15.",
		["enchanted glorite axe"] = "An axe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower woodcutting within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted glorite bar"] = "A glorite bar, enchanted with Elven magic.",
		["enchanted glorite pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower miningwithin Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted iron axe"] = "An axe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower woodcutting within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted iron bar"] = "An iron bar, enchanted with Elven magic.",
		["enchanted iron pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower mining within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted mithril axe"] = "An axe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower woodcutting within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted mithril bar"] = "A mithril bar, enchanted with Elven magic.",
		["enchanted mithril pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower mining within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted pinwheel"] = "A simple pinwheel, an enchanted cloud keeps it in motion even when there in no wind.",
		["enchanted soul sap"] = "Iris has enchanted this sap, augmenting its mysterious magical properties.",
		["enchanted sunite axe"] = "An axe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower woodcutting within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted sunite bar"] = "A sunite bar, enchanted with Elven magic.",
		["enchanted sunite pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enchanted with Nel'Varian magics to empower mining within Nel'Vari.",
		["enchanted wedding ring"] = "A ring, enchanted by the very magic of the love you and your spouse share for one another.",
		["enchantress potion"] = "A cool yellow potion. Even for a potion, it seems to glimmer with extra enchantments.",
		["energy smoothie"] = "Imbued with a water crystal, this blend of fruits is a definite boost to your stamina.",
		["engagement ring"] = "The perfect way to propose. Gift this to your true love when the time is right to ask them to marry you.",
		["enhanced adamant axe"] = "An axe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower woodcutting within Withergate.",
		["enhanced adamant bar"] = "An adamant bar, enhanced with Withergate concrete and dark magic.",
		["enhanced adamant pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower mining within Withergate.",
		["enhanced copper axe"] = "An axe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower woodcutting within Withergate.",
		["enhanced copper bar"] = "A copper bar, enhanced with Withergate concrete and dark magic.",
		["enhanced copper pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower mining within Withergate.",
		["enhanced glorite axe"] = "An axe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower woodcutting within Withergate.",
		["enhanced glorite bar"] = "A glorite bar, enhanced with Withergate concrete and dark magic.",
		["enhanced glorite pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower mining within Withergate.",
		["enhanced iron axe"] = "An axe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower woodcutting within Withergate.",
		["enhanced iron bar"] = "An iron bar, enhanced with Withergate concrete and dark magic.",
		["enhanced iron pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower mining within Withergate.",
		["enhanced mithril axe"] = "An axe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower woodcutting within Withergate.",
		["enhanced mithril bar"] = "A mithril bar, enhanced with Withergate concrete and dark magic.",
		["enhanced mithril pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower mining within Withergate.",
		["enhanced sunite axe"] = "An axe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower woodcutting within Withergate.",
		["enhanced sunite bar"] = "A sunite bar, enhanced with Withergate concrete and dark magic.",
		["enhanced sunite pickaxe"] = "A pickaxe, enhanced with concrete and dark magic to empower mining within Withergate.",
		["entertainment bar"] = "One of the rules of life outside of a cave: be prepared to entertain guests.",
		["epic armor stand"] = "A heroic suit of gleaming armor, though it's only made for display purposes.",
		["epic fish"] = "Any epic fish",
		["espresso cushioned couch"] = "A nice comfy couch upholstered with faux leather. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["ethereal axe"] = "Summons a giant magical axe that swings in a large arc in front of you, dealing damage to trees.",
		["expensive gift"] = "A gift wrapped with shiny, expensive looking paper. Whoever wrapped this wanted to make a statement!",
		["expert crafter"] = "Your leadership and skills at crafting increase the craft speed of yourself and all players by 20%.",
		["exploration exp"] = "Experience in the Exploration skill.",
		["exploration skill tome"] = "A mystical tome imbued with the very essence of exploration. Reading its pages will impart increased exploration prowess and experience.",
		["exploration totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["explorer snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that is ready to explore the wide world with you!",
		["explorer's blessing ring"] = "A ring that has been enchanted to give extra speed and stamina to its wearer, adventurers are quite fond of its ability to hasten travels.",
		["explorer's hat"] = "Headgear worn by seasoned explorers who have proven their skills and attained the level of master.",
		["explorer's trophy"] = "A golden trophy, awarded for completing the exploration bundle of the Sun Haven Museum.",
		["eye patch"] = "A monocle for pirates.",
		["eyeball cocktail"] = "Did that drink just wink at you?",
		["eyeball pizza"] = "You never thought pizza could beat you in a staring contest, but here we are.",
		["eyeball streamer"] = "Keep an eye (or three) out with this sliding display of eye-shaped lights.",
		["e-battler headphones"] = "Crystal clear sound quality and able to withstand forces of up to 50,000 psi.",
		["e-battler uniform jacket"] = "An Acadamia jacket customized with armor padding. Stylish AND functional!",
		["e-battler uniform pants"] = "Someone took the time to install anti-gravity plates in the bottoms of these shoes. Sadly, don't seem to be functioning anymore.",
		["e-battler wig"] = "Forget about the proctors and edu-bots. After class is out and you're out of view of the cameras, you can style your hair however you want.",
	["f"] = {
		["fabled fabric"] = "Fabric so perfectly woven that it exists only in the hushed fables passed around Nel'Varian sewing circles.",
		["fabled silk"] = "Silk so fine it was fabled to not truly exist... well, here it is!",
		["fabric"] = "Not as soft as silk, but very durable.",
		["fae fox"] = "Nel'Varians have lived in tandem with their forest foxes for countless generations. Many of them can be tamed, their sensitive noses capable of detecting buried earth runes.",
		["fairy cherry"] = "A fairy cherry, slightly different from a fairy berry. But not very.",
		["fairy cherry ice cream"] = "Fairly cherry, and definitely fairly fairy. Fairly fairy cherry ice cream.",
		["fairy cherry juice"] = "Made of 100% real cherry juice (may contain trace amounts of fairy dust)",
		["fairy cherry tree seeds"] = "These tree seeds twinkle with tiny glimmers of fairy dust.",
		["fairy cherry water"] = "Imbued with the fairy-licious taste of cherry!",
		["fairy wings"] = "Fairies are thought to be related to the Elves. Beings of pure mana, their wings are left behind whenever they disperse into energy.It would look good in a museum!",
		["fake eyeball"] = "Eww, an eyeball!! Oh, whew. It's just made out of rubber.",
		["fake slug hat"] = "Meh, a close enough approximation of slime. The eyes really sell it.",
		["fall aquarium"] = "A silly little fall home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["fall chest plate"] = "Monsterfolk armor is rarely designed with practicality in mind, but none can doubt its strength and resilience. No wonder other races sometimes use it for themselves.",
		["fall gloves"] = "Monsterfolk armor is rarely designed with practicality in mind, but none can doubt its strength and resilience. No wonder other races sometimes use it for themselves.",
		["fall helmet"] = "Monsterfolk armor is rarely designed with practicality in mind, but none can doubt its strength and resilience. No wonder other races sometimes use it for themselves.",
		["fall legs"] = "Monsterfolk armor is rarely designed with practicality in mind, but none can doubt its strength and resilience. No wonder other races sometimes use it for themselves.",
		["fall scarecrow"] = "A simple scarecrow to frighten off fall pests that seek to steal your crops.",
		["fall selling portal"] = "Keep the spirit of fall on your farm all year long with this seasonally themed selling portal!",
		["fall teleportation gem"] = "A gem containing the crystallized essence of harvest and change, the spirit of fall.",
		["fall token"] = "A token of the fall season, these can be traded for wonderful seasonal rewards.",
		["fall totem"] = "A seasonal totem to ward off rootweeds that entangle your crops.",
		["fallen log"] = "Nature did the chopping for you. How convenient.",
		["fancy blue dining chair"] = "Striking blue wood, from King Minos's royal forest, paired with smooth velvet seat cushions. Oh yeah, this is fancy stuff.",
		["fancy blue dining table"] = "Not something you see in every home, only the most posh of Demonic nobility tend to eat off of tables as fancy as this.",
		["fancy gift"] = "A sharply wrapped gift in fancy paper, topped with a blood red bow ribbon. You get the impression that the gift giver didn't wrap this themselves... maybe a servant?",
		["fancy gold and green rug"] = "A large rug spun by the master rug makers of the Eastern Deserts, it uses only the finest of fibers and dyes.",
		["fancy grape juice"] = "Super fancy grape juice, enjoyed by the most elite of juice connoisseurs.",
		["fancy magenta rug"] = "Monster rug makers are no slouches in the rug business, as this super fancy number demonstrates.",
		["fancy pants"] = "Why yes, my pants ARE fancy. Thanks for noticing.",
		["fancy purple and black rug"] = "A small rug spun by master rug makers of the Eastern Deserts, it uses only the finest of fibers and dyes.",
		["fancy tis the season wooden table"] = "With the gilded snowflake design and deep red stain, it looks almost too fancy to eat off of!",
		["fancy vest"] = "No coat for me, thank you, I fancy a vest.",
		["fangy"] = "Heatvipers weren't native to the swamps of Withergate, but when Demon King Aster learned of the species, he quickly arranged the import of hundreds of the ferocious creatures.",
		["farm barrel"] = "Is it really a barn if it doesn't have at least one random barrel?",
		["farm chest"] = "Too tiny to hold anything.",
		["farm watering can"] = "It's weird that I can't use this.",
		["farmer snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that can't wait to grow all sorts of delicious crops with you!",
		["farmer's ring"] = "An emerald ring bearing the crest of a rising sprout. If you can't have a green thumb, at least you can have a green ring.",
		["farmer's table"] = "A crafting table just for farmers! You can craft scarecrows, totems and even weapons made from farming items here.",
		["farming exp"] = "Experience in the Farming skill.",
		["farming hat"] = "Headgear worn by seasoned farmers who have proven their skills and attained the level of master.",
		["farming skill tome"] = "A mystical tome imbued with the very essence of farming. Reading its pages will impart increased farming prowess and experience.",
		["farming totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["fashionably oversized shirt"] = "A nice oversized shirt, perfect for enjoying second breakfast in.",
		["fathom fruit"] = "Actually a type of water lotus, when cultivated beneath the waves the flower buds into a tart but creamy fruit.",
		["fathom fruit jam"] = "Briney jam made from Fathom Fruit, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your fishing and exploration skills.",
		["fathom fruit linguine"] = "Who would have fathomed pairing linguine with a fruit?",
		["fathom fruit tree seeds"] = "Tiny coral bulbs, they'll sprout into a bountiful fathom fruit tree once planted.",
		["fathomancer's cape"] = "Great power can be found in the deep fathoms, but be wary - bereft of light, you may not realize what you've lost in the dark.",
		["fathomancer's crown"] = "A salt-crusted helm adorned with shimmering branches of fathom coral. Weighing heavy on the head, this crown begs the question: What, exactly, would you trade for power?",
		["fathomancer's gloves"] = "Constructed out of a strange material and embedded with tiny fragments of fathom coral to increase magical potency.",
		["fathomancer's leggings"] = "One of the rarest and most powerful of the deep ocean's bounties, fathom coral teems with power. It also makes nice pants.",
		["fathomancer's robe"] = "In the darkest deeps, coral reefs grow on massive undersea deposits of Glorite. The magical properties of the coral are utilized in powerful vestments such as this.",
		["faux dragon wall mount"] = "A trophy taken from a mighty dragon! Or maybe just a silly wall decoration.",
		["faux tiger rug"] = "An orange rug cut to the shape of a tiger pelt and dyed with black stripes, it looks totally real!",
		["faux unicorn wall mount"] = "Looking for a good laugh? Try tossing this phony stuffed unicorn \"trophy\" up on your wall.",
		["feather"] = "The fledgling feathers of baby griffons are famously known for their softness.",
		["feather circlet"] = "A band of burnished leather, complete with a simple gemstone and colored feather. Very pretty.",
		["feather potion"] = "An earthy brown potion that smells a bit like the inside of a nest. Or at least what you'd imagine the inside of a nest must smell like.",
		["feeding station"] = "A food trough for your barn animals. Animal food can be placed on this to fill it up, giving your animals food for the day.",
		["ferris wheel miniature model"] = "A model replica created by Xyla of the great carnival Ferris wheel. The attention to detail is simply incredible.",
		["festive orange tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful orange tree once planted.",
		["festive oranges"] = "Special oranges picked for the lantern festival.",
		["festive tree"] = "A pine tree, dressed up in all the festive trim to celebrate through the winter season.",
		["festive wall banners"] = "Planning a birthday party? A wedding party? A party party? Make your walls extra festive for any party occassion.",
		["fiddle-leaf fern"] = "A common plant that grows all over the place, adventurers swear to the tastiness of this fern when roasted over an open fire.",
		["fidget spinner"] = "Made of counterbalanced weights that keep spinning when given a flick. The citizens of Withergate are oddly divided on whether this toy is awesome or obnoxious.",
		["fido"] = "He may not be a real dog, but he's still full of love (and cotton stuffing)!",
		["fiery potion"] = "Less of a potion and more of a bottle of fire. Drinking this might be a little tricky.",
		["figgy pudding"] = "Get figgy with it.",
		["fighter's crest"] = "A crest said to have been worn by a legendary fighter. Whether the legends are true or not, wearing the crest increases your combat potency.",
		["finger traps"] = "Brought to Withergate from a far away land, you'll never get them off your fingers by pulling them apart. The trick is to push your fingers together.",
		["fire beam"] = "Fires a sustained beam of energy, dealing damage to all enemies hit.",
		["fire crystal"] = "The elemental force of fire, hardened into a crystal.",
		["fire dragon tea"] = "Nel'Varians often drink dragon tea in honor of the natural elements.",
		["fire fertilizer totem"] = "An enchanted totem imbued with the magical power... of fertilizer!",
		["fire fruit"] = "Flaming hot, they're hard to handle and even harder to eat, but very few fruits compare to the raging flavor of this berry.",
		["fire fruit seeds"] = "Elementally imbued seeds that sprout into one of three different crops, you'll have to plant them and find out! Elemental Crops take 6 days to grow and each sells for a different base yield of 10, 16, or 20 mana orbs.",
		["fire juice"] = "It's juice, but it tastes more like drinking hot sauce!",
		["fire rune"] = "A magical sealing rune, containing the element of fire.",
		["fireball"] = "Fires a blast of flames, damaging and burning enemies.",
		["firebolt gift"] = "A gift wrapped in red paper with blazing fireballs printed across it. The bow is expertly tied to resemble Sun Haven's sun crest.",
		["firefly jar"] = "Light up the night with this jar of cute little fireflies.",
		["first aid kit"] = "It isn't a replacement for a real doctor, but can do the trick in a pinch.",
		["first class ticket"] = "A ticket permitting one ride on the Withergate subway train. This first class ticket is more likely to take you to a medium or large neighborhood.\"We'll just charge a TICKET for the subway! Tickets are the solution to everything! Bwhaha!\" - Xyla",
		["first mate dress"] = "Every captain needs a good first mate, and every first mate needs a proper outfit. It's just the rules. The pirate rules.",
		["first mate hat"] = "First mate is an important position. It requires an important hat.",
		["fish bowl"] = "A good home for anyone with gills.",
		["fish bowl shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a fish bowl skin.",
		["fish grill"] = "Grills are a staple of Southern Isle cooking, able to perfectly cook fish into fantastic meals.",
		["fish hat"] = "Who are you calling a fish-head?",
		["fish mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a mystical fish mount to whisk you off your feet.",
		["fish roll"] = "These fish are on a roll! A roll to your tummy!",
		["fish shack shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a fishin' shack skin.",
		["fish shirt"] = "There's something fishy about this shirt...",
		["fish taco"] = "A little different from what most people think of when it comes to \"tacos\", but still very delicious.",
		["fish tempura"] = "Battered and deep fried, definitely not healthy but definitely super tasty.",
		["fish and chips"] = "Deep fried fish served with a side of chips, can you believe some people actually call them \"fries\"?!",
		["fisherman's band"] = "A band of iron smelted into the shape of a fish, fishermen swear it's their ultimate lucky charm.",
		["fisherman's blessing ring"] = "A strange ring of carved leviathan bone, a fisherman's incantation has been placed on it, increasing one's fishing prowess.",
		["fisherman's essence"] = "Ancient Nel'Varian mana, distilled into a consumable potion. This one contains the essence of rivers and streams.",
		["fishfrog"] = "It's like a... fish... imp... frog... thing? Whatever it is, they're friendly farm companions and love to dive to the depths of pools in search of water runes.",
		["fishing exp"] = "Experience in the Fishing  skill.",
		["fishing hat"] = "Headgear worn by seasoned anglers who have proven their skills and attained the level of master.",
		["fishing permit tier 1"] = "An official piece of paper permitting you to deploy extra fishing nets. Increases fishing net capacity by 2.",
		["fishing permit tier 2"] = "An official piece of paper permitting you to deploy extra fishing nets. Increases fishing net capacity by 4.",
		["fishing permit tier 3"] = "An official piece of paper permitting you to deploy extra fishing nets. Increases fishing net capacity by 6.",
		["fishing skill tome"] = "A mystical tome imbued with the very essence of fishing. Reading its pages will impart increased fishing prowess and experience.",
		["fishing totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["fishing trophy"] = "A golden trophy, awarded for completing the fishing bundle of the Sun Haven Museum.",
		["fizzy fruit"] = "This curious plant naturally creates fizzy air when brewed, fizzing up any drink they're used in.",
		["fizzy fruit fuel"] = "Made with 60 grams of sugar and no fruit juice, a hit with kids all over.",
		["fizzy fruit seeds"] = "They say these seeds fizz and bubble when planted. I wonder why...",
		["fizzy seltzer"] = "The gentle fizz of this dark soda awakens the appetite before dinner.",
		["flame bubbles"] = "Might look a little scary, but it just wants to be your friend!",
		["flame ray"] = "A ray that looks just like a flying fireball as it glides through the waves.",
		["flamefish"] = "Who needs laws of physics?",
		["flaming book of spells"] = "A fiery book of fire mage incantations. You don't possess the skills to open the book without searing your fingers, though...",
		["flaming skateboard whistle"] = "Riding on this sure beats walking.",
		["flaming unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["flamingo lamp"] = "Flamingo aren't native to the Southern Isles, but the people there love them. Hence, silly lamps like this.",
		["flamingo rug"] = "Flamingos turn pink when they eat pigmented shrimp. This rug turned pink when some guy dyed it.",
		["flan"] = "Silky custard, best baked in a water bath to ensure proper texture.",
		["flashlight lamp"] = "Oh, it's a lamp built to look like a giant flashlight. Very clever.",
		["flawless paper bag disguise"] = "Someone seems to have perfected this disguise. This will surely keep Withergate's guards off your back. Maybe.",
		["floating enchanted lantern"] = "This lantern has been double enchanted, one enchanment to make it float and another to make it glow eternally. Nifty.",
		["floaty crab trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["floral beach dress"] = "The breezy dresses worn by Southern Islanders became popular across the other regions for their comfortable fit and stylish looks.",
		["floral gift"] = "A gift wrapped in paper with beautiful flower patterns intertwining endlessly. A small charm hangs off the bow.",
		["floral ladder"] = "Either someone repurposed this ladder into a floral arrangement, or they accidentally left it in their garden.",
		["floral shirt"] = "A shirt best enjoyed while sipping tropical drinks to the tune of steel drums.",
		["floral trout"] = "The pattern of this trout's scales are uncannily similar to a floral pattern, hence the name.",
		["flour"] = "An important ingredient in bread, among lots of other culinary delights.",
		["flower flounder"] = "Researchers claim this fish's unique body structure helps it survive in the wild. Well, if they say so...",
		["flower headband"] = "A band of vines, blooming with fresh flowers. You could wear it in your hair!",
		["flower mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["flower planter"] = "A planter boxed filled with little bitty baby flowers.",
		["flower shirt"] = "Elven threadwork has captured a remarkable likeness of a flower on this shirt.",
		["flower wallpaper"] = "Surround yourself with the beauty of flowers by plastering your walls with them.",
		["flower windows"] = "Round windows framed in actual flower petals that were dried and preserved using a special process.",
		["fluffy amber doormat"] = "Made of some sort of scratchy fabric, it works really well at getting all the dirt off the bottom of your shoes before you step inside.",
		["fluffy dress"] = "Made of fine down feathers, it's fluffy, it's soft and it's definitely comfortable.",
		["fluffy pet lover coat"] = "Pet hair gets everywhere, and on every piece of clothing you'll own. If you can't beat 'em, why not join 'em?",
		["fluffy pet lover pants"] = "Pet hair gets everywhere, and on every piece of clothing you'll own. If you can't beat 'em, why not join 'em?",
		["fluffy red doormat"] = "Made of some sort of scratchy fabric, it works really well at getting all the dirt off the bottom of your shoes before you step inside.",
		["fluffy rug"] = "The fluffy threads of this rug are super ticklish on bare feet.",
		["fly"] = "Flies are pretty gross, but it's said that frogs will gift them to those who are worthy. Worthy of what, though?",
		["flying reindeer decoration"] = "On, Comet! On Cupid!, On Donner and... Um, all the rest of you!!",
		["folded leaf shirt"] = "A shirt depicting a single folded leaf, a very hip little design. It's been neatly folded for display purposes.",
		["folded polka dot shirt"] = "A shirt bedecked with many a polka dot, it's been nicely folded for display purposes.",
		["folk record"] = "A folksy tune, perfect for chopping some wood to.",
		["folk shirt"] = "A shirt and rugged vest combo that is commonly worn in the Northern Region.",
		["foosball table"] = "A premium game table. A sales tag tacked upon it reads \"McSmitty's Premium Toy Shoppe\", a shop located in the Great City. So why is it being sold in the Sun Haven sewer...?",
		["foraging ring"] = "Often worn by Elven rangers on missions in the deep wilds. Its wearer will have luck in foraging.",
		["forest hunter's gloves"] = "Stretched and smoothed fabric gloves, totally silent as the hunter stalks their prey.",
		["fortitude essence"] = "Distilled essence of ancient Nel'Varian mana, it bestows fortitude when tapped.",
		["fortune teller poster"] = "A poster, advertising Withergate's resident fortune teller. It big ornate font it reads \"Come meet the mystery of your future, today. No refunds\".",
		["four region's thank you letter"] = "An official document from the Four Region's Postal Service (FRPS), thanking you for your help in fulfilling their postal duties.",
		["fox mount whistle"] = "Majestic and intelligent, the foxes of the Elven forest have long made trusty mounts and companions.",
		["french fries"] = "Finely cut potatoes fried in oil until golden, crispy and ready to be showered in salt.",
		["fresh basket of greens"] = "A basket, full of a garden's bountiful harvest.",
		["fried carp"] = "A lean and healthy meal of fried fish.",
		["fried rice"] = "Rice fried up to crispy perfection, with an egg for good measure.",
		["frilled betta"] = "A proud betta fish with beautiful fins, this fierce fish is no stranger to an underwater duel!",
		["frog hood"] = "Your parents were wrong: You CAN grow up to be a frog.",
		["frog pal"] = "Hey, there's a frog on your head...",
		["froggy buddy"] = "This is my buddy, he's a real hoppy guy.",
		["froggy dress"] = "A dress you can practically hop right into.",
		["froggy hat"] = "Hippity hoppity, hurry up and make this hat your property.",
		["froggy overall bottoms"] = "Froggy bottom jeans.",
		["froggy overall top"] = "Overall, I'd say these overalls are pretty froggy.",
		["frostfin"] = "An frozen fish that prefers to blend in with the winter crowd.",
		["frostfin seltzer"] = "This drink will make you the talk of any party!",
		["frozen tuna"] = "Not every fish deals with winter so well.",
		["fruit blast smoothie"] = "An amazing new drink of blended fruit and juice, all the rage in the Great City! This smoothie is made with a blast... literally!",
		["fruit cupcake"] = "A cute mini version of the holiday fruit cake.",
		["fruit punch"] = "A tropical drink that originated in the sunny Southern Islands, it's become a staple drink at parties and celebrations.",
		["fruit ring"] = "Tiny gemstones carved into the shape of fruit are set on this ring. Imbued with the spirit of fruit, it grants proficiency in growing crops.",
		["fruit snacks"] = "Squishly little fruit snacks, an even more fun way to eat your fruits.",
		["fruit tart"] = "Aptly named, this pastry has a sharp tart kick in contrast to the sweet fruit and sugary crust.",
		["full pet dish"] = "A bowl filled to the brim with delicious kibble.",
		["fungus fish"] = "Don't let looks deceive you! This \"fish\" is actually a type of aquatic mushroom! Fascinating, isn't it?",
		["funky"] = "Who doesn't want a monkey pal to run around with them?",
		["funky monkey chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Funky Monkey DLC Pack!",
		["fur lined boots"] = "These boots were made for rocking.",
		["fur lined vest"] = "The fur is 100% repurposed shag carpet.",
		["fur tuft"] = "A tuft of dirty fur, it's covered in mineshaft dust.",
		["furnace"] = "I can smelt ore into bars with this.",
		["furniture table"] = "A specialized carpentry bench, you can make furniture and decorations with this.",
		["fuzzy dice"] = "Feeling lucky? These fuzzy novelty dice quickly became a popular decoration in Withergate homes, though no one is quite sure why.",
	["g"] = {
		["galaxy halo"] = "The whole galaxy doesn't revolve around you, you know? Well, unless...",
		["galaxy potion"] = "A deeply dark potion filled with distant twinkles of stars. Despite being so dark it seems to radiate a bit of light.",
		["galaxy smoothie"] = "A smoothie packed with a galaxy of flavors... literally!",
		["galaxy wig"] = "Shoot for the moon, and you'll land among the stars (of this wig).",
		["galaxy witch hat"] = "The Heavenscape has its fair share of witches, too!",
		["garden barrel potion"] = "Looks like a typical potion, but it smells like a bundle of freshly cut flowers.",
		["garlic"] = "Pungent as garlic may be, it's a great addition to many dishes.",
		["garlic seeds"] = "A natural vampire repellent.",
		["gas mask"] = "The noxious gasses of Withergate's swamps were difficult to explore, leading to the invention of these gas-filtering masks.",
		["gayle"] = "She isn't the quickest pet, but she'll try her best.",
		["gem trophy"] = "A golden trophy, awarded for completing the gem bundle of the Sun Haven Museum.",
		["generic pants"] = "Basic slacks, but also very practical. A popular choice in the Great City.",
		["geode muncher"] = "A machine that can crack stones, revealing any hidden treasures inside.",
		["geode painting"] = "A must-have piece for any enthusiast of crystals and colors.",
		["ghost costume gloves"] = "Are these gloves haunted or are they just apart of your costume...",
		["ghost costume mask"] = "The mouth of this ghostly hood is nice and wide to facilitate the loudests of BOOs.",
		["ghost costume robe"] = "A hauntingly white sheet, fashioned into an airy robe. In the breeze of a dark trick or treat night, you'll look just like a real ghost.",
		["ghost in pumpkin"] = "A mischevious ghost, it seems set on haunting this little pumpkin.",
		["ghost pepper"] = "If you're brave enough to try one of these ultra hot peppers just remember to drink milk and not water!",
		["ghost pepper seeds"] = "Careful planting these, even the seeds are spicy enough to make you cry!",
		["ghost plushie"] = "This plushie holds its ghostly little arms out as if to frighten you, though it really it just looks like it's asking for a hug.",
		["ghost shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a Haunted House skin.",
		["ghost snaccoon plush"] = "A spooky snaccoon ghost plush! Don't worry, though, it's just a costume.",
		["ghostfish"] = "A harmless jellyfish that is totally invisible in the water. All the same, however, fishermen consider this spooky jelly to be a sign of bad luck.",
		["ghosthead tuna"] = "This tuna has a jelly-like transparent head, and two big eyes that act like flashlights. Perfectly adapted for where it lives, and perfectly weird to behold.",
		["ghosthead tuna sashimi"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["ghoul fish"] = "When in the water, this extra spooky fish's transparent scales renders it nearly invisible.",
		["ghoul fish roll"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["giant blue bunny plushie"] = "This plushie is so cute you can't wait for it to hop through your front door!",
		["giant golden time turner"] = "Time is money, gold is money. This golden time turner, therefore, is double money.",
		["giant pink bunny plushie"] = "This plushie is so cute you can't wait for it to hop through your front door!",
		["giant pink teddy plushie"] = "This plushie is so big it will BEAR-ly fit through your front door!",
		["giant purple teddy plushie"] = "This plushie is so big it will BEAR-ly fit through your front door!",
		["giant sunflowers"] = "Fantastically tall sunflowers!",
		["giant teddy plushie"] = "This plushie is so big it will BEAR-ly fit through your front door!",
		["giant tis the season snowglobe"] = "Just shake for an instant snowstorm.",
		["gilded celestial rug"] = "The endless intricacies of the Everberyond, captured in this gilded rug.",
		["gilded celestial table"] = "This table provides more space. Haha, get it?",
		["gilded moon globe"] = "A beautiful gilded staff, it holds within its peerless clasp a neat little spinny moon.",
		["ginger juice"] = "This stuff is said to have all sorts of health benefits... if you can tolerate drinking it!",
		["gingerbread door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a crunchy gingerbread style.",
		["gingerbread house"] = "Knock knock, anyone home?",
		["gingerbread man"] = "This one didn't run away home.",
		["gingerbread patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a crunchy gingerbread style.",
		["gingerbread roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a crunchy gingerbread style.",
		["gingerbread walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a crunchy gingerbread style.",
		["gingerbread windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a crunchy gingerbread style.",
		["glass coffee pot"] = "For those who prefer to observe their brew, this coffee pot is clear glass.",
		["glass jar"] = "A simple jar of glass, you could put all sorts of things in it.",
		["glass of pure water"] = "When cleansed of impurities, simple water has a surpsingly potent restorative effect.",
		["globfish"] = "Globfish are great for cooking, because they don't have any bones! Just... glob.",
		["glorite axe"] = "The Glorite edge of this mighty axe is fine enough to split a hair- it'll work just as good on trees.",
		["glorite bar"] = "A bar of Glorite, ready to be turned into something legendary.",
		["glorite bed"] = "A bed constructed of Glorite, it's much softer than it looks.",
		["glorite chair"] = "Chiseled from solid Glorite, it feels more like a throne than a mere chair.",
		["glorite crystal"] = "A crystal that thrums with energy, it feels much heavier than it looks.",
		["glorite end table"] = "The top of this end table is impossibly smooth, yet nothing seems to slip over when set upon it.",
		["glorite hoe"] = "The Glorite head of this tool cuts through grass and dirt like scissors through paper, shining all the while.",
		["glorite key"] = "Constructed of Glorite, this key can open the ancient locks of King Minos's Glorite mine.",
		["glorite lamp"] = "A small cluster of Glorite crystals, they emit a bright shine when touched.",
		["glorite mining machine"] = "Powered by coal or fire runes, this machine extracts mana energy from the earth and condenses it into crystals... but at what cost?",
		["glorite ore"] = "A gently pulsating crystal of Glorite ore, it seems to neither reflect nor absorb any light. What could you possibly do with this?",
		["glorite pickaxe"] = "Glorite crystal forged into a heavy pickaxe, not even the hardest stone stands a chance against its strikes.",
		["glorite rug"] = "Tiny crystals of Glorite are imbued in this rug, causing it to radiate a subtle warmth.",
		["glorite sword"] = "A hauntingly beautiful blade forged of Glorite, it feels cold and powerful in your hands.",
		["glorite table"] = "A massive slab of polished Glorite, you could use this like a table.",
		["glorite wardrobe"] = "Massive Glorite crystals that have been hollowed out and fashioned into an impressive looking wardrobe.",
		["glorite watering can"] = "Constructed from solid Glorite, the water inside stays cool no matter how hot the day gets.",
		["glow ring"] = "A conjured spark has been carefully set into this ring using magic, making it a handy source of light.",
		["glow in the dark stars"] = "Carved from polished stone and then enchanted, the glow of these little stars are best observed in the dark.",
		["glowing flower lights"] = "An enchanted hanging vine that bears glowing yellow blossoms. Very Iris.",
		["gnocchi"] = "These pasta dumplings go well in just about any sauce.",
		["goblin shark"] = "You're unsure if this shark's strange nose makes it look kind of cute, or just kind of freaky.",
		["goggles"] = "Mount jockeys with a need for speed can often be found with these heavy goggles that keep the rushing wind from your eyes.",
		["gold bar"] = "A solid gold bar, literally worth its weight in gold!",
		["gold bed"] = "Show off your immense wealth with this solid gold bed, in case anyone would dare mistake you for a common peon.",
		["gold boot"] = "A boot of solid gold! One man's treasure is another man's... treasure?",
		["gold chef hat"] = "Awarded only to the most accomplished foodsmiths... watch as lesser chefs tremble in the presence of your golden prowess!",
		["gold chest"] = "Nothing says \"filthy rich\" quite like a solid gold storage box!",
		["gold column"] = "A column forged of pure, sparkling gold. You'd have to be rich to afford this!",
		["gold couch"] = "Thankfully it's much softer than it looks!",
		["gold fireplace"] = "Proving that the answer to \"what CAN'T you make out of solid gold?\" is a pretty resounding \"nothing\".",
		["gold fish"] = "Sometimes kept in glass bowls, these fish can actually grow quite large in open water.",
		["gold fridge"] = "A completely impractical, and completely fabulous, solid gold fridge.",
		["gold lion statue"] = "Such a regal statue!",
		["gold ore"] = "I've struck gold! I can smelt this into a bar.",
		["gold ornate rug"] = "Skilled Elven weavers spun tiny flakes of gold into the wool used to make this bombastic rug.",
		["gold pet house"] = "Show your little friends how much they mean to you with a pet house that is way beyond fancy.",
		["gold piano"] = "For being cast out of solid gold, it plays surprisingly well.",
		["gold record player"] = "I can play musical records with this. Music players never looked so illustrious!",
		["gold scrap ring"] = "An enchanted ring crafted from a flake of discarded gold, it brings its wearer great luck in financial fortune.",
		["gold snake vase"] = "A vase so lavish that no plant could hope to be worthy of it.",
		["golden apple"] = "A shiny golden apple. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden berry"] = "A shiny golden berry. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden berry porridge"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden berry smoothie"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden blueberry"] = "Shiny golden blueberries. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden brine berry"] = "A golden brine berry! Who says there don't be gold under them waves, arrr?",
		["golden brine berry pavlova"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden brinestone feast"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden candy corn fruit"] = "Shiny golden candy corn fruit. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden carp"] = "Sailors across the oceans trade stories of a vibrantly shining carp, swimming through the waves like a living piece of gold.",
		["golden citrus star fruit"] = "A golden citrus star! Who says there don't be gold under them waves, arrr?",
		["golden citrus star fruit rice bowl"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden earth rune"] = "A shiny golden earth rune. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden egg"] = "Do you think the yolk is golden, too? This golden animal product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden egg ring"] = "Who needs a golden goose? Enchanted with the mystical might of eggs, this golden ring grants its wearer a chance to conjure their own golden eggs.",
		["golden egg on rice"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden fabled silk"] = "Shiny golden fabled silk. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden fairy cherry"] = "Shiny golden fairy cherry. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden fathom fruit"] = "A golden Fathom Fruit! Who says there don't be gold under them waves, arrr?",
		["golden fathom fruit stirfry"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden feather"] = "Solid gold, yet no heavier than a normal feather. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden feather winged cape"] = "A cape of golden feathers, each shining quill catches the light in a dazzling flash.",
		["golden fire rune"] = "A shiny golden fire rune. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden fishing rod"] = "Though it's only painted gold, it's enchanted to grant coins every time you catch a fish. Nice! Increases Fishing skill by 8 and grants gold coins each time you catch a fish.",
		["golden glass statue"] = "Is the glass gold? Is the gold glass?? Who cares, because either way this statue is super fancy.",
		["golden gloves"] = "Exactly what one needs when they want to go about with a golden touch.",
		["golden goblet"] = "Best sipped from while sitting on the fanciest of thrones in the most regal of castles... but your living room works, too.",
		["golden gray scale"] = "Shiny golden Gray Scale. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden grilled nautitrine and pepper salmon"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden hardwood"] = "Shiny golden hardwood. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden harp"] = "Claude had this one-of-a-kind ultra-priceless collector's harp sitting around and figured you'd like it.",
		["golden leaf crown"] = "Elven weavers travel far across the lands to find leaves of gold. Crowns like this one are considered masterworks.",
		["golden log"] = "Who needs gold leaf when you've got gold log? This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden mac and cheese"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden macarons"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden milk"] = "Liquid gold- literally! This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden milk cake"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden monster fruit"] = "Shiny golden monster fruit. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden mushroom"] = "A shiny golden mushroom. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden mushroom burger"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden nautitrine fruit"] = "A golden nautitrine! Who says there don't be gold under them waves, arrr?",
		["golden nectar-ine"] = "Shiny golden nectar-ine. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden omelette"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden orange"] = "A shiny golden orange. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden peach"] = "A shiny golden peach. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden pomegranate"] = "Adventurers tell tales of shiny golden pomegranates, visible only to seasoned explorers.",
		["golden pomegranate jam"] = "Golden jam made from golden pomegranates and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration and farming skills.",
		["golden potato salad"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden ram horns"] = "Ancient legends tell of shining golden horns, and that the one who wears them upon their head shall look super mega cool.",
		["golden raspberry"] = "Shiny golden raspberries. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden record player chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Golden Record Player DLC Pack!",
		["golden sand"] = "Shiny golden sand. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden sand castle"] = "The fanciest sand castle you're ever going to build, that's for sure.",
		["golden sandwich"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden scallo-papaya"] = "A golden scallo-papaya! Who says there don't be gold under them waves, arrr?",
		["golden scallo-papaya risotto"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden scrambled eggs"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden silk"] = "Luxurious silk woven of pure gold. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden silk scarf"] = "A massive golden scarf fit for the very gods... For someone of your stature, it'll work perfect as a cape.",
