Template:Event Scene/doc

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This template is specifically used for formatting the player's conversations with one or more NPCs.

This template as a whole, is a combination of several templates together. Each cutscene should begin with the header, have a number of content items, then end with the footer.



{{Event Scene/header|NAME OF CUTSCENE|Collapse=True/False/Blank|Size=Medium/Large/Blank|