Template:Memory Loss Dialogue

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This template is specifically used for formatting the player's conversations with an NPC. This dialogue box starts out open, but the user can collapse it if they please.


{{Memory Loss Dialogue|NPC NAME
|Dialogue     = NPC's First dialogue, when the player gives them the item.

|PotionActionPlatonic = Unique action line for when the player isn't married to the NPC. Defaults to: "NPC drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!"
|PostPlatonic = Text after the NPC has drank the potion, when the player isn't married to the NPC. If left blank it will use the PostDialogue line.

PotionActionMarried = Unique action line for when the player is married to the NPC. Defaults to: "NPC drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!"
|PostDialogue = NPC's response after being given the potion and they've forgotten the player. 

Optional Syntax: Collapse

{{Memory Loss Dialogue|NPC NAME|Collapse=True/False
  • Collapse true means the table will be loaded on the page as collapsed.
  • Collapse false means the table will be loaded on the page as open.
  • This field is optional, if left blank or not there, the table will be loaded on the page as open.



{{Memory Loss Dialogue|Claude
|Dialogue     = A potion, {{PLAYER}}? I should drink it? If you say so.
|PotionAction = 
|PostDialogue = Kind of gross. If you give me more stuff like this, I might have to rethink this friendship of ours. }}
Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Claude.png: A potion, [Player]? I should drink it? If you say so.
Not Married
Claude drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Claude.png: Kind of gross. If you give me more stuff like this, I might have to rethink this friendship of ours.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Claude drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Claude.png: Kind of gross. If you give me more stuff like this, I might have to rethink this friendship of ours.


Defaulted to "Collapse = true"

{{Memory Loss Dialogue|Lucia|Collapse=True
|Dialogue     = A potion? I... <br> ... <br>This isn't what I think it is, is it....? I suppose you've made your choice just by giving this to me, though, haven't you? ... Very well.
|PotionAction = 
|PostDialogue = ...Whew, what a strange tasting potion. I wonder what it did? Oh, is this a ring on my finger? However did this get here? }}
Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Lucia.png: A potion? I...
This isn't what I think it is, is it....? I suppose you've made your choice just by giving this to me, though, haven't you? ... Very well.
Not Married
Lucia drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Lucia.png: ...Whew, what a strange tasting potion. I wonder what it did? Oh, is this a ring on my finger? However did this get here?
Married Wedding Ring.png
Lucia drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Lucia.png: ...Whew, what a strange tasting potion. I wonder what it did? Oh, is this a ring on my finger? However did this get here?


Has unique line for married relationship:

{{Memory Loss Dialogue|Jun|Collapse=False
|Dialogue     = Sharing a potion with me? I wonder what wonderful concotion you've made for me!
|PotionAction = 
|PostDialogue = Well I wasn't expecting it to taste like ''that''. Oh? Why do I have this ring on my finger? It looks like a wedding ring... how strange! Where do you think it came from?
|PostPlatonic = What a strange taste... kind of like... we cookies and chalk dust? We should get to know each other better, {{PLAYER}}! I can teach you what sort of stuff I like to drink.}}
Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Jun.png: Sharing a potion with me? I wonder what wonderful concotion you've made for me!
Not Married
Jun drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Jun.png: What a strange taste... kind of like... we cookies and chalk dust? We should get to know each other better, [Player]! I can teach you what sort of stuff I like to drink.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Jun drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Jun.png: Well I wasn't expecting it to taste like that. Oh? Why do I have this ring on my finger? It looks like a wedding ring... how strange! Where do you think it came from?
See the articles and the templates currently using this template.