		["golden slime ink"] = "Shiny golden slime. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden slime ink pasta"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden slime ink soup"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden sour plum"] = "Shiny golden sourplum. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden spicy noodles"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden spooky silk"] = "Shiny golden spooky silk. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden spooky silk robes"] = "Spun from golden spooky silk, these robes are both gilded gold and perfectly spooky.",
		["golden star gear"] = "This strange gear is undoubtedly very old, yet it looks as if it were still newly made. Where did it come from, and how did it end up in a cave?",
		["golden strawberry"] = "Shiny golden strawberries. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden sugar plum"] = "Shiny golden sugar plum. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden tree seeds"] = "A seed of pure gold. If planted, it will grow a golden tree. The golden tree, of course, will produce many golden items.",
		["golden tree seeds recipe"] = "Unlocks the ability to craft Golden Tree Seeds for all players!",
		["golden trench nut"] = "A golden trench nut! Who says there don't be gold under them waves, arrr?",
		["golden upside down trench nut cake"] = "A legendary dish created with golden ingredients, few mundane foods can compare to the culinary power of this resplendent meal.",
		["golden water rune"] = "A shiny golden water rune. This golden product will sell for a high price.",
		["golden wind chimes"] = "Gold wind chimes, polished so finely that they give off a blinding shine while swaying in the winds.",
		["golden wool"] = "A bundle of pure golden wool, this golden animal product will sell for a high price.",
		["gorwin's gift"] = "A masterfully cut gem, shaped into the emblem of Sun Haven. A wonderful gift from Gorwin and an offering of peace.",
		["gothic chaise couch"] = "A couch in the favored style of Withergate's most socially (and financially) affluent Demons. This one is just a reproduction made with materials more suited to a mere peasant... like you!",
		["gothic couch"] = "You're not sure what leather this couch has been upholstered in, but whatever it is it seems to reflect not even the brightest of lights.",
		["gothic hutch"] = "You can keep all sorts of stuff in this... plates, cups, bats, extra fangs... whatever you want, really.",
		["graggle"] = "Someone took the concept of a pet rock a bit too literally.",
		["grandfather clock"] = "A heavy old grandfather clock, you should try to take good care of this.",
		["grape jam"] = "Sweet jam made from Elven grapes, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your mining skill.",
		["grape juice"] = "Originally cultivated by the Elves, grapes have a naturally high mana content. This gives their juice a helpful mana restoring effect.",
		["grape seeds"] = "Cultivated by Elves around the world, this species of grape is adaptable to many different climates.",
		["grape soda pop"] = "A fizzy purple drink, it's got all natural flavors and an absolute bucketload of sugar.",
		["grape taffy"] = "Taffy is great, you just have to chew it. A lot.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["grapes"] = "The unmatchable sweetness of these grapes more than makes up for the effort it takes to grow them.",
		["gray brick wallpaper"] = "This wallpaper will make your house look like it was made of bricks!",
		["gray cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["gray elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed grey.",
		["gray scale"] = "A strange fruit, hard and dry to the touch. Who eats stuff like this?",
		["gray scale smoothie"] = "The Elves of Nel'Vari are cautious to trust things made by outsiders - smoothies, however, were eagerly adopted.",
		["gray scale tea"] = "It's a tasty tea, but it's as gray as a deep morning fog.",
		["gray scale tree seeds"] = "They look more like sand than seeds...",
		["great army guard banner"] = "A banner of the Great Army guard division, Nathaniel technically shouldn't be giving this away - but it just looks so neat!",
		["great city poster"] = "A poster depicting the bustling streets of the Great City, Vaan wrote a message on the back.",
		["green bean seeds"] = "These beans will sprout into vines when planted, making even more green beans!",
		["green beans"] = "They're beans and they are most certainly green.",
		["green book"] = "An old journal book, it comes with its own buckle to keep its pages shut from prying eyes.",
		["green book stack"] = "A stack of old books covering topics on farming. It's nothing you don't already know, but they'd make an interesting looking decoration.",
		["green cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["green couch seat"] = "Your home is your castle, and this comfortable couch seat can be your throne.",
		["green elven hutch"] = "A beautifully made Elven hutch, typically this furniture is used to store dinnerware and other odds and ends.",
		["green elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed green.",
		["green floor cushion"] = "Turns your floor into a chair, and its comfy to sit on to boot.",
		["green fox mount whistle"] = "Majestic and intelligent, the foxes of the Elven forest have long made trusty mounts and companions.",
		["green gem bottle"] = "A carefully tempered glass bottle that resembles a gemstone.",
		["green glazed pot"] = "The multi-colored glaze of this pot is meant to resemble a raging fire, to invigorate the spirit.",
		["green gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["green glow skateboard whistle"] = "Riding on this sure beats walking.",
		["green hairbrush"] = "It may take a sword to fight a monster, but it takes a brush to fight against bad hair days.",
		["green kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["green lava lamp"] = "The magic used to capture molten lava in a glass lamp doesn't seem safe... or especially legal!",
		["green leather side couch seat"] = "A nice comfy couch upholstered with faux leather. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["green neon light"] = "A flashing green neon light to illuminate even the spookiest of spooky nights.",
		["green oil drum"] = "You ever try keeping something in a barrel made out of haunted deadwood? It doesn't work so good. The Demons quickly adapted metal for their barrel-related needs.",
		["green pepper flakes"] = "Dried peppers, crushed into flakes. The drying process made these peppers extra spicy!",
		["green percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["green petal rug"] = "If you walk on this rug while wearing armor, does that mean you're putting the metal to the petal?",
		["green plank door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a green plank style.",
		["green plank patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a green plank style.",
		["green plank roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a green plank style.",
		["green plank walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a green plank style.",
		["green plank windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a green plank style.",
		["green polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a green polka dot style.",
		["green polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a green polka dot style.",
		["green polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a green polka dot style.",
		["green polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a green polka dot style.",
		["green polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a green polka dot style.",
		["green quill"] = "A green feather, tempered with heat and shaped into a quill for writing.",
		["green scissors"] = "You really shouldn't run with these.",
		["green shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["green smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["green sneakers"] = "A new style of shoes developed by designers in the Great City. They're just show models, not very good for walking in but good for decoration.",
		["green spool of thread"] = "Not only is thread handy for tailoring, folks of the Northern Region often tie a length of it around a finger as a way to remember important thoughts.",
		["green stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["green striped beach towel"] = "A vital tool for having a fun day at the beach.",
		["green striped door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a green striped style.",
		["green striped patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a green striped style.",
		["green striped roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a green striped style.",
		["green striped walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a green striped style.",
		["green striped windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a green striped style.",
		["green table lamp"] = "A chic table lamp to light up your home.",
		["green unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["green witch broom whistle"] = "This whistle will call your trusty broom to your side.",
		["green wooden bench"] = "A comfortable bench to sit upon as you soak in the beauty of the outdoors... or maybe watch T.V. in your living room.",
		["green wooden wall shelf"] = "A shelf made to be placed on a wall. It may be simple, but sometimes simplicity makes for the boldest decor.",
		["green and blue jars"] = "Shiny jars blown from colored sands, they're much prettier than plain old uncolored jars.",
		["greenhouse"] = "Funny, it doesn't look green.",
		["greenhouse door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a glassy greenhouse style.",
		["greenhouse patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a glassy greenhouse style.",
		["greenhouse roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a glassy greenhouse style.",
		["greenhouse walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a glassy greenhouse style.",
		["greenhouse windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a glassy greenhouse style.",
		["greenroot"] = "Most think it's a weed, but it can be ground into a spice that livens up any dish.",
		["greenroot seeds"] = "Doesn't sell for very much, but is a popular and delicious cooking spice.",
		["greenspice"] = "It might be a common spice, but it adds just the right zing to dishes.",
		["grey bunny"] = "No matter where you go, your bunny buddy will be sure to hop dutifully behind you.",
		["grey choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["grey kitty"] = "Here kitty, kitty.",
		["griffith"] = "The griffon of the Eastern Region are famous for their majestic 'bald' heads of white feather.",
		["griffon egg"] = "A fossilized griffon egg. This proves that griffons have lived in this area for a very long time.It would look good in a museum!",
		["grilled blue tang"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["grilled carp"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["grilled catfish"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["grilled cheese"] = "Many a beginner chef's first dish, its simplicity does not subtract from its yummyness.",
		["grilled corn"] = "Southern Islanders will grill anything, leave it to them to invent grilled corn.",
		["grilled crab"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["grilled frostfin"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["grilled pineapple"] = "They say you can grill just about anything, but should you?",
		["grilled whitebelly shark"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["grimble"] = "A tiny yeti cub from the harsh Northern Region wilderness. He's looking for food, and you look like you know where to get it.",
		["grimbus"] = "Not all clouds are happy, but he's still pretty cute!",
		["grime covered magic charm"] = "It looks like some kind of witch's charm, though it's caked in slime and grime. Who could have lost it?",
		["grimmy"] = "Wait... why does he have that scythe? And why is he looking at you like that?!",
		["grinder"] = "This stone grinder turns wheat and other materials into fine powders.",
		["grocery store shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a grocery mart skin.",
		["groovy record"] = "Groove on.",
		["grubby"] = "This chubby grub loves making a home in rocky sand. Your farm isn't half bad, either.",
		["grumbles"] = "Oh, that hungry slime left behind a smaller slime. And it wants to stay with you. How... nice?",
		["guava berry"] = "Every part of this fruit is edible, from the seeds to the rind!",
		["guava berry seeds"] = "Guava is a popular tropical fruit in the Southern Isles, often turned into spicy jams.",
		["guava jam"] = "A tropical jam made from freshly pulped guava. Eating this will give you a boost to your mining skill.",
		["gumball machine"] = "Be the envy of all your friends with your very own personal gumball dispenser.",
		["gumbo"] = "Normally more at home at the bottom of the sea, this dopey little guy is happy to tag along with you anywhere.",
		["gus"] = "Fungi come in all sorts of wonderful shapes and sizes. Except for Gus. He's just Gus-shaped.",
	["h"] = {
		["hakama"] = "Traditional garb from lands across the Eastern Sea, worn by distinguished swordsmen and school children alike.",
		["half loaf of bread"] = "What's the only bad thing about bread? It dissappears when you eat it!",
		["halloween fence"] = "A metal fence wrought in the style of halloween, ideal for the spookiest of farms.",
		["haloopbut"] = "This fish's body forms a loop. For some reason. Researchers... still aren't sure why.",
		["hand carved squirrel statue"] = "A squirrel, roughly cut from a block of wood. Did... Did Vivi use her daggers to carve this...?",
		["hand mirror"] = "Looks like this mirror has seen a lot of time at the bottom of the briny deep... did Honey find it in a sunken ship?!",
		["handmade bobber"] = "A well used fishing bobber, hand crafted in the ancient style of the Southern Isles fishermen.It would look good in a museum!",
		["hanging bells"] = "Two bells, to ring in joy and cheer.",
		["hanging horseshoe"] = "How does a horse tie this?",
		["hanging pans"] = "Declutter your cabinets by utilizing hanging space. It looks nice and saves room, can't beat that.",
		["hanging pothos plant"] = "A plant brought from a remote archipelago in the Southern Islands, it thrives the best when given plenty of room to drape downwards.",
		["hanging shortsword"] = "Nathaniel once used this sword to skewer four shadeclaws in a single poke. True story. However now this sword is only for show.",
		["hanging spool of rope"] = "A length of rope, kept nice and tidy for whenever it may be needed.",
		["hanging wall plant"] = "A succulent fern that would look great hanging from one of your walls.",
		["hanging wall vinyl"] = "This record is a groovy decoration, but be cautioned that it is for display only.",
		["happy pumpkin hat"] = "A true pumpkin keeps a smile on their face no matter what happens.",
		["hard butterscotch gem"] = "This gemstone looks just like a yummy butterscotch candy. Hopefully it tastes like it, too.This candy gem can be used as a potion ingredient at the alchemy table.",
		["hardwood"] = "A log of hewn Hardwood, far more durable than ordinary wood. It's just waiting to be turned into planks.",
		["hardwood beam"] = "A solid beam of Hardwood, usable in crafting. Beam me up!",
		["hardwood plank"] = "A plank of Hardwood, true to its name these planks are heavy! Used in advanced crafting recipes.",
		["hardwood ring"] = "A ring carved of polished hardwood, enchanted to grant its wearer great fortune... in hardwood.",
		["harmony"] = "Every idol group needs a good mascot, and there are none cuter than this styling pup.",
		["harp"] = "A beautifully strung harp, favored especially by Angels.",
		["hat crab trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["haunted log"] = "A log, haunted by the restless soul of a vengeful stump.",
		["havenite"] = "A mysterious and beautiful gem, found only in the earth beneath Sun Haven.",
		["havenite ring"] = "A ring of chiseled havenite, there are few like it in the world.",
		["hay filled wheel barrow"] = "Piled high with crunchy hay, these are a classic farm decor mainstay.",
		["hay sack"] = "Hey, it's a hay sack!",
		["hayfish"] = "Hay is for horses. And apparently fish.",
		["health"] = "An orb of pure energy, a valuable resource.",
		["health potion"] = "A potent restoratrive tonic, it hastens recovery and mends wounds.",
		["health woven scarf"] = "A scarf woven with one's own vitality. Metal!",
		["healthy seafarer's potion"] = "A drought of different sailor's brews swashed together in an iron cask. While it tastes disgusting, it'll have you feeling healthy as a seahorse.",
		["hear's help amulet"] = "A strange amulet the likes of which you've never seen before. It senses its wearer's life force and emits a healing effect when it detects dangerously low levels.",
		["heart amulet"] = "A ruby heart has been set in this golden amulet, it increases vitality when worn.",
		["heart berry"] = "A berry whose juice is often served as a drink during romantic meals.",
		["heart berry seeds"] = "Even the seeds are shaped like little hearts, how adorable.",
		["heart leaf plant"] = "A very common species of plant across the regions, it is nonetheless highly favored for its cute heart-shaped leaves.",
		["heart shirt"] = "Why wear your heart on your sleeve when you could wear it on your whole shirt?",
		["hearth angler"] = "Its lure light not only draws prey in, but also helps cook it to a delicious crisp.",
		["hearty armor pie"] = "Soldiers of the Great Army have one day they look forward to over all others: pie day at the mess hall.",
		["hearty pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["heat fruit"] = "The fruit literal glows with heat. Watch your fingers!",
		["heat fruit seeds"] = "Just because it's a fruit doesn't mean it can't bring the heat. A staple in the Southern Isles.",
		["heatfin"] = "A beautiful flaming fish, its bright orange color sets it apart from your typical winter species.",
		["heavy crossbow"] = "Made of a massive wood stock and thick metal limbs, this will punch a hole through almost anything.",
		["heavystone"] = "A lump of extra hard rock, useful in advanced stonework.",
		["herbalist poster"] = "A poster advertising an herbalist shop somewhere off in the Eastern Region.",
		["hermy"] = "Oh, a small white... squid? You're not sure if it's trying to hug you or eat you, but he sure is cute!",
		["hexagon berry"] = "Hexagons are nature's ultimate shape. Therefore, these are nature's ultimate berry.",
		["hexagon berry seeds"] = "Even the seeds of this berry are shaped like hexagons. Interesting.",
		["hibiscus"] = "People in the Southern Isles often wear these flowers in their hair for special occassions, a fashion choice that hasn't quite spread to the rest of the lands yet.",
		["hibiscus honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of hibiscus flowers, it's infused with healing properties.",
		["hibiscus seeds"] = "A flower that is popular for the sweet and tropical fragrance of its blossom.",
		["hidden pearl clam"] = "Pearls: Gemstones of the Ocean.",
		["high jumper shoes"] = "Bouncy rubber shoes. These will really put a spring in your step!",
		["holiday bed"] = "More sleep is a gift everyone should get.",
		["holiday couch"] = "This comfy couch is the best gift you can give your rump this year.",
		["holiday dress"] = "A festive dress, often worn in times of celebration.",
		["holiday end table"] = "Winter may have to end, but this end table never has to!",
		["holiday hot cocoa"] = "Cocoa thickened with peppermint, it's hot AND cool.",
		["holiday string lights"] = "It's not winter without string lights!",
		["holiday string lights fence"] = "This is one festive fence, you'll give it that much.",
		["holiday table"] = "Festive dinners are best served on festive tables.",
		["holiday throne"] = "Dish out gifts, or keep them all to yourself, while sitting atop this winter festival throne.",
		["holiday tree"] = "It's a Western Region tradition to cut down a pine tree and decorate it for winter. This one is a fake tree, though. So sustainable!",
		["holiday wardrobe"] = "This baby can fit so many candy canes in it.",
		["holiday wreath"] = "No one knows where the tradition of winter wreaths came from, but no one questions it, either!",
		["holly carp"] = "Deck the halls with fish of holly, fa la la la...",
		["homemade gift"] = "White paper that was turned into gift wrap. Despite the wrapper's best efforts, it's still smudged here and there with smithery soot.",
		["honey"] = "Can you bee-lieve how tasty this golden goop is?",
		["honey flower"] = "Despite their name, they don't taste like honey - they just taste like  flowers. For a real honey taste, well, thats what you need the bees for.",
		["honey flower seeds"] = "A strange flower bud that grows, funnily enough, in the shape of a honey dipper. Hence the name.",
		["honey pot"] = "A pot made especially for storing sweet, golden honey.",
		["honeybrew"] = "A drink brewed from the honey tapped in the Grand Tree of Nel'Vari. Thick, rich and dangerously addictive.",
		["honeycomb cake"] = "No bees were harmed in the making of this cake.",
		["honeycomb door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a bee-autiful honeycomb style.",
		["honeycomb patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a bee-autiful honeycomb style.",
		["honeycomb roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a bee-autiful honeycomb style.",
		["honeycomb walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a bee-autiful honeycomb style.",
		["honeycomb windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a bee-autiful honeycomb style.",
		["honeyglazed apple"] = "A healthy, nutritious apple drenched in sugary honey. Yum!",
		["honeysuckle"] = "Flowering vines that are found native in the tundras of the Northern Region.",
		["honeysuckle seeds"] = "Weird, these seeds don't taste like honey.",
		["honorific katana"] = "A peerless katana, ready to rend any foe like wheat. However, the sword must never be taken from its shrine - it is a lesson in restraint.",
		["hood"] = "A thick wool hood, this will make you look pretty ominous.",
		["hoodie"] = "A thick wool hoodie, commonly worn by those living in the Great City.",
		["hoof polish"] = "Brightly colored polish. It's like nail polish only, you know, for hooves.",
		["hops"] = "Tiny little flower buds that are crucial to the brewing process.",
		["hops seeds"] = "These seeds don't seem to do much hopping.",
		["horn headband"] = "Demons are sometimes envied for their glorious horns, leading to novelty headbands like this.",
		["horsefish"] = "If hay is for horses, then what is for horsefishes?",
		["horseshoe"] = "Horses wear shoes, but how come they don't wear socks?",
		["hot chocolate"] = "Best enjoyed on cold winter nights, but whenever else is fine, too.",
		["hot dog"] = "Official food of the Sun Haven hot dog eating contest.",
		["hot dog hat"] = "The legendary hot dog hat, fruit of your epic victory in the Sun Haven Hot Dog Eating Contest.",
		["hot sauce"] = "A Scorpepper's sting is searingly hot, owed all to heat of their saucey venom. Silver lining? It's the ultimate meal enhancer.",
		["hourglass paper lantern"] = "Made of rice paper dyed in festive colors, take this home and then every night can be your own mini-lantern festival!",
		["house"] = "Place your house!",
		["hoverboard mount whistle"] = "This cyber whistle will cybernetically cyberfy a cyberboard hovercraft to your side... apparently.",
		["hubie"] = "Withergate citizens are torn on the subject of cockatrice: are they cute pets, or city pests?",
		["hummus"] = "A delightful snack, perfect for chips, crackers, and most other dippable foods.",
		["hungry adventurer's amulet"] = "A ceremonial fork worn on a linen chain, no better accessory is there for declaring one's affinity for food.",
		["hydrangea cupcake"] = "A cupcake topped with an intricately piped frosting design, world famous pastry chef Ramiro is credited for inventing this style of frosting.",
	["i"] = {
		["ice cream"] = "It's just milk and honey churned in ice, but it's irresistably delicious.",
		["ice cream base"] = "Prepared ice cream base, waiting to be mixed with anything you dare imagine.",
		["ice cream bed"] = "Giving an all new meaning to the term \"sweet dreams\".",
		["ice cream cart"] = "Kept freezing cold thanks to a specialized form of water magic, you can freeze ingredients into icy treats with this.",
		["ice cream chair"] = "I sit, you sit, we all sit on ice cream.",
		["ice cream couch"] = "Make a statement guests will remember with this dessert-themed couch.",
		["ice cream dress"] = "Don't worry, it's made with magical melt-resistant ice cream.",
		["ice cream end table"] = "This table is the perfect place to put all your ice cream.",
		["ice cream gloves"] = "Nope. They just taste like gloves, darn.",
		["ice cream hat"] = "You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream... hat!",
		["ice cream lamp"] = "A lamp in the shape of an ice cream cone, clever AND cute.",
		["ice cream leggings"] = "As cool as any ice cream.",
		["ice cream parlor shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with an ice cream parlor skin.",
		["ice cream plushie"] = "Ice cream that will never melt in your hand. The downside? It's just a plushie.",
		["ice cream potion"] = "Super thick and super pink, if it wasn't labeled as a potion you might think it was just melted ice cream.",
		["ice cream rug"] = "If having a rug shaped like ice cream is wrong, then I don't want to be right.",
		["ice cream sandwich"] = "A dollop of ice cream squished between two chocolate wafer cookies. No, you can't eat it for lunch \"because it's a sandwich\".",
		["ice cream scooter whistle"] = "This whistle will call your sickly sweet scooter to your side.",
		["ice cream table"] = "Why yes, this IS an ice cream table. Thanks for noticing.",
		["ice cream twin tail wig"] = "If you tried turning your hair into ice cream, it'd probably just melt. Thankfully, that's what we have wigs for!",
		["ice cream wall shelf"] = "At long last, the perfect shelf to store all your ice cream-related literature.",
		["ice cream wardrobe"] = "It's only made to LOOK like ice cream, don't worry about it melting all over your clothes!",
		["ice cream whip"] = "The summer heat causes the ice cream to slowly melt into the tropical juice for a creamy drink.",
		["ice cube"] = "A terribly cold cube of ice, it doesn't melt even on the hottest day.",
		["ice cube potion"] = "It's a bottle with a giant ice cube in it. The name checks out, at least.",
		["ice door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a frozen solid ice style.",
		["ice fist helmet"] = "It's like wearing an icecube for a hat.",
		["ice patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a frozen solid ice style.",
		["ice roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a frozen solid ice style.",
		["ice spike buns wig"] = "Winter's frigid chill can totally be incorporated into a hairdo.",
		["ice walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a frozen solid ice style.",
		["ice windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a frozen solid ice style.",
		["icicle carp"] = "A lazy carp that moves so slowly it can sometimes be found with icicles hanging from its fins!",
		["illusory tonic"] = "A glass cask full of a sparkling, swirling potion. It actually looks really delicious.",
		["impeccable gift"] = "A gift wrapped in shiny paper, the wrap job is impeccable. Whoever is responsible for this must be especially skilled at planning.",
		["improved paper bag disguise"] = "Someone seems to have improved this disguise. This will surely keep Withergate's guards off your back. Maybe.",
		["incredible attack potion"] = "A powerful potion brewed from the candy gems found in the monsterfolk lands.\"Such power this 'candy' possesses... perhaps the monsterfolk have something to offer me after all.\" - Dynus",
		["incredible defense potion"] = "A powerful potion brewed from the candy gems found in the monsterfolk lands.\"The monsterfolk shall have a home in Withergate... and I shall have their tribute.\" - Dynus",
		["incredible spell damage potion"] = "A powerful potion brewed from the candy gems found in the monsterfolk lands.\"You want my favor... yet you offer me mere candy? Monsterfolk... are so foolish.\" - Dynus",
		["indiglow"] = "Though a single lily gives off only faint glow, bundles of this flower are a popular decoration, and light source, for Nel'Varian homes.",
		["indiglow seeds"] = "A lily flower renowned both for its beauty and the beautiful glow it emits upon blossoming.",
		["indiglow tea"] = "Light and sweet, the perfect pick-me-up drink to restore your inner glow.",
		["industrial brick shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with an industrial skin.",
		["industrial cooking stove"] = "Produced by smiths in the Great City, this premium cooking range is the cutting edge any kitchen needs.",
		["inferno guppy"] = "Small, but spicy!",
		["insect buddy"] = "Who says insects can't be your friend? This little fella makes for a great six-legged buddy.",
		["insignia emblem desk"] = "A wooden desk with a mystical insignia carved into it. It's said that the symbol holds mystical properties, but at the very least it looks pretty neat.",
		["iris record"] = "A record of Iris's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["iris wedding ring"] = "I don't know what the future holds, but I'm ready to face it with you. I love you.",
		["iris's enchanted totem"] = "Woodworking is so much fun... I wonder why I've felt so inspired lately.",
		["iron axe"] = "This will make short work of trees and stumps.",
		["iron bar"] = "A bar of refined iron. Harder than copper, it will make excellent equipment.",
		["iron chest plate"] = "Super heavy, but is great protection.",
		["iron drake whistle"] = "This whistle will call your metal-bound drake to your side.",
		["iron feeding trough"] = "A sturdy trough that will hold a feast of animal feed for your barn animal buddies.",
		["iron gloves"] = "Keeps your fingers safe!",
		["iron helmet"] = "A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so keep yours protected with this metal helmet.",
		["iron hoe"] = "Tills the land, turning grass into farmable soil.",
		["iron key"] = "An iron key crafted especially for the gates in the mines.",
		["iron legs"] = "They clank whenever you walk, but they'll keep your legs shielded.",
		["iron ore"] = "I can smelt this into a bar.",
		["iron pickaxe"] = "The ideal tool for busting down stone and ore. Also useful for picking up decorations.",
		["iron ring"] = "A simple looking iron ring, it has actually been enchanted to impart increased strength to its wearer.",
		["iron sword"] = "A well-honed blade, friend to every warrior.",
		["iron watering can"] = "Holds plenty of water for your thirsty crops.",
		["ironhead sturgeon"] = "A head like iron and a body like fish.",
		["island breeze painting"] = "Looking into this painting you can nearly feel the warm tropical breeze of the Southern Isles.",
		["island punch"] = "A deadly combination of citrus juices, take a drink and you'll know why they call it a PUNCH!",
		["island skewer"] = "Tropical fruits lightly grilled on a skewer, refreshingly crispy.",
		["ixi"] = "A tiny fae spirit who wanted to brave the physical realm, he'll stick with you for now.",
	["j"] = {
		["jack'o'rug"] = "The grinning visage of a jack'o'lantern has been eternally captured in the fabric of this snazzy rug.",
		["jack'o'fin"] = "It's part fish, part pumpkin and all spooky.",
		["jack'o'fin sashimi"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["jack-o-stack"] = "Alright, who stacked my jacks?",
		["jackie"] = "Never look a jack rabbit directly in the eyes - those little antlers aren't just for show!",
		["jad"] = "Fun fact: the sting of a manticore is enough to petrify a fully grown dragon. So, uh, just... never get stung.",
		["jam jar"] = "Filled up to the brim with sweet jam.",
		["jam maker"] = "Everything you need to produce your own yummy jams, which grant bonus XP to your skills. Different flavors of jam grant bonus XP to different skills.",
		["jam shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a jam shop skin.",
		["jammin' poster"] = "Hey, this isn't a poster about jam at all.",
		["jar of cherries"] = "Cherries cooked in a syrup and then canned, perfect for a quick cherry pie.",
		["jawbreaker gem"] = "Think normal jawbreakers are hard? Try eating one made out of solid gemstone!This candy gem can be used as a potion ingredient at the alchemy table.",
		["jazz record"] = "A smooth jazz tune to kick back and relax to.",
		["jelly pop"] = "How do you make jelly under the sea? Oh well, don't think - just eat.",
		["jellyfish dress"] = "Jellyfish have life figured out. Just jell out and go with the flow...",
		["jellyfish hat"] = "Wow! What a lifelike hat! It really looks, feels and even smells like a REAL jellyfish!",
		["jellyfish lamp"] = "Lights up much better than a real jellyfish would.",
		["jellyfish mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your trusty, only slightly squishy, jellyfish companion to your side.",
		["jester hat"] = "The perfect hat to wear whenever you want to tell hilarious (or corny) jokes.",
		["jester shirt"] = "Dress up in this shirt to amuse (or maybe just annoy) your friends.",
		["jeweler's desk"] = "A table equipped with all the tools you need to craft your own jewelry. Jewelry grants effects to its wearer.",
		["jiggles"] = "He's not jelly, and he's not a fish... But he IS a friend!",
		["jingle bass"] = "It jingles just like a bell! It also LOOKS just like a bell...",
		["joe snow"] = "A little bit of winter magic (along with some normal, non-winter magic) has brought this little snow dude to life!",
		["joke book"] = "A book of corny jokes.",
		["juicer"] = "Squeeze fruit (or anything else you dare) into fresh juices. Juices provide restorative properties.",
		["jun record"] = "A record of Jun's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["jun wedding ring"] = "Marriage is a journey that merges two lives into one... And you're the one I want to walk that journey with. I love you.",
		["jun's diary"] = "Someday I'm going to give you away to someone who will truly care to read you.",
		["jun's flower"] = "Jun asked me to plant these around Sun Haven.",
		["just peachy double scoop"] = "Everyone is peachy when they have two scoops of ice cream.",
	["k"] = {
		["kai record"] = "A record of Kai's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["kai wedding ring"] = "Nothing could ever make me forget you, my dear. This ring will prove that. I love you.",
		["kai's golden necklace"] = "This amulet is nothing more than a trinket from a life I've thrown away. I'm going to build a new life, in Sun Haven.",
		["kale"] = "It might not taste like much, but kale is super healthy.",
		["kale juice"] = "Maybe not the sweetest juice ever, but it's super healthy. That's pretty cool, right? Right?",
		["kale seeds"] = "Suspiciously similar to what I imagine a grass seed looks like...",
		["kappy"] = "Ships from across the Eastern Sea brought two unintended stowaways: rats... and kappas!",
		["karish record"] = "A record of Karish's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["karish's trident"] = "This is the most INCREDIBLE thing I own! I'll never give it away! Well, not unless it's to someone SUPER special!",
		["keelhaul fin"] = "Spines as sharp as needles and fins as sharp as knives... Yikes!",
		["kelp bun"] = "Made with strong watery kelp instead of yucky dry wheat.",
		["kelp eel"] = "Often reeled up and mistaken for kelp, the Kelp Eel usually gets tossed back into the water.",
		["kelp soup"] = "The broth is extra-salty, making this soup heavier than water... And barely edible.",
		["kelp wig"] = "Kelp makes for a nice and stylish wig - best of all it keeps your head nice and wet!",
		["kelsie"] = "Kelpie are river spirits that appear before the morning mists dissipate. But are all of them THIS cute?",
		["kernie"] = "A walking bag of popcorn! Butter not included.",
		["kettle chips"] = "Extra thick sliced potatoes, battered in sugar and deep fried. Super unhealthy and even more super delicious.",
		["kimono"] = "Traditional garb from lands across the Eastern Sea, worn by very distinguished individuals",
		["king minos's emblem"] = "An emblem stamped with the seal of King Minos, it grants its bearer access to the Midnight Isle.",
		["king salmon"] = "Please unhook his royal highness, ye base and most uncouth farmer.",
		["king's lost mine key"] = "An ancient key that was held by King Aster, though it became lost after his time. What was Dynus doing with it?",
		["kingly ticket"] = "A ticket permitting one ride on the Withergate subway train. This kingly ticket is more likely to take you to a large neighborhood.\"We'll just charge a TICKET for the subway! Tickets are the solution to everything! Bwhaha!\" - Xyla",
		["kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["kitchen sink counter"] = "The basic necessities for any proper kitchen.",
		["kitty"] = "Here kitty, kitty.",
		["kitty bandeau"] = "A sleek bandeau for that purrfect look.",
		["kitty cactus"] = "Looks like a cat, and could definitely scratch like one, too!",
		["kitty ear headband"] = "A cute headband, but they don't fold back in anger whenever someone annoys you.",
		["kitty gift"] = "A gift wrapped in flashy pink paper, covered in sprinkles and and pawprints. The gift tag reads \"to XX, nya!\". It obviously came from Kitty.",
		["kitty gloves"] = "Hands are just paws that gave up.",
		["kitty mascot head"] = "Represent kitty pride!",
		["kitty mascot robe"] = "A robe that is just as fluffy as any kitty.",
		["kitty paw skirt"] = "A breezy skirt that won't get in the way as you climb trees, chase birds and generally get up to mischief.",
		["kitty record"] = "A record of Kitty's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["kitty wedding ring"] = "Be honest, nya! Do you think I can ever make you as happy as you make me? I love you! Nya!",
		["kitty's birthday dress"] = "One of Kitty's most skillfully crafted dresses. It's much too pretty to risk wearing it, you may damage the seams!",
		["kitty's cat toy"] = "Oh little mousey, maybe there's someone out there who will make me as happy as you do, nya!",
		["kiwi berry"] = "A fruit native to a specific island within the Southern Islands chain.",
		["kiwi berry seeds"] = "Seeds of a berry grown in the warm climates of the Southern Isles. They're a little fuzzy, but in a cute way.",
		["kiwi juice"] = "With a gentle citrus undertone, this juice would go great in a fruit punch.",
		["knife block"] = "An oiled wooden block, slits have been cut into it so your sharp knives have a safe place to stay whenever they're not being used.",
		["knight potion"] = "A deep brown potion. If honor had a smell, this potion just might be it.",
		["knight's wall shield"] = "A knockoff replica of the famous Grand Knights Order, it's not the real thing but it'll still look pretty cool hanging on your wall.",
		["knitted socks"] = "Perhaps the most classic thing to make on a loom... if it wasn't for scarves.",
		["koi fish"] = "A fish brought to this part of the world from a far away continent, they can grow quite large when they have enough space and food.",
		["kraken"] = "An immature kraken. In a few thousand years, this one will totally be worth releasing on your enemies.",
		["kraken cola"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["kraken kale"] = "Many monsters claim this strange crop tastes great when served with noodles. Maybe you'll just take their word for it.",
		["kraken kale seeds"] = "If you're not careful, this bizarre stalk will stick right to your fingers!",
		["kraken stew"] = "A monstrous stew, perfect for anyone with a monstrous appetite!",
	["l"] = {
		["led bat banner"] = "Withergate's technology is truly something else. You could stare at this mesmerizing banner all day!",
		["led skull banner"] = "\"LED\" stands for \"light-emitting diode\". In layman's terms this means \"shiny and fun to look at\".",
		["ladybug plushie"] = "This is one ladybug that can fly away home... to join your plushie collection!",
		["lamp potion"] = "Always wanted to be a street lamp when you grew up? Then do we have the potion for you.",
		["land permit tier 1"] = "An official piece of paper permitting you to deploy a high number of crops. Increase crop capacity by 10. Only one tier 1 land permit can be used per world.",
		["land permit tier 2"] = "An official piece of paper permitting you to deploy a high number of crops. Increase crop capacity by 15. Only one tier 2 land permit can be used per world.",
		["land permit tier 3"] = "An official piece of paper permitting you to deploy a high number of crops. Increase crop capacity by 25. Only one tier 3 land permit can be used per world.",
		["lantern"] = "A very illuminating wall lantern.",
		["lantern festival selling portal"] = "A mystical portal linked directly to merchants ready to buy your lantern festival goodies.",
		["lantern spirit"] = "With an affinity for taking care of plants, this little dragon has a chance to water some of your crops when left on your farm over night!",
		["lapis"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["large balls of yarn"] = "Best kept away from cats... and cat Amari.",
		["large bookshelf"] = "An extra large bookshelf with plenty of room for all your arcanic tomes, texts of knowledge and magical adventure novels.",
		["large fishing net"] = "Automatically catches fish in the river, ponds and beach of your farm. This net covers a lot of water, which means it's going to catch a lot of fish.",
		["large fluffy amber rug"] = "A big rug of spun fluffy fiber, it feels soft and tickly against your skin.",
		["large fluffy navy rug"] = "A big rug of spun fluffy fiber, it feels soft and tickly against your skin.",
		["large fluffy purple rug"] = "A big rug of spun fluffy fiber, it feels soft and tickly against your skin.",
		["large fluffy red rug"] = "A big rug of spun fluffy fiber, it feels soft and tickly against your skin.",
		["large ground hay"] = "A large pile of scattered hay, perfect for decorating any farm floor.",
		["large hay pile"] = "A large pile of hay, perfect for decorating any farm.",
		["large kettle pot"] = "A sturdy iron kettle, no kitchen would be properly outfitted without one.",
		["large magic potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essence, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["large mana potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essense, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["large mana tome"] = "Bursting with mana!",
		["large moon globe"] = "I wonder if any of your cows will try jumping over it?",
		["large paint brush"] = "A hefty paint brush, you could get some serious paint work done with this bad boy.",
		["large sack"] = "A large sack of woven burlap, great for keeping odd and ends together on your farm.",
		["large sunflower"] = "It's already big, but can you believe these flowers can grow even larger than this?",
		["large white fluffy rug"] = "This giant rug is so fluffy and soft that you have to resist the urge to lay right down on it.",
		["large window"] = "A huge pane of glass to view the outside world with.",
		["large withergate lamp"] = "Designed by Xyla herself as an original pitch for Withergate city streetlights, these didn't quite make the cut. The design has been repurposed into a line of floor lamps, like this one, however.",
		["lasagna"] = "A classic dish from the Eastern Region, layers of sauce and noodles that make for a hearty dinner meal.",
		["lava honey"] = "Sweet like delicious honey... and hot like molten lava...",
		["lavender"] = "Legends say that this vibrant purple flower originally grew deep in Elven forests before adapting to the less magical soils of Sun Haven.",
