Friend of the Forest

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Friend of the Forest is a passive skill that sends the player mail from a Snaccoon. The final letter contains the Snaccoon as a Barn Animal which awards Berries daily.


Mail.png 1 skill point
(An unusually large scroll of paper sticks out of the mailbox, on the outside of the scroll are two words: "from snaccoons"... unscrolling the rough parchment reveals a message.)

"thank you, farmer. when snacoons not sleeping, snaccoons watch you. you do lots of good for forest. fight monsters and clean up. snaccoons like you."

(The letter is signed with a large paw print, using smooshed berries as ink...)
Berry.png Berry × 5

Mail.png 2 skill points
(An usually large scroll of paper sticks out of the mailbox, on the outside of the scroll are three words: "from snaccoons again"... unscrolling the rough parchment reveals a message.)

"not many in forests anymore, farmer. you go through forest with no fear, snaccoon like seeing others enjoy forest like we do."

(The letter is signed with two large paw prints, this time it looks like they used a raspberry)
Raspberry.png Raspberry × 5

Mail.png 3 skill points
(An unusually large scroll of paper sticks out of the mailbox, on the outside of the scroll are four words: "from snaccoons again, again"... unscrolling the rough parchment reveals a message.)

"forest is lucky to have good protector, even snaccoons feel more safe. me like you. you and me friend. me move in now."

(The letter is signed with just a single large paw print, and there seems to be something else large attached to the letter...)

Skill Synergies

There are many skills that when combined together will produce a greater effect than the singular skill alone. This could be to maximize profits, improve various abilities, or quality of life increases.

  • There are no other skills that synergize with this skill.