Lester's Lamp

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In the data-mine, but not available in the production version.

The quest Lester's Lamp is a quest that is currently in the data, but not yet live in the game.

The Sun Haven bulletin board is located between the General Store and the Farming Store. Every day the bulletin board will have randomly generated tasks that the player can accept and complete in exchange for currency and experience. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a red exclamation point floating above it.


Requirements Rewards Bonus
Bunny Lamp.png Bunny Lamp Coins.png Coins × 300Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 15 Coins.png Coins × 100Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 20


  1. Accept quest on bulletin board.
  2. Collect a Bunny Lamp.
  3. Turn in to Lester.

Bulletin Board Description

Hey, everyone! Anybody looking to make some extra gold?
I want a more personal touch to my bunk in the barracks. I'll pay for a Bunny Lamp! First come, first serve.
- Lester",

Quest Complete Text

Upon turning in this question, the NPC will say:

Face Lester.png:"Wow, look at that - it's so cute! Thanks a lot, I think it will look nice next to my bunk. That is, if Roza lets me keep it...I almost forgot - your payment!"