		["lavender bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["lavender candle"] = "It reeks of sickly-sweet lavender, yet you can't resist smelling it.",
		["lavender honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of lavender flowers, it revitalizes the spirit and restores mana.",
		["lavender seeds"] = "Strikingly purple, even by flower standards these are intensely colorful.",
		["leaf cape"] = "Leaves preserved in golden amber, woven together in a natural cloak.",
		["leaf gift"] = "A gift wrapped in a large, soft leaf. You've never seen a leaf quite like this before, someone must have grown it just for this occasion.",
		["leaf sole"] = "A strange flat fish that mimics the look of a leaf, it floats on top of water waiting to snatch passing insects.",
		["leaf wrapped averagemouth bass"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped bashful pike"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped blue gill"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped cuddlefish"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped ribbon eel"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped searback"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped silver carp"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leaf wrapped tiger trout"] = "Wrapped in a seasoned leaf and buried in smoking embers, a cooking method favored especially by Naga.",
		["leafie trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["leafie's leaf"] = "It looks innocent, but its edges are dangerously sharp.",
		["leafy cubby"] = "This storage space will make sure you never accidentally LEAF anything laying around.",
		["leafy potion"] = "A deep green potion, the same color of the leaves. Probably tastes like leaves, too...",
		["leechums"] = "The leeches of Withergate are large, ravenous and surprisingly cuddly.",
		["legendary fish"] = "Any legendary fish",
		["legendary fish bait"] = "Sun Haven's secret treasure, fishing bait of legendary potency.",
		["legendary fish bait recipe"] = "Unlock the ability to craft Legendary Fish Bait for all players!",
		["legionnaire chest plate"] = "Armor based on designs of ancient Nel'Varian origin, recreated with a modern flair by Poppy. But when did the Nel'Varians need metal armor... and why?",
		["legionnaire gloves"] = "Armor based on designs of ancient Nel'Varian origin, recreated with a modern flair by Poppy. But when did the Nel'Varians need metal armor... and why?",
		["legionnaire helmet"] = "Armor based on designs of ancient Nel'Varian origin, recreated with a modern flair by Poppy. But when did the Nel'Varians need metal armor... and why?",
		["legionnaire legs"] = "Armor based on designs of ancient Nel'Varian origin, recreated with a modern flair by Poppy. But when did the Nel'Varians need metal armor... and why?",
		["lemon"] = "Sour fruit, it can be tempered with sugar.",
		["lemon cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["lemon jam"] = "Lemony tart jam made from freshly pulped lemon. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming skill.",
		["lemon meringue"] = "It's no fun to mix by hand, but this fluffy cream is (mostly) worth the effort.",
		["lemon seeds"] = "When life gives you lemon seeds, grow lemons.",
		["lemonade"] = "When life gives you lemons, violently mash them and drink their juices - Demon proverb",
		["leo"] = "An exotic black scorchmane cub from the Eastern Desert. Natural apex predators and extremely powerful... after they grow up, at least!",
		["letter from lucia"] = "A handwritten decree of peace and understanding, scribed by Lucia herself. Despite its hasty drafting on the battlefield, the Archmage's penmanship is without equal.",
		["letterman jacket"] = "Wear this and show off your Sun Haven team spirit!",
		["lettuce"] = "A very mild flavor makes this vegetable excellent for pairing up with many different ingredients.",
		["lettuce seeds"] = "Leafy and green, Lettuce absorbs moisture from the air and always stays watered overnight.",
		["lewey"] = "A lifelike hologram of the Cyber Acadamia's current mascot, Lewey. GO CYBERS!",
		["liam record"] = "A record of Liam's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["liam wedding ring"] = "I'm sorry if I'm crying. I'm just so happy that we can be a full family again. I love you...",
		["liam's oven mitts"] = "I lost so much that day... but I didn't lose my sisters. Or you, my trusty oven mitts.",
		["light blue rug"] = "Just a simple, plush light blue rug.",
		["light brown mushroom decoration"] = "A clay mushroom created by skilled Elven clay workers - it looks shockingly lifelike!",
		["light brown slacks"] = "Often worn by Nel'Varian foragers when out hunting for their favorite food: mushrooms!",
		["light gray diamond couch"] = "This couch has buttons pressed into its upholstery, creating a diamond pattern across it.",
		["light green couch"] = "A nice comfy couch. This one is meant for side walls.",
		["light green lined wooden table"] = "The green border of this table denotes it as a medical desk, often found in hospitals and doctor's offices.",
		["lightning in a bottle"] = "This was much easier to catch than you've been led to believe.",
		["lily"] = "These beautiful flowers were brought to these lands from a far away continent. They grow very well here despite not being a native species.",
		["lily blossom cape"] = "If you're going to navigate a treacherous jungle, you may as well have a cool cape to wear.",
		["lily blossom hat"] = "The Curators discovered that Iseron's jungle lilies could be fashioned into comfortable clothing that fended off the sun's incessant heat.",
		["lily blossom pants"] = "The Curators were sure their leader, The Great Curator, would be impressed with the jungle clothing brought back from the Iseron expedition. Meh, he'd seen better.",
		["lily blossom robe"] = "Keeps the jungle razorstalk from scratching you - plus you look like a pretty flower!",
		["lily honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of lily flowers, it's infused with healing properties.",
		["lily seeds"] = "These tend to grow the best in tropical wetlands, though they do well enough in a place like Sun Haven.",
		["lilypad cape"] = "The lily pads of Nel'Vari make for a great cape once dried.",
		["lilypad dress"] = "Fae spirits have no need for weaving and sewing fabric, their clothes are as natural as the forest.",
		["lilypad hat"] = "The best part about being a fae spirit? Every pond is full of free hats.",
		["limited edition dynus plushie"] = "Only a handful of these limited edition plushies were ever created. Owing to their rarity, and Dynus's celebrity status, this is one of the hottest pieces of merchandise one could get their hands (or claws) on.",
		["line of pipes"] = "A nice and orderly row of pipes. Just... don't ask where they go.",
		["linguine with clams"] = "Thick sauce and noodles served with steamed clams, a great choice for a filling seafood meal.",
		["lion mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your courageous lion companion to your side.",
		["little girl's gift"] = "A gift wrapped in paper normally meant for a young girl. Whoever wrapped it must have only had this on hand.",
		["little green vial"] = "A tiny vial of green glass, ready to keep a tiny potion or herbal tonic.",
		["living jelly"] = "Pairs well with living peanut butter.",
		["living jelly salad"] = "A popular dish at Monsterfolk picnics or family gatherings, normally avoided by the kids.",
		["lo-fi record"] = "Chill beats to grow crops to.",
		["loaf of bread"] = "A perfect brown loaf of freshly baked bread. Ironically, it looks TOO good to eat.",
		["lobster"] = "A Sun Haven favorite, townies are especially fond of drenching these guys in plenty of fresh butter.",
		["lobster bisque"] = "Soft chunks of delicate lobster meat, swimming in a thick and creamy soup.",
		["lobster roll"] = "Seasoned lobster meat, served in a hotdog bun of all things. A bit strange, but it totally works.",
		["lobster sushi"] = "Delicate lobster meat, lightly sauced and ready to meet your tummy.",
		["log"] = "A hunk of hewn tree, just waiting to be turned into planks.",
		["log cabin door"] = "Customizes your house's door in an old fashioned log cabin style.",
		["log cabin patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in an old fashioned log cabin style.",
		["log cabin roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in an old fashioned log cabin style.",
		["log cabin walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in an old fashioned log cabin style.",
		["log cabin windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in an old fashioned log cabin style.",
		["log pile"] = "A neatly stacked pile of wooden logs patiently waiting to be used for any manner of log-related activities.",
		["long beige rug"] = "A velvety beige rug lined in gold, this would look nice just about anywhere.",
		["long bells"] = "These little bells sway in the winter winds, like little holiday wind chimes.",
		["long blue wooden bench"] = "An extra long bench coated with a smooth blue lacquer.",
		["long elvish twintails wig"] = "Elves long celebrated their own version of the Winter Festival, although their ancient traditions have been lost to time.",
		["long fringe black rug"] = "This longer than average rug is a great choice for covering a length of floor.",
		["long green rug"] = "A velvety green rug lined in gold, this would look nice just about anywhere.",
		["long green striped sweater"] = "A sweater stitched in the style of the old Nel'Varians.",
		["long purple rug"] = "A velvety purple rug lined in deep purple trim, this would look nice just about anywhere.",
		["long purple wooden bench"] = "An extra long bench painted up in Withergate's signature purple color.",
		["long red desert rug"] = "Woven from special sand-resistant reeds, perfect for deserts... or maybe your farm!",
		["long red rug"] = "A velvety red rug lined in gold, this would look nice just about anywhere.",
		["long sleeve crop striped sweater"] = "A long sleeved sweater stitched in the style of the old Nel'Varians.",
		["long sleeve shirt"] = "Light enough to keep cool in the sun, but provides some warmth in the cold. A very common shirt in the Great City.",
		["long tuxedo"] = "A good looking item to help you create your look.",
		["long wall mirror"] = "A body length mirror, it's the right size for inspecting yourself top to bottom.",
		["long wooden display table"] = "An extra extra long display table, with room to show off plenty of things.",
		["loom"] = "This spinning loom can turn silk and other materials into quilts, blankets, gloves and even fishing nets!",
		["lost cart wheel"] = "The wheel to Clive's wagon. It must have broken off on the rough wilderness terrain.",
		["lost letter"] = "This lost letter should be returned to the mail carrier.",
		["lost mage's ring"] = "A traveling mage must have dropped this enchanted ring. Oh well, finders keepers!",
		["lost toy"] = "A cute toy, but it's not for you. Who could have lost it?",
		["lotus"] = "The flowers of the lotus plant are known for representing renewal, blooming each day with a refreshed beauty.",
		["lotus clip"] = "The lotus flower is thought to be treasured by fae spirits, those wishing to honor the fae often clip the flower to their hair.",
		["lotus honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of lotus flowers, it revitalizes the spirit and restores mana.",
		["lotus kimono"] = "A traditional kimono, worn by many during festivals dedicated to the fae spirits.",
		["lotus seeds"] = "Exotic and even a little mysterious, this variety of lotus flower actually blossoms readily on your farm.",
		["love letter"] = "Gift this to an NPC to start dating them.",
		["lucia record"] = "A record of Lucia's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["lucia wedding ring"] = "Every leader needs to have someone standing beside them. I'm glad it's you. I love you.",
		["lucia's fire orb"] = "I will master this power, grandfather. I swear that I will.",
		["lucius record"] = "A record of Lucius' song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["lucius wedding ring"] = "I love you to the Moon and back. Haha, get it? Moon joke. I love you.",
		["lucius' moon beads"] = "With these beads, may we and the sweet, brilliant light of the Everbeyond be just a tiny little bit closer...",
		["lucky bamboo plant"] = "Traders from across the Eastern Sea swear that this exotic grass plant is a charm of good fortune.",
		["lucky cat plushie"] = "This plushie is said to bring great luck with money. That may just be a legend, but it's still super cute!",
		["lucky fish bait"] = "It ain't the worm's lucky day, but it sure is yours!",
		["luke's stylin' honey"] = "Honey infused with herbs and plants to form a gel that keeps hair looking fresh - plus it tastes great!",
		["lullaby record"] = "A soothing melody, you're likely to fall right asleep listening to this.",
		["luminesent pumpkin"] = "A little pumpkin that glows with pure mana. Iris enchanted it for a dear friend's birthday.",
		["lush bird bath"] = "The birdies bathe in luxury when they visit your farm.",
		["lush leaf plant"] = "A luxuriant plant growing the most lavishly luscious of leaves.",
		["lynn anvil"] = "Lynn's personal anvil. It's seen a good amount of use.",
		["lynn record"] = "A record of Lynn's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["lynn wedding ring"] = "When I came to Sun Haven, I didn't know for sure what I'd find. I'm really happy I found you. I love you.",
		["lynn's pickaxe"] = "Lynn's trusty pickaxe. Looks like Solon has taken good care of it.",
		["lynn's shield"] = "I'm going to live up to what this crest means, I promise.",
	["m"] = {
		["mous3"] = "A bytemouse with custom programming implanted into its neuro-frame, it doesn't know what to do without bytes to nibble on, so it'll stick to following you.",
		["magazine stand"] = "Stocked full of publications from all over the place, almost anyone could find something interesting in this lot.",
		["magazines"] = "Publications concerning a number of different topics. It seems the printed word is really taking off in the land.",
		["magenta chaise couch"] = "One of the fancier pieces of furniture to come from the Great City's experimental craftsmen.",
		["magic circlet"] = "Impossibly thin metal, woven into a gorgeous head circlet. How do the Elves do it?",
		["magic gloves"] = "Show off your affinity for all things magic with these stylish gloves.",
		["magic potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essense, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["magic shirt"] = "You're magic, why shouldn't your shirt be magic too?",
		["magic skirt"] = "Let none deny your mystical might, nor your amazing fashion sense.",
		["magic sleigh whistle"] = "This whistle will call your flying sleigh companion to your side.",
		["magic wand holder"] = "Magic wands should always be kept neat and orderly.",
		["magic worm"] = "Thankfully it isn't half a worm...",
		["magical water"] = "Pairs perfect with magic beans.",
		["magically delicious drink"] = "How is this drink so delicious? Magic. Literally, it's magic. A mage cast a magic spell on it. That's how.",
		["magma chestplate"] = "A chestplate of elemental fire, forged by ancient Elemental smiths using a technique that modern smiths have been unable to successfully replicate.",
		["magma gloves"] = "Gloves of elemental fire, forged by ancient Elemental smiths using a technique that modern smiths have been unable to successfully replicate.",
		["magma headband"] = "A headband of elemental fire, forged by ancient Elemental smiths using a technique that modern smiths have been unable to successfully replicate.",
		["magma pants"] = "Legguards of elemental fire, forged by ancient Elemental smiths using a technique that modern smiths have been unable to successfully replicate.",
		["magma potion"] = "Whew, this potion is almost too hot to handle. It also looks suspiciously like lava...",
		["magma star"] = "Far past the Southern Isles lay the Magma Isles, inhospitable to any life that can't tolerate a bit of molten lava... like this little starfish!",
		["mahogany counter"] = "Finely sanded wood of exotic Southern Island tropical trees. Show off both your wealth and your taste with this beauty of a countertop.",
		["mailbox demolition kit"] = "Don't like where you built your mailbox? Just move it somewhere else!",
		["mailbox lamp"] = "We must defend this lamp from the dreaded mailmen at all costs' - Every dog everywhere",
		["majestic cape"] = "Trimmed with golden fleece, this is truly the cape of majesties.",
		["mana"] = "An orb of pure energy, a valuable resource.",
		["mana anvil"] = "Essential for hammering Nel'Vari metals into useful tools.Nel'Varians never wished to make tools of war. When there was no more use for the craft, many in Nel'Vari forgot about it.",
		["mana baby bottle"] = "All people of the world, from elusive Elves to otherworldly Demons, grow best when fed a bit of pure mana energy.",
		["mana composter"] = "Even the compost bins in Nel'Vari are beautiful! Composts Nel'Vari resources into fertilizer. Infuse dirt with mana, reinvigorating it into super soil for your Nel'Vari crops.",
		["mana drop"] = "A droplet of crystalized mana. It pulses and thrums, giving off a gentle glow.",
		["mana fertilizer"] = "Because in Nel'Vari, EVERYTHING is infused with mana.",
		["mana gem"] = "Imbued with the mana of many different people, these beautiful gems glow with a soothing aura.",
		["mana gem jam"] = "Sparkling jam made from mana gems, water crystal and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your fishing skill.",
		["mana gem seeds"] = "Tiny gems of crystalized mana, these \"seeds\" can only be grown by Nivara's best students.",
		["mana infused scarf"] = "Just because you CAN mana infuse something doesn't mean you SHOULD.",
		["mana infuser table"] = "An enchanting table designed to aid in the process of mana infusion. You can create magic potions at this workstation.",
		["mana orbs"] = "An orb of pure energy, a valuable resource.",
		["mana potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essense, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["mana sap"] = "Tree sap, dense with mana energy. Very much worth studying.It would look good in a museum!",
		["mana shard"] = "A shard of twinkling mana, shed by the Great Tree of Nel'Vari. The members of the Restoration Society would be very interested in this.\"There's memory in mana, the energy that fuels all life.\" - Nivara",
		["mana siphoner"] = "Powered by coal or fire runes, this enchanted flower draws mana energy from the earth and condenses it into mana orbs.",
		["mana water"] = "Pure water, imbued with radiating mana energy.",
		["manatee mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your deepsea diving manatee to your side.",
		["mangler bulb"] = "A dimly glowing bulb, powered by the natural magic of bioluminescence.",
		["mango"] = "It's like an apple's tropical island cousin.",
		["mango seeds"] = "These seeds do best in tropical soil, but Sun Haven is southern enough in its warmer seasons.",
		["mango taffy"] = "Taffy is great, you just have to chew it. A lot.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["mantel clock"] = "This would look impressive on a desk or fireplace mantel.",
		["mantis antenna headband"] = "Curators documented how the Wildborn mantis of Iseron could sit as still as a statue, until the perfect time to strike presented itself.",
		["mantis cloak"] = "Living in an inhospitable jungle is no excuse for the mantis Amari to not dress their best... They may be Wildborn, but they're not animals.",
		["mantis pants"] = "The Curators managed to find a few things of value on Iseron, such as the fascinating garments created and worn by the local Wildborn.",
		["maple kitchen cabinet"] = "Wall cabinets of fine maple wood, these will offer lots of off-surface storage for your kitchen tools.",
		["marble bridge"] = "A sturdy marble bridge for your farm.",
		["marble bridge decor"] = "A sturdy marble bridge for your farm.",
		["marble chessboard"] = "A beautiful chess board carved from marble. It looks extremely valuable, and there's an inscription on the bottom that reads 'Property of Archmage Luvivius'.",
		["marigold leaf rug"] = "The flowing shapes of marigold leaves have been beautifully captured in the threading of this plush rug.",
		["maroon elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed maroon.",
		["marshmallow bean"] = "Looks a bit like a bean, but tastes like a marshmallow. Name checks out.",
		["marshmallow bean seeds"] = "Soft and pillowy little seeds, it's not hard to see where they get the name from.",
		["marshmallow ghost"] = "A marshmallow cut into the shape of a ghost. Simple, yet cute and fun.",
		["mashed potatoes"] = "Who would have thought mashed up potatoes would taste so irresistibly good?",
		["matcha sprinkles"] = "Apparently pets come in flavors, who knew?",
		["matey pants"] = "They're actually quite wind resistant, which really helps when you're swinging onto an enemy vessel.",
		["matey shirt"] = "This isn't a cheap costume! It's an official uniform worn by professional and respectful pirates.",
		["meat"] = "A premium slab of meat. Mmm, meaty.",
		["meat skewer"] = "Several types of meat, impaled on a skewer and grilled over an open fire. Excellent.",
		["meatloaf painting"] = "It's beautiful.",
		["medical glove"] = "A glove made out of some kind of smooth, squeaky material. Who could have lost it?",
		["medical grade microscope"] = "Using a bunch of weird mirror magic, this curious mechanism can observe things super duper up close.",
		["medicine"] = "Wornhardt needs this for his patient.",
		["medium mana potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essense, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["medium withergate lamp"] = "A heavy bulb of glass blown from marsh sand. A sturdy iron pole keeps it hanging for a unique look.",
		["melon"] = "Soft, ripe and perfect for a hot summer day.",
		["melon seeds"] = "They're little seeds now, but plant them and they'll grow into mighty melons.",
		["memory loss potion"] = "It looks less like a liquid and more like an eerie sort of fog... like a mental haze, obscuring memory and committing it to oblivion.",
		["mended socks"] = "Someone's claw poked a hole in this sock, but it's all better now.",
		["meow welcome mat"] = "Don't forget to wipe your paws!",
		["merchant potion"] = "A rich purple potion. It sounds just like a coin purse if you shake it around.",
		["mermaid crown"] = "The Naga who adapted to life in the sea became known as merfolk, mermaid and mermen who developed their own unique culture - complete with monarchy.",
		["mermaid dress"] = "Specially tailored to fit comfortably over legs and tail alike.",
		["mermaid's touch"] = "Your Mermaid heritage gives you natural fishing skills, increasing the Sweet Spot while landing a fish by 30%.",
		["messy doll hair wig"] = "They say if you have big hair, you must have an even bigger attitude.",
		["metal bucket"] = "Just a simple bucket of hammered metal, commonly found on farms like yours.",
		["metal coffee pot"] = "This artisanal coffee pot is just what that bare countertop of yours needs.",
		["metal dragon chest plate"] = "What's harder than rock? That's right, metal.",
		["metal dragon greaves"] = "Never stub your toe on the rock stage - or anywhere else, for that matter - again.",
		["metal dragon helm"] = "Maybe you've heard of the Sun Dragon, but have you heard of the METAL dragon?",
		["metal gladiator helm"] = "Honor the warriors of the past by playing a sick solo just for them.",
		["metal gladiator shirt"] = "Held together by scrap metal. Rock hard.",
		["metal gladiator shorts"] = "Comfy mesh gym shorts. What? Not every piece of the outfit has to be extreme.",
		["metal opera dress"] = "It's not over until the metal lady sings.",
		["metal opera tiara"] = "Forget the masks and helmets, they'll only get in the way of your wails.",
		["metal skull chestplate"] = "Clunky and completely impractical for anything other than shredding on a guitar.",
		["metal skull greaves"] = "The world will tremble at your metallic feet.",
		["metal skull mask"] = "Taking 'metal head' to a very literal place.",
		["metal standing mirror"] = "A long body mirror set in a heavy iron frame, it's pretty heavy but certainly sturdy.",
		["metal sun wall plaque"] = "A roughly shaped sun insignia, popular among Sun Haven residents.",
		["metallic dragon"] = "Dragons often consume rock, to help harden their scales. Metallic dragons have eaten far too much iron, and have hardened their scales to iron! They often shed unrefined metal.",
		["microphone ice cream"] = "A lot tastier than a real microphone, trust me.",
		["mild pinchy potion"] = "'Mild' makes sense, but how exactly can a potion be described as 'pinchy'? Drink it and find out!",
		["milk"] = "Good for your bones.",
		["milk carton"] = "Traditionally stored in glass jugs, some farmers have started packaging their milk in new-fangled cartons.",
		["milk churn"] = "Back in the old days, people used these things to make butter. These days, of course, we have more sophisticated methods of buttercraft, like magic tables.",
		["milk and cookies"] = "Santa food.",
		["mimi"] = "Mimics are shapeshifting monsters that lure in and devour unwitting adventurers. Well, not this one. This one just wants to slobber all over you.",
		["mimic"] = "The stories you've heard of mimics gobbling up unsuspecting treasure hunters are all myths. These goofy guys only want to gobble up spare change they find, sometimes belching up the bounties for their keepers.",
		["mind essence"] = "Distilled essence of ancient Nel'Varian mana, it bestows mental stamina when tapped.",
		["miner snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that is miner in style, but not minor in cuteness!",
		["miner's blessing ring"] = "A miner's insignia, carried by wayward miners as a token of protection while they dig through the dark earth. It increases one's affinity for mining when worn.",
		["mini blue polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a mini blue polka dot style.",
		["mini blue polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a mini blue polka dot style.",
		["mini blue polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a mini blue polka dot style.",
		["mini blue polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a mini blue polka dot style.",
		["mini blue polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a mini blue polka dot style.",
		["mini duke statue"] = "A solid gold statue of Anne's most important business partner, her pet lizard Duke.",
		["mini green polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a mini green polka dot style.",
		["mini green polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a mini green polka dot style.",
		["mini green polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a mini green polka dot style.",
		["mini green polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a mini green polka dot style.",
		["mini green polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a mini green polka dot style.",
		["mini jawbreaker"] = "Breaks mini jaws.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["mini purple polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a mini purple polka dot style.",
		["mini purple polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a mini purple polka dot style.",
		["mini purple polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a mini purple polka dot style.",
		["mini purple polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a mini purple polka dot style.",
		["mini purple polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a mini purple polka dot style.",
		["mini red polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a mini red polka dot style.",
		["mini red polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a mini red polka dot style.",
		["mini red polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a mini red polka dot style.",
		["mini red polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a mini red polka dot style.",
		["mini red polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a mini red polka dot style.",
		["mini yellow polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a mini yellow polka dot style.",
		["mini yellow polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a mini yellow polka dot style.",
		["mini yellow polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a mini yellow polka dot style.",
		["mini yellow polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a mini yellow polka dot style.",
		["mini yellow polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a mini yellow polka dot style.",
		["mining exp"] = "Experience in the Mining skill.",
		["mining essence"] = "Ancient Nel'Varian mana, distilled into a consumable potion. This one contains the essence of earthen caverns and stone.",
		["mining hat"] = "Headgear worn by seasoned miners who have proven their skills and attained the level of master.",
		["mining skill tome"] = "A mystical tome imbued with the very essence of mining. Reading its pages will impart increased mining prowess and experience.",
		["mining totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["mint sprinkles"] = "Apparently pets come in flavors, who knew?",
		["mips"] = "A troublemaking little monkey that would love to team up with you.",
		["miracle"] = "Call upon an angelic miracle, restoring 15 Health <color=#39CCFF>plus</color> 15% of your Maximum Health to yourself and nearby players.",
		["mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["mistletoe"] = "You're not sure if this is an Elf or a toy, but this little guy is just here to make toys and have a good time.",
		["mithril axe"] = "This will make short work of trees and stumps.",
		["mithril bar"] = "A bar of refined mithril, though beautiful to the eyes its strength and durability are almost unmatched.",
		["mithril chest plate"] = "Super heavy, but is great protection.",
		["mithril crossbow"] = "A mechanical crossbow forged in mithril, it fires with decent power and speed.",
		["mithril gloves"] = "Keeps your fingers safe!",
		["mithril helmet"] = "A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so keep yours protected with this metal helmet.",
		["mithril hoe"] = "Tills the land, turning grass into farmable soil.",
		["mithril key"] = "A mithril key crafted especially for the gates in the mines.",
		["mithril legs"] = "They clank whenever you walk, but they'll keep your legs shielded.",
		["mithril ore"] = "I can smelt this into a bar.",
		["mithril pickaxe"] = "The ideal tool for busting down stone and ore. Also useful for picking up decorations.",
		["mithril ring"] = "A simple looking mithril ring, it has actually been enchanted to impart increased strength to its wearer.",
		["mithril sword"] = "A well-honed blade, friend to every warrior.",
		["mithril watering can"] = "Holds plenty of water for your thirsty crops.",
		["mixed berry smoothie"] = "An amazing new drink of blended fruit and juice, all the rage in the Great City! This smoothie is made with a berry mix.",
		["miyeon record"] = "A record of Miyeon's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["miyeon wedding ring"] = "I always thought my life needed to be perfect - but now it finally is. I love you.",
		["miyeon's amateur painting"] = "Miyeon attempted to paint the park fountain. She... Didn't do very good. But still, 'A' for effort! Oh, and an 'A' for Angel!",
		["miyeon's tea pot"] = "You're the most beautiful thing I own, little tea kettle. I would love to brew tea in you, but... I'm not special enough to anyone, am I?",
		["mochi"] = "Sweetened rice paste, shaped into a spongey cake and steamed before baking.",
		["mochi covered strawberry"] = "A strawberry, covered in a thin layer of flavored mochi. A lightweight but lovely dessert.",
		["model train set"] = "A model of a train. Wait, this looks familiar... Is this the train you and Lynn rode into Sun Haven on? Lynn must have made this herself - what impeccable craftsmanship!",
		["modern bridge"] = "A bridge crafted in a modern style for your farm.",
		["modern bridge decor"] = "A bridge crafted in a modern style for your farm.",
		["modest teal fridge"] = "Just a standard model fridge. Nothing special, but it looks quaint and it gets the job done.",
		["molten slug"] = "Researchers would love to know more about the aquatic species that live in the Magma Isles, though traveling there is nearly impossible.",
		["money maker coat"] = "An enchanted coat that conjures images of vast wealth about your person. Make it rain!",
		["money maker gloves"] = "An enchanted pair of gloves that conjures images of vast wealth about your person. Make it rain!",
		["money maker pants"] = "An enchanted pair of pants that conjures images of vast wealth about your person. Make it rain!",
		["money maker tophat"] = "An enchanted top hat that conjures images of vast wealth about your person. Make it rain!",
		["monster anvil"] = "Essential for hammering Withergate metals into useful things.The Monsterfolk may seem brutish and uncivilized, but they have developed advanced crafting techniques of their own.",
		["monster bridge"] = "A bridge crafted in the Monsterfolk style for your farm.",
		["monster bridge decor"] = "A bridge crafted in the Monsterfolk style for your farm.",
		["monster burger"] = "You'd better eat it... before IT eats YOU!",
		["monster candy"] = "A piece of Monsterfolk candy, some scholars believe the Monsterfolk race trade candy as a form of currency.It would look good in a museum!",
		["monster compost"] = "Useless junk given a new lease on life as helpful compost.",
		["monster composter"] = "An ordinary composter box... with a monster of an appetite! Composts Withergate resources into compost.",
		["monster crafting table"] = "A monstrous work bench outfitted with strange tools the likes you've never seen before.",
		["monster fireplace"] = "A great place to warm your feet... or your claws, or your tentacles, or your slime or... whatever else you like to warm.",
		["monster fruit"] = "This fruit is even less sweet than it looks.",
		["monster fruit fuel"] = "Comes in one flavor: X-TREME N-ERGYThis drink will increase your Movement Speed by 5% for 5 minutes.",
		["monster fruit granola bar"] = "Takes ten minutes to chew, but it does give you quite the pick-me-up.",
		["monster fruit jam"] = "Sweet jam made from monster fruit, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat skill.",
		["monster fruit mocha"] = "The fruity twist on this otherwise slightly bitter mocha is rather fortifying, if you do say so yourself.The drink will increase your Health Regeneration by 20% for 5 minutes.",
		["monster fruit tree seeds"] = "Is it just you, or is this seed bag... growling?",
		["monster furnace"] = "A heavy metal furnace that glows hot enough to metal down Withergate ores into usable material.",
		["monster furniture table"] = "A furniture table fully equipped with specialized tools to create furniture in the style of the Demons and Monsterfolk of Withergate.",
		["monster juicer"] = "For turning monster crops into monster juice. Juices provide restorative properties.",
		["monster loom"] = "Monsters are great at looming, especially in creepy forests or old castles! This monster loom will turn Withergate silk into all sorts of useful things.",
		["monster moth mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your Iseronian monster moth to your side.",
		["monster mouth bed"] = "Forget the bed bugs, make sure the bed doesn't bite!",
		["monster mouth chair"] = "Take a load off your tired teeth- er, your tired FEET- with this monster chair.",
		["monster mouth couch"] = "It looks bit forboding, maybe, but it's still pretty comfortable.",
		["monster mouth door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a toothy maw monster mouth style.",
		["monster mouth end table"] = "A great end table to store your personal effects... just, uh, watch out for the teeth.",
		["monster mouth patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a toothy maw monster mouth style.",
		["monster mouth roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a toothy maw monster mouth style.",
		["monster mouth table"] = "Table monsters aren't such bad guys. They might look scary, but they really just want to be a table.",
		["monster mouth walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a toothy maw monster mouth style.",
		["monster mouth wardrobe"] = "This wardrobe hungers... FOR YOUR CLOTHES!",
		["monster mouth windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a toothy maw monster mouth style.",
		["monster seed maker"] = "A specialized extractor that can produce extra seeds from Withergate crops fed into it.",
		["monster sushi table"] = "A monster table with all the special tools needed to prepare sushi.\"The monsterfolk LOVE sushi... but where in the world did they learn to make it?!\" - Phoebe",
		["monstrous pumpkin"] = "Someone went the extra mile to make this grinning jack-o-lantern look especially fiendish!",
		["moo potion"] = "A white potion. Oh wait, no, it's just milk. Magic, potiony milk.",
		["moody flower painting"] = "Set in a thick frame, this piece radiates a truly unique energy.",
		["moon banner"] = "An ornate tapestry that beautifully depicts a starry night sky, it wouldn't look out of place even hanging in Withergate's castle.",
		["moon cake"] = "A festive and delicious cake that is best shared with friends and family to truly celebrate the lantern festival.",
		["moon cream"] = "Whipped from the cream of a Demonic cow under the pale light of a blood moon... with a LOT of sugar. An elegant pastry worthy of royalty.",
		["moon cream pie"] = "A delicate and airy puff pastry topped with a whipped orange crème. It's practically begging you to indulge in one... or two. Or three. Or eight.",
		["moon crest"] = "Got moon on the mind?",
		["moon dragon scale"] = "This titanic scale does not reflect light, but rather seems to reject it all together.",
		["moon dress"] = "The stars emblazoned across this shirt are tiny gemstones that shine just like the real things!",
		["moon forehead marking"] = "A marking received by those touched by the Moon.",
		["moon mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["moon mirror"] = "It isn't the easiest mirror to use, but why should functionality come before style?",
		["moon print gift"] = "A gift wrapped in a paper stamped with... a lot of moons. Like, a LOT of moons.",
		["moon shirt"] = "Take the beauty of a full moon with you wherever you go. Warning: may cause howling in wolf Amari.",
		["moonfish"] = "A species of sunfish, creatively named \"Moonfish\", because they live in Withergate. Get it?",
		["moonlight cape"] = "A beautiful cape that was ceremoniously spun under the light of a full moon.",
		["moonplant"] = "Much like its namesake, the flower of this plant reflects light, seeming to shine just like the moon.",
		["moonplant cola"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["moonplant seeds"] = "Crescent-shaped seeds that grow under the light of the moon.",
		["moonsight potion"] = "A bottle of thin, watery liquid. It doesn't look very assuming, but apparently it's quite potent.",
		["moontouched fountain"] = "No, Lucius did not have permission to take this fountain from the temple.",
		["moontouched mirror"] = "Moon, moon, on the wall...",
		["mooshroom cow"] = "Wayward bovine sometimes found themselves wandering into the Elven forest, in search of pastures to graze in. The mana there manipulated them in... odd ways. Now, they produce mushrooms!",
		["morning's light ring"] = "Enchanted under the light of a morning sun, this ring imbues its wearer with increased vigor.",
		["mortar and pestle"] = "Nothing is more old fashioned than a mortar and pestle, but its usefulness and convenience are why it's still used even today.",
		["moth antenna headband"] = "At least these moth guys are nice.' - Unknown Curator, right for once.",
		["moth chest plate"] = "Made of a very soft, slightly fuzzy and ever so dusty material, like a really nice sweater.",
		["moth grieves"] = "Iseron is hot and steamy by day, but gets quite chilly in the night. The moth Wildborn are appropriately fuzzy to accommodate.",
		["moth wing cape"] = "As soft and silent as the wings of a moth, and it's even suitable for any climate!",
		["mouse buddy decoration"] = "Hey, Wornhardt gets to have a mouse, why not you?",
		["moving box"] = "A box full of all the random junk you end up taking with you whenvever you move to a new house.",
		["mud catfish"] = "A fat, lazy catfish that prefers to spend its time suctioned in sand and mud, waiting for prey to pass by.",
		["mulled cider"] = "Cider that has been heated, or mulled, with holiday spices and fruit.",
		["mummy trout"] = "Remember to remove the bandages prior to cooking.",
		["muscle shirt"] = "Who needs sleeves when you got muscles like these?",
		["mush hat"] = "You won't have mush room for mush else on your head when you sport this fabulous hat.",
		["mushette hat"] = "A cute little mushroom hood, for those who want fungi style without the bulky mushroom caps.",
		["mushroom"] = "There's a fungus among us.",
		["mushroom baggy pants"] = "Pants made with extra extra large pockets, perfect for carrying lots of mushrooms.",
		["mushroom bed"] = "Lay your head down on the velvety mushroom caps and dream your mushroomy dreams.",
		["mushroom bookshelf"] = "Filled with books and mushrooms. Mostly mushrooms, though.",
		["mushroom carpet"] = "A supple linen carpet, depicting adorable little mushrooms along its borders.",
		["mushroom coat"] = "It may be made of mushroom, but it's as comfortable and warm as any 'normal' coat.",
		["mushroom coat rack"] = "Someone hand carved little mushrooms to hang your coat on - how adorable!",
		["mushroom dress"] = "How do you dress a mushroom?",
		["mushroom dress coat"] = "Just because it's made out of a fungus doesn't mean it lacks in style.",
		["mushroom end table"] = "A little mushroom table. Mush room for everything you want to put on it, yes.",
		["mushroom froggy mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your hippity hoppity mushroom froggy to your side.",
		["mushroom hat"] = "Embrace your inner mushroom with this fungi-inspired cap.",
		["mushroom lamp post"] = "A magically cultivated mushroom. It is naturally bioluminescent and gives off a nice warm glow.",
		["mushroom pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["mushroom risotto"] = "Labor intensive to prepare, but the savory mushroom mixed with the twice-cooked rice is an excellent reward for the effort.",
		["mushroom shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a mushroom skin.",
		["mushroom slacks"] = "Comfortable and slightly squishy.",
		["mushroom standing lamp"] = "A magically cultivated mushroom. It is naturally bioluminescent and gives off a nice warm glow.",
		["mushroom stroganoff"] = "Roast mushrooms, drenched in a thick and savory broth. A peasant meal, but still fit for a king.",
		["mushroom sweater"] = "A tag on the collar reads 'Made with 100% real mushroom'.",
		["mushroom table"] = "Put your coffee, your mushrooms - or heck, even your mushroom coffee, on this thing.",
		["mushroom toast"] = "Is this fine dining... or is it a failed sandwich?",
		["mushroom vest"] = "Is it a vest made OUT OF mushrooms, made FOR mushrooms or made BY mushrooms? The answer is: Yes.",
		["mushroom vest dress"] = "Is it a dress made OUT OF mushrooms, made FOR mushrooms or made BY mushrooms? The answer is: Yes.",
		["mushroom witch hat"] = "Witches are practitioners of the natural arts. The natural arts include mushrooms.",
		["mushy chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Mushy DLC Pack!",
		["music box record"] = "A music box song recorded onto a record... unconventional, but it sounds great!",
		["music note cupcake"] = "The sprinkles are shaped like little notes! It's like a song of yumminess.",
		["music note dip"] = "The breadsticks are made of music! The cheese sauce is made of cheese.",
