Crafting Efficiency

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Some Of you may be wondering how to make some quick Gold without cheating or using glitches well, here is one of what may be a few pages to help you out.

Note: Without the Mining Rank IV skill High Demand, Keys and Tools do not create a profit. Only equipment (Helm,Chest,Legs,Gloves) create profit.

Sunite Craft-able Items (With High Demand Skill)
Item Sunite Bar.png Bars Coins.pngCost of Bars Coins.pngCoins/Item Time/Item Coins.png Coins/Hour
Key 4 8000 9600 15 Minutes 6400
Pickaxe 10 20000 24000 24 hours 167
Axe 8 16000 19200 24 hours 133
Hoe 7 14000 16800 24 hours 117
W.Can 8 16000 19200 24 hours 133
Sword 7 14000 16800 24 hours 117
Helm 4 8000 11520 24 hours 147
Chest 5 10000 14400 24 hours 183
Legs 4 8000 8640 24 hours 110
Gloves 3 6000 11520 24 hours 147