Axing A Favor

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The quest Axing A Favor is a quest that has the chance to be available at the Sun Haven bulletin board anytime in the fall. The objective of this quest is to bring Liam a new axe, to replace the one that he broke chopping fire wood.

The Sun Haven bulletin board is located between the General Store and the Farming Store. Every day the bulletin board will have randomly generated tasks that the player can accept and complete in exchange for currency and experience. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a red exclamation point floating above it.


Requirements Rewards Bonus
Iron Axe.png Iron Axe Coins.png Coins × 400Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 40Community Token.png Community Token × 3 Coins.png Coins × 1,000Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 120Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 120Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 120


  1. Accept quest on bulletin board.
  2. Craft a Iron Axe at the Anvil.
  3. Turn in to Liam.

Bulletin Board Description

So... my firewood axe sort of broke... I just chop so much wood in the fall! I really need a new one, please. Could anyone bring me 1 Iron Axe? Please and thank you!

Quest Complete Text

Face Liam.png:"Oh hey, a new axe. Thanks a lot, this should hold up for... a little while, at least. Here's some pay, of course."