		["music note gift"] = "A gift wrapped in paper printed with little music notes all over it. It seems to be from Claude... but it's too cute to come from him, right?",
		["music note shirt"] = "Maybe you're musically inclined, or maybe you just think notes are cute. Either way, this is the shirt for you!",
		["myrtle"] = "Don't mistake this little slug for a patch of moss!",
		["mysterious antler"] = "A strange antler. It looks quite old, and it doesn't look like it came from any sort of deer or hornsnake.It would look good in a museum!",
		["mysterious black bottle"] = "A bottle heavily tinted black, whatever is kept inside is a secret... until the bottle is opened, of course.",
		["mystic eye banner"] = "Fortune tellers across the land are known for flying this curious banner.",
		["mystic orb"] = "Warning: Orb may cause spontanious bouts of pondering.",
		["mystic's bookshelf"] = "A bookshelf crammed full of texts on all things mystic and magical, don't build your wizard room without it!",
		["mystical fire pit"] = "A magical flame that burns without giving off any heat, as if it were some sort of phantom fire.",
	["n"] = {
		["nachos"] = "If they're nacho chips, then who's are they? They're mine!",
		["nathaniel record"] = "A record of Nathaniel's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["nathaniel wedding ring"] = "Don't worry. Whatever happens, I'm always going to be here to protect you. That's a promise nothing can ever break. I love you.",
		["nathaniel's helmet"] = "I don't know if there's anything in here worth protecting, but you do a good job at it, helmet.",
		["nature chair"] = "Birthday presents are easy, just go in the woods and find some stumps or something, call it a chair. - Vivi",
		["nature door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a lush nature style.",
		["nature patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a lush nature style.",
		["nature roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a lush nature style.",
		["nature walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a lush nature style.",
		["nature windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a lush nature style.",
		["nautical doormat"] = "Maybe you don't live on a boat on the open sea, but you can at least feel like you do with this nautically themed doormat.",
		["nautitrine crab kabob"] = "Juicy fruit chunks paired with lightly grilled crab, light on the tummy but strong on the flavor.",
		["nautitrine fruit"] = "An extremely delicate fruit, it feels like wobbly gelatin and withers ever so slightly when outside of the water.",
		["nautitrine fruit jam"] = "Briney jam made from Nautitrine, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your fishing skill.",
		["nautitrine juice"] = "Sickly sweet and dangerously addictive.",
		["nautitrine sorbet"] = "Kind of like a frozen gelatin, only it's hard to eat without it floating straight out of the cone.",
		["nautitrine tree seeds"] = "Tiny coral bulbs, they'll sprout into a bountiful nautitrine tree once planted.",
		["navy withergate wallpaper"] = "Take the spooky vibe of Withergate home with you, and then put it on your walls.",
		["neapolitan fish"] = "It's said that this multicolored fish is fully pink right after hatching, and gains its colors as it grows.",
		["neapolitan ice cream"] = "Something is definitely fishy about this multi-colored ice cream.",
		["nectar-ine"] = "Sweet, sweet nectar in convenient fruit form!",
		["nectar-ine crumble"] = "Crumbles into delicious, nectar-y crumble-y crumbles.",
		["nectar-ine jam"] = "Sweet jam made from nectar-rines, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming skill.",
		["nectar-ine smoothie"] = "The Elves of Nel'Vari are cautious to trust things made by outsiders - smoothies, however, were eagerly adopted.This drink will increase your Mana Regeneration by 15% for 5 minutes.",
		["nectar-ine sorbet"] = "Frozen nectar, churned into creamy Elven sorbet.",
		["nectar-ine tea"] = "Tea as sweet as nectar.",
		["nectar-ine tree seeds"] = "Seeds dripping with sweet, sticky nectar.",
		["nel'vari aquarium"] = "A silly little elven home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["nel'vari balloons"] = "Festive Nel'Varian balloons, they're filled with enchanted air so they never deflate!",
		["nel'vari barn arch"] = "Old oakwood, bent into an arch and festooned with deep forest vines and lillies.",
		["nel'vari butterfly garden"] = "A garden home for your moth farm animals. It will make them happy and lead to increased yields.",
		["nel'vari fishing rod"] = "Masterfully crafted of fine wood, the Elves really know how to make a fishing rod. Increases Fishing skill by 12, increases spawn rate of fish in Nel'Vari by 15% and reduces slider speed during the minigame by 15%.",
		["nel'vari mana infuser"] = "An infusion crystal, capable of turning mana energy into convienent mana orbs.",
		["nel'vari selling portal"] = "A mystical portal linked directly to Elven merchants who are ready to buy what you're selling.",
		["nel'vari snaccoon plush"] = "The snaccoons of Nel'Vari really love their fruits and berries, the Elven forests are rich with them, after all.",
		["nel'vari totem"] = "An enchanted totem imbued with Nel'Varian mana, it enriches the soil and allows Nel'Vari crops to grow in Sun Haven.",
		["nel'vari tree seeds"] = "Tree nuts that faintly shimmer a myriad of different colors, they'll grow into fantastic Elven trees once planted.",
		["nel'vari treehouse wallpaper"] = "Wallpaper that has been diligently hand-painted to resemble tree bark, it looks almost like the real thing.",
		["nel'vari workshop wallpaper"] = "The default look of the Nel'Vari workshop.",
		["nel'varian pickaxe"] = "Created out of pure mana energy, this pickaxe is great for breaking down other clusters of energy, such as those found in the Nel'Vari mines.",
		["nel'varian runestone"] = "A stone carved with delicate Nel'Varian runes. It repels your touch ever so slightly.It would look good in a museum!",
		["nel'varian translation texts"] = "Tome upon tome upon tome of handwritten notes penned by Wesley. Maybe someday you'll get around to studying them...",
		["nel'vari quilt"] = "Scores of Elven grannies have made this very same quilt for generations.",
		["nel'vari treehouse bed"] = "A simple bed, but seems like decent Elven handiwork. The blanket looks like it was knitted by hand.",
		["nel'vari treehouse chair"] = "A chair made of multiple pieces of wood, though there are no signs of any nails. How does it all stay together?",
		["nel'vari treehouse counter"] = "A sturdy countertop, looks like it was recently handmade.",
		["nel'vari treehouse rug"] = "A sprout has been emblazoned on this soft, plush rug. Something about the sprout is so... strangely familiar...",
		["nel'vari treehouse side table"] = "A sturdy end table, looks like it was recently handmade.",
		["nel'vari treehouse wooden square table"] = "A sturdy table, looks like it was recently handmade.",
		["nel'vari workshop"] = "Elves don't normally tinker with the unknown or the unfamiliar, but when they do, they do it in forest style.",
		["neon bat"] = "It's a neon wall light in the shape of a bat, how cute!",
		["neon door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a glowy neon style.",
		["neon dragon head light"] = "All the dragony fun with none of the fire hazard.",
		["neon patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a glowy neon style.",
		["neon pink l desk"] = "A desk made to fit into corners, it saves space and looks great at the same time. A win-win!",
		["neon roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a glowy neon style.",
		["neon sign"] = "Created under the careful order of Xyla, there's definitely no mistaking her hand in this lamp's design.",
		["neon tetra"] = "A bold tetra fish whose striking neon colors pose not as a warning to potential predators - but a challenge!",
		["neon walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a glowy neon style.",
		["neon windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a glowy neon style.",
		["nevermore"] = "Crows are very intelligent birds - they also hold a grudge, so mind yourself around this pet!",
		["newspaper gift"] = "A gift wrapped in some old newspapers, instead of gift wrap. One of the headlines reads \"SUN HAVEN OUTSIDER SPOTTED IN WITHERGATE\".",
		["newton"] = "Salamanders are very exotic highly adaptable critters. This one comes from the molten beaches of the Magma Isles, for instance.",
		["nice blue wallpaper"] = "High quality wallpaper, imported right from the Great City.",
		["nice bookshelf"] = "Stained with a silky smooth varnish, your book collection wouldn't look finer on any other shelf.",
		["nice double bed"] = "An extra large bed to share with your beloved, or maybe to have all to yourself!",
		["nice green wallpaper"] = "High quality wallpaper, imported right from the Great City.",
		["nice ivory wallpaper"] = "High quality wallpaper, imported right from the Great City.",
		["nice light blue wallpaper"] = "High quality wallpaper, imported right from the Great City.",
		["nice sofa"] = "Because your rump deserves only the nicest things.",
		["nice wardrobe"] = "Crafted of the finest wood for clothes that deserve only the best of storage.",
		["nice wooden lamp"] = "A smartly carved wooden lamp.",
		["nice wooden night stand"] = "This snappy night stand makes even the drabbest of beds look fit for a king.",
		["night club shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a night club skin.",
		["night forest wallpaper"] = "Wallpaper that captures a forboding forest scape, blanketed in the colors and hues of a deep purple night.",
		["night sky chest"] = "It's a chest painted with a night sky scene, how neat.",
		["night small painting"] = "A serene nighttime scene, looking at it for too long almost makes you a little sleepy.",
		["nightsky rug"] = "Maybe you can't walk through the sky, but you can at least walk ON it with this plush purple rug.",
		["nimbus"] = "Gale essence formed together to make this cuddly little buddy just for you.",
		["nivara blanket"] = "A blanket bearing the image of Nivara, World Dragon.",
		["no sailing poster"] = "This sign is sure to keep those pesky sailboats away.",
		["noire"] = "Demons long regarded themselves as the most cold and calculating beings in the universe... and then they met cats.",
		["noodles"] = "Plain noodles, a staple for many dishes.",
		["northern pike"] = "The icy waters of the Northern Region aren't an easy place to get by. Migrating south for the winter is one way to find enough food for the winter.",
		["nursery crafting table"] = "A very special table with all the supplies you need to create a mountain of baby supplies... Trust us, you'll need them!",
		["nutrient salve"] = "A cool salve that Iris uses to keep her plants healthy and glowing.",
		["nya potion"] = "A blindingly pink potion. Warning: Drinking this potion will result in the uncontrollable urge to say 'nya'.",
	["o"] = {
		["oak kitchen cabinet"] = "A cabinet of beautiful stained oak sourced from the Northern Region, this would look good in any kitchen.",
		["oak kitchen island"] = "A kitchen island of beautiful stained oak sourced from the Northern Region, this would look good in any kitchen.",
		["oak kitchen sink counter"] = "A countertop of beautiful stained oak sourced from the Northern Region, this would look good in any kitchen.",
		["oak plank floor tile"] = "Dark wooden planks to add a dramatic flair to your space.",
		["oak tree seeds"] = "Shiny green acorns, they may be small right now but they'll sprout into mighty oak trees once planted.",
		["ocean brick floor tile"] = "The waves have left their mark on these stone floor tiles.",
		["ocean shores chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Ocean Shores DLC Pack!",
		["ocean treasure chest"] = "A sunken chest of long lost booty!",
		["oceanic hero's potion"] = "Deathspine Sea Cucumbers can take down a dragon with one tiny sting, their potent venom is distilled into this elixir to impart a warrior's ferocity.",
		["octavius"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["octonot"] = "Just keep him well fed and no one gets suction cupped.",
		["octopus dress"] = "A merfolk dress, it flows with such natural beauty that one might even suspect it were alive...",
		["octopus hat"] = "This sucker is stuck right to your head!",
		["octopus plushie"] = "Eight legs of pure plushie cuteness.",
		["officer uniform shirt"] = "You'll give quite the impressive figure in this snappy uniform.",
		["old boot"] = "This looks like it's been in the water for a long time, it's beyond repair now.",
		["old mayoral painting"] = "It's a portrait of an old well dressed gentleman. On the breast of his coat is the Sun Haven emblem... was this a past town leader?It would look good in a museum!",
		["old scythe"] = "The blade is too thin to survive even one more sharpening. Now it's just a piece of decor... or junk, depending on your taste in interior decoration.",
		["old stone door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a rustic old stone style.",
		["old stone patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a rustic old stone style.",
		["old stone roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a rustic old stone style.",
		["old stone walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a rustic old stone style.",
		["old stone windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a rustic old stone style.",
		["old straw hat"] = "The classic headwear of farmers in every corner of the land, it's woven of dried hay straw and ready to be hung up.",
		["old sword hilt"] = "An old sword hilt, the crossguard bears an unknown crest.It would look good in a museum!",
		["ollie"] = "I didn't know Axolotls could walk... that might just be a Withergate thing.",
		["omelet"] = "A basic egg dish, great for breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. Or whenever!",
		["onion"] = "The traditional ingredient of choice for a sweet, savory flavor in any dish. Just try not to cry when you cut them!",
		["onion rings"] = "Onion slices, breaded and fried in oil. Vegetables don't taste better than this.",
		["onion seeds"] = "Savory and fragrant, a classic choice to kick any delicious meal up a notch.",
		["ooey"] = "A slimey little fella who decided to live with you on your farm. Is good at sliming up soil into slime goop.",
		["orange"] = "Used to grow only in the warm Southern Isles, but adapted quite well to a more northern climate.",
		["orange bat wall lantern"] = "Go ahead, go absolutely batty for this awesome wall light. It's alright.",
		["orange bunny"] = "No matter where you go, your bunny buddy will be sure to hop dutifully behind you.",
		["orange candy drop"] = "A little candy, wrapped up in a cute fruit foil.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["orange cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["orange choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["orange cream cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["orange gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["orange jam"] = "Sweet jam made from oranges, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration skill.",
		["orange juice"] = "Full of vitamin C: you want to drink it every time you C it!",
		["orange kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["orange kitty"] = "Here kitty, kitty.",
		["orange lava lamp"] = "The magic used to capture molten lava in a glass lamp doesn't seem safe... or especially legal!",
		["orange mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["orange pepper flakes"] = "Dried peppers, crushed into flakes. The drying process made these peppers extra spicy!",
		["orange percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["orange shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["orange slice bed"] = "Oranges may be full of Vitamin C, but this orange slice bed is full of vitamin B-ed.",
		["orange slice bookshelf"] = "Orange you glad this bookshelf isn't shaped like a banana?",
		["orange slice chair"] = "Forget a slice of heaven, go for the slice of orange with this quirky chair.",
		["orange slice couch"] = "You can fit so many oranges on this couch! Wait, did I say oranges? I meant people...",
		["orange slice lamp"] = "This lamp is bound to make you hungry for a nice juicy orange every time you turn the lights on or off.",
		["orange slice nightstand"] = "This will look so orangetastic next to your bed that you'll completely forget \"orangetastic\" isn't a real word.",
		["orange slice rug"] = "A rug that looks tasty enough to eat! Warning: Do not eat rug.",
		["orange slice table"] = "Could there possibly be a better table to sit at while you eat your oranges? No, no there could not.",
		["orange slice wardrobe"] = "If they can make a wardrobe out of wood, why can't they make one out of oranges? Oh wait, they did!",
		["orange striped beach towel"] = "A vital tool for having a fun day at the beach.",
		["orange tiled door"] = "Customizes your house's doors in an orange tile style.",
		["orange tiled patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in an orange tile style.",
		["orange tiled roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in an orange tile style.",
		["orange tiled walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in an orange tile style.",
		["orange tiled windows"] = "Customizes your house's widows in an orange tile style.",
		["orange top mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["orange tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful orange tree once planted.",
		["orange unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["oranges filled wheelbarrow"] = "Orange you glad this wheelbarrow is filled with oranges?",
		["orb"] = "Contains an orb.",
		["orchestral bass"] = "Even if you have no idea how to play it, this grand bass violin makes an excellent conversation piece.",
		["orchid"] = "In some areas of the land an orchid represents strength and loyalty, in others it is an omen of bad luck.",
		["orchid honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of orchid flowers, it revitalizes the spirit and restores mana.",
		["orchid seeds"] = "Orchids are a customary gift when visiting old friends.",
		["organic painting"] = "Minimalist art of some kind of plant, very trendy.",
		["origins of dynus and shadows, book i"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of dynus and shadows, book ii"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of dynus and shadows, book iii"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of dynus and shadows, book iv"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of dynus and shadows, book v"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of sun haven and elios, book i"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of sun haven and elios, book ii"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of sun haven and elios, book iii"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of sun haven and elios, book iv"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of sun haven and elios, book v"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of the grand tree and nivara, book i"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of the grand tree and nivara, book ii"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of the grand tree and nivara, book iii"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of the grand tree and nivara, book iv"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["origins of the grand tree and nivara, book v"] = "An ancient tome, buried for countless ages. It looks Angelic in origin.",
		["ornament streamers"] = "Deck the halls with these festive winter streamers.",
		["ornate square blue rug"] = "Imported from a far away land, this rug was woven by master weavers and is unmatched in quality.",
		["orville"] = "Winter owls are excellent hunters - they're also great pets!",
		["osho plant"] = "This plant's broad leaves are great as absorbing sunlight, making it ideal for indoor growing.",
		["oven"] = "More advanced than a basic cooking pot, turning the crops you grow into delicious cakes and desserts.",
		["overall pants"] = "Loose-fitting pants made of thickly woven material, pull it on quick before getting down and dirty with your toughest jobs.",
		["overall top"] = "A loose-fitting top made of thickly woven material, pull it on quick before getting down and dirty with your toughest jobs.",
		["overly iced cupcake"] = "A pile of sugary pink frosting. We promise there's a cupcake in there somewhere!",
		["owlbear whistle"] = "This whistle will call your faithful owlbear companion to your side.",
	["p"] = {
		["pad thai"] = "Stir-fried noodles and nuts, this is served as a popular street food in cities all over the four regions.",
		["paddleball rug"] = "One, two, three... oh man I lost count...",
		["paint brush cup"] = "A cup for a paint brush, it's coated in a special glaze that prevents wet paint from sticking to it.",
		["painted egg"] = "Can we offer you an egg in these trying times?",
		["painted gift"] = "A gift wrapped in hand-painted paper. Very thoughtful!",
		["painter's design easel"] = "Bring out your inner painter with this artsy easel.",
		["painter's easel"] = "Perfect for painting artwork to decorate your home with.More expensive than buying artwork in a store, but the convenience is nice.",
		["pajama snaccoon plush"] = "Snaccoons do two things: eat and sleep. This snaccoon is pajama'd up and ready for a nap!",
		["panettone"] = "A fluffy and delicate fruit cake, just in time for winter.",
		["paper bag disguise"] = "An ingenious disguise engineered by Donovan, this will totally keep Withergate's guards off your back. Maybe.",
		["paper lantern strand"] = "Soft candles burn within the paper lanterns, reminding those who look at them to let go of their past selves and embrace new ones.",
		["paper mache skeleton hat"] = "This hat has such a strange texture... Almost like some kind of paper, or maybe... papyrus?",
		["paper scroll"] = "Sealed with a band of wax, what could be written inside? Considering it's for decoration, probably nothing. But it still looks really neat!",
		["parchment wallpaper"] = "Wallpaper that looks like aged parchment, how cool!",
		["parrot mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your squawkin' pirate parrot mount to your side.",
		["party hat"] = "Take the party with you wherever you go with this classic hat.",
		["party leftovers"] = "So maybe you didn't clean up the junk food from last night's party... but who said the party ended?",
		["pastel skirt"] = "Sold in shops all over the Great City, it's no wonder you wound up with a pair.",
		["patched pants"] = "They've been intentionally patched as a form of fashion statement.",
		["patterned floor tile"] = "Thin stone tiles carefully lined in a pattern, this style of floor is very popular in the Eastern region.",
		["paw print doormat"] = "Doormats aren't just for people! Show your pawed friends that they're just as welcome as anyone else.",
		["paw shirt"] = "P'aww, what a cute shirt.",
		["pawn chess piece"] = "While you may think there's not much a lone pawn can do, no serious chess player would ever carelessly underestimate one.",
		["pea seeds"] = "Plant the peas, please.",
		["peace cape"] = "Balance is one of nature's most important tenets, so say the Elves of Nel'Vari. In a land far across the Eastern Sea, this same notion is shared.",
		["peace keepsake"] = "A token kept by those whose hearts are set on peace, it grants a boost to your farming skill as you cultivate the land.",
		["peaceful waterfall painting"] = "You can almost hear the sound of gently rushing water when you look at this tranquil painting.",
		["peach"] = "Just peachy.",
		["peach cobbler"] = "Sweet peach slices with a crumbly topping, a dessert classic.",
		["peach cream cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["peach jam"] = "Sweet jam made from peaches, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming and fishing skills.",
		["peach painting"] = "Fruit has always been a very popular subject for still-life paintings. This one is just peachy.",
		["peach tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful peach tree once planted.",
		["peaches and cream"] = "Sliced peaches served in a creamed milk sauce. This is sometimes used as the filling for a pie but it's just as good on its own.",
		["peacock ice sculpture"] = "Wow, those tail feathers couldn't have been easy to sculpt!",
		["peanut potion"] = "A peanut shell-colored potion. For some reason, you feel as if it'd pair nicely with a few acorns or walnuts.",
		["peanuts"] = "Coveted by squirrels, these shelled nuts are often left behind as gifts to those who have befriended the furry critters.",
		["peas"] = "Pass the peas, please.",
		["peasant sailor pants"] = "Threadbare pants worn by down-on-their-luck buccaneers.",
		["peasant sailor shirt"] = "Even pirates fall on hard times. But don't worry, you're just one buried treasure away from being back in the game.",
		["pebbles"] = "A tiny shard left behind by the elemental monster Krusty. This friendly little guy is definitely not a chip off the old rock.",
		["pen pal quill"] = "Permanently gain 2 community tokens every morning.",
		["pendant necklace"] = "An heirloom necklace from ages past, it's much too fragile to ever be actually worn.",
		["penguin plushie"] = "It's even holding a little heart, how adorable!",
		["penguin potion"] = "A white and black potion that is perpetually chilly to the touch. It looks like it might taste pretty good.",
		["pepper"] = "Some people argue that the spice is an acquired taste, but this fiery pepper is great for adding an edge to any dish.",
		["pepper seeds"] = "Spicy, delicious, and more expensive than a typical crop. They grow so hot that they never stay watered overnight.",
		["pepperoni music pizza"] = "Pizza is everyone's favorite instrument.",
		["peppinch - green trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["perfect adamant axe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced axe, combined into one super tool to empower woodcutting in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect adamant pickaxe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced pickaxe, combined into one super tool to empower mining in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect copper axe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced axe, combined into one super tool to empower woodcutting in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect copper pickaxe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced pickaxe, combined into one super tool to empower mining in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect glorite axe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced axe, combined into one super tool to empower woodcutting in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect glorite pickaxe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced pickaxe, combined into one super tool to empower mining in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect iron axe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced axe, combined into one super tool to empower woodcutting in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect iron pickaxe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced pickaxe, combined into one super tool to empower mining in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect mithril axe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced axe, combined into one super tool to empower woodcutting in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect mithril pickaxe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced pickaxe, combined into one super tool to empower mining in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect red tulip"] = "A single pristine tulip flower, handpicked for its flawless petals and stem.",
		["perfect sunite axe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced axe, combined into one super tool to empower woodcutting in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect sunite pickaxe"] = "The properties of an enchanted and enhanced pickaxe, combined into one super tool to empower mining in both Withergate and Nel'Vari.",
		["perfect yellow tulip"] = "A single pristine tulip flower, handpicked for its flawless petals and stem.",
		["perfume bottle"] = "Swanky perfume produced and bottled in the Great City, ladies all over the four regions pay good coin for this stuff.",
		["persian love cake"] = "Old legends tell of a maiden who fell in love with a prince, and so she made him this cake. It's probably just a story, but the cake sure does taste great!",
		["personal med kit"] = "Even if there isn't a doctor in the house, you should be as prepared as possible for any medical emergency!",
		["pet baby dragon chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Pet Baby Dragon DLC Pack!",
		["pet baby tiger chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Pet Baby Tiger DLC Pack!",
		["pet bed"] = "Plenty of room for you and all your tiny buddies.",
		["pet carrier"] = "Your pet will be nice and safe inside this deluxe pet carrier.",
		["pet chair"] = "Sit, boy.",
		["pet couch"] = "Resistant to scratches, shed fur and mysterious yellow stains.",
		["pet egg"] = "A strange and exotic egg, it vibrates ever slightly, so close to hatching...",
		["pet end table"] = "End table or dog house? It's both, of course!",
		["pet leash"] = "Take your little friend for a stroll around the farm, or anywhere else! Leashes a pet to make it follow you.",
		["pet table"] = "It's rude to put your paws on the table!",
		["pet wardrobe"] = "Great for all your spare collars, water bowls, kibble, etc...",
		["pet water bowl"] = "Pets get thirsty, too!",
		["petal shirt"] = "A shirt magically woven from real petals. When it comes to softness, no conventional material compares!",
		["petal skirt"] = "Whoa, it's made out of real flower petals!",
		["peter's lure"] = "Seems like just an ordinary lure, I wonder what's so lucky about it?",
		["petrified log"] = "A log of strange, stoney wood. Scholars would love to study this.It would look good in a museum!",
		["phantom cape"] = "A cloak woven of a strange material, it's completely weightless yet feels as tough as any armor.",
		["phantom chest plate"] = "A heavy chestplate, you've never seen armor crafted like this before... where did Dynus get this?",
		["phantom plate gloves"] = "A pair of heavy plate gauntlets, you've never seen armor crafted like this before... where did Dynus get this?",
		["phantom plate helmet"] = "A heavy plate helmet, you've never seen armor crafted like this before... where did Dynus get this?",
		["phantom plate legs"] = "A pair of heavy plate legs, you've never seen armor crafted like this before... where did Dynus get this?",
		["phillip"] = "Salamanders are very exotic and highly adaptable critters. This one comes from the frigid plains of the Northern Region, for instance.",
		["phoenix feather"] = "A wispy feather of a mystical pheonix, sometimes known as 'dragon birds'.It would look good in a museum!",
		["piano"] = "A finely tuned piano, this would add a classy touch to any home.",
		["piano cake"] = "Chocolate layer cake with white frosting, like piano keys!",
		["piano panini"] = "Claude might be a master of the piano, but you can be a master of the sandwich.",
		["pickled veggie salad"] = "A pungent mixture of pickled vegetables.",
		["picnic potion"] = "Best kept away from any ant potions.",
		["picnic table"] = "A spacious outdoor table for enjoying meals in nature.",
		["pie crust"] = "The true quality of a pie is determined not by its filling, but by the flake of its crust.",
		["pig"] = "Pigs are actually very intelligent and sociable creatures, able to keep other farm animals happy. In their down time, pigs are even known to forage for earth crystals.",
		["piggy bank"] = "A clay piggy with a slot in his back for tickets, what a quaint little idea.",
		["piglet plushie"] = "That'll do, plushie. That'll do.",
		["pile of presents"] = "Boxes wrapped in brightly colored paper - I wonder what's inside!",
		["pile of snow"] = "Not a hard resource to find in winter. What kind of sculpture could you make with this?",
		["pina colada"] = "The drink of choice for getting caught in the rain.",
		["pinata"] = "Directions: Wack with stick, Receive candy. (Candy not included!)",
		["pinball table"] = "A premium game table. A sales tag tacked upon it reads \"McSmitty's Premium Toy Shoppe\", a shop located in the Great City. So why is it being sold in the Sun Haven sewer...?",
		["pine desk"] = "A simple desk made of pine wood, it still smells faintly of wild northern pine. Very refreshing, if you don't mind sniffing a desk...",
		["pineapple"] = "Good for living in under the sea.",
		["pineapple jam"] = "Sweet citrus jam made from freshly pulped pineapple. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration skill.",
		["pineapple juice"] = "Souther Islanders love making tropical mixed drinks with this juice.",
		["pineapple seeds"] = "These are super tiny seeds! When you eat a pineapple you likely don't notice the seeds you're eating at the same time!",
		["pink bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["pink beach towel"] = "A vital tool for having a fun day at the beach.",
		["pink bubbles"] = "Might look a little scary, but it just wants to be your friend!",
		["pink bunny mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["pink cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["pink cat plushie"] = "It might not purr when you pet it, but it's still as cuddly as can be.",
		["pink elephant plushie"] = "Considerably smaller- and softer- than a real elephant.",
		["pink elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed pink.",
		["pink fox mount whistle"] = "Majestic and intelligent, the foxes of the Elven forest have long made trusty mounts and companions.",
		["pink gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["pink glow skateboard whistle"] = "Riding on this sure beats walking.",
		["pink hairbrush"] = "It takes a sword to fight a monster, but it takes a brush to fight against bad hair days.",
		["pink kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["pink kitty beanie"] = "Meowin' fine.",
		["pink kitty boots"] = "Specially designed booties for kitties, or for people who wish to BE kitties.",
		["pink kitty hood"] = "Make your inner-cat your outer-cat.",
		["pink kitty pants"] = "Extra floofy pants to make you look just like a kitty.",
		["pink kitty shirt"] = "An extra floofy shirt to make you look just like a kitty.",
		["pink kitty sweater dress"] = "A soft pink sweater stamped with the classic kitty paw.",
		["pink kitty sweater mittens"] = "Every kitten needs their mittens.",
		["pink lion mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your courageous lion companion to your side.",
		["pink lotus flower"] = "The pink lotus flowers of the Elven forests bloom only once every 500 years... unless you use enchantments to make them bloom early, of course.",
		["pink mat desk"] = "An otherwise unremarkable wooden desk, it comes topped with a soft pink mat that is easy on the elbows when you're doing a spot of writing.",
		["pink ornate oval rug"] = "Only the highest quality thread was hand selected for this ornate rug.",
		["pink paw table"] = "A wooden table, expertly cut into the shape of a giant cat's paw. It's been painted hot pink just for good measure.",
		["pink percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["pink pet house"] = "A tiny house, perfect for your small best friends.",
		["pink rosebud wallpaper"] = "Put this on your walls and you'll never go another day without a healthy dose of pink ever again.",
		["pink seaside shell rug"] = "The world might be your oyster, but this clam can be your rug.",
		["pink seaside starfish rug"] = "Did you know that starfish can have as many as 15,000 suction cups across their body? Well, not this one, though. Because this one is a rug.",
		["pink shaggy rug"] = "I'm not sure what material this rug is made out of, but it sure is... shaggy!",
		["pink shell chair"] = "Shell chairs might look a little odd, but they're engineered especially to be comfortable. You'll never sit in a better chair!",
		["pink shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["pink stained glass window"] = "Various minerals were mixed into the sand of this glass to produce this striking color.",
		["pink table runner dining table"] = "A dining table topped with a hand knitted pink runner, how quaint!",
		["pink unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["pink velvet fringe rug"] = "Kick your boots off and treat your feet to a piece of velvety heaven with this super soft rug.",
		["pink watering can"] = "A cute pink watering can. It's only meant for decoration, it's just too cute to ever use.",
		["pink witch broom whistle"] = "This whistle will call your trusty broom to your side.",
		["pinkadee"] = "Forest rocs are behemoth birds, nearly as large as dragons. Except this one. She's just little, and pink.",
		["pips"] = "Fae spirits are incredibly elusive, revealing their physical forms only to those they feel they can truly trust.",
		["pirate anchor"] = "Her anchorin' days are over. Now she just makes a fine wall decoration.",
		["pirate bed"] = "The finest bed buried treasure can buy.",
		["pirate cannon"] = "A big ol' honkin' cannon... though it's only a replica and can't actually be fired. Too bad!",
		["pirate captain hat"] = "Everyone knows the pirate with the fanciest hat gets to be the captain.",
		["pirate chair"] = "I didn't know chairs could be pirates. Arrrrr.",
		["pirate chest"] = "Don't get your hopes up - there's no lost treasure inside, it's just a cute decorative chest.",
		["pirate coat"] = "A weathered jacket, exposed to the harshest elements of the seas. Very trendy, very chic.",
		["pirate dress"] = "Even pirates can wear dresses. Sometimes.",
		["pirate hammock"] = "An old piece of ship sail, repurposed into a primitive pirate hammock.",
		["pirate hat"] = "Regulation headwear for the shivering of timbers.",
		["pirate pants"] = "Don't forget to check the pockets for any spare doubloons.",
		["pirate perch"] = "Though this fish looks tough and grizzled, actually they argghhh quite tasty.",
		["pirate shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a swashbuckling pirate skin.",
		["pirate treasure map"] = "A tattered treasure map, showing the location of a legendary pirate treasure. Too bad you were always bad at reading maps!",
		["pirate wardrobe"] = "Keep your spare peglegs organized and stored away in this barrel keg of a wardrobe.",
		["pirate wood post"] = "Sturdy wooden posts that'll keep a ship tied to shore, so it doesn't float away in the waves!",
		["pitchfork"] = "A massive iron fork, best used on bales of hay and not on the dinner table.",
		["pix"] = "Pixies can be quite the troublemakers, so keep an eye on this one!",
		["pizza"] = "Legend says that there's no such thing as a bad piece of pizza.",
		["pizza box"] = "This pizza box says it serves 4. Well, all 4 me.",
		["plain pretzel"] = "Mere bread dough boiled prior to being baked... how do they turn out so brown and delicious?",
		["plain pumpkin"] = "Fresh from the patch and ready for any and all forms of pumpkin-related shenanigans.",
		["plain tart"] = "It's a little sweet, it's a little sour... it's tart!",
		["plant rack"] = "Enchanted plants that draw moisture from the air- no need to ever water them!",
		["plush kitty mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your enchanted plush kitty mount to your side.",
		["poached trench nut"] = "Poaching these things is about the only way to get them out of their rock-hard shells, though the flavor is worth the labor.",
		["pointing potion"] = "The perfect potion for those who never want to lose their direction in life.",
		["poisoned apples"] = "These poisonous apples grow native in the dark forests of Withergate. Monsterfolk prefer to add a bit more poison, though - just to make them extra spicy.",
		["poke bowl"] = "Seasoned fish served over rice, simple fare often enjoyed by sailors while out at sea.",
		["polar bear whistle"] = "This whistle will call your festive polar bear companion to your side.",
		["polka dot stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["polkadot shirt"] = "How many polkadots can you fit on one shirt? Count them and find out!",
		["pollen"] = "Fine granules of pollen, hand-picked by Beeanaca for premium quality.",
		["pomegranate of power"] = "A legendary trinket, made by an ancient people. It contains the essence of a blessed pomegranate and passes a small bit of that power onto its holder.",
		["poofy pants"] = "Out of the way, ye poofy-less pantsed commoners.",
		["poofy shirt"] = "This poofy shirt looks extra comfy.",
		["pool table"] = "A game of Demon invention, players use sticks to knock balls into holes. The clack of the marble balls striking one another is almost iconic in itself.",
		["poorly wrapped gift"] = "A crudely wrapped gift, whoever wrapped this wasn't very good at taking their time... or keeping their temper in check.",
		["pop sensation acoustic foam"] = "Special foam that dappens unwanted sounds when you're hitting the recording booth.",
		["pop sensation basic speaker"] = "Standard issue music blaster.",
		["pop sensation bed"] = "Owning the stage really wears you out. After the show, get some rest in this sensational bed.",
		["pop sensation car whistle"] = "This whistle will call your sensational four wheeled ride to your side.",
		["pop sensation cast chair"] = "A slightly less glamorous, and comfy, chair meant for the cast members of a production crew.",
		["pop sensation chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Pop Sensation DLC Pack!",
		["pop sensation cool gloves"] = "It isn't the gloves that make the idol, but they sure do help.",
		["pop sensation cool hat"] = "Yes, this hat WAS designed to be worn the wrong way. Haters can deal with it.",
		["pop sensation cool jacket"] = "Donning this puffy jacket means you understand that sometimes the loudest statements are the ones most softly spoken.",
		["pop sensation cool pants"] = "Big and poofy, but still light and cool.",
		["pop sensation cool wig"] = "The world might tell you that you aren't cut out to be a pop idol. Don't listen to it.",
		["pop sensation costume cart"] = "Soldiers have an armory, dragons have a hoard... But popstars have a costume set.",
		["pop sensation cute gloves"] = "Diamonds don't actually shine, they just reflect light. Just like these super reflective diamond gloves!",
		["pop sensation cute microphone"] = "With the mere press of a button this cheek-mounted microphone can transmit your voice to legions of screaming fans.",
		["pop sensation cute shirt"] = "This shirt is set to perma-sparkle.",
		["pop sensation cute skirt"] = "The main draw of this skirt is obviously the bedazzling boots.",
		["pop sensation dancer gloves"] = "Smooth as silk, but durable enough to last dozens of shows.",
		["pop sensation dancer pants"] = "Yes, they're terribly impractical to put on. But flawless fashion comes at a price!",
		["pop sensation dancer shirt"] = "Put this shirt on and tell me... Who's bad?",
		["pop sensation dancer wig"] = "A pop group is only as strong as its center, who pulls the group's choreographed dances together.",
		["pop sensation dressing room table"] = "The drawers are stuffed full of glitter and rejected song lyrics.",
		["pop sensation emo gloves"] = "Commit to the emo idol style, from your head to your fingers.",
		["pop sensation emo headgear"] = "Emo adornments for your head and ears.",
		["pop sensation emo jacket"] = "A baggy jacket held together with chains and melodrama.",
		["pop sensation emo pants"] = "Jet. Black.",
		["pop sensation emo wig"] = "Who says pop can't meet emo?",
		["pop sensation heart barrette"] = "When outfitting an idol, every single piece of the ensemble must be carefully engineered to awe your adoring audience.",
