Grub Hogs

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The quest Grub Hogs is a quest that has the chance to be available at the Nel'Vari bulletin board anytime after a player has unlocked the Nel'Vari region. Gren is upset that the Hornsnakes are eating all the grubs in the forest. He is requesting the player defeats Hornsnakes and bring him five antlers for proof.

The Nel'Vari bulletin board is located on the bridge between the General Store and the Crossbow Store. Every day the bulletin board will have random tasks that the player can accept and complete in exchange for currency and experience. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a red exclamation point floating above it.


Requirements Rewards Bonus
Antler.png Antler × 5 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 25Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 70 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 15Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 110Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 110


  1. Accept quest on bulletin board.
  2. Get 5 antlers from hornsnakes.
  3. Turn in to Gren.

Bulletin Board Description

These darn Hornsnakes are eating all the good grubs in the forest! Somebody needs to teach them to share the forest. I'll provide mana orbs to anyone who can teach those Hornsnakes a lesson. Bring me 5 antlers as proof. That'll show them.
- Gren

Quest Complete Text

Upon turning in this question, the NPC will say:

Face Gren.png:"Are these Hornsnake antlers? HAH! So you did it? Maybe that will keep them from taking over the forest like they own the place
Take these, [Player]. And thanks for the help!"


  • 0.4.1: Quest added to the game.
  • 1.2: Quest name changed from Gren's Proof to Grub Hogs. Updated rewards.