		["pop sensation heartthrob gloves"] = "Keeps your fingers clean while you pull at those heart strings.",
		["pop sensation heartthrob horns"] = "Prosthetic horns to really bring out the bad boy energy while on stage.",
		["pop sensation heartthrob pants"] = "Pockets big enough to store plenty of broken hearts.",
		["pop sensation heartthrob shirt"] = "Smolder while the hearts throb.",
		["pop sensation heartthrob tail"] = "You? A devil? No...",
		["pop sensation heartthrob wig"] = "Engineered specifically to always attractively hang over your eyes.",
		["pop sensation keyboard"] = "Stuffy old grand pianos are out. Sorry, Claude!",
		["pop sensation l couch"] = "In the world of pop stardom, a couch like this is practically a throne.",
		["pop sensation large speaker"] = "I hope the people in the front row brought ear plugs.",
		["pop sensation lead skirt"] = "These shoes weigh almost as much as you do!",
		["pop sensation lead sweater"] = "Don't get caught by the paparazzi in anything other than the most fab of sweaters.",
		["pop sensation lead wig"] = "Every pop group needs a lead singer.",
		["pop sensation microphone"] = "Like a wand belongs to a wizard, a microphone belongs to a pop star!",
		["pop sensation neon lights"] = "Let the notes flow.",
		["pop sensation performance gloves"] = "The less fingers a glove has, the more effective it is.",
		["pop sensation performance microphone"] = "Microphones must be powerful but discreet. The magic of the show demands it.",
		["pop sensation performance pants"] = "You're dressing for fashion, not function.",
		["pop sensation performance shirt"] = "If you're going to headline a major pop event, you better be dressed for the part.",
		["pop sensation rug"] = "You're a star, right? Why shouldn't your rug be a star, too?",
		["pop sensation serious dress"] = "Less overstated than your typical idol piece, but then again, that's the point.",
		["pop sensation serious shoes"] = "These shoes do exactly what you need them to do: They slip on your feet and they look fantastic.",
		["pop sensation serious wig"] = "Silent and stoic is always popular, even on a flashy idol group.",
		["pop sensation singer glasses"] = "Why shouldn't you see the entire world from behind a hot pink lens?",
		["pop sensation singer gloves"] = "Pure white, but resistant to stain.",
		["pop sensation singer pants"] = "Not the easiest pants to bust moves in... Which is what makes wearing them while busting said moves so impressive.",
		["pop sensation singer shirt"] = "Don't worry, it's designed with dance moves in mind.",
		["pop sensation singer wig"] = "Sub vocalists might not be the main draw, but they keep the lyrics running tight.",
		["pop sensation small speaker"] = "Small, but powerful.",
		["pop sensation stage light"] = "Casts the pop-iest of light.",
		["pop sensation star chair"] = "You'd better be a star if you think your butt is filling this seat.",
		["pop sensation table"] = "Polished to a mirror shine and completely resistant to smudge marks caused by spontaneous tabletop dance numbers.",
		["pop sensation weeb gloves"] = "Being an idol is glittery and fabulous, just like the mangas said it would be.",
		["pop sensation weeb headphones"] = "Delivers the music directly to your ears. Fashionable AND practical.",
		["pop sensation weeb shirt"] = "True idols embrace what they love.",
		["pop sensation weeb skirt"] = "An idol should never be afraid to set a trend.",
		["pop sensation weeb wig"] = "Should your wig be blue, or pink? Eh, why not both?",
		["popcorn"] = "Who knew boring old corn could make something that tastes so good?",
		["popeye goldfish"] = "This fish's crazy eyes gives it excellent vision, making it great at spotting prey- or your hook!",
		["pork ramen"] = "Rice noodles are noodles made with rice, so it's sort of like two foods in one. Sort of.",
		["post office shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a post office skin.",
		["pot pie"] = "A hearty pie baked in a deep, heavy pot. It's a common farmer dish in the Western Region, but still very delicious.",
		["pot roast"] = "Roasted until it's practically falling apart, total perfection.",
		["potato"] = "Potatoes are a starchy vegetable, perfect for dishes that fortify the body.",
		["potato salad"] = "A gooey mixture of potatoes and egg, it's not like any salad you've ever heard of before but it's pretty tasty.",
		["potato seeds"] = "These hearty veggies have a good chance to double their yield upon harvesting.",
		["potion jar"] = "It's just a decorative potion, not meant for drinking!",
		["potted bush plant"] = "A common bush found all over the Western Region, it adapts well to life in a pot.",
		["potted desert fern"] = "A hardy fern, native to the arid deserts of the far Eastern Region. It looks like it's potted in nothing but dry sand.",
		["potted fieldcress"] = "Considered an invasive species, some people are yet fond of this plant's tiny yellow flowers and keep it as a houseplant.",
		["potted sweet grass bush"] = "Reeds of sweet grass, straight from the sandy Southern Islands, it's potted in soil that was also taken from the isles.",
		["pricklepop pear"] = "A sour pear covered in pointy thorns, no good for eating.",
		["pricklepop pear jam"] = "Surprisingly sweet jam made from a mature prickly pear and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration skill.",
		["prickletot pear"] = "A sour pear covered in pointy thorns, no good for eating.",
		["prickletot pear jam"] = "Surprisingly sweet jam made from a young prickly pear and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat skill.",
		["prickly demon plant"] = "This plant is actually a type of cactus that managed to adapt to growing in eternal darkness.",
		["primal nature"] = "Your attacks have a chance to restore health. Feel the wild call of battle!",
		["prince darius bust"] = "Display your allegiance to Withergate's royal family with this life-like bust of prince Darius.",
		["prince frog"] = "Grant your farm the grace of amphibian aristocracy.",
		["prince potion"] = "A royally red potion. It shines in the light as resplendently as any crown jewel.",
		["prince slimius vxxiii"] = "The crown prince of slime, prepared to travel the world with you to gain kingly wisdom.",
		["princely frog"] = "A crown prince of all things hoppy and green, its rivals at frog court shall surely toast to your catch.",
		["princess pop"] = "You can really taste the peachy pink! Its gives you a real energy boost.",
		["princess vanity table"] = "Just because you don't live in a castle doesn't mean you can't live like a princess.",
		["pud"] = "He can't see so good, so walk slow!",
		["pufferfish"] = "Infamous for puffing into a spiky ball whenever threatened.",
		["pufferfish sashimi"] = "Thinly sliced pufferfish... a dangerous but delicious delicacy.",
		["pulled pork sandwich"] = "Ask not for whom the bell pulls.",
		["pumice stone"] = "Pumice is left behind by volcanic activity. Where in these lands are there volcanos?!It would look good in a museum!",
		["pumpkin"] = "Technically a fruit. A big, hard orange fruit.",
		["pumpkin beanie"] = "Who are you calling a pumpkin head?",
		["pumpkin bed"] = "Oh yeah, this thing definitely has a monster underneath it. No doubt.",
		["pumpkin bobble headband"] = "Who knew pumpkins could be this fashionable?",
		["pumpkin carriage"] = "Yes, this is a carriage made out of a giant hollowed out pumpkin. To an outsider it might seem strange, but to Withergate's nobility this is a first class ride.",
		["pumpkin chair"] = "As delightfully orange as a real pumpkin, and much more comfy to sit on.",
		["pumpkin costume"] = "A premium trick or treat costume that ensures you'll be the best dressed in the pumpkin patch.",
		["pumpkin costume hat"] = "Pumpkins aren't supposed to have heads! Thankfully the brilliant pumpkin costume designers made this nifty pumpkin hat to hide your unsightly noggin.",
		["pumpkin couch"] = "Sit your rumpkin down on the pumpkin... just watch out of the eyes.",
		["pumpkin dress"] = "Who needs to dress a pumpkin? Oh wait, it's not for pumpkins - it's for you!",
		["pumpkin filled wheelbarrow"] = "Filled with the bounty of a pumpkin patch harvest... wait, is that one cackling?",
		["pumpkin helmet"] = "The Demons of Withergate took to wearing pumpkin helmets as a way to strike fear into their enemies, but it just makes you look silly.",
		["pumpkin jelly"] = "Careful, its tentacles can leave a nasty sting... though it does go great in a pie.",
		["pumpkin lamp"] = "A tiny pumpkin with a lamp light inserted into it. Great for lighting up a spooky midnight walk, or maybe just your bedroom.",
		["pumpkin nightstand"] = "Ah, another table for your to store valuble pumpkins upon. How lucky.",
		["pumpkin plushie"] = "If this plushie ever got a hole in it, what would you patch it with? A PUMPKIN patch.",
		["pumpkin polo pants"] = "Just because you're dressing up like a pumpkin doesn't mean you can't have a little class.",
		["pumpkin polo shirt"] = "Fashionable, yet pumpkiny. Perfect.",
		["pumpkin rug"] = "You can't always walk through the pumpkin patch, but you can at least walk on a pumpkin. In rug form, that is.",
		["pumpkin seeds"] = "An important crop for any fall celebration!",
		["pumpkin shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a pumpkin skin.",
		["pumpkin soda"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["pumpkin table"] = "A ghoulishly carved table bedecked with a flowing pumpkin tablecloth.",
		["pumpkin trio"] = "A stack of little pumpkins, ready to come visit you at your home.",
		["pumpkin wardrobe"] = "Keeps your clothes nice and pumpkin-fresh.",
		["pumpkin witch hat"] = "First sandwiches, and now PUMPKIN witches? When does it end?!",
		["puppy bandana"] = "A bandana that signals your membership in the cuddly puppy crew.",
		["puppy ear headband"] = "Sorry, it's just headband. They're not going to wiggle when someone scratches you just right.",
		["puppy gloves"] = "Hands are just paws that gave up.",
		["puppy mascot head"] = "Represent puppy pride!",
		["puppy mascot robe"] = "A robe that is just as scruffy as any puppy.",
		["puppy paw pants"] = "Puppies love pants (Correction: Puppies love to pant from their mouth, they dislike wearing pants).",
		["puppy potion"] = "The potion practically shakes within its bottle as if too excitable to be contained. It smells like... puppy breath.",
		["purple bat rug"] = "The most wicked rug you'll ever find, or your tickets back.",
		["purple beach towel"] = "A vital tool for having a fun day at the beach.",
		["purple boho rug"] = "A rug styled after the aesthetic of a frugal bohemian lifestyle.",
		["purple book"] = "A grand fantasy novel, turned open to a random page. This would really give off the impression of an avid reader.",
		["purple book stack"] = "A stack of old books covering topics on fishing. It's nothing you don't already know, but they'd make an interesting looking decoration.",
		["purple bow decoration"] = "Young children all over the four regions are often seen with bows like this pulling back their hair. This one is just for decoration, though.",
		["purple cabriole couch"] = "The wrap around arms of this stylish couch almost make it look like it's trying to give you a big old couchy hug.",
		["purple cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["purple choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["purple couch seat"] = "Take a load off in this perfectly purple couch.",
		["purple cushion chair"] = "The method of making this chair's special padding is kept a strict trade secret. Super comfortable, it's sure to never go lumpy or hard.",
		["purple cushion stool"] = "A comfortable little stool.",
		["purple eggplant"] = "Also known as an aubergine, though it's considerably less fun to say.",
		["purple eggplant seeds"] = "Despite the name, you're planting seeds - not eggs.",
		["purple electric guitar"] = "A brand new guitar that utilizes the power of electricity to ROCK.",
		["purple elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed purple.",
		["purple eye wall lantern"] = "A lantern in the shape of a big purple eye. It's pretty wild, but totally not out of place in your typical monster home.",
		["purple floor cushion"] = "Turns your floor into a chair, and its comfy to sit on to boot.",
		["purple fluffy rug"] = "A big rug of spun fluffy fiber, it feels soft and tickly against your skin.",
		["purple gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["purple gold arch wallpaper"] = "A deep purple wallpaper crossed with gold arches, what a fun design.",
		["purple grid wallpaper"] = "Your eyes could get lost following the endless corners and turns of this gridded design.",
		["purple jar"] = "A glass jar tinted with purple pigment, light that passes through it is given a faint purply glow.",
		["purple kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["purple lava lamp"] = "The magic used to capture molten lava in a glass lamp doesn't seem safe... or especially legal!",
		["purple loveseat"] = "This couch has two cushions. One for you, and one for your love!",
		["purple mat desk"] = "An otherwise unremarkable wooden desk, it comes topped with a soft purple mat that is easy on the elbows when you're doing a spot of writing.",
		["purple mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["purple nightstand"] = "A nice little nightstand, the drawers have been treated with purple paint.",
		["purple ottoman"] = "No, you're not dreaming. This is one piece of furniture that you're SUPPOSED to put your feet up on.",
		["purple percy"] = "Hoo's your buddy? Percy is, that's hoo!",
		["purple pet house"] = "A tiny house, perfect for your small best friends.",
		["purple petal rug"] = "If you walk on this rug while wearing armor, does that mean you're putting the metal to the petal?",
		["purple polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a purple polka dot style.",
		["purple polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a purple polka dot style.",
		["purple polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a purple polka dot style.",
		["purple polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a purple polka dot style.",
		["purple polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a purple polka dot style.",
		["purple quill"] = "A quill pen and inkwell, essential for any writer's den.",
		["purple quilted sofa"] = "Made from wool so ultra-plush that you're liable to forget you're sitting on anything at all.",
		["purple round stool"] = "A comfortable little stool.",
		["purple ruffled door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a trendy purple ruffle style.",
		["purple ruffled patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a trendy purple ruffle style.",
		["purple ruffled roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a trendy purple ruffle style.",
		["purple ruffled walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a trendy purple ruffle style.",
		["purple ruffled windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a trendy purple ruffle style.",
		["purple semi round rug"] = "A half-round rug, this will fit up nicely against doors or walls.",
		["purple shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["purple smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["purple sneakers"] = "A new style of shoes developed by designers in the Great City. They're just show models, not very good for walking in but good for decoration.",
		["purple string lights"] = "Shiny baubles of purple light, all hung together on a single string. Good for mood lighting, or maybe just for having fun.",
		["purple striped beach towel"] = "A vital tool for having a fun day at the beach.",
		["purple striped door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a purple striped style.",
		["purple striped patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a purple striped style.",
		["purple striped roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a purple striped style.",
		["purple striped wallpaper"] = "It's not the most complicated wallpaper design, but it's so pleasant to look at.",
		["purple striped walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a purple striped style.",
		["purple striped windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a purple striped style.",
		["purple stump"] = "A stump of a strange purple tree. It'll make a good stool, if nothing else.",
		["purple table lamp"] = "A chic table lamp to light up your home.",
		["purple teapot"] = "There really is nothing quite like a good cup of tea.",
		["purple unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["purple velvet pancakes"] = "Fancy velvet pancakes, just like the ones they serve in the dinner clubs of the Great City.",
		["purple vintage wallpaper"] = "Based on the cottages of the Eastern Region, this wallpaper will give your home a very cozy feel.",
		["purple wall shelf"] = "Made of wood taken from the haunted Withergate forest. We can't guarantee it will be ghost-free.",
		["purple witch broom whistle"] = "This whistle will call your trusty broom to your side.",
		["purple wooden chair"] = "A simple ordinary chair, made out of haunted purple wood.",
		["purple wooden square desk"] = "Made of wood cut from the trees of Withergate forest, it's rather eerie looking desk but just as sturdy and reliable as any other.",
		["purr-fect potion"] = "A brilliant white potion, almost like milk. It smells faintly of tuna and catnip.",
		["purrmaid"] = "A wild purrmaid! Watch out for the claws!",
		["puzzle cube"] = "A puzzle of colored tiles, you could spend hours trying to figure out the correct solution.",
		["puzzle piece rug"] = "The perfect fit for whichever room you choose.",
		["pygmy tuna"] = "It might be a big fish, but it's a small fry compared to its deep ocean cousins!",
		["pyrelus"] = "Native to the Magma Isles, this nautilus migrates north in the summer season to search for fresh prey.",
		["pythagorean berry"] = "Forget trying to pronounce the name. Just eat the fruit!",
		["pythagorean berry seeds"] = "Math nerds love these triangular seeds.",
	["q"] = {
		["q't"] = "The darkness-spawn of an ancient, powerful minion of O'aj'loza, the Burning Star and city of the dark. Letting it follow you around is probably a really bad idea... but the little guy is just so cute!",
		["qu4ck"] = "A starter companion byteduck, this one is affectionally dubbed codename: QU4CK.",
		["queen potion"] = "A hot pink potion. It's just a potion, yet it somehow gives off an aura that makes you feel inferior in its presence.",
		["quest bounty"] = "Income earned by completing quests.",
	["r"] = {
		["raccoon"] = "It's a sneaky little raccoon.",
		["rack of vials"] = "Ogranized vials are happy vials.",
		["raggedy doll wig"] = "Yup, made with genuine yarn!",
		["rain cloud"] = "Summon a cloud that waters any crops it travels over.",
		["rain record"] = "Someone actually recorded rain sounds onto a record, what a neat idea.",
		["rainbow choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["rainbow cloud wall lamp"] = "Add a splash of color to any room with this cute rainbow wall lamp.",
		["rainbow jars"] = "A collection of jars, lined up in a rainbow of colors. Popular for the rainbow reflections they cast whenever the light strikes them just right.",
		["rainbow lion mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your courageous lion companion to your side.",
		["rainbow poster"] = "It's like your own personal rainbow, ready to add a streak of color to your room.",
		["rainbow potion"] = "A sparkling potion that constantly shifts between all the colors of the rainbow. Does it taste like rainbows, too?",
		["rainbow roll"] = "Two servings is called a double rainbow.",
		["rainbow shell hat"] = "This spiral shell's amazing rainbow pattern is provided by one of nature's most amazing phenomena: waterproof paint!",
		["rainbow shirt"] = "You'll never have to wait for rain again with this colorful shirt. Be the rainbow you've always wanted to be!",
		["rainbow trout"] = "It may not be every hue of the rainbow, but it's still pretty colorful for a fish.",
		["raincloud ray"] = "A popular fisherman's myth is that this ray is easiest to catch during rainstorms.",
		["rake"] = "What kind of weird farming tool is this? It's like some kind of weird comb on a stick... what did the farmers of old use it for, you wonder.",
		["ram rocking helm"] = "Fake horns fashioned after the original hard rockers themselves: Demons.",
		["ramberry bush"] = "One day, long ago, a Nel'Varian enchanter looked at a bush and said 'Hey, that kind of looks like a ram'. The rest is history. These cuddly ram bushes produce berries.",
		["rapunzel shirt"] = "Let down your hair in this shirt.",
		["rapunzel skirt"] = "Based on the clothes of a classic storybook character. Long hair sold separately.",
		["rare fish"] = "Any rare fish",
		["raspberry"] = "These juicy berries are deceptively tart.",
		["raspberry crepes"] = "A crepe is like a fancy little pancake, filled with sweet raspberries it makes an extra yummy treat.",
		["raspberry doughnuts"] = "Raspberries aren't in season during the winter, so these doughnuts are made with sweetened preserves.",
		["raspberry jam"] = "Sweet jam made from raspberries, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your mining skill.",
		["raspberry pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["raspberry smoothie"] = "An amazing new drink of blended fruit and juice, all the rage in the Great City! This smoothie is made with raspberry.",
		["raspberry sorbet"] = "Sor-bet? Sor-bit? Well, however you say it, it's delicious and refreshing!",
		["raspberry taffy"] = "Taffy is great, you just have to chew it. A lot.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["raspberry tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful raspberry tree once planted.",
		["razor stalk tea"] = "A delicious tea, though you have to take special care to strain all of the razorthorns out first.",
		["razorstalk"] = "Though fibrous and very much leaf-like, these stalks are still sharp as razors.",
		["razorstalk seeds"] = "Looking more like thorns than seeds, it's the plant of choice within the Withergate royal gardens.",
		["reading glasses"] = "A slightly dusty pair of reading glasses. Who could have lost it?",
		["really spicy fishing bait"] = "Just looking at this worm makes your eyes water.",
		["record player"] = "I can play musical records with this.",
		["recycling machine"] = "Even Monsterfolk recycle! This machine can recycle Withergate forageables into useful materials.",
		["red and orange bottles"] = "Little bottles that make for simple, yet effective, home decor.",
		["red banker's light"] = "This would look great in your house or on your farm.",
		["red bar stool"] = "You don't need to live in a tavern to bring this comfortable stool home.",
		["red barn painting"] = "A lovely painting of a big red barn, it's almost the perfect painting for a farmhouse.",
		["red book stack"] = "A stack of old books covering topics on combat and fighting. It's nothing you don't already know, but they'd make an interesting looking decoration.",
		["red brick wallpaper"] = "This wallpaper will make your house look like it was made of bricks!",
		["red burst couch"] = "Bursting with a radiant red color, this couch is sure to make an impression on your guests.",
		["red butterfly couch"] = "The back of this couch resembles the wavy wings of a butterfly. Whether that was intentional or not, the couch is stilly really fancy.",
		["red cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["red carnival ticket"] = "A shiny ticket won at the Withergate carnival! You can exchange these for prizes.",
		["red carpet"] = "Softer than your typical rug, this intricately sewn carpet can pull any room together.",
		["red choo choo train mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a chugging choo choo train to your side.",
		["red crate of records"] = "A crate full of assorted records, this will keep any disc jockey busy for awhile.",
		["red cushion chair"] = "The method of making this chair's special padding is kept a strict trade secret. Super comfortable, it's sure to never go lumpy or hard.",
		["red door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a red brick tile style.",
		["red electric guitar"] = "A brand new guitar that utilizes the power of electricity to ROCK.",
		["red elven vase"] = "A beautifully molded clay pot, this one has been glazed red.",
		["red flathead chest"] = "Store your belongings in style with this lovely red chest.",
		["red flower rug"] = "If you walk on this rug while wearing armor, does that mean you're putting the metal to the petal?",
		["red fringe carpet"] = "A short carpet made especially to accent the ends of furniture.",
		["red gem bottle"] = "A carefully tempered glass bottle that resembles a gemstone.",
		["red gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["red green stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["red handheld mirror"] = "A handy handheld mirror, for observing yourself from different angles.",
		["red high heels"] = "Withergate high fashion swears by these curiously high heeled shoes, though they're far too uncomfortable for you to ever try giving a go.",
		["red kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["red lava lamp"] = "The magic used to capture molten lava in a glass lamp doesn't seem safe... or especially legal!",
		["red matey bandana"] = "Not only will this bandana make you look just like a swashbuckler, but you'll never have to worry about a bad hairday again!",
		["red mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["red mixing pot"] = "A wide pot that is perfect for mixing all manner of mixes. Now all you need is a mixing spoon.",
		["red mug"] = "A red glazed ceramic mug, it holds just about any liquid you could think of.",
		["red mushroom decoration"] = "A clay mushroom created by skilled Elven clay workers - it looks shockingly lifelike!",
		["red neon door light"] = "Set the perfect aesthetic with this dimly glowing door light.",
		["red oil drum"] = "You ever try keeping something in a barrel made out of haunted deadwood? It doesn't work so good. The Demons quickly adapted metal for their barrel-related needs.",
		["red patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a red brick tile style.",
		["red pet house"] = "A tiny house, perfect for your small best friends.",
		["red petal rug"] = "If you walk on this rug while wearing armor, does that mean you're putting the metal to the petal?",
		["red polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a red polka dot style.",
		["red polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a red polka dot style.",
		["red polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a red polka dot style.",
		["red polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a red polka dot style.",
		["red polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a red polka dot style.",
		["red prism door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a red prism tile style.",
		["red prism patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a red prism tile style.",
		["red prism roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a red prism tile style.",
		["red prism walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a red prism tile style.",
		["red prism windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a red prism tile style.",
		["red quilted couch"] = "It must have taken a long time to quilt an entire couch.",
		["red roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a red brick tile style.",
		["red rose"] = "Brilliant red roses are a symbol of royalty and everlasting love, a staple in romantic bouquets.",
		["red rose bouquet"] = "A bundle of bright red roses. Though it may seem like they were bundled without much thought, they were actually placed quite meticulously.",
		["red rose bouquet recipe"] = "Unlock the ability to craft Red Rose Bouquets for all players!",
		["red rose seeds"] = "Perhaps the most romantic of all the flowers.",
		["red rose vase"] = "A single red rose, how dramatic, how romantic.",
		["red roses honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of red rose flowers, it's infused with healing properties.",
		["red rug"] = "Just a simple, plush red rug.",
		["red shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["red snapper"] = "This fish can live for over 100 years, and grow to nearly 50 pounds!",
		["red snapper sashimi"] = "Thinly sliced red snapper, served nice and raw!",
		["red stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["red striped door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a red striped style.",
		["red striped patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a red striped style.",
		["red striped roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a red striped style.",
		["red striped walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a red striped style.",
		["red striped windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a red striped style.",
		["red t window"] = "A dramatically long and narrow window, it would go a long way in making your home feel like a gothic mansion.",
		["red table lamp"] = "A chic table lamp to light up your home.",
		["red tie guppy"] = "A tiny guppy, most fishermen only catch it to use as bait.",
		["red tissue box"] = "A box of soft tissues. Dry away the wet tears or blow your nose in comfort.",
		["red unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["red veggie soup"] = "A delicious mix of savory and spice, perfect for warming up on cold days.",
		["red velvet cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["red velvet cupcake"] = "You'll have to eat a lot of cupcakes to make up for how small they are... but that's okay, you're up to the challenge.",
		["red walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a red brick tile style.",
		["red windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a red brick tile style.",
		["red witch broom whistle"] = "This whistle will call your trusty broom to your side.",
		["red wrapped gift"] = "A gift wrapped in crimson paper. It's covered in a thin layer of briney crust.",
		["red and blue bottles"] = "Why is it that bottles always look the nicest when there's nothing in them? Decorations are weird.",
		["redeye piranha"] = "Not too difficult a fish to catch, the real challenge is getting it off the hook without losing a finger!",
		["redfinned pincher"] = "This species of piranha has adapted to living in Withergate waters by learning one rule: Eat or be eaten.",
		["redfinned pincher sushi roll"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["referee shirt"] = "Make important decisions that everyone hates while wearing this black-and-white striped shirt.",
		["refined concrete"] = "A key Demon invention, who needs to chisle bricks from mountains when you can simply make your own?",
		["refined glass"] = "Do you have any idea how much glass this city is going to need? - Xyla",
		["refined metal"] = "A bunch of scrap metals melted down and turned into an alloy. It's messy, but it works.",
		["refined plastic"] = "Perhaps Demonkind's most pivotal invention, 'soft metal' - easy to shape, and lasts a very, very long time.",
		["regal bed canopy"] = "A bed fit for a king... or a farmer.",
		["regal record"] = "Playing this record will make your humble farmhouse feel like a royal castle.",
		["reindeer decoration"] = "The most festive deer you're ever going to see.",
		["reindeer ice sculpture"] = "The graceful movements of a reindeer, perfectly captured in a giant fancy ice cube.",
		["rel'tar's mark"] = "An unwieldy beast of a crossbow, it fires slow but whatever you hit is going to get all sorts of hurt.",
		["retro carnival tv"] = "What a crazy looking TV!",
		["retro penguin record cover"] = "A display version of the album \"Chill Grooves with Pengie and the Waddle Boys\".",
		["retro striped wallpaper"] = "It's not the most complicated wallpaper design, but it's so pleasant to look at.",
		["retro tv"] = "Plays everything in black and white. Very retro.",
		["revi"] = "Hailing from the jagged cliffs of the Magma Isles, the phoenix bird is exotic and beautiful.",
		["rex's cap"] = "Rex's head has been sorely missing this mining hat, better get it back to him quick.",
		["rexxie"] = "A tiny baby dinosaur, it was hatched from a dinosaur egg treated with a little chronomagic.",
		["ribbon"] = "A silky soft length of ribbon, Arianella has outdone herself yet again.",
		["ribbon eel"] = "An impossibly thin eel, its physiology confounds scholars even to this day.",
		["ribbon hat"] = "Keep the sun off your head, and look darn cute doing it.",
		["rice"] = "Full of starch, you may be surprised how filling these little grains can be.",
		["rice ball soup"] = "The rice balls aren't actually made out of rice, but a dough made from rice flour. \"Rice flour ball soup\" just doesn't sound as nice, though.",
		["rice pilaf"] = "Much more involved than normal rice, but worth the effort.",
		["rice seeds"] = "Actually a species of grass, rice is an adaptable staple for any basic cooking recipe.",
		["riches keepsake"] = "A token kept by those whose hearts are set on riches, it bestows you with great financial fortune.",
		["rickity door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a questionably stable rickity style.",
		["rickity patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a questionably stable rickity style.",
		["rickity roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a questionably stable rickity style.",
		["rickity walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a questionably stable rickity style.",
		["rickity windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a questionably stable rickity style.",
		["ring of quiet"] = "A powerful enchantment on this ring suppresses the noise its wearer makes, this would really come in handy while fishing.",
		["ripped jeans"] = "Someone's ripped these jeans... but why does it make them look cooler?!",
		["roary"] = "An exotic scorchmane cub from the Eastern Desert. Natural apex predators and extremely powerful... after they grow up, at least!",
		["roasted black bass"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["roasted dorado"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["roasted flower flounder"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["roasted old boot"] = "Roasted to a perfect medium rare.",
		["roasted rainbow trout"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["roasted sea bass"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["roasted tuna"] = "Fish, perfectly roasted over the coals of a hot grill.",
		["roasted turnip"] = "Considered peasant food in the Eastern Region, roast turnip is somewhat of a delicacy in the west.",
		["robed parrotfish"] = "Polly want a lure?",
		["robotic door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a futuristic robotic style.",
		["robotic patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a futuristic robotic style.",
		["robotic roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a futuristic robotic style.",
		["robotic walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a futuristic robotic style.",
		["robotic windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a futuristic robotic style.",
		["rock 'n' roll amp"] = "Someone modified this bad boy to go all the way to 12.",
		["rock 'n' roll bed"] = "Rock, Rest, Repeat.",
		["rock 'n' roll black guitar"] = "When Demon engineers got their hands on guitars, they knew the instrument's design could do with a few... modifications.",
		["rock 'n' roll black rug"] = "Absolutely brutal, especially by rug standards.",
		["rock 'n' roll chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Rock 'n' Roll DLC Pack!",
		["rock 'n' roll couch"] = "Expensive red velvet cushions, ripped and stitched numerous times thanks to wild rock parties.",
		["rock 'n' roll end table"] = "Drum roll, please?",
		["rock 'n' roll gold record award"] = "A record plated with pure gold! It doesn't play anymore, but it sure does look cool.",
		["rock 'n' roll horse mount whistle"] = "This whistle will scream out across the heavens to summon a rockin' horse mount to your side.",
		["rock 'n' roll lamp"] = "A lamp as metal as your taste in music.",
		["rock 'n' roll mohawk wig"] = "Gimmie mo' mohawk.",
		["rock 'n' roll red guitar"] = "When Demon engineers got their hands on guitars, they knew the instrument's design could do with a few... modifications.",
		["rock 'n' roll red rug"] = "Absolutely brutal, especially by rug standards.",
		["rock 'n' roll table"] = "Pull up a chair, to the table... OF ROCK.",
		["rock 'n' roll wardrobe"] = "The perfect place to leave your old concert outfits, empty record sleeves and dirty boots.",
		["rock 'n' roll wig"] = "A wig treated with special coatings to keep it clean even in the dirtiest rock pits.",
		["rock bass"] = "This bass is as dense as a rock! It packed on the pounds for a long winter.",
		["rock candy gem"] = "This is taking the idea of \"rock candy\" a bit too literally...This candy gem can be used as a potion ingredient at the alchemy table.",
		["rock fruit"] = "Calling this fruit 'hard as rocks' would be an understatement. Don't chip a tooth!",
		["rock fruit seeds"] = "Elementally imbued seeds that sprout into one of three different crops, you'll have to plant them and find out! Elemental Crops take 6 days to grow and each sells for a different base yield of 10, 16, or 20 mana orbs.",
		["rock potion"] = "This potion ROCKS! Literally. It turns you into a rock. That's why it's called a rock potion.",
		["rock shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a big, beautiful boulder skin.",
		["rocker belted shirt"] = "Who needs to BUY shirts when you can dig through the dumpster behind the belt shop and make one instead?",
		["rocker ski mask"] = "Don a mask and forget who you are in your day-to-day life - because tonight you're here to ROCK.",
		["rocker spiked pants"] = "Do my pants have enough belts on them? I feel like they need more belts.",
		["rocketship shirt"] = "Blast off!",
		["rockin' poster"] = "The band scene of the Great City is pushing boundaries and making waves, all the way across the Four Regions.",
		["rocking chair"] = "Rock the worries and stress of the day away in this comfortable rocking chair.",
		["rocking chest belts"] = "You're not ready to rock until you're rocking these belts.",
		["rocking horse mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call your wobbly rocking horse mount to your side.",
		["rocking spiked boots"] = "So heavy you can barely walk. They're perfect.",
		["rocky road smoothie"] = "Chunky and chilly, it's easy to see why this is Nel'Vari's favorite smoothie.",
		["romance keepsake"] = "A token kept by those whose hearts are set on romance, it imparts an air of charm to your words and actions.",
		["rombopoly"] = "A board game produced by gamemakers in the Great City. It doesn't look like it's officially been released yet... So how did Viktor get ahold of it?",
		["rooster lantern"] = "Sheets of paper elegantly arranged to resemble a colorful rooster, commemorating a successful lantern festival.",
		["root beer"] = "A drink originally brewed by the Elves, it was far too delicious to be kept a secret for very long.",
		["rose painting easel"] = "A carved palette made for paints, an essential tool for any artist.",
		["round blue wooden coffee table"] = "No sitting room would be complete without a nice big coffee table to share drinks at.",
		["round string lights"] = "Shiny baubles of light, all hung together on a single string. Good for mood lighting, or maybe just for having fun.",
		["round wall clock"] = "A finely made clock from the Eastern Region's master clock makers, it's tick-tock rhythm is oddly soothing.",
		["royal black column"] = "Carved in the exact style of columns used in Withergate Castle. How monstrously regal!",
		["royal blossom dress"] = "There is an odd beauty in the simplicity of Iseron's royal dressings.",
		["royal blossom hairpiece"] = "The Curators were left in awe at the finery of Iseron's royalty. So primitive, and yet so somehow still so regal - like nothing they'd ever seen before.",
		["royal cape"] = "You can have a crown, you can have a kingdom, but you're never going to look like a proper royal without a velvet cape like this.",
		["royal desk"] = "A desk carved in a style long favored by Demon royalty. It's becoming a common sight in the homes of affluent commonfolk.",
		["royal dress"] = "A dress reserved for royalty - or at least a farmer with a taste of the royal life.",
		["royal herring"] = "All hail the royal highness of the ocean!",
		["royal koi"] = "Not actually related to any royalty, though it is a very pretty looking fish.",
		["royal table"] = "A table carved in a style long favored by Demon royalty. It's becoming a common sight in the homes of affluent commonfolk.",
		["royal totem"] = "An enchanted totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["royal withergate fireplace"] = "Warm you demonic chamber with this lavish replication of Withergate Castle fireplaces.",
		["royal withergate rug"] = "A recreation of the rugs used in Withergate Castle, give your floor a taste of the royal life.",
		["ruby"] = "A marvelous red ruby, mined deep from within the earth.",
		["ruby amulet"] = "A beautifully carved ruby set on a golden chain, it increases vitality when worn.",
		["ruby ring"] = "A roughly cut ruby set in a band of iron, it trades away elegant beauty in exchange for vitality and might.",
		["ruby wisp"] = "An elemental wisp, hardened into an unnaturally smooth gem of ruby. Possessing it increases one's fortitude and very life essence.",
		["rusted amulet"] = "Rusted from untold ages spent under water, at least it isn't the WORST thing you could find in a birdbath...",
		["rustic brick fireplace"] = "Handcrafted clay bricks stacked in the same way as the fireplaces of old, keep your home warm and toasty with some oldschool aesthetic.",
		["rustic elegant window"] = "A window to the world (from your barn).",
		["rustic kitchen counter"] = "A countertop in the style of the old cottage homes found throughout the Eastern Region.",
		["rustle"] = "A fun Fall friend ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["rusty axe"] = "It's seen better days, but it can still get the job done.",
		["rusty hoe"] = "Someone has let this tool fall into bad shape, but it will work for now.",
		["rusty key"] = "An old rusty key, it looks like it opens gates in the mines.",
		["rusty pickaxe"] = "Past its prime, but a little rust won't save those rocks. Also useful for picking up decorations.",
		["rusty watering can"] = "The rust has caused a few holes to form in this can, but it will still hold some water.",
	["s"] = {
		["s.1.f.e.r"] = "The Great Frame has digi-spies everywhere. This little guy has been hacked, its prime directives switched off. Now it's just a friendly little robo-buddy.",
		["sack of beans"] = "A plump sack of dried beans, tied off and ready for storage.",
		["sack of grains"] = "A plump sack of mixed grains, tied off and ready for storage.",
		["sack of coffee beans"] = "They may not sprout a beanstalk, but they're certainly magical in their own way.",
		["sack of flour"] = "What kitchen is complete without a big burlap sack of finely ground flour?",
		["sack of oats"] = "A plump sack of milled oats, tied off and ready for storage.",
		["sack of sugar"] = "A heavy sack of sparkling sugar crystals, one of the most important of the food groups.",
		["sack of treasure"] = "A burlap sack splitting at the seams with all sorts of treasure.",
		["sad cardboard box hat"] = "Remember: it takes eleven muscles to frown and only eight muscles to smile! Unless you have this box. Then it takes 0 muscles to frown.",
		["sagemary plant"] = "A potted sagemary plant. It gives off a pleasent smell, especially when put under a soft morning light.",
		["sailor shirt"] = "Set sail... for fashion!",
		["salmon"] = "Commonly found in rivers, though this fish is no stranger to lakes, ponds, oceans, extra big puddles, etc...",
		["salmon roll"] = "Thinly sliced salmon, served nice and raw!",
		["salsa"] = "A loose sauce of tomato and spices, its zesty zing certainly dresses up all sorts of dishes.",
		["salted pretzel"] = "A pretzel slathered in fresh butter and then showered with chunks of sea salt.",
		["saltwater lollipop"] = "Super sweet, though it certainly doesn't skip on the salt.",
		["saltwater potion"] = "A dark and murky potion, mixed with a ladleful of saltwater. Good luck ever forgetting what THIS potion tastes like!",
		["saltwater taffy"] = "A true speciality of the The Deeps and easily the most popular candy found down where it's wetter.",
		["sam"] = "Anything one can do, toucan do better.",
		["sand"] = "Normal castles are built of stone and wood, but legendary castles are built from sand.",
		["sand castle"] = "Hark, who dareth approach mine castle of sand?",
		["sand dollar"] = "I wonder if this is what fish use as money?",
		["sand dollar cookie"] = "Aw, how cute, it's a cookie baked like a sand dollar... Oh, wait. No. It's just a frosted sand dollar. Figures.",
		["sand dollar rug"] = "Much softer than walking on an actual sand dollar.",
		["sandstone fish"] = "Though an average size fish, its solid sandstone scales make it quite heavy.",
		["sandstone ore"] = "A dusty chunk of sandstone, you wouldn't want to drop this on your toes.",
		["sandstone sashimi"] = "A bit hard to bite into, honestly.",
		["sandwich sign"] = "Made of slate rock, you can use a hunk of chalk to write out an advertisement for your wares or maybe just an uplifting message.",
		["sandworm"] = "Native originally to the deserts of the Eastern Region, these worms found a new home in Withergate as the growing city was always in need of sand for use in construction. Hence, they're an excellent source of sand!",
		["sandy ice cream"] = "It looks just like an ice cream you dropped on the beach! It also tastes like one, too.",
		["sapphire"] = "A shiny blue sapphire, mined deep from within the earth.",
		["sapphire ring"] = "A roughly cut sapphire set in a band of iron, it trades away elegant beauty in exchange for vitality and might.",
		["sapphire wisp"] = "An elemental wisp, hardened into an unnaturally smooth gem of sapphire. Possessing it increases one's passion for battle.",
		["sassy plant"] = "Snaps after anything that comes close it- so sassy!",
		["sausage"] = "The hot dog's Eastern Region cousin.",
		["scale cape"] = "Baby dragon scales linked together into a cape, though it feels more like chain mail.",
		["scallo-papaya"] = "Don't let the name fool you. It's literally just a scallop.",
		["scallo-papaya fritters"] = "Hey, people say it's a fruit so it must be healthy to eat, right?",
		["scallo-papaya jam"] = "Briney jam made from Scallo-papaya, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming skill.",
		["scallo-papaya smoothie"] = "You have to admit, it tastes a LOT better than you thought it would.",
		["scallo-papaya tree seeds"] = "Seeds dripping with sweet, sticky nectar.",
		["scarecrow"] = "No field looks complete without a scarecrow or two.",
		["scarf"] = "It's like a necktie, only a lot more comfy.",
		["scarf snaccoon plush"] = "A little snaccoon plush that's all bundled up and ready for winter!",
		["scarffish"] = "It looks warm and fuzzy, but it's actually wet and slimy. Sorry.",
		["scary pumpkin hat"] = "Put the candy in the bag and no one gets scared.",
		["school shirt"] = "All the style of a school uniform with none of the homework!",
		["scorched potion"] = "This sizzling crimson potion looks like it puts even the hottest of sauces to shame.",
		["scorching squid"] = "A migrant squid from the distant Magma Isles, a chain of ashy islands constantly being broken and reformed by underwater volcanic activity.",
		["scorpepper trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["scrambled eggs"] = "Perfect breakfast food before a morning exercise... or after a long night at the tavern.",
		["scrap metal"] = "You've never seen metal like this before. It looks like it could be recycled into new recipes.",
		["scuttles"] = "A snappy little pal to scuttle along with you on your adventures.",
		["scuzzy plushie"] = "It's a teddy bear version of Scuzzy! A fuzzy Scuzzy, if you will.",
		["scythe"] = "Reaps crops with ease and slices down the toughest of weeds. No farmer ever needed a better one.",
		["sea bass"] = "What do you sea, bass?",
		["sea bat"] = "(Un)fun fact: each of this fish's 6,790 frills are incredibly venomous!",
		["sea bunny plushie"] = "Sea Bunny? More like Sea Cutie!",
		["sea explorer's potion"] = "The swift winds of the Southward Sea, captured in a speed boosting elixir.",
		["sea salt twist"] = "Honestly, it's a darn good pretzel. So good, in fact, that you won't even question how they baked it under water.",
		["seafood gumbo"] = "A thin stew of assorted crustaceans, its spice and heat perfectly accent the tender seafood.",
		["seahorse"] = "Looks like a little small to ride, sadly.",
		["seal of sun haven"] = "A crest bearing the sigil of Sun Haven, Lucia enchanted it with a spell to aid mana regeneration. Permanently increases your max mana by 10.",
		["searback"] = "Its dorsal fins are on fire - literally! Hmm, it reminds you of a fire Elemental...",
		["seared acorn anchovy"] = "Lightly oiled and seared on a hot grill, who needs a pan?",
		["seared ironhead sturgeon"] = "Lightly oiled and seared on a hot grill, who needs a pan?",
		["seared lobster"] = "Lightly oiled and seared on a hot grill, who needs a pan?",
		["seared pufferfish"] = "Lightly oiled and seared on a hot grill, who needs a pan?",
		["seared red snapper"] = "Lightly oiled and seared on a hot grill, who needs a pan?",
		["seaside bed"] = "She sleeps in seashells by the sea snore.",
		["seaside chair"] = "Sitting is great, but don't forget to stand up occasionally and stretch your fins.",
		["seaside chest"] = "Merfolk are great at restoring dingy old pirate treasure chests into cute little numbers like this one.",
		["seaside dress"] = "A style of dress worn by those living in many a seaside fishing village, all across the coasts of the Four Regions.",
		["seaside end table"] = "The only table you need while you kick back on a tropical seaside shore.",
		["seaside lamp"] = "It's hard to light a lantern under the sea (well, actually, it's sort of impossible). To adapt to life under the waves, the merfolk people use enchanted pearls that glow with light.",
		["seaside table"] = "Many a merfolk diplomatic debate (and tea party) has been had over tables like this.",
		["seaside wardrobe"] = "This fancy wardrobe is watertight up to 4,000 meters!",
		["seaweed"] = "Even the sea has weeds.",
		["seaweed ice cream"] = "An ice cream flavor that proves just because you CAN, it doesn't mean you SHOULD.",
		["seaweed wrapped gift"] = "A sopping wet gift wrapped in... sea junk. Was this wrapped under water?",
		["seed maker"] = "A specialized extractor that can produce extra seeds from Sun Haven crops fed into it, multiplying your profits and letting you live off your own hard work!",
		["seltzer keg"] = "A sealed keg, necessary for brewing bunches of bombastic beverages.\"Humans, Elves, Amari... yup, seems like every race invented their own brews.\" - Ronald",
		["seltzer keg shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a brewery keg skin.",
		["sentimental record"] = "A sentimental arrangement with the power to move people and castles alike.",
		["sesame rice ball"] = "A recipe from a far away land, rice has never tasted better.",
		["set sail chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Set Sail DLC Pack!",
		["sewer barn access key"] = "It's a Key for an empty construction inside the Withergate sewer system.",
		["shadow ring"] = "A moon insignia holds a small bead of captured shadows, imbuing its wearer with increased vigor.",
		["shadow rush"] = "Tap into your demonic ferocity, increasing your movement speed by 60% for 10 seconds.",
		["shadow tuna"] = "The eggs of this shadowy fish are a favorite delicacy of Withergate's upper class.",
		["shang record"] = "A record of Shang's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["shang wedding ring"] = "A shattered blade, a curse broken - let its shards be reforged into something worthy and blessed. I love you.",
		["shang's sealed sword"] = "What was said to be a terrible curse was actually a wonderful blessing. How could I have been so blind?",
		["shanty boots"] = "They look tough, but they're actually quite comfortable. Plenty of toe-room!",
		["shanty hat"] = "When you're stuck at sea for months at a time, it's the shanty singers who keep the mood up.",
		["shanty top"] = "Singing a proper shanty includes a lot of dancing. This poofy and airy shirt is perfect for making moves while belting out your song.",
		["shark potion"] = "A grey potion of somewhat gritty consistency. Bound to transform you into a huge vicious shark... or at least a small cute one.",
		["sharkskin potion"] = "Swirly, like ocean water. Bumpy, like sharkskin. Oh well! Bottom's up!",
		["sharp dragon scale"] = "The jagged scale of a baby dragon, shed and left behind. It's said that dragon scales can be used in alchemy.",
		["shattered spirit helm"] = "There were those who learned of the true power the fae spirits possessed - and how they could steal it for their own.",
		["shattered spirit shorts"] = "Traversing the spirit realm uninvited is arduous, and interlopers often bear the scars of their trespass.",
		["shattered spirit vest"] = "Power is wasted on the peaceful, let those with ambition wield it instead.",
		["shed wallpaper"] = "The default look of the shed.",
		["sheep"] = "Sheep actually rely on their caretakers to trim their wool. The sheep gets a haircut, you get the wool. It's a win-win!",
		["sheer green crop sweater"] = "A cropped sweater, for all those hot Elven forest days.",
		["sheer green sweater"] = "Made from a moss-derived fabric known as \"Elven Green\".",
		["shelf"] = "A standard wooden shelf, great for displaying knick knacks on your walls.",
		["shell staff"] = "The forlorn creatures on the sea floor absorb massive amounts of mana energy Their shells, as a result, make excellent magical weapons.When selected on your toolbelt, this staff grants 16 bonus spell damage.",
		["sheriff hat"] = "Intimidate ne'er-do-wells and other rascally varmints with this fashionable hat.",
		["shiiwalki mushroom"] = "A skinny mushroom stalk dropped by a Shiiwalki Mushroom as a way of thanking you for helping it grow.",
		["shiiwalki mushroom pet"] = "Aw, this Shiiwalki Mushroom thinks you're a fun-guy and wants to follow you!",
		["shiiwalki mushroom seeds"] = "Hard spore clusters of some kind of strange mushroom, they wiggle a bit as you hold them.",
		["shimmer leaf plant"] = "This plant gets its name for the way it seems to shimmer under early morning light.",
		["shimmeroot"] = "Shimmering with flakes of gold, it's not hard to see where this root got its name.",
		["shimmeroot jam"] = "Spiced jam made from shimmeroot, fire crystal and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration skill.",
		["shimmeroot seeds"] = "Radiates with a faint golden shimmer, this lucrative root always produces legendary quality yields.",
		["shimmeroot treat"] = "A dessert as decadent as it is expensive.",
		["shiny cape"] = "Tiny gemstones were woven into the threads of this cloak - making it nice and shiny!",
		["shiny leather green stool"] = "Upholstered with an smooth and shiny material, it's a little slippery to sit on but it certainly looks great.",
		["shiny leather orange stool"] = "Upholstered with an smooth and shiny material, it's a little slippery to sit on but it certainly looks great.",
		["shiny leather purple stool"] = "Upholstered with an smooth and shiny material, it's a little slippery to sit on but it certainly looks great.",
		["shiny leather red stool"] = "Upholstered with an smooth and shiny material, it's a little slippery to sit on but it certainly looks great.",
		["shiny leather sage stool"] = "A stool upholstered in well-shined leather, you should be careful not to slip right off this!",
		["shiny leather turquoise stool"] = "Upholstered with an smooth and shiny material, it's a little slippery to sit on but it certainly looks great.",
		["shiny leather yellow stool"] = "Upholstered with an smooth and shiny material, it's a little slippery to sit on but it certainly looks great.",
		["shiny yellow mug"] = "An extra shiny glaze was applied to this mug before firing, leaving behind a bright sheen.",
		["shipping box"] = "A shipping box, all packed up and ready to travel to its destination.",
		["shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["shocked pumpkin hat"] = "Any pumpkin would be shocked to learn what they make pumpkin pie out of!",
		["shooting star plushie"] = "Throw this plushie over your head and make a wish. It probably won't work, but it'll be cute.",
		["short ribs"] = "Perfectly cooked, the meat is practically falling off the bone.",
		["shortcake"] = "A sweet little Summer whale ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["shorts"] = "Short, sweet and to the point. Who could want more?",
		["shrimp skewer"] = "Shrimp on the barbie? More like shrimp in my tummy.",
		["shy snake plant"] = "This tropical vine plant is called \"shy\" for its habit of rolling up tightly. It takes a lot of tender love and care to get this vine to unwind.",
		["sick tilted top hat"] = "It stays on your head thanks to bottle after bottle of hair spray.",
		["sick trench coat bottom"] = "The coattails flap epically with each and every leap across the stage.",
		["sick trench coat top"] = "One standard issue rock jacket, arms already pre-ripped off.",
		["side desk table"] = "A basic wooden table that fits nicely up against side walls.",
		["side hustles"] = "Income earned passively through skills or obtained as drops.",
		["silent record"] = "A record that plays the soothing sound of silence!",
		["silk"] = "A soft sheet of silk, great for crafting.",
		["silk moth"] = "Maybe not your conventional farm animal, but these domesticated moths produce plenty of silk.",
		["silk potion"] = "A potion that seems extra silky smooth. A soft powder floats into and out of the pale liquid inside the bottle.",
		["silk wyrm"] = "Some dragons breath fire. Others breath torrents of water, storms of ice or even blasts of electricity. This little wyrm breathes spooky silk. That's right, spooky silk.",
		["silly chicken lantern"] = "Sheets of paper elegantly arranged to resemble a colorful silly chicken, commemorating a successful lantern festival.",
		["silo"] = "Grain silos feed all animals on the same map, and store a LOT of animal feed... which means you can afford to own a LOT of animals! Once placed, remember to use a pickaxe to move it!",
		["silver carp"] = "Glitters like real silver, but its nowhere near as valuable.",
		["simple blue door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a simple blue style.",
		["simple blue patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a simple blue style.",
		["simple blue roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a simple blue style.",
		["simple blue walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a simple blue style.",
		["simple blue windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a simple blue style.",
		["simple earth fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of earth, increasing your crop's harvest.",
		["simple fire fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of fire, increasing the speed your crops grow.",
		["simple green door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a simple green style.",
		["simple green patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a simple green style.",
		["simple green roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a simple green style.",
		["simple green walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a simple green style.",
		["simple green windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a simple green style.",
		["simple jellyfish hat"] = "Riding around on your head is a change of pace from drifting aimlessly in the ocean.",
		["simple magic fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of water, increasing your crop's chance to stay watered over night.",
		["simple magic fertilizer recipe"] = "Unlock the ability to craft Simple Magic Fertilizer for all players!",
		["simple octopus dress"] = "Maybe you've seen a housefly, but have you ever seen an octopus dress?",
		["simple purple door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a simple purple style.",
		["simple purple patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a simple purple style.",
		["simple purple roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a simple purple style.",
		["simple purple walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a simple purple style.",
		["simple purple windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a simple purple style.",
		["simple red door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a simple red style.",
		["simple red patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a simple red style.",
		["simple red roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a simple red style.",
		["simple red walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a simple red style.",
		["simple red windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a simple red style.",
		["simple sand fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer that utilizes an old Elven trick to retain moisture in soil.",
		["simple water fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer rich with the magic of water, increasing your crop's chance to stay watered over night.",
		["simple yellow door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a simple yellow style.",
		["simple yellow patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a simple yellow style.",
		["simple yellow roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a simple yellow style.",
		["simple yellow walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a simple yellow style.",
		["simple yellow windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a simple yellow style.",
		["sizzle"] = "Elementi come in all shapes as sizes, from ferocious rock beasts... to teeny little sparks of flame.",
		["skateboard whistle"] = "Riding on this sure beats walking.",
		["skater pants"] = "Made with extra tough fabric to protect your knees when you fall.",
		["skeedat"] = "A board game produced by gamemakers in the Great City. It doesn't look like it's officially been released yet... So how did Viktor get ahold of it?",
		["skeleton polo pants"] = "Do you know how hard it is to wear pants as a skeleton?",
		["skeleton polo shirt"] = "Dress up those bones for a special spooky occassion.",
		["skeleton shirt"] = "This will make you look like you lost a few pounds.",
		["skerbs"] = "Life at the bottom of the deep sea isn't all it's cracked up to be. Being a pet is much better!",
		["skipper dress"] = "If you're going to be stuck on a ship for months at a time, you may as well look cute doing it.",
		["skipper pants"] = "Snappy blue pants that are water and salt resistant - perfect for sailing over salt water seas!",
		["skipper shirt"] = "You're lookin' spiffer, skipper.",
		["sky ray"] = "Named for the way it glides swiftly through the water, as if flying through the sky.",
		["slash"] = "A grungy little rat who only wants to do two things: Rock, and Roll.",
		["slash tank top"] = "Rebel against established fashion norms with this edgy tank top.",
		["sleepy kitty hat"] = "Who's a sleepy kitty?",
		["sleepy puppy hat"] = "Who's a sleepy puppy?",
		["slice of cherry pie"] = "Wait, where's the rest of the pie?!",
		["slime bed"] = "A nice, comfy bed... covered in about three inches of slime.",
		["slime drop door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a gooey sime drop style.",
		["slime drop patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a gooey sime drop style.",
		["slime drop roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a gooey sime drop style.",
		["slime drop walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a gooey sime drop style.",
		["slime drop windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a gooey sime drop style.",
		["slime fertilizer"] = "Fertilizer that infuses crops with... slime.",
		["slime gloves"] = "Gloves covered in an infinite coating of slime. How... nice?",
		["slime goop"] = "This goop is icky and sticky, gross!",
		["slime hat"] = "It's a glob of slime you put on your head. Which makes it technically a hat, right?",
		["slime ink"] = "Sticky slime that leaves behind a dark stain on whatever it touches.",
		["slime leech"] = "Slimy to the touch, sometimes called \"the Withergate mosquito.\"",
		["slimey door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a superior slimey style.",
		["slimey patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a superior slimey style.",
		["slimey roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a superior slimey style.",
		["slimey walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a superior slimey style.",
		["slimey windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a superior slimey style.",
		["slithery potion"] = "A thick black potion with bands of creamy white. It emits a curious hissing sound when shaken.",
		["slobert plushie"] = "Oh, a plushie of Slobert. And look, it's made out of slime. How wonderful.",
		["slot machine"] = "It looks flashy and enticing, but what are the odds you'd actually win anything?",
		["sludge"] = "A handful of gross sewer muck, it seems some lingering magical force had inadvertently enchanted it into a rampaging monster.",
		["small aquarium"] = "A silly little home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["small black column"] = "Sculpted of faux-marble to resemble columns discovered in ancient ruins.",
		["small blue cooler"] = "Also known as \"the portable icebox\", this special chest keeps its contents nice and cool.",
		["small blue glorite crystal"] = "Crystalized mana and power, in the form of blue glorite. It can be drained to increase your maximum mana. Elios warned you of the negative effects of consuming glorite's power... but he isn't here right now, is he?Blue glorite is said to fuel Dynus's inexhaustible mana reserves.",
		["small fishing net"] = "Automatically catches fish in the river, ponds and beach of your farm. Not the biggest, but it can still catch plenty of fish.",
		["small glorite crystal"] = "A tiny sliver of glorite. It's small, yet it still pulses with energy.",
		["small green potion"] = "A vial containing some sort of potion. Best not to drink potions without labels, so maybe just keep it around as decoration.",
		["small ground hay"] = "A little pile of scattered hay, perfect for decorating any farm floor.",
		["small hay pile"] = "A little pile of hay, perfect for decorating any farm.",
		["small magenta glorite crystal"] = "Crystalized mana and power, in the form of magenta glorite. It can be drained to increase your maximum mana. Elios warned you of the negative effects of consuming glorite's power... but he isn't here right now, is he?Magenta glorite is said to fuel Dynus's inexhaustible mana reserves.",
		["small mana potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essense, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["small mana tome"] = "A passing wizard must have dropped this.",
		["small money bag"] = "Jingles like music to your ears when you shake it.",
		["small mystic's bookshelf"] = "Small shelves packed with just a few of the magical essentials any mystic would find themselves needing.",
		["small pony painting"] = "It must have taken a talented artist to paint such a detailed pony on such a small canvas.",
		["small potion poster"] = "A poster advertising \"Crazy Eddy's discount potion emporium\".",
		["small potted bush"] = "A common bush, planted in a clay vase.",
		["small purple glorite crystal"] = "Crystalized mana and power, in the form of purple glorite. It can be drained to increase your maximum mana. Elios warned you of the negative effects of consuming glorite's power... but he isn't here right now, is he?Purple glorite is said to fuel Dynus's inexhaustible mana reserves.",
		["small red glorite crystal"] = "Crystalized mana and power, in the form of red glorite. It can be drained to increase your maximum mana. Elios warned you of the negative effects of consuming glorite's power... but he isn't here right now, is he?Red glorite is said to fuel Dynus's inexhaustible mana reserves.",
		["small red vanity mirror"] = "Vanity is a meager price to pay for beauty.",
		["small sack"] = "A small sack of woven burlap, great for keeping odd and ends together on your farm.",
		["small seaweed"] = "Seaweed is an easy houseplant to keep. It grows like a weed!",
		["small stone fireplace"] = "A miniture fireplace, it looks cute and might be small, but it produces plenty of heat to warm the chilliest of nights.",
		["small sunflower"] = "It's small now, but these flowers can get absolutely gigantic!",
		["small vial"] = "It's not the size of the vial, but the motion of the potion.",
		["small white column"] = "Sculpted of faux-marble to resemble columns discovered in ancient ruins.",
		["small withergate lamp"] = "Demons in Withergate have perfected the art of glassblowing, allowing them to mass produce funky table lamps such as this.",
		["small wooden bookshelf"] = "Something small, for storing a short collection of your favorite page turners.",
		["smithed mailbox"] = "A customized mailbox for your farm.",
		["smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["snaccoon"] = "A very, very big friend for your farm! This snaccoon has come to visit and will earn his keep by sharing snacks with you each day.",
		["snaccoon bed"] = "Do you think if you sleep in this bed, someone will bring you a bunch of food?",
		["snaccoon chair"] = "An ultra soft chair, it almost feels like you're sitting on a real snaccoon.",
		["snaccoon costume chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Snaccoon Costume DLC Pack!",
		["snaccoon couch"] = "The perfect place to lay down for a nap after you'd stuffed yourself full of food.",
		["snaccoon gloves"] = "Love to sleep and eat? Hate doing literally ANYTHING else? Then it's time to suit up.",
		["snaccoon hat"] = "Love to sleep and eat? Hate doing literally ANYTHING else? Then it's time to suit up.",
		["snaccoon nightstand"] = "An adorable snaccoon nightstand. The real question isn't whether or not you need it, it's how many are you going to get?",
		["snaccoon pants"] = "Love to sleep and eat? Hate doing literally ANYTHING else? Then it's time to suit up.",
		["snaccoon plushie"] = "Fed plenty of wool stuffing, this chubby plushie is ready for a nice long nap at your place.",
		["snaccoon poster"] = "A wall poster depicting a Snaccoon, no true Snacc-head could do without one of these.",
		["snaccoon shirt"] = "Love to sleep and eat? Hate doing literally ANYTHING else? Then it's time to suit up.",
		["snaccoon table"] = "Thankfully this table is far less fuzzy than the real deal.",
		["snaccoon tail"] = "Love to sleep and eat? Hate doing literally ANYTHING else? Then it's time to suit up.",
		["snaccoon wardrobe"] = "A giant stuffed snaccoon is ready to stand guard over all your clothes (if you don't mind him being asleep on the job).",
		["snail plushie"] = "Monster children all across Withergate city are known for snuggling up in bed each night with their teddy snails.",
		["snake oil potion"] = "A potion of a deep, menacing hue. Seems a bit viscous, more like an oil than a potion.",
		["snake statue"] = "A strange wave-washed statue of a snake creature. It looks like it was found deep underneath the waves.",
		["snappy juice"] = "Juice with a real snap! No, really.",
		["snappy plant"] = "Snips and bites at seemingly anything that comes close to it, a favored houseplant for many in Withergate.",
		["snappy seeds"] = "Mind your fingers when you harvest this hungry crop! Slow to grow, but sells for a high value.",
		["snobfish"] = "Everything in nature is beautiful. Except the Snobfish.",
		["snoodles"] = "A very exotic pet from the deep Elven Forests. Who knew a walking bush could be so cute and cuddly?",
		["snow ball"] = "Packed so extremely tight that it feels more like a rock than snow.",
		["snow ball crop"] = "These snowballs are not for throwing!",
		["snow ball seeds"] = "Delicate white seeds that resembles small snow balls, and just as cold too.",
		["snow buddy"] = "A happy snowman buddy to share the holidays with.",
		["snow cone"] = "Best enjoyed on hot summer days, but whenever else is fine, too.",
		["snow day baggy pants"] = "Extra big pockets for holding anything you want (but mostly for holding snow).",
		["snow day beanie"] = "Do you know how much body heat you lose through your ears? Bundle up!",
		["snow day beauty tiara"] = "A crown of ice to rest upon your head.",
		["snow day bed"] = "What is this? A bed for snowmen?",
		["snow day bookshelf"] = "All the books are either written about snow or made out of it.",
		["snow day buttoned skirt"] = "Buttoned tight against the snow's biting chill.",
		["snow day casual pants"] = "Keep your snow day casual.",
		["snow day chair"] = "A chair made entirely of ice and snow! Yes, it's very cold.",
		["snow day chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Snow Day DLC Pack!",
		["snow day couch"] = "The cushions are stuffed with, you guessed it, snow.",
		["snow day cozy shirt"] = "Feel the cozy. Be the cozy.",
		["snow day crop top"] = "For those who aren't going to let a little bit of freezing snow impede on their fashion.",
		["snow day dress"] = "Who needs a snow day dress? You. That's who.",
		["snow day end table"] = "An end table someone left out all winter long last year. Now it's a snow table. Yup.",
		["snow day hood"] = "Helps stop your head from freezing into an iceball.",
		["snow day hoodie"] = "The weather outside is frightful, but this hoodie is so delightful.",
		["snow day horns hat"] = "It doesn't have to be hot to be devilish.",
		["snow day lamp"] = "Keeps your snowiest day lit up bright.",
		["snow day long coat"] = "A stylish long coat, keeping you fashionably warm.",
		["snow day long skirt"] = "Long and warm, so you can skirt the cold this snow day (and every other).",
		["snow day ninja pants"] = "Leave not a single footprint in the snow.",
		["snow day ninja scarf"] = "Ninjas have to wear their scarves, too.",
		["snow day ninja top"] = "Did someone say snow shuriken?",
		["snow day pants"] = "Thick wool pants, keeps the snow away from your little leggies.",
		["snow day puff ball mittens"] = "So puffy and fluffy it's almost hard to pick anything up while wearing them.",
		["snow day rug"] = "It's like walking on freshly fallen snow.",
		["snow day school dress"] = "Snow days are the one day you don't want to miss.",
		["snow day shawl"] = "Who wants a cold shoulder? Keep 'em warm with this shawl.",
		["snow day sleeves"] = "Arms get cold, too. Don't forget to keep them warm.",
		["snow day sweater dress"] = "Light and poofy, just like the snow this dress emulates.",
		["snow day table"] = "Someone thoughtfully carved a humongous block of ice into a tasteful table.",
		["snow day thermal pants"] = "Made of special fabric that traps heat, keeping you nice and toasty.",
		["snow day v coat"] = "A lot easier to wear than a W coat.",
		["snow day windswept wig"] = "Frosted tips? What about FROZEN?",
		["snow globe ice sculpture"] = "More like an ice globe, really.",
		["snow jacket"] = "Snow trouble is no trouble with this heavy jacket.",
		["snow leopard whistle"] = "This whistle will call your elusive snow leopard companion to your side.",
		["snow pea"] = "There's no peas like snow peas.",
		["snow pea seeds"] = "These seeds are completely frozen solid!",
		["snowflake hair piece"] = "The world's biggest snowflake, so big that it makes the perfect hair clip.",
		["snowflake rug"] = "You know, they say no two snowflake rugs are alike...",
		["snowflake shirt"] = "Thankfully it's not made out of snowflakes, it just has a picture of one on it.",
		["snowy stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["soap bottle"] = "Soap makers are getting so good at their business that they're starting to bottle the stuff. Novel, isn't it?",
		["soccer ball"] = "Or is it a football?",
		["soda can"] = "The necessary vessel for soda storage.",
		["soda machine"] = "A spectacle of Demonic engineering, this machine is full of drinks that automatically dispense when you want them!",
		["soda pop crop"] = "The buds of this crop fizz with air, making it the most important ingredient in the four region's hottest new drink: soda!",
		["soda pop crop seeds"] = "They appear to be ordinary seeds, aside from the odd popping sound they emit.",
		["soggy sandcastle"] = "Kai thought he'd make you the perfect birthday present. Well, it's the thought that counts, right?",
		["soldier's boots"] = "Made of durable leather, fitting footwear for long marches over any terrain.",
		["solon order form"] = "An order form for dozens of pieces of equipment. Solon must be able to work fast to complete orders as big as these!",
		["sombasu's fortune"] = "A great opportunity for love will present itself to you, but it will rely on you grabbing it......Your lucky numbers are 9, 37, 78...",
		["soot"] = "Smoldering ash, it's still rather hot to the touch.",
		["souffle"] = "In the old days, souffles were prone to deflating if disturbed. With a little mana, however, you can have the perfect souffle all the time!",
		["soul fizz"] = "It fizzes with a sickly glow, but it tastes yummy!",
		["soul orb"] = "A wispy sphere of pure energy, though it moves like a flame it is faintly chill to the touch.",
		["soul orb jam"] = "Faintly glowing jam made from soul orbs, plenty of sparkling dust and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a massive boost to your farming and fishing skills.",
		["soul orb seeds"] = "A pale white seed that softly hums with a strange energy.",
		["soul sap"] = "Viscous sap drained from a soul sap tree, it feels slightly tingly to the touch.",
		["sound-o-tronic 800"] = "A new-fangled music player that you've heard was being produced by engineers in the Great City. You also heard that the project was top secret, and no models were meant to be sold at market...",
		["sour plum"] = "These things make lemons look like sugar cubes - yuck!",
		["sour plum jam"] = "Edible jam made from sour plums, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your mining skill.",
		["sour plum soda"] = "Fills you with the power... of sour.This drink will increase your Movement Speed by 5% for 5 minutes.",
		["sour plum sorbet"] = "Can sorbet be sour? Yes. Yes it can.",
		["sour plum tea"] = "A tea that ranks as a solid 'Literally Intolerable' on the sour-meter.This drink will increase your Mana Regeneration by 20% for 5 minutes.",
		["sour plum tree seeds"] = "Mean seeds that grow easily in the angry soils of Withergate.",
		["space wig"] = "Space is infinite, as is the style of this out-of-this-world wig.",
		["spaghetti"] = "Noodles in a sweetened tomato sauce, a staple in the Eastern Region.",
		["spare wooden wheel"] = "A spare wooden wagon wheel, just incase your other one is flat.",
		["spark gloves"] = "Padded fabric gloves, they give the fingers extra protection against prolonged use of magic from your fingertips.",
		["sparkling  sun chest plate"] = "A mythical chest plate bestowed to those who show their legendary support.",
		["sparkling dragon scale"] = "The shimmering scale of a baby dragon, shed and left behind. It's said that dragon scales can be used in alchemy.",
		["sparkling dust"] = "Shiny flakes of rock and crystal left behind by the passing of wind sprites, Nel'Varians love using it to add sparkle to their creations.",
		["sparkling gear chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Sparkling Gear DLC Pack!",
		["sparkling sun dress"] = "A mythical dress bestowed to those who show their legendary support.",
		["sparkling sun gauntlets"] = "A mythical pair of gauntlets bestowed to those who show their legendary support.",
		["sparkling sun gloves"] = "A mythical pair of gloves bestowed to those who show their legendary support.",
		["sparkling sun helmet"] = "A mythical helmet bestowed to those who show their legendary support.",
		["sparkling sun legs"] = "A mythical pair of plate leggings bestowed to those who show their legendary support.",
		["spectre helmet"] = "A hood imbued with the essence of a fallen Shadeclaw, the monster's shadowy power still lingers in the cloth and amplifies its wielder's magical prowess.",
		["spectre robe"] = "A robe imbued with the essence of a fallen Shadeclaw, the monster's shadowy power still lingers in the cloth and amplifiers its wielder's magical prowess.",
		["spectre slime"] = "Gooey slime left behind from a spectre that has been laid (back) to rest.",
		["speed potion"] = "A fizzing, shaking potion that threatens to wiggle right out of your hands. It temporarily increases speed and agility.",
		["spell damage potion"] = "A potion of distilled mana essense, it provides a quick boost to your energy.",
		["spiced cider"] = "Cider topped with a froth of potent spices.",
		["spiced cocoa"] = "Sickly sweet peppermint cocoa enjoyed around the holidays (by anyone who can stomach it, at least).",
		["spicy catsup"] = "Catsup's edgier older cousin.",
		["spicy fishing bait"] = "That's a spicy worm.",
		["spicy noodles"] = "Woah, that's hot! The smell alone is making me cry!",
		["spicy pinchy potion"] = "Prefer a pinch more spice in your transformation potions?",
		["spicy ramen"] = "A bowl of noodles dressed spiced up with pepper.",
		["spicy shrimp ramen"] = "Tiny shrimp fried in extra hot pepper sauce, ramen doesn't taste meaner than this.",
		["spider pie"] = "Made by spiders, of spiders, for spiders.",
		["spider plushie"] = "Eight legs of pure plushie adorableness, how can even the most serious spider-hater say no to this cute little guy?",
		["spiderweb painting"] = "A web of spider silk, depicted as a painting. Very goth, very spider.",
		["spiked cowboy hat"] = "Over 400% more spikey than your typical cowboy hat.",
		["spiked leather pants"] = "It's always leather weather, baby.",
		["spiked leather vest"] = "Can you believe people walk around wearing vests that AREN'T ripped to tatters?",
		["spiked salmon"] = "Surviving in the waters of Withergate is no easy feat, and many species have adapted special defenses for the occasion.",
		["spiked salmon sashimi"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["spiked top hat"] = "Top hats are dorky. Top hats with spikes on them? Those rock.",
		["spikey soda"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["spirea flower basket"] = "Spirea is actually a type of flowering shrub. In the Northern Region it is recognized as a sign of fortune and prosperity wherever it grows.",
		["spirit blunt bangs wig"] = "Fae spirits love captivating colors, those wishing to win their favor often style their hair appropriately.",
		["spirit bun wig"] = "Fae spirits love captivating colors, those wishing to win their favor often style their hair appropriately.",
		["spirit fox potion"] = "A potion of ethereal blue color. The bottle is tightly sealed, yet a wispy smoke still escapes from within it.",
		["spirit half robe"] = "If you're going to be a cool spirit world-hopping fae communer, you may as well look the part.",
		["spirit koi mount whistle"] = "This whistle will summon a mystical spirit koi to your side.",
		["spirit lilypad wig"] = "Fae spirits love captivating colors, those wishing to win their favor often style their hair appropriately.",
		["spirit mask"] = "When communing with the fae spirit, a ceremonial mask is necessary: for the fae must never see your face.",
		["spirit moon belted skirt"] = "A loose belt-skirt of woven hay, it is both traditional to the spirit moon festival - and allows one to pull off extra fancy dance moves.",
		["spirit moon clip"] = "Spirit festivals are a time to honor the fae, through dance and dress alike.,",
		["spirit moon cropped top"] = "The spirit moon festival can be exhausting, wearing appropriate clothing is a must if one is to complete the dance.",
		["spirit orb"] = "Petals burn like ghostly wisps once plucked from the spirit realm in which they grow, in the overworld though, they simply float around.",
		["spirit orb dress"] = "There are those who are able to reach through the veil of the physical realm, pulling back spirit energies from the realm of the fae. Someone turned this energy into a dress!",
		["spirit orb hat"] = "Those who master their inner turmoil and achieve perfect tranquility may find themselves capable of attracting their own fae spirit. To wear. As a hat.",
		["spirit petal bed"] = "You'll probably be pretty tired after conversing with the fae spirits, have a nap in this bed to recharge the ol' spiritual batteries.",
		["spirit petal chair"] = "When sitting in this enchanted chair, you can almost hear the soflty twinkling bells of the fae spirits.",
		["spirit petal chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Spirit Petal DLC Pack!",
		["spirit petal couch"] = "Lilypads and lotus petals, the energy of fae spirits enchants them in a way no mortal enchanter could match.",
		["spirit petal end table"] = "An end table for all your spirit fae-related stuff.",
		["spirit petal lamp"] = "A lily flower lamp that emits a soft glow, attracting nearby fae spirits.",
		["spirit petal rug"] = "Intricately woven in tribute to the fae spirits.",
		["spirit petal table"] = "Eating off of a giant lilypad isn't the easiest, but at least the flower blossom smells nice.",
		["spirit petal wardrobe"] = "A mystical wardrobe that magically links the physical realm to... the inside of a wardrobe.",
		["spirit protector hat"] = "The fae spirits could not defend themselves, and so a caste of dedicated warriors rose up to protect the sacred fae.",
		["spirit protector robe"] = "Blessed by the fae spirits, mere cloth robes have become a durable outfit worn by their defenders.",
		["spirit ruffle bracelets"] = "Vestments styled in the legendary outfit of the first fae-friend.",
		["spirit ruffle cropped top"] = "Vestments styled in the legendary outfit of the first fae-friend.",
		["spirit side mask"] = "The fae spirits have many secrets to share... if indeed you are bold enough to simply remove the mask from your face.",
		["spirit split dye wig"] = "Fae spirits love captivating colors, those wishing to win their favor often style their hair appropriately.",
		["spirit tied skirt"] = "Vestments styled in the legendary outfit of the first fae-friend.",
		["spirix"] = "Dragon sprites are a very popular pet in Nel'Vari, just look at how beautiful they are. It's not hard to see why!",
		["spooky bed"] = "Sleep off the treats in this spooky bed.",
		["spooky chair"] = "Sit In Peace.",
		["spooky couch"] = "A couch can totally be spooky, if you attach enough pumpkins to it.",
		["spooky end table"] = "Haunted by the mournful soul of a deranged table lamp.",
		["spooky fabric"] = "Can fabric really be spooky? The answer is yes.",
		["spooky ghost mount whistle"] = "This haunted whistle will conjure your trusty ghost ride to your side.",
		["spooky gloves"] = "If you thought your outfit was spooky before, just wait until you put on these gloves.",
		["spooky hair bow"] = "What makes this cute little hair bow so spooky? EYE guess you'll have to try it on and see for yourself!",
		["spooky hood"] = "Is that the possessed hood of a vengeful spectre? No, it's just an especially spooky costume!",
		["spooky lamp post"] = "Care for a haunted midnight stroll?",
		["spooky painting"] = "An eerie landscape at sunset.",
		["spooky pet chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Spooky Pet DLC Pack!",
		["spooky pumpkin cauldron"] = "A wicked pumpkin filled to the brim with bubbling pumpkin brew.",
		["spooky robe"] = "Who will be able to tell what spooky tricks you have up your sleeves when you wear this baggy robe? No one, that's who.",
		["spooky rug"] = "This rug is pumpkin-plush! That is to say it's made out of pumpkin.",
		["spooky silk"] = "As silky as it is spooky, or perhaps as spooky as it is silky.",
		["spooky slime potion"] = "Orange and gooey, this potion seems a lot more like slime than anything else.",
		["spooky stack of pumpkins"] = "A stack of mini jack-o-lanterns, their pumpkiny visages crying out... for treats!",
		["spooky table"] = "Plenty of room for all  your spooky treats.",
		["spooky top hat"] = "Eye see you've noticed my hat.",
		["spooky wardrobe"] = "Maybe they should call it a WARLOCKdrobe, eh? ...I'll see myself out.",
		["spoops"] = "Not every ghost wants to spook the living. Some just want to be your friend.",
		["sport jersey"] = "You're not sure what team you're cheering for, but go team!!",
		["spotted bunny"] = "No matter where you go, your bunny buddy will be sure to hop dutifully behind you.",
		["spotted buppy"] = "Who's a good doggy?",
		["spotted dress"] = "Spot the dress! Oh, there it is.",
		["spring aquarium"] = "A silly little spring home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["spring bridge"] = "A bridge crafted with a springtime flair for your farm.",
		["spring bridge decor"] = "A bridge crafted with a springtime flair for your farm.",
		["spring cape"] = "Woven of springlily flowers, yet as warm and durable as any cloth cloak.",
		["spring chest plate"] = "Adorned with spring flowers and enchanted with earth magic, a regiment of soldiers known as the Flower Knights once wore armor much like this.",
		["spring gloves"] = "Adorned with spring flowers and enchanted with earth magic, a regiment of soldiers known as the Flower Knights once wore armor much like this.",
		["spring helmet"] = "Adorned with spring flowers and enchanted with earth magic, a regiment of soldiers known as the Flower Knights once wore armor much like this.",
		["spring legs"] = "Adorned with spring flowers and enchanted with earth magic, a regiment of soldiers known as the Flower Knights once wore armor much like this.",
		["spring roll"] = "Finely diced vegetables fried up in a thin dough wrapping.",
		["spring scarecrow"] = "A scarecrow to frighten off spring pests that seek to steal your crops.",
		["spring selling portal"] = "Keep the spirit of spring on your farm all year long with this seasonally themed selling portal!",
		["spring teleportation gem"] = "A gem containing the crystallized essence of reinvigoration and renewal, the spirit of spring.",
		["spring token"] = "A token of the spring season, these can be traded for wonderful seasonal rewards.",
		["spring totem"] = "A seasonal totem that provides some benefits for your farm!",
		["sprinkles plushie"] = "A plushie modeled after the famous pet, now you can have TWICE the Sprinkles fun.",
		["sprout hat"] = "It's a sprout, made from an exotic material known as a 'pixel'.",
		["sprouting plant"] = "A plant that has just started to sprout. It's said this particular species takes hundreds of years to come to blossom.",
		["square coffee table"] = "Just about as simple as a coffee table can get, but it's still an attractive piece of furniture.",
		["squashed banana"] = "Not the worst thing to have thrown at you, at least.",
		["squawkmouth bass"] = "Often found 'perched' on the shoulders of underwater pirates.",
		["squid monster statue"] = "An ancient statue recovered from the Withergate swamps, it depicts a member of a primordial race that lived in the area long before the monsters came.",
		["squid plushie"] = "Squid are at home in the dark depths of the deep ocean. This little plushie squid, on the other hand, would be most at home on your couch.",
		["squid staff"] = "The squid do make powerful allies, if you're daring enough to trust a servant of the deeps.When selected on your toolbelt, this staff grants 11 bonus spell damage and .2 Mana Regen per second.",
		["squid tacos"] = "These could use a bit more ink.",
		["stack of letters"] = "A stack of sealed letters, but are they in-going or out-going mail?",
		["stack of presents"] = "You can NEVER have too many presents. Never.",
		["stained glass purple wallpaper"] = "Various minerals were mixed into the sand of this glass to produce this striking color.",
		["standee filled hay"] = "Jazz up those boring old piles of hay with some cute wooden standees.",
		["standing coffin"] = "It might look spooky to you, but to a vampire it might look like bed.",
		["standing leaf decor"] = "Real leaves formed into an attractive bit of natural home decor.",
		["star chair"] = "Who needs chairs made out of boring stuff like wood, when you can have a chair made out of a star? That's what I thought.",
		["star earrings"] = "Two tiny stars, fashioned into cute earrings. If you think they're pretty now, wait until they go supernova!",
		["star fruit"] = "Sure to be the star of whatever dish you prepare it in.",
		["star fruit seeds"] = "Did the name the stars after the fruit, or the fruit after the stars?",
		["star glasses"] = "Star glasses for the star of the show (you).",
		["star shirt"] = "Let everyone know who the star is with this out-this-world shirt.",
		["starfish"] = "Neither a fish nor a star, but still pretty neat looking.",
		["starfish rug"] = "Such a soft, shaggy rug really makes you want to just lay down, shut your brain off and channel your inner starfish.",
		["starlight amethyst dress"] = "Made from celestial glass found at the center of collapsing stars, nothing is as durable (or fancy) as this enchanted armor.",
		["starlight amethyst gloves"] = "Sometimes, a Crusader has to dig their sparkly heels in and grab the event horizon by its photon spheres.",
		["starlight amethyst pants"] = "The freezing void of the Everbeyond isn't exactly skirt-friendly weather, but fashion MATTERS, darn it.",
		["starlight amethyst wig"] = "The Amethyst Wings of the Starlight Crusaders specialize in the mapping and monitoring of the Everbeyond's most dangerous phenomena: black holes.",
		["starlight armored chest"] = "Sometimes the Starlight Crusaders require armor fit for battle. When they do, they make sure to don battlegear that is appropriately sparkly.",
		["starlight armored pants"] = "These celestial sabatons are nearly impervious to damage, and their velcro bands make them super easy to put on.",
		["starlight bed"] = "Starlight Crusaders need a place to nap, just like anyone else.",
		["starlight chair"] = "When the Starlight Crusaders aren't discovering the bounties of the vast Everbeyond, they often enjoy resting in gilded armchairs like this one.",
		["starlight champion cape"] = "A cape fit for a celestial champion.",
		["starlight champion coat"] = "Starlight Champions are legends, recognized for their incredible actions taken in the line of their eternal duties.",
		["starlight champion pants"] = "Polished to celestial shine.",
		["starlight chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Starlight DLC Pack!",
		["starlight coat"] = "You shall catapult through the Everbeyond, shiny and gold.",
		["starlight couch"] = "Who knew the Everbeyond was so full of cute, fluffy pillows?",
		["starlight emerald boots"] = "Elegant boots that seem to almost shine in the lusterious star light.",
		["starlight emerald cloak"] = "As lustrous as emerald, but as weightless as the breeze.",
		["starlight emerald gloves"] = "These shining emerald gloves look as good in the dark void of the Everbeyond as they do on the ground.",
		["starlight emerald wig"] = "The Emerald Wings of the Starlight Crusaders specialize in finding planets touched with the life of forests, streams and grasslands.",
		["starlight end table"] = "The Starlight Crusaders appreciate a good alarm clock, to rouse them from sleep and onto their endless duty.",
		["starlight gloves"] = "Starlight, star bright. Star gloves I wear tonight.",
		["starlight head wings"] = "If wings on your back can make you go fast, what about strapping a second pair of wings to your head? It's worth a shot.",
		["starlight lamp"] = "Aw, everything about this lamp is a star! The shade has stars, the pull string has a star, the light source is a literal miniature star captured and used as a nexus of light energy... So cute!",
		["starlight lapis boots"] = "Don't worry, all the burn marks from molten comet tails have been buffed out.",
		["starlight lapis cloak"] = "The Lapis Wings leave tails as impressive as the ones they endlessly hunt through the Everbeyond.",
		["starlight lapis gloves"] = "Special grippies on these gloves give extra grip when corralling meteorites.",
		["starlight lapis wig"] = "The Lapis Wings of the Starlight Crusaders specialize in the intense sport of hunting down and ensnaring marauding shooting stars.",
		["starlight leader boots"] = "Gilded boots that enable the wearer to leap from star to star, like the Everbeyond's biggest game of hopscotch.",
		["starlight leader dress"] = "It looks like a normal piece of clothing, but it's actually enchanted armor that can withstand the intense heat of lightspeed travel through the Everbeyond. Also, it's very stylish.",
		["starlight leader gloves"] = "Enchanted gloves capable of allowing the wearer to touch suns without so much as a heat blister. These definitely aren't your granny's oven mitts...",
		["starlight leader wig"] = "Crusader Captain's are the most famous of the Crusaders, leading loyal troops into the endless sea of stars.",
		["starlight mascot hat"] = "The Starlight Crusaders didn't NEED a mascot, no. But why <i>not</i>  have one? Serious question.",
		["starlight mascot pants"] = "Smells like feet and mascot pride.",
		["starlight mascot shirt"] = "Come on Crusaders, you can do it, put a little stardust to it.",
		["starlight motorcycle whistle"] = "This whistle will call your galaxy-grinding celestial motorcycle to your side.",
		["starlight nightlight"] = "A tiny bead of captured starlight, placed in this humble nightlight.",
		["starlight pants"] = "These boots were made for walking (across the endless celestial heavens), and that's just what they'll do.",
		["starlight pink boots"] = "Woven with threads of light, somehow the process turns intangible bands of energy into a physical boots. We don't really know how it works...",
		["starlight pink dress"] = "Who says Crusaders can't wear pink?",
		["starlight pink gloves"] = "No, no, these gloves aren't embroidered with stars, they're EMBEDDED with them!",
		["starlight pink wig"] = "The deep, twisting hues of color and light found spiraling through the Everbeyond are outmatched only by the shining lights of the Starlight Crusaders.",
		["starlight ruby gloves"] = "Ever wanted to punch a sun? These gloves can punch a sun. Go on, find a sun. Punch it. See for yourself.",
		["starlight ruby pants"] = "No Crusaders leave a trail as bright and shining as the Ruby Wings.",
		["starlight ruby shirt"] = "Woven from sun rubies, it's super tough and yet somehow still super comfy.",
		["starlight ruby wig"] = "The Ruby Wings of the Starlight Crusaders specialize in finding and collecting energy from the center of supermassive suns.",
		["starlight rug"] = "A rug woven of ethereal thread, mapping just one of the Everbeyond's endless star clusters.",
		["starlight storage chest"] = "Every Starlight Crusader needs a sturdy chest to hold their celestial treasures. In fact, most crusaders need two or three chests. Or eight. Or twenty...",
		["starlight streak wig"] = "Like a streak of first morning's soft light, cutting across the dark void of night. Except, you know, on a wig.",
		["starlight table"] = "Did they ACTUALLY enchant a glass table with a swirling image of the galaxy? Yes. Yes they did.",
		["starlight tiara"] = "Celestial gems are one of the most valuable treasures found in the Everbeyond. This one has been set in a golden tiara.",
		["starlight wardrobe"] = "A mystical wardrobe plucked from a distant and forlorn place beyond the reach of the very stars themselves. It has plenty of room for t-shirts and the like.",
		["starlight wings"] = "Cloudy wings, swept back by celestial winds.",
		["starry night wig"] = "Star light, star bright... I wish for some awesome hair tonight!",
		["static potion"] = "A potion that... wait... what's that sound? Is that... TV static? From the potion? Weird.",
		["static tv"] = "Stupid TV is on the fritz again!",
		["steak"] = "The steaks are high- highly delicious.",
		["steamed eggplant"] = "It's simple, but it gets the job done... if you have nothing better to eat.",
		["steel door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a steel plated style.",
		["steel patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a steel plated style.",
		["steel roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a steel plated style.",
		["steel walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a steel plated style.",
		["steel windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a steel plated style.",
		["stein shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a stein skin.",
		["stepping stones"] = "Great for stepping, but watch your balance!",
		["sticky sap"] = "Some people use this ultra-sticky sap as a glue, owing to the fact it sticks almost anything together fairly permanently.",
		["stitched robe"] = "The tattered remains of a purple robe, it's not much of a robe anymore but it'll make a nifty scarf.",
		["stitched top"] = "A cozy shirt stitched together with different colors of fuzzy wool.",
		["stitched top hat"] = "A tophat made out of some kind of strange purple fuzzy material. D-did it just growl at you...?",
		["stitched witch dress"] = "Conjuring spells, preparing potions, turning people into newts... it's not surprising this dress needed a few repairs here and there.",
		["stitched witch hat"] = "Stitched countless times, this witch's hat has been through it all - and is still ready for more.",
		["stone"] = "A lump of ordinary rock, I bet it could be crafted into some sort of stonework.",
		["stone brick door"] = "Customizes your house's doors in a laid brick style.",
		["stone brick patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a laid brick style.",
		["stone brick roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a laid brick style.",
		["stone brick walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a laid brick style.",
		["stone brick windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a laid brick style.",
		["stone bridge"] = "A sturdy stone bridge for your farm.",
		["stone bridge decor"] = "A sturdy stone bridge for your farm.",
		["stone door"] = "Customizes your house's doors in a polished stone style.",
		["stone floor tile"] = "Stone cut to uniform tiles, these would make an excellent pathway or floor.",
		["stone lantern"] = "A chiseled lantern of stone, these are often used as road markers in the far reaches of the Northern Region.",
		["stone mortar and pestle"] = "Great for crushing ingredients up for helpful healing drinks... or maybe the occasional evil potion...",
		["stone oven"] = "An old stone oven, just like your granny might have used. It's heated by burning logs, but still does a great job baking anything.",
		["stone patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a polished stone style.",
		["stone ring"] = "Someone took a stone, carved a hole in it and called it a ring. At any rate, an enchantment upon it grants great defense. So that's pretty neat.",
		["stone roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a polished stone style.",
		["stone walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a polished stone style.",
		["stone windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a polished stone style.",
		["stone of tongues"] = "An enchanted stone that can translate any language, or at least the legends claim.",
		["stool potion"] = "\"Better to be a stool than a fool\", or at least that's what this potion's tag says.",
		["stormelon"] = "A species of melon created by Elemental enchanters that contains the elemental force of storm.",
		["stormelon seeds"] = "Melon seeds that crackle with a strange magic.",
		["straw door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a bundled straw style.",
		["straw farmers hat"] = "Humans, not to be outdone by their Elven cousins, perfected the art of straw weaving.",
		["straw patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a bundled straw style.",
		["straw roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a bundled straw style.",
		["straw walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a bundled straw style.",
		["straw windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a bundled straw style.",
		["strawberry"] = "Notoriously difficult to grow, these yummy little fruits only flourish in the most fertile of soil.",
		["strawberry banana smoothie"] = "An amazing new drink of blended fruit and juice, all the rage in the Great City! This smoothie is made with strawberry and banana.",
		["strawberry cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["strawberry candy drop"] = "A little candy, wrapped up in a cute fruit foil.This sugary candy is likely to give you a sugar rush!",
		["strawberry frosting whistle"] = "This whistle will call your enchantingly sweet cat to your side.",
		["strawberry ice cream"] = "Ice cream flavored with fresh strawberry. Perfect for a hot summer day - or any other time!",
		["strawberry jam"] = "Sweet jam made from strawberries, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat skill.",
		["strawberry juice"] = "A delicious and refreshing juice, the perfect beverage for any meal.",
		["strawberry milk"] = "Milk... from a strawberry? Nah, just strawberry flavored cow milk!",
		["strawberry party dress"] = "It's a strawberry party, and everyone's invited.",
		["strawberry party shoes"] = "Steppin' with my strawberries.",
		["strawberry party wig"] = "Ever been told if you eat too many strawberries, your head will turn into one? Well...",
		["strawberry pie"] = "A good pie starts with a good pie crust, and ends in your tummy!",
		["strawberry salad"] = "Sweet and refreshing, a perfect way to start the day!",
		["strawberry shortcake"] = "Some people enjoy letting the juice of the strawberry soak into the shortcake, while others try to eat it before that can happen.",
		["strawberry sprinkles"] = "Apparently pets come in flavors, who knew?",
		["strawberry tree seeds"] = "These tiny seeds will sprout into a bountiful strawberry tree once planted.",
		["strawberry and cream cake"] = "Light, fluffy and flavored with strawberry. This is as refreshing as a cake can get.",
		["streamline cod"] = "Its white and flaky meat makes this fish perfect for frying.",
		["street pants"] = "Take to the streets in style with these sleek trousers.",
		["street sign collage"] = "A bunch of strange street signs. I wonder what any of them mean?",
		["strength essence"] = "Distilled essence of ancient Nel'Varian mana, it bestows great strength when tapped.",
		["striped blue stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["striped button up shirt"] = "A snazzy shirt, worn by members of the illustrious Mushroomneers of Nel'Vari, an elite group of mushroom tenders.",
		["striped dress"] = "A snazzy dress, worn by members of the illustrious Mushroomneers of Nel'Vari, an elite group of mushroom tenders.",
		["striped mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["striped red stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["striped shirt 1"] = "Ohh, stripy.",
		["striped shirt 2"] = "Ohh, stripy.",
		["striped yellow stocking"] = "Festive socks. Legends tell that if hung up, a fat red man will sometimes break into your house at night and leave stuff in them!",
		["stucco door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a textured cement style.",
		["stucco patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a textured cement style.",
		["stucco roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a textured cement style.",
		["stucco walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a textured cement style.",
		["stucco windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a textured cement style.",
		["student windswept wig"] = "Students of the Cyber Acadamia have two objectives: Ace their tests and look great doing it.",
		["stuffed casserole"] = "A casserole stuffed to bursting with cheese and mushrooms.",
		["stuffed peppers"] = "Overflowing with delicious flavors, just one isn't enough!",
		["stump potion"] = "A woody brown potion, despite being a liquid it somehow seems to have the texture of tree bark.",
		["stump stool"] = "A fashionable and novel stool, or an old stump? Beauty truly is in the eye of the stump-holder.",
		["sucker soda"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["suckerstem"] = "Resembling an average snack, the sickly sweet sap that drips from this crop can actually be quite overwhelming.",
		["suckerstem seeds"] = "Sticky little seeds that some monsters enjoy munching on as a snack.",
		["sugar"] = "Everything is sweet if you put enough sugar on it.",
		["sugar cake"] = "You should always have cake on your birthday! In fact, maybe you should have a cake every day? You know, just to stay on the safe side.",
		["sugar cane"] = "It looks like an ordinary plant, but it's as sweet as sugar - literally!",
		["sugar cane seeds"] = "The seeds may not be very sweet, but just wait and see what they grow into!",
		["sugar plum"] = "Nel'Varians grow these fabulously colored plums in preparation for celebrations.",
		["sugar plum jam"] = "Super sweet jam made from sugar plums, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your exploration skill.",
		["sugar plum juice"] = "Sugary plum juice that will really get your feet moving!This drink will increase your Movement Speed by 15% for 5 minutes.",
		["sugar plum pie"] = "Sugar plums were already sweet as pie, so it makes sense to fill one with them.",
		["sugar plum tea"] = "Truly doesn't need any extra sugar.",
		["sugar plum tree seeds"] = "Tiny rainbow seeds that are, apparently, rather coveted by fairies.",
		["sugar rush chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Sugar Rush DLC Pack!",
		["sugar teeth"] = "You've heard of sweet tooths before, but this is a little ridiculous.",
		["sugarcane juice"] = "So what if it's pure sugar syrup? It's juice! Therefore it's healthy!",
		["sugardrop"] = "He's a gummy, not a dummy. Be his friend!",
		["summer aquarium"] = "A silly little summer home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["summer cape"] = "An enchanted cape, woven of blue threads to resemble the ceaseless movement of the waves.",
		["summer chest plate"] = "Crafted by skilled water Elemental smiths at the bottom of the sea, this armor is imbued with the strength of countless fathoms.",
		["summer gloves"] = "Crafted by skilled water Elemental smiths at the bottom of the sea, this armor is imbued with the strength of countless fathoms.",
		["summer helmet"] = "Crafted by skilled water Elemental smiths at the bottom of the sea, this armor is imbued with the strength of countless fathoms.",
		["summer legs"] = "Crafted by skilled water Elemental smiths at the bottom of the sea, this armor is imbued with the strength of countless fathoms.",
		["summer scarecrow"] = "A scarecrow to frighten off summer pests that seek to steal your crops.",
		["summer selling portal"] = "Keep the spirit of summer on your farm all year long with this seasonally themed selling portal!",
		["summer teleportation gem"] = "A gem containing the crystallized essence of passion and adventure, the spirit of summer.",
		["summer token"] = "A token of the summer season, these can be traded for wonderful seasonal rewards.",
		["summer totem"] = "A seasonal totem that protects nearby crops from being burnt.",
		["sun dragon scale"] = "Glistens like polished copper in the light of the sun - and it's harder than mithril.",
		["sun dress"] = "A common dress worn by many who live in the Great City.",
		["sun flower honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of sun flowers, it's infused with healing properties.",
		["sun haven fireplace"] = "A lovely fireplace produced by Sun Haven's very own artisan masons.",
		["sun haven fridge"] = "The Great City produces all sorts of cutting edge industrial wonders.",
		["sun haven library book"] = "The first page is stamped SUN HAVEN PUBLIC LIBRARY.",
		["sun haven quilt"] = "Sun Haven? More like Quilt Haven!",
		["sun haven rug"] = "A threadbare old rug bearing the crest of Sun Haven.",
		["sun haven selling portal"] = "A mystical portal linked directly to The Great City and all the eager merchants who are ready to buy what you're selling.",
		["sun haven totem"] = "An enchanted totem imbued with Sun Haven mana, it enriches the soil and allows Sun Haven crops to grow in Withergate or Nel'Vari.",
		["sun haven workshop wallpaper"] = "The default look of the Sun Haven workshop.",
		["sun orb"] = "A burning orb of energy, its warmth alone is revitalizing.",
		["sun orb seeds"] = "Glowing with light and warm to the touch, what kind of seeds are these?",
		["sun shirt"] = "Maybe you aren't as hot as the sun, but you can at least look like it with this shirt",
		["sunfish"] = "This grouper prefers to swim at the water's surface, allowing its shimmery scales to catch the light of the sun.",
		["sunflower"] = "The official flower of Sun Haven, often used to represent one's appreciation of Elios the Sun Dragon. So, sun flowers in Sun Haven for the Sun Dragon.",
		["sunflower rug"] = "Resembling a giant sunflower, this super fun rug will brighten up any room.",
		["sunflower seeds"] = "These flowers are famous for growing to impressive heights... they can easily end up growing taller than you!",
		["sunite axe"] = "Forged of Sunite, this axe is the ultimate tool.",
		["sunite bar"] = "A bar of refined sunite, this will produce equipment of legendary quality.",
		["sunite chest plate"] = "A chest plate forged of Sunite, you'd dare any foe to hurt you through this!",
		["sunite gloves"] = "Plated gloves forged of Sunite, your fingers will definitely thank you for wearing them.",
		["sunite helmet"] = "A helmet forged of Sunite, few could be finer.",
		["sunite hoe"] = "Forged of Sunite, it's almost too good to use on dirt.",
		["sunite key"] = "A sunite key crafted especially for the gates in the mines, this will lead to the mine's deepest and most dangerous levels.",
		["sunite legs"] = "Legplates forged of Sunite, they're very heavy and offer unparalleled protection for your legs.",
		["sunite ore"] = "Legendary Sunite, I should try smithing this into a bar.",
		["sunite pickaxe"] = "Forged of Sunite, there is no mineral that could withstand a blow from this mighty pick.",
		["sunite ring"] = "A resplendent ring forged of Sunite, it has been enchanted to impart increased strength to its wearer.",
		["sunite sword"] = "A strikingly beautiful blade forged of Sunite, it almost cries to taste battle.",
		["sunite watering can"] = "Forged of Sunite, this is no mere watering can... more like a chalice of the very gods themselves! How dramatic!",
		["sunny day small painting"] = "A picturesque scene of a delightfully sunny day.",
		["sunrise forest wallpaper"] = "Wallpaper that captures a forboding forest scape, blanketed in the colors and hues of a deep red morning.",
		["sunset cape"] = "Made with all the shifting colors of a glorious sunset.",
		["sunset small painting"] = "The artist captured the colors of a deep sunset perfectly.",
		["super cape"] = "Is it a tablecloth? A curtain? No! It's SUPER CAPE!",
		["super galaxy smoothie"] = "A smoothie packed with a galaxy of flavors... literally!",
		["supper skillet"] = "Potatoes, peppers, mushroom, cheese & eggs in a pan.",
		["surfboard display"] = "Freshly waxed and ready to grind a gnarly wave. Or just look cute in your house, maybe.",
		["surfboard whistle"] = "This whistle will call your gnarly surfboard companion to your side.",
		["sushi table"] = "A table specially designed for preparing sushi, a popular and exotic form of seafood from across the eastern sea.",
		["swan ice sculpture"] = "So realistic it looks like it might just fly away.",
		["swashbuckler bottoms"] = "Jet black pantaloons paired with leather boots. Iconic swashbuckler kit.",
		["swashbuckler headband"] = "Keep your pesky hair out of your eyes while you swash and buckle and whatever else it is pirates do.",
		["swashbuckler top"] = "Pirates are known for their acts of daring, which is why they need cool shirts like this.",
		["sweeping broom"] = "Vanquisher of dust bunnies.",
		["sweet fish bait"] = "For the fish with a sweet tooth.",
		["sweet melon soda"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["sweet mounts chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Sweet Mounts DLC Pack!",
		["sweet slime potion"] = "A sweet looking pink potion, it seems a bit slime-like but is oddly no less appetizing.",
		["sweet and spicy shrimp"] = "Sweetness and spiciness battle each other for dominance in this shrimp dish. The winner of their duel? Your tastebuds.",
		["sweetheart plant"] = "In the Northern Region young lovers gift this plant to one another as a sign of devotion, hence the name.",
		["sweetie"] = "A chromatic salamander, found underneath the ends of rainbows.",
		["swirly night painting"] = "Colorful, swirling, surreal landscape.",
		["swordfish sashimi"] = "Thinly sliced swordfish, served nice and raw!",
		["swordsman potion"] = "A vibrantly orange potion, striped with streaks of black... It smells like honor.",
	["t"] = {
		["t shaped pipe"] = "Behold, the greatest feat of Demonic engineering: Indoor plumbing!!",
		["tv hat"] = "Your mother was right! You watched so much TV that you TURNED INTO ONE!! Neat.",
		["tv shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a tv skin.",
		["tablecloth potion"] = "A potion of swirling shadows, you could swear for a brief moment you spotted a pair of white eyes gleaming at you from inside the bottle.",
		["taco stand shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a taco stand skin.",
		["tadpole"] = "Just a tad lad.",
		["tailor store model"] = "A model replica created by Xyla of the Withergate tailor shop. Does it come with a little model Arianella, too?",
		["take out shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a noodle takeout shop skin.",
		["tall candelabra"] = "A tall candelabra, provides a lot of light while looking quite striking at the same time.",
		["tall captain hat"] = "The tallest captain is the best captain. It is known.",
		["tall plant"] = "Looks like some kind of fern or something.",
		["tall tree window"] = "Windowpanes set into tree branches. The glass fits into the brances perfectly despite the irregular shapes.",
		["tank top"] = "One t-shirt, hold the arms.",
		["tanzanite"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["tape"] = "\"9 out of 10 dorks choose Harry's Spectacle-Mending Tape, perfect for all matters of mending broken eyewear\".",
		["tapered paper lantern"] = "Made of rice paper dyed in festive colors, take this home and then every night can be your own mini-lantern festival!",
		["tar slime"] = "An especially thick slime of dark, bubbling tar. Fun fact: they produce slime ink, which was ingeniously utilized by Xyla for printing Withergate's ticket currency. Not fun fact: Counterfeiters figured this out years ago.",
		["target practice paper"] = "Much more affordable than a stuffed target, these practice papers are all the rage among young marksmen.",
		["tavern burger"] = "How do tavern keepers make their burgers taste so good? What's their tavern-y secret?",
		["tavern shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a tavern skin.",
		["tea"] = "Essential for tea parties.",
		["tea altar"] = "It is said that in a land far across the East Sea, people preform ornate tea ceremonies using altars just like this.",
		["tea kettle"] = "Never settle for an inferior tea kettle.",
		["tea leaf seeds"] = "Once grown only in remote lands across the Eastern Sea, tea has become a common crop across the world.",
		["tea leaves"] = "How can anyone ever be sick of tea? That’s like being sick of breathing!",
		["teacher potion"] = "A shimmering blue potion. If you swirl it around, the blue fades into a black that reminds you oddly of moonlight.",
		["teal and yellow ornate rug"] = "An eye-catching rug woven of brightly intertwined teal and yellow threads.",
		["teal bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["teal book"] = "An old journal book, it comes with its own buckle to keep its pages shut from prying eyes.",
		["teal bubble couch"] = "The \"bubble\" cushions are a new style currently taking the Great City by storm. It's only natural this type of couch made its way out to Sun Haven.",
		["teal bubbles"] = "Might look a little scary, but it just wants to be your friend!",
		["teal crafter's stool"] = "A workshop stool that is perfect for cushioning your rump over a long crafting project.",
		["teal sectional couch"] = "A mighty four cushion sectional couch, it can fit into a corner or even work to close off an area room.",
		["tech academia student glasses"] = "These byte-detecting goggles are definitely not part of the Acadamia dress code.",
		["tech academia student pants"] = "A little heavy as far as pants go. It's probably all the byte-drives someone left in the pockets.",
		["tech academia student shirt"] = "Techies aren't known for their skill in e-Battles, but when it comes to developing Frame-busting viruses, there are none as skilled.",
		["tech academia student wig"] = "In the year 3XXX, individualism and expression have largely been outlawed. Not that it stops anyone.",
		["techy shirt"] = "The perfect shirt to tie together your genius look.",
		["tekka maki"] = "Red tuna, wrapped tightly in sticky rice.",
		["tentacle fries"] = "Crispy, fried and (thankfully) not squirming.",
		["tentacle kebab"] = "Pieces of juicy tentacles stuck on a skewer and then dunked in oil. A Withergate carnival staple.",
		["tentacle monster emblem"] = "This emblem is carved of a strange stone, depicting a bizarre alien beast. The words 'Cw'thlza, xx'frer'tiz O'aj'loza!' are carved into the emblem's backside.It would look good in a museum!",
		["tentacrush ink"] = "A patch of gooey, congealed ink that deeply stains anything it touches.",
		["terracotta door"] = "Customizes your house's door in an earthy clay terracotta style.",
		["terracotta patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in an earthy clay terracotta style.",
		["terracotta pot"] = "A sturdy pot of unglazed terracotta clay, it's pretty heavy but it'll look great in your home!",
		["terracotta roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in an earthy clay terracotta style.",
		["terracotta shackle door"] = "Customizes your house's door in mismatched terracotta tiles style.",
		["terracotta shackle patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in mismatched terracotta tiles style.",
		["terracotta shackle roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in mismatched terracotta tiles style.",
		["terracotta shackle walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in mismatched terracotta tiles style.",
		["terracotta shackle windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in mismatched terracotta tiles style.",
		["terracotta walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in an earthy clay terracotta style.",
		["terracotta windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in an earthy clay terracotta style.",
		["the prehistoric special"] = "A tooth-breaking dessert straight from the stone age.",
		["thick green pipe"] = "Bog water, swimming pool water, slime... these pipes are designed to handle it all.",
		["thin bell"] = "Sometimes known as an Angel bell, for its chime sounds similar to the wing beats of Angels.",
		["thorny planter"] = "A planter box full of delightfully stabby little plants.",
		["three drawer crate"] = "These crates have quickly become a favorite among shipping companies for their multi-compartment storage.",
		["throw blanket"] = "Despite the name, you shouldn't throw blankets.",
		["ticket"] = "A strange looking ticket.",
		["ticket counterfeiter"] = "A ticket printing machine made using stolen schematics. If Xyla ever gets her claws on the scum printing off their own tickets...",
		["ticket counterfeiter schematic"] = "Rough drawings and instructions that detail how to construct a ticket printing machine.",
		["tidewitch hat"] = "The art of witchery is as old as the rolling tides themselves, and there are more than a few practitioners beneath those very same waves.",
		["tidewitch pants"] = "Moonlight water shines where there is no sun, a twinkling reflection of a lightless sky. The waters can also imbue robes with magical properties - thankfully, Tidewitches don't mind wet pants.",
		["tidewitch robe"] = "Dipped into a pool of moonlight water, the mystical essence of the water has enchanted these robes into a spellcaster's garmet.",
		["tie dye shirt"] = "Faaar out, maaan.",
		["tier 2 barn permit"] = "Required to craft a tier 2 barn upgrade kit at the Construction Table.",
		["tier 2 barn upgrade"] = "Make your barn bigger! A bigger barn allows you to own more farm animals.",
		["tier 2 elven barn permit"] = "Required to craft a tier 2 elven barn upgrade kit at the Elven Crafting Table.",
		["tier 2 house permit"] = "Requirement to craft a tier 2 house upgrade kit at a crafting table. Sold by Emmett at the Town Hall.",
		["tier 2 house upgrade"] = "Use this to make your house bigger!",
		["tier 2 sewer barn permit"] = "It's a permit for building tier 2 constructions inside the Withergate sewer system, but it reads more like a liability waiver. Sold by the Withergate Barn Merchant.",
		["tier 3 barn permit"] = "Required to craft a tier 3 barn upgrade kit at the Construction Table.",
		["tier 3 barn upgrade"] = "Make your barn bigger! A bigger barn allows you to own more farm animals.",
		["tier 3 elven barn permit"] = "Required to craft a tier 3 elven barn upgrade kit at the Elven Crafting Table.",
		["tier 3 house permit"] = "Requirement to craft a tier 3 house upgrade kit at a crafting table. Sold by Emmett at the Town Hall.",
		["tier 3 house upgrade"] = "Use this to make your house even bigger!",
		["tier 3 sewer barn permit"] = "It's a permit for building tier 3 constructions inside the Withergate sewer system, but it reads more like a liability waiver. Sold by the Withergate Barn Merchant.",
		["tiger print gift"] = "A gift wrapped in tiger paw paper. The ribbons look suspiciously as if they were cut with a sword...",
		["tiger roll"] = "A generous portion of wasabi makes this tiger extra fierce!",
		["tiger trout"] = "This fish uses its striped coloration to stalk between underwater reeds, much as a tiger does. Hence the name.",
		["tikka masala"] = "Seared vegetables in a searingly spicy sauce, it's quite delicious if you can make it past the heat.",
		["tile maker"] = "A table for cutting and shaping materials into floor tiles for your farm.",
		["tilia"] = "The tree guardians are giant, mighty protectors of Nel'Vari... well, except for this one. She's too small!",
		["time keepsake"] = "A token kept by those who value their time above all else, wielding this proves you're tired of all these homesick Lynns on this intro cutscene train.",
		["tin bucket"] = "A small bucket that can carry just about anything in it, though it looks to be empty now.",
		["tin can"] = "Filled with mud and tiny bits of algae. The water is definitely not the right place to dispose of this, yuck!",
		["tin foil"] = "Makes good hats.",
		["tinder turtle"] = "There's nothing tender about a sea turtle who has a molten volcano for a shell.",
		["tire chair"] = "There's NOTHING you CAN'T make out of old tires - Donovan",
		["tis the season baker dress"] = "Do you think the mountains of cookies are going to bake themselves?",
		["tis the season beanie wig"] = "The Winter Festival isn't known for being held in warm weather. Everyone in attendance should dress accordingly.",
		["tis the season bed"] = "Warning: Lying in this bed may result in visions of sugar plums, dancing in your head.",
		["tis the season boots"] = "They stay nice and shiny even when tromping through piles of snow.",
		["tis the season chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Tis the Season DLC Pack!",
		["tis the season couch"] = "The presents have been unwrapped, the egg nog is all gone... Time to sit on your butt and recover.",
		["tis the season dress"] = "A dress in the style of traditional Winter Festival celebration.",
		["tis the season elvish bob wig"] = "I've known a few Bobs in my day, but none of them were Elvish.",
		["tis the season gloves"] = "Don't go out without your gloves, silly.",
		["tis the season holly buns wig"] = "Deck the hair with buns of holly.",
		["tis the season holly end table"] = "A quaint end table, decked carefully with festive holly and holiday candles.",
		["tis the season jolly end table"] = "Made with 100% yuletide logs.",
		["tis the season long johns"] = "Long and warm, perfect for beating back winter's chill.",
		["tis the season mini wings"] = "You may need some bigger wings if you plan to fly away into the winter night.",
		["tis the season overall pants"] = "You better believe there's jingle bells in the pockets.",
		["tis the season reindeer overall top"] = "On, farmer!",
		["tis the season reindeer wig"] = "Now you can look like YOU pull a sleigh full of junk at the command of a fat red man, too!",
		["tis the season rug"] = "Festive designs that bring the Winter Festival spirit right into your home.",
		["tis the season top elf coat"] = "Puts a festive jingle (literally) in one's step.",
		["tis the season top elf pants"] = "There's no such thing as dressing too fancy for the Winter Festival feast.",
		["tis the season trench coat"] = "A long coat, looking more than a bit like a large festive wreath...",
		["tis the season ugly sweater dress"] = "The ugly isn't a bug, it's a feature.",
		["tis the season wardrobe"] = "Branches of holly, sprigs of mistletoe, tape and wrapping paper... Yeah, there's enough room for some clothes in here, too.",
		["tis the season wooden chair"] = "A soft velvet cushion for your holiday rump.",
		["tis the season wool skirt"] = "In the Eastern Region, long heavy wool outfits would be worn during the Winter Festival. They're hot and itchy, but certainly look quaint and traditional.",
		["tis the season wreath lamp"] = "Goers of the Winter Festival often light the way through the dark trees with burning beacons of holly wreaths.",
		["tomato"] = "If tomatoes are a fruit, does that make tomato soup a type of juice? The perfect question to ruminate on as you cook your meal.",
		["tomato bread"] = "A spongey loaf of soft bread, it smells deliciously seasoned and savory.",
		["tomato jam"] = "A yummy tasting jam made from tomatoes. I bet in the future they'll put this on everything. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat and farming skills.",
		["tomato juice"] = "Tomatoes cooked down into a juice. For all the sugar in it, it's still pretty bitter.",
		["tomato salad"] = "A fresh tomato salad, complemented with crunchy lettuce and onion.",
		["tomato seeds"] = "Red and juicy, a common ingredient in delicious meals.",
		["tomato soup"] = "If tomatoes are a fruit, is this technically a hot fruit smoothie?",
		["tombmelon"] = "This uncanny gourd grows naturally around tombs, making it fairly common around a place like Withergate.",
		["tombmelon jam"] = "Tart jam made from tombmelon and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your farming skill.",
		["tombmelon seeds"] = "Filled with sweet juice, these plants might look spooky but taste great.",
		["tombmelon soda"] = "Built on a swamp, Withergate needed a method to purify and flavor its drinking water. That, my friends, is where soda comes in...",
		["tombstone potion"] = "This potion looks like someone liquified a rock. If spooky forests had a smell, this potion would totally be it.",
		["toolbox"] = "A rusty toolbox packed full of random tools for all sorts of different crafts.",
		["tooth juice"] = "Better tooth juice than tooth ache.",
		["toothy angler"] = "The ghastly light hanging on its head is the perfect tool for navigating Withergate's dark, murky waters.",
		["top hat"] = "Who's dapper? You're dapper. Dapper on.",
		["topi's notebook"] = "Topi said it was a notebook of schoolwork, but it looks like it's mostly a bunch of doodles.",
		["torn cape"] = "It looks like one of the caterpillars got a little snacky with this cape...",
		["torn dress"] = "Some people will argue that tearing a dress isn't fashion, but you'll be too busy looking great to care.",
		["torn page"] = "The remains of an ancient book, unreadable runes are scrawled across the pages.",
		["tortilla"] = "A corn tortilla made of corn flour dough and baked over an open fire, it's like bread only... super flat.",
		["tortilla chips"] = "A corn tortilla, cut up and turned into delicious crunchy chips thanks to the magic of deep frying.",
		["torto potion"] = "The coloration of this potion is difficult to describe. Flat and monotone like a stone, yet shiny and reflective, almost like a turtle shell...",
		["totally not fake nel'varian text"] = "THIS WILL DEFINITELY TRICK AMANDA",
		["tough dragon scale"] = "The thick scale of a baby dragon, shed and left behind. It's said that dragon scales can be used in alchemy.",
		["tough tin can"] = "Monster trash from the streets above, it seems as if the citizens of Withergate aren't ones for recycling.",
		["tough trash bag"] = "An empty trash bag from the streets above, it's extra tough and not a bad home for a crab.",
		["tourmaline"] = "Gems like this aren't usually found in Sun Haven. Dizzy must have brought it here from another land.",
		["toy bear chair"] = "This here is my bear chair.",
		["toy bear couch"] = "It's a giant teddy bear, only you sit on it. Neat.",
		["toy bear gloves"] = "You must give bear-y soft hugs!",
		["toy bear hat"] = "Not likely to fool anyone into thinking you're a real bear.",
		["toy bear pants"] = "Do bears usually wear pants?",
		["toy bear plushie"] = "Who DOESN'T need another teddy?",
		["toy bear shirt"] = "Toy bears are stuffed with cotton, but THIS bear is stuffed with YOU!",
		["toy bed"] = "Rest your head and dream about... What else? Toys!",
		["toy block chair"] = "Not the most comfortable chair ever, but certainly the most fun.",
		["toy block table"] = "It's a tabletop that's been haphazardly balanced on wooden blocks...",
		["toy block wardrobe"] = "It's more like a toy box than a wardrobe, but it'll do.",
		["toy bridge"] = "Every child's dream bridge! Crafted just for your farm.",
		["toy bridge decor"] = "Every child's dream bridge! Crafted just for your farm.",
		["toy cat dress"] = "The fluffy-wuffiest dress you've ever seen.",
		["toy cat mask"] = "I am the catman.",
		["toy chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Toy DLC Pack!",
		["toy cube table"] = "Don't even bother trying to solve it.",
		["toy dog mask"] = "No one cared who I was until I put on the mask. Woof.",
		["toy dog shorts"] = "The belt is a giant dog collar...",
		["toy dog vest"] = "See my vest, see my vest, made to look like puppy chest.",
		["toy duck plushie"] = "Ducks are not toys. Unless they're plushies.",
		["toy phone costume"] = "This costume really phones it in.",
		["toy phone hat"] = "Does your hat take long distance calls?",
		["toy potato costume"] = "What are you looking at, ya' hockey puck?",
		["toy potato wig and mustache"] = "Sadly, the wig isn't made out of real potatoes.",
		["toy robot boots"] = "ERROR: \"Feet\" not covered in \"Boots\". Loading boot protocol...",
		["toy robot gloves"] = "Did these gloves just \"beep boop\"?",
		["toy robot helmet"] = "I, Robot. She, Robot. He, Robot. We, Robot.",
		["toy robot shirt"] = "Tin can dress plan.",
		["toy soldier gloves"] = "Situational Normal: All Gloved Up",
		["toy soldier helmet"] = "Come on and show me your war face!",
		["toy soldier pants"] = "In the game of war, one must never be caught with their weapon gone or their pants down.",
		["toy soldier shirt"] = "What is your major (wardrobe) malfunction?",
		["toy train"] = "All aboard for playtime.",
		["toy vending machine"] = "A machine full of toys. Put a ticket in, crank the knob and out comes a prize!",
		["toy watch clock"] = "It keeps time like a real clock... Doesn't that mean it's just a real clock? Not a toy??",
		["traditional gift"] = "A gift wrapped in simple paper, with colored strings that represent a bunch of obscure, boring Nel'Varian traditions.",
		["traffic cone"] = "Withergate uses these funny looking cones to block off roads that are under construction.",
		["traffic light"] = "Designed originally to help control mounted traffic in Withergate, they're also a perfect decoration or party light.",
		["trail mix"] = "A mix of energy-boosting food to keep one fueled over long adventures.",
		["training dummy"] = "Give it your best shot!",
		["trampoline shroom"] = "Love bounce mushrooms? Take one home with you!",
		["trash can"] = "An old bin for storing all the rubbish you have no more use for.",
		["traveler's silver amulet"] = "A silver amulet that has been passed down from one traveler to the next, fortune and vigor smile upon the one who possesses it.",
		["tree oval painting"] = "The artist really captured the spirit of nature with this piece.",
		["tree potion"] = "If you didn't know any better, you'd say this potion looked an awful lot like apple juice.",
		["tree stump shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a tree stump skin.",
		["trellis planter"] = "Thin planks of wood interlocked together to form a stylish 'ladder' that your potted plants can grow upwards upon.",
		["trench nut"] = "A hard nut that grows native in undersea trenches, the meat inside is soft and juicy but the outside is tough and decidedly un-juicy.",
		["trench nut crumble"] = "Topped with whipped cream - only, how do you whip cream under the sea?",
		["trench nut jam"] = "Briney jam made from Trench Nut, plenty of sugar and infused with mana. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat skill.",
		["trench nut milk"] = "Finally, a non-dairy milk alternative for fish people.",
		["trench nut tree seeds"] = "Tiny coral bulbs, they'll sprout into a bountiful trench nut tree once planted.",
		["triangle jam"] = "Even math is delicious if you put enough sugar on it. Eating this will give you a boost to your combat and fishing skills.",
		["tribert"] = "Chimera's prove that three heads are better (and more expensive to feed) than one.",
		["triceratops plushie"] = "Open the door, get on the floor, everyone cuddle the dinosaur.",
		["trick or treat chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Trick or Treat DLC Pack!",
		["trick or trout"] = "You'd rather not find it in your trick or treat bag.",
		["tropical cabana shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to outfit your shed with a cool cabana skin.",
		["tropical punch"] = "A cocktail of tropical juices, a staple for any party or celebration's refreshment table.",
		["tropical slime"] = "It's obvious what makes it slime, but what exactly makes it tropical...?",
		["troublemaker backward hat"] = "If the cyberguard catches you hacking into the Great Frame, they'll delete you down to the last byte. But first, they have to catch you...",
		["troublemaker jacket"] = "Get dressed. We have a cybernetic overlord to overthrow.",
		["troublemaker pants"] = "Slides extra slick across the hoods of rocket cars when making your crafty getaway.",
		["trusty compass"] = "Each of the cardinal directions has been replaced with the word \"adventure\".",
		["tulip"] = "Tulips grow by the thousands in waving fields across the warmer parts of the Northern Region.",
		["tulip honey"] = "Honey created from the pollen of tulip flowers, it revitalizes the spirit and restores mana.",
		["tulip seeds"] = "What has tulips, but no eyes or nose?",
		["tuna"] = "So-called \"chicken of the sea\", but where are its feathers?!",
		["tuna nigiri"] = "Raw fish can taste good? Who would have thought.",
		["tuna sashimi"] = "Thinly sliced tuna, served nice and raw!",
		["turkeyfish"] = "Gobble gobble? More like glubble glubble.",
		["turnip"] = "Turn up with turnip, if you know what's good for you.",
		["turnip seeds"] = "Turn these seeds into turnip!",
		["turquoise couch seat"] = "Your home is your castle, and this comfortable couch seat can be your throne.",
		["turquoise doormat"] = "A durable mat of woven fiber, this thing can handle the worst your dirty feet can throw at it.",
		["turtle plushie"] = "A squishy plushie turtle buddy, he could definitely get anyone to come out of their shell.",
		["tuxedo"] = "A slick tuxedo coat, essential for any would-be debonair.",
		["tuxedo kitty"] = "Here kitty, kitty.",
		["tuxedo pants"] = "The perfect trousers to go with your tuxedo.",
		["twin leaf plant"] = "This species of plant sprout from two separate seeds, the twin seedlings eventually grow and morph into a single plant. Very interesting stuff.",
		["twinkle"] = "A rabbit-squirrel-marshmallow thingy that was found at the very center of a distant galaxy. Not only super friendly and cute, but also a great face for mascot branding.",
		["two peas and a pod"] = "One pea, two pea; eat pea, no pea.",
	["u"] = {
		["uber socks"] = "Great and flamboozling things can come from a pair of uber socks.",
		["umbrella crab trinket"] = "A monster trinket, dropped as a trophy to commemorate victory.It would look good in a museum!",
		["umbrella stand"] = "A stand to ensure your umbrellas are kept at the ready in the event of a sudden rain.",
		["uncommon fish"] = "Any uncommon fish",
		["undead tree potion"] = "A muddy potion that looks as if it has bits of twig and dead leaves floating about in it. It'd take a bit of bravery, or at least boldness, to drink this down.",
		["underworld goat whistle"] = "This whistle will call your fiendish demonic goat to your side.",
		["unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["unicorn hair tuft"] = "Roughly 1% of a unicorn. It must have been lost as the magical beast galloped through the woods.It would look good in a museum!",
		["unicorn wig"] = "You can't be a unicorn without your unicorn horn! It's like 50% of what makes a unicorn a unicorn.",
		["unicornfish"] = "A fish so wonderful and majestic that unicorns were named after it.",
		["unrefined concrete"] = "Unrefined building materials, they could be used in crafting.",
		["unrefined glass"] = "Unrefined building materials, they could be used in crafting.",
		["unrefined metal"] = "Unrefined building materials, they could be used in crafting.",
		["unrefined plastic"] = "Unrefined building materials, they could be used in crafting.",
		["urban stripe shirt"] = "A very contemporary design, quite popular among city-dwellers.",
		["ursil"] = "Children are often seen gazing up at the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of the storied cloud bears as they waft across the blue heavens.",
	["v"] = {
		["vaan record"] = "A record of Vaan's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["vaan wedding ring"] = "It's about time we became one together, don't you agree? You were mine since the beginning anyways. I love you.",
		["vaan's ruby ring"] = "Wow? Did a Human make this? They really do make the most incredible things! I'll save this, as a gift for someone really special.",
		["vacuumulus"] = "Emits a powerful shockwave around you, dealing damage to surrounding enemies and rocks.",
		["vampire cape"] = "It looks like something Claude would wear. Hah, isn't that funny?",
		["vampire piranha"] = "So named for its dark red belly and thankfully not for any blood sucking tendencies!",
		["vampire potion"] = "A somber yellow potion. Even just staring into the swirling liquid makes you feel like sitting down at a piano.",
		["vampire shirt"] = "You don't have to get bit by a vampire to don this dapper shirt.",
		["vampire skirt"] = "Don't worry, the vampire doesn't come with the skirt.",
		["vampire snaccoon plush"] = "A snaccoon plush that vants to eat your food, blah blah.",
		["vampire squid"] = "A blood red vampire squid, many noble families of Withergate incorporate this haunting squid into their house crests.",
		["vanilla milkshake"] = "Milk and ice cream shaken- not stirred.",
		["vanilla sprinkles"] = "Apparently pets come in flavors, who knew?",
		["veggie kebab"] = "Skewered veggies roasted over an open flame, the crisp taste of the fire adds a remarkably complex taste to the veggies.",
		["veggie wrap"] = "Diced veggies wrapped in a corn tortilla, the soft wrap contrasts well against the crunchy vegetables inside.",
		["velveteen betta"] = "Often kept as a pet by Elven children, its velvet frills are mesmerizing to watch in motion.",
		["venus fly trap cape"] = "They might be vicious, but their leaves do make a comfortable cloak.",
		["venus fly trap hood"] = "Let's not go near the giant plant with teeth...' - Unknown Curator, making a smart decision.",
		["venus fly trap shawl"] = "Cloaked in jungle foliage, the predator waits for its unsuspecting prey.",
		["venus fly trap skirt"] = "What's worse than a monstrous plant that's trying to take a bite out of you? One with legs!",
		["very boring shed kit"] = "A cosmetic kit to re-fit your skinned shed back to a nice, basic shed.",
		["very good fishing rod"] = "A high quality rod and line, it's designed for those looking to take their angling to the next level. Increases Fishing skill by 5.",
		["vest shirt"] = "A vest will always help you look your best.",
		["veteran battle star clip"] = "Special hacked clips that transport users to the digital battlegrounds of the Battle Star arena.",
		["veteran battle star long gloves"] = "These gloves never scuff, no matter how many faces you punch.",
		["veteran battle star shoes"] = "These old school uniform shoes came with hard plating across the feet and toes. In the past it was a fashion statement, but now they're perfect for a little underground fighting.",
		["veteran battle star uniform"] = "In forlorn storage cells, Acadamia students discovered hundreds of crates of school uniforms from generations past. These uniforms were edgier, less restrictive and made the perfect outfits for cyber brawls.",
		["veteran battle star wig"] = "When the Acadamia lights dim and the classroom doors lock, it's time for the students to retire to their chargers... or maybe to the secret battle rings deep in the Acadamia basement.",
		["vine strung hammock"] = "Elves across the world love to take snoozes in the midst of nature. What better bedroom than the forest itself?",
		["vine wrapped column"] = "This chiseled stone column may seem quite old but it's actually newly made. It's just giving off the impression of age, for decorative sake.",
		["vintage wallpaper"] = "Based on the cottages of the Eastern Region, this wallpaper will give your home a very cozy feel.",
		["violet vase"] = "Blown of glass and tinted dark violet, this vase keeps water nice and cool for any flowers kept inside.",
		["viperfish"] = "Fangs, poison and a really bad attitude. Definitely not the fish to handle if you don't know what you're doing.",
		["viperfish sashimi"] = "Seafood prepared in an exotic fashion... where did the Demons of Withergate learn this type of culinary style?",
		["vivi record"] = "A record of Vivi's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["vivi wedding ring"] = "You better take our bond seriously, because I'M sure gonna! I love you.",
		["vivi's bone dagger"] = "I'll give this to someone worthy! Could you Imagine if I gave it to some stinkin' farmer or something like that? No way!",
		["vix"] = "Foxes are elusive and aloof. One must earn their trust.",
		["voodoo doll"] = "Gives the term 'playing with dolls' a much more sinister meaning!",
	["w"] = {
		["waffles"] = "Light and airy on the inside, but golden and crunchy on the outside. All that's missing is a slab of butter and a bucket of syrup.",
		["walk choy"] = "A crisp leaf dropped by a Walk Choy as a way of thanking you for helping it grow.",
		["walk choy pet"] = "This happy little Walk Choy didn't feel like wandering away, he'd rather follow you!",
		["walk choy seeds"] = "Curious seeds that bounce about on their own accord, planting them is always a bit tricky.",
		["walkway closed sign"] = "Withergate city planners use these barricades to close off streets. If it works in a city, why not on a farm?",
		["wall calendar"] = "Never let the days get away from you again with this day calendar.",
		["wall hanging necklace"] = "A beautiful necklace, no doubt plucked by the wind from a distant land.",
		["wall ivy"] = "Usually seen as a pest plant, this ivy has been purposely grown to act as a wall decoration.",
		["wall mounted surfboard"] = "Gnarly wall decor, bro.",
		["wall mounted sword"] = "In Demonic culture, swords are representations of lineage and power. The gifting of this sword is a recognition that the receiver is worthy to join the annals of Demonic history.",
		["waltz record"] = "Care for a dance?",
		["warcaster's robe"] = "Standard issue within the illustrious Warcaster corps of the Great Army. The crystals set within the jet black robes act as a magnifier for magic, increasing spell potency.",
		["warehouse wallpaper"] = "The default look of the warehouse.",
		["warm wooden wall shelf"] = "A popular import from the Northern Region, this shelf has been treated with a special smoking process to imbue a deeper color and even a faint, pleasant scent.",
		["warrior's keepsake"] = "A silver keepsake, honoring a warrior well versed in combat.",
		["warrior's pauldron"] = "Said to have been smithed by a legendary armorer, wielding this pauldron makes you feel as indomitable as the mountains.",
		["wasp chest plate"] = "A lacquered breastplate molded into the form of a Wildborn wasp Amari.",
		["wasp grieves"] = "Lacquered leggings molded into the form of a Wildborn wasp Amari.",
		["wasp helmet"] = "Maybe they won't attack us if we look like them?' - Unknown Curator, hatching a terrible idea.",
		["water bear"] = "In the old demon tongue this creature is known as a \"tardigrade\", it's common name is way cuter, though.",
		["water bear soup"] = "Waiter, what's the water bear doing in my soup?",
		["water crystal"] = "The elemental force of water, hardened into a crystal.",
		["water dragon tea"] = "Nel'Varians often drink dragon tea in honor of the natural elements.",
		["water fruit"] = "A soft sphere of water, the easiest way to consume this melon is to pop a straw right into it and drink away!",
		["water fruit seeds"] = "Elementally imbued seeds that sprout into one of three different crops, you'll have to plant them and find out! Elemental Crops take 6 days to grow and each sells for a different base yield of 10, 16, or 20 mana orbs.",
		["water jug"] = "A jug filled with fresh water. In the Great City, this is considered a very trendy piece of decor.",
		["water rune"] = "A magical sealing rune, containing the element of water.",
		["water trough"] = "A sturdy trough filled with fresh water. Your animals will appreciate being able to stay hydrated.",
		["watercolor tiger wall scroll"] = "Vibrant water color brush strokes bring to life a creeping tiger, powerful and prepared to strike.",
		["watering can totem"] = "An enchanted totem with a watering can attached to it. A simple but effective automatic watering device!",
		["waterlogged helmet"] = "A soldier's helmet, though it's been under the waves for sometime now. Who could have lost it?",
		["watermelon"] = "Best enjoyed by the slice.",
		["watermelon couch"] = "The unusual design in this red couch's cushions is meant to mimic the seeds of a watermelon slice, how fun!",
		["watermelon juice"] = "New: Drinkable Watermelon.",
		["watermelon vine seeds"] = "Water you waiting for? Plant some watermelon!",
		["watery protector's potion"] = "A few handfuls of crumbled leviathan husk, a few enchanting words, and you've got yourself a potent defensive potion.",
		["weapons rack"] = "A true warrior should always have a weapon within arm's length.",
		["webster"] = "It is notoriously difficult to learn how to safely keep a Witherwidow as a pet, they are reserved only for the most accomplished pet owners.",
		["wedding dress"] = "A dress of pure white, classic wedding garb across all people of the Four Regions.",
		["weedy"] = "A little weed sprout monster, it seems convinced that you're super fun to be around.",
		["werewolf"] = "Wolves once stalked the forest marshes, until these apex predators were exposed to dark, otherworldly magic. These 'werewolves' are especially clever, scavenging all sorts of things for their keepers.",
		["wesley record"] = "A record of Wesley's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["wesley wedding ring"] = "Let this union be one that takes Nel'Vari and Sun Haven forward... not to mention you and I. I love you.",
		["wesley's woven necklace"] = "\"Change is difficult, but maybe it's more necessary than I thought. Hmph.\"",
		["western hat"] = "Worn by cattle-drivers out in the Western Region.",
		["wetsuit pants"] = "It's like walking in the world's biggest pair of flip flops.",
		["wetsuit scuba goggles"] = "Your very own self contained Deep Sea breathing apparatus. Well, it's the goggles, at least.",
		["wetsuit top"] = "The suit gets wet so you stay dry!",
		["wheat"] = "Perfectly versatile; it can be turned into flour for people, or turned into feed for your farm animals.",
		["wheat grass juice"] = "Who looks at wheat and says 'yeah, I wanna juice that'?",
		["wheat seeds"] = "Valued for its versatility and known for growing in rolling fields all across the land.",
		["white bishop"] = "Bishops disrupt the movement of enemy pieces, keeping the board tied down.",
		["white buppy"] = "Who's a good doggy?",
		["white cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["white floor lamp"] = "A tall lamp, this will provide plenty of light.",
		["white gift"] = "A gift wrapped in fancy white wrapping paper. Is it just you, or does it kind of smell like the inside of a doctor's office?",
		["white king"] = "Protect your king!",
		["white knight"] = "Moves in a funny L-shape and is great for weird and confusing attacks on enemy pieces.",
		["white pawn"] = "Pawns are useless cannon fodder that commit crimes, like en passant.",
		["white queen"] = "The most powerful piece on the chess board, throwing your queen away is usually the first step towards defeat.",
		["white rook"] = "The mighty rook forms the cornerstone of your defense.",
		["white sleepy cat"] = "Shhh, don't wake it up!",
		["white smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["white stone floor tile"] = "Clean and classy, these tiles are suited to a distinguished decorator.",
		["white table lamp"] = "A chic table lamp to light up your home.",
		["whitebelly shark"] = "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.",
		["wicked candelabra"] = "No haunted mansion would be complete without one of these hanging in its foyer.",
		["wicked mounts chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Wicked Mounts DLC Pack!",
		["wicked wall lantern"] = "A lantern of heavy black iron and blood red glass, it's not hard to see why it's called \"wicked\".",
		["wide tooth comb"] = "The teeth of this comb are set further apart than normal, allowing it to tame even the thickest mane.",
		["wide tree window"] = "Windowpanes set into tree branches. The glass fits into the brances perfectly despite the irregular shapes.",
		["wild mermaid dress"] = "Wildborn Mermaid gather the bounty of the tides to craft their garb.",
		["wild mermaid kelp wig"] = "Hair can be hard to care for in the unforgiving sea - the WIldborn Mermaid discovered kelp was an easy, breezy solution.",
		["wild mushrooms painting"] = "The picture of chunky little fungi reproduced with colorful paints.",
		["wild potion"] = "A slightly cloudy potion, it swirls and bubbles from within its bottle. It smells of wild and untamed forests.",
		["wildflowers painting"] = "A very pretty painting of some rugged wildflowers that grow all over the Northern Region.",
		["will'o"] = "This little guy tried haunting houses, but he was too cute to scare anyone. Maybe if he hangs out with you for awhile, he'll pick up a few pointers.",
		["wind chime"] = "Some Elves in Nel'Vari claim they can play this wispy sprout as a sort of musical instrument.",
		["wind chime seeds"] = "Ethereal pitcher plants that emit a lovely chime as they shake gently in the breeze.",
		["wind chime tea"] = "Cool and airy, Nel'Varians love drinking this on hot summer days.",
		["wind orb"] = "\"I must admit, Nivara was right... I had the potential to master this magic all along.\" - Vaan",
		["windmill potion"] = "A potion the color of sun faded wood. Even without being touched, the liquid inside the bottle swirls around and around and around...",
		["winter aquarium"] = "A silly little winter home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["winter chest plate"] = "Metal armor, enchanted in the never-ending snowstorms of the far north. It's extra heavy, but the ice never melts and will slow you down a bit...",
		["winter gloves"] = "Metal armor, enchanted in the never-ending snowstorms of the far north. It's extra heavy, but the ice never melts and will slow you down a bit...",
		["winter helmet"] = "Metal armor, enchanted in the never-ending snowstorms of the far north. It's extra heavy, but the ice never melts and will slow you down a bit...",
		["winter legs"] = "Metal armor, enchanted in the never-ending snowstorms of the far north. It's extra heavy, but the ice never melts and will slow you down a bit...",
		["winter scarecrow"] = "A simple scarecrow to frighten off winter pests that seek to steal your crops.",
		["winter selling portal"] = "Keep the spirit of winter on your farm all year long with this seasonally themed selling portal!",
		["winter teleportation gem"] = "A gem containing the crystallized essence of stillness and tradition, the spirit of winter.",
		["winter token"] = "A token of the winter season, these can be traded for wonderful seasonal rewards.",
		["winter totem"] = "A seasonal totem that protects nearby crops from being frozen.",
		["wish bottle"] = "A wish in a bottle!",
		["wishing well"] = "Imbued with a mystical power not quite of this world, this well is rumored to be one of Dynus's most prized treasures.",
		["witch bed"] = "The mattress is probably stuffed with bat wings or spider legs or something creepy like that. Oh wait, nevermind, it's just wool.",
		["witch broom whistle"] = "This whistle will call your trusty broom to your side.",
		["witch cat"] = "Which kitty is the cutest? This one!",
		["witch chair"] = "Plot your next witchy plot from this dramatic seat.",
		["witch couch"] = "Wide enough to seat a whole coven! Or at least half a coven.",
		["witch end table"] = "Crafted from the twisted branches of a bloodlock tree, enchanted with dark rituals and tastefully stained with a walnut finish.",
		["witch hat"] = "Cast a spell (of fashion) on everyone around with this classic witch's hat.",
		["witch lamp"] = "A beacon to light the darkest of forest groves, or your cozy bedroom.",
		["witch potion"] = "A vibrant purple potion. Something about it seems like it'd be great to water plants with.",
		["witch pumpkin"] = "Which pumpkin is the witch pumpkin? Oh, it's the one with the witch's hat! Obviously.",
		["witch rug"] = "Wipe your paws.",
		["witch table"] = "Impress the coven at your next dinner party with this web-tacular dining table.",
		["witch wardrobe"] = "Full of brooms and pointy hats.",
		["witch's fingers"] = "I hope they're not Catherine's!",
		["witch's moon"] = "A notoriously difficult to cultivate herb that requires extensive knowledge of witchcraft, it's supposed to bring an air of peace wherever it is kept.",
		["withercake"] = "A delicacy enjoyed by the Demon race. Made with ingredients of questionable edibility, it is most definitely an acquired taste.",
		["withergate apartment chair"] = "A chair that comes standard in every Withergate apartment.",
		["withergate apartment counter"] = "This eerie countertop will give you much more table space in your apartment.",
		["withergate apartment end table"] = "Crafted from some sort of strange and dark wood, though it seems sturdy.",
		["withergate apartment rug"] = "Embroidered with a pale yellow moon, your apartment would be practically naked without it.",
		["withergate apartment table"] = "A table that comes standard in every Withergate apartment.",
		["withergate apartment wallpaper"] = "Just like the wallpaper they use in the Withergate apartments, now you can have it in your own home!",
		["withergate aquarium"] = "A silly little monster home for all the fish you've collected.",
		["withergate balloons"] = "A monstrous assortment of balloons.",
		["withergate barn arch"] = "An spooktacular arch that proves subtlety is the enemy of style.",
		["withergate bed"] = "Slumber away in gothic splendor with this fabulous curtain bed.",
		["withergate chair"] = "The choice of Withergate's own royal family, this chair proves there's no reason to sacrifice comfort for class.",
		["withergate couch"] = "A wickedly comfortable looking couch.",
		["withergate door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a gothic Withergate style.",
		["withergate fence"] = "Metal fencing that is as durable as it is imposing. Any would-be invaders will think twice before stepping foot onto your farm.",
		["withergate fishing rod"] = "Dramatically fancy for a mere fishing rod, Demon fishermen would never be caught using anything less. Increases Fishing skill by 12, increases spawn rate of fish in Withergate by 15% and reduces slider speed during the minigame by 15%.",
		["withergate lamp"] = "This will make a great n-eye-ght light.",
		["withergate mask"] = "Be the talk of any town with this fabulously spooky mask.",
		["withergate mask chest"] = "A chest containing all the loot from the Withergate Mask DLC Pack!",
		["withergate mat"] = "Your floor never looked more sinister.",
		["withergate mining potion"] = "Made of melted candy and lots of sugar, it's the perfect energy boost for breaking stuff faster as you work in the Withergate mines.",
		["withergate patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a gothic Withergate style.",
		["withergate pickaxe"] = "Engineered specifically to mine the candy found in the Withergate mines, this pickaxe won't be as effective when used anywhere else.",
		["withergate picnic table"] = "What? Can't a monster have a picnic?",
		["withergate quilt"] = "Keeps a monsterfolk nice and warm on chilly haunted nights.",
		["withergate roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a gothic Withergate style.",
		["withergate royalty wallpaper"] = "A wallpaper with a pattern of equal parts power and beauty.",
		["withergate selling portal"] = "A mystical portal linked directly to Demon merchants who are ready to buy what you're selling.",
		["withergate snaccoon plush"] = "Living in the dangerous forests of Withergate must be very hard... unless you're an eight hundred pound snaccoon who eats anything it wants!",
		["withergate table"] = "King Minos himself would be happy to dine at this demonically elegant table.",
		["withergate tiara"] = "Ancient ruins found around the swamps of Withergate feature these other-worldly spikes. Most in Withergate find them disturbing, though others have let it influence their fashion.",
		["withergate totem"] = "An enchanted totem imbued with Withergate mana, it enriches the soil and allows Withergate crops to grow in Sun Haven.",
		["withergate wallpaper"] = "Take the spooky vibe of Withergate home with you, and then put it on your walls.",
		["withergate walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a gothic Withergate style.",
		["withergate wardrobe"] = "First it's monsters in the closet, now there's monsters in the wardrobe too? When does it end?!",
		["withergate water well"] = "An excellent source of fresh water for your watering can.",
		["withergate windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a gothic Withergate style.",
		["withergate workshop"] = "Withergate's technological progress is unmatached anywhere else in the Four Regions. For in Withergate, there is only one rule when it comes to new inventions: Bigger and badder is always better.",
		["withergate workshop permit"] = "Oh, it's an official permit for building your own workshop! It's even signed by \"King Menos\". How legitimate!",
		["witherknight statue"] = "Carved of solid witherstone, this imposing statue captures the form of a legendary hero in Demonic history, a Demon known only as 'The Witherknight'.",
		["wixxy"] = "The fairy birds of Nel'Vari are often kept as pets, their songs make for great entertainment.",
		["wizard crafting table"] = "A mage's study desk, capable of conjuring mystical recipes. Brews and transmutates cheaper than the alchemy tables, among other things.",
		["wizard toad"] = "This dark wizard accidentally turned himself into a toad. Making the best of the situation, he now works as a professional pet.",
		["wizard's crafting table recipe"] = "Unlock the ability to craft Wizard's Crafting Tables for all players!",
		["wood beam"] = "A solid beam of wood, usable in crafting. Beam me up!",
		["wood bridge"] = "A sturdy wooden bridge for your farm.",
		["wood bridge decor"] = "A sturdy wooden bridge for your farm.",
		["wood flathead chest"] = "Store your belongings in style with this lovely chest.",
		["wood floor tile"] = "Wooden tiles specially treated to work as flooring.",
		["wood plank"] = "I can craft lots of things with this!",
		["woodblock printed scroll"] = "A gorgeous print produced using ancient woodblock techniques, it's a rather valuable thing to turn into a gift.",
		["woodcutter's essence"] = "Ancient Nel'Varian mana, distilled into a consumable potion. This one contains the essence of deep forests and the trees.",
		["wooden barrel"] = "A barrel that was used for shipping goods, now that it's job is over it makes for some nifty decoration.",
		["wooden bench"] = "Great for sitting outdoors, or perhaps for a unique alternative to your sitting room's standard couch!",
		["wooden cat tree"] = "A toy made especially for your feline friends. They'll delight themselves for hours with this thing.",
		["wooden chicken sculpture"] = "So lifelike! Except for all the wood, of course.",
		["wooden counter"] = "But what does it count?",
		["wooden crate of records"] = "A crate full of assorted records, this will keep any disc jockey busy for awhile.",
		["wooden fence"] = "I can keep things in or out, with a few of these.",
		["wooden fence gate"] = "This would look great in your house or on your farm.",
		["wooden ladder"] = "A trusty ladder, great for reaching all those up-high places.",
		["wooden long table"] = "A long table with room for plenty of friends and family.",
		["wooden music stand"] = "A specialized tool for holding sheet music while you practice your instruments.",
		["wooden paint palette"] = "A carved palette made for paints, an essential tool for any artist.",
		["wooden plank floor tile"] = "Wood processed into planks for a pleasantly smooth surface.",
		["wooden pull cart"] = "You could haul plenty of goods with this sturdy cart.",
		["wooden round table"] = "King Arthur sold separately.",
		["wooden spoon"] = "A spoon carved of aged wood, a simple but classic kitchen tool.",
		["wooden standing mirror"] = "Get lost in your own reflection, or anything else's reflection, with this tall standing mirror.",
		["wooden step stool"] = "Never come up short of the top shelf again with this convienent little step stool.",
		["wooden stool"] = "It would be more comfortable if it had a cushion.",
		["wooden table"] = "A basic wooden table, not much more than some planks and nails put together.",
		["wooden torch"] = "A primitive wooden torch, it'll work.",
		["wooden wardrobe"] = "A handsome wardrobe made of deeply varnished wood.",
		["wooden windmill"] = "Underneath the gently swinging arms of a windmill is the perfect spot to relax and watch the day pass by.",
		["woodie"] = "An enchanted wooden unicorn, snuggle away - but watch for splinters!",
		["woof welcome mat"] = "Don't forget to wipe your paws!",
		["wool"] = "A bundle of pure wool, this animal product will sell for a fair price.",
		["wool crate"] = "A crate full of sheep's clothes.",
		["wooly blanket"] = "A slightly itchy blanket that naturally heats itself!",
		["workshop floor tile"] = "Stone tiles set tightly together, making them easy to sweep after a crafting project.",
		["worm"] = "Thankfully it isn't half a worm...",
		["worm infested apples"] = "Oh, disgusting!! Someone infested the worms with a bunch of nasty apples!",
		["wornhardt record"] = "A record of Wornhardt's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["wornhardt wedding ring"] = "I didn't know if I would ever be able to be happy like this again. I love you.",
		["wornhardt's stethoscope"] = "As sure as my own heart beats, I will always be there for those who need me.",
		["woven purple rug"] = "A hand woven rug of dyed fibers. Though woven by hand, but it's as durable as any machine could produce.",
		["woven wood fence"] = "Elven wood that has been intricately woven together in a mesmerizingly beautiful yet sturdy fence.",
		["woven wood gate"] = "Mere fence gates, though they're more beautiful than any door you've ever seen.",
		["woven yellow rug"] = "A hand woven rug of dyed fibers. Though woven by hand, but it's as durable as any machine could produce.",
		["wrapped dress"] = "It's a wrap! A wrap dress.",
		["wreath stand"] = "For those moments when a mere door wreath just doesn't cut it.",
	["x"] = {
		["xbk one chance, romance record"] = "A recording of Kitty's performance with her music group, XBK One Chance, Romance! taken from the music festival.",
		["xyla record"] = "A record of Xyla's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["xyla wedding ring"] = "It's a good thing you decided to join me. Together we'll truly be unstoppable. I love you.",
		["xyla's queen chess piece"] = "A king might rule, but it takes a queen to get things done.",
	["y"] = {
		["yam"] = "Jam out with your yam out.",
		["yam fettuccine alfredo"] = "This pasta dish isn't actually pasta, the noodles are made with yams!",
		["yam seeds"] = "A tuber, like a potato, but naturally softer and more sweet.",
		["year of the dog plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the dog.",
		["year of the dragon plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the dragon.",
		["year of the horse plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the horse.",
		["year of the monkey plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the monkey.",
		["year of the ox plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the ox.",
		["year of the pig plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the pig.",
		["year of the rabbit plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the rabbit.",
		["year of the ram plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the ram.",
		["year of the rat plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the rat.",
		["year of the rooster plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the rooster.",
		["year of the snake plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the snake.",
		["year of the tiger plush"] = "A cute plushie honoring the zodiac year of the tiger.",
		["yellow bat mount whistle"] = "This whistle will call a soaring bat to your side.",
		["yellow bed"] = "A comfy place to lay your head after a long day of work.",
		["yellow cape"] = "A thick cape of dyed silk, this will keep you feeling warm and looking stylish.",
		["yellow deep couch"] = "You'll have to be careful not to sink right into this ultra cushy couch.",
		["yellow door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a yellow brick style.",
		["yellow doormat"] = "A durable mat of woven fiber, this thing can handle the worst your dirty feet can throw at it.",
		["yellow floor cushion"] = "Turns your floor into a chair, and its comfy to sit on to boot.",
		["yellow flower"] = "A pretty yellow flower, preserved in a clump of enchanted soil.",
		["yellow flower rug"] = "If you walk on this rug while wearing armor, does that mean you're putting the metal to the petal?",
		["yellow gloves"] = "Clothes for your hands.",
		["yellow kit"] = "A mischievous little fox ready to tag along on your adventures.",
		["yellow mister slither"] = "I shall call him Missster Slither.",
		["yellow patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a yellow brick style.",
		["yellow polka dot door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a yellow polka dot style.",
		["yellow polka dot patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a yellow polka dot style.",
		["yellow polka dot roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a yellow polka dot style.",
		["yellow polka dot walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a yellow polka dot style.",
		["yellow polka dot windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a yellow polka dot style.",
		["yellow pot with blue print"] = "The design of this print was achieved with a special sponge brush, allowing the painter to stamp the design onto the pot.",
		["yellow roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a yellow brick style.",
		["yellow shaggy rug"] = "I'm not sure what material this rug is made out of, but it sure is... shaggy!",
		["yellow shiver"] = "Normally at home in the frigid Northern Region, this happy penguin is cool with going anywhere!",
		["yellow smolder"] = "A cute little flame sprite, just be careful trying to pet it!",
		["yellow striped door"] = "Customizes your house's door in a yellow striped style.",
		["yellow striped patio"] = "Customizes your house's patio in a yellow striped style.",
		["yellow striped roof"] = "Customizes your house's roof in a yellow striped style.",
		["yellow striped walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a yellow striped style.",
		["yellow striped windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a yellow striped style.",
		["yellow t window"] = "A dramatically long and narrow window, it would go a long way in making your home feel like a gothic mansion.",
		["yellow unicorn"] = "A tiny unicorn friend to accompany you on your adventures.",
		["yellow wall flags"] = "A series of flags with Elven markings printed on them. These markings are meant to bring good luck and fortune wherever they're hung.",
		["yellow walls"] = "Customizes your house's walls in a yellow brick style.",
		["yellow windows"] = "Customizes your house's windows in a yellow brick style.",
		["yogurt"] = "Cultured milk fats' sounds gross, but in reality it tastes great!",
		["yogurt parfait"] = "Yogurt and strawberries, layered together and topped with honeyed oats. Unbeatable when it comes to being quick, simple and delicious.",
		["young bonsai"] = "Jun has been cultivating this bonsai for years - just waiting for the perfect person to gift it to.",
		["yucky green juice"] = "Eh... you've drank worse.",
		["yule logs"] = "Yule certainly agree that these logs complete your holiday decorations.",
	["z"] = {
		["zander plant"] = "Considered a weed in the Northern Region, it's kept as a houseplant across much of the rest of the land.",
		["zaria record"] = "A record of Zaria's song, for you to play whenever you'd like.",
		["zaria's bucket"] = "This used to contain Zaria, once upon a lovely date.",
		["zaria's doubloon"] = "Relying on other people made me miserable. From now on, I'm putting my faith in things that can't run away from me.",
		["zaria's empty bucket"] = "This used to contain Zaria, once upon a lovely date.",
		["zeb"] = "Withergate Gremlins are gauranteed to NEVER* bite!*Most of the time",
		["zen bridge"] = "A bridge crafted after the zen style of the lands across the eastern sea, for your farm.",
		["zen bridge decor"] = "A bridge crafted after the zen style of the lands across the eastern sea, for your farm.",
		["zen plant"] = "Find your zen as you care for this leafy houseplant.",
		["zippy"] = "At home in the highest clouds, pegasus are just as happy to chill out on an earthbound farm.",
		["zombie fish"] = "Stinks worse than most fish.",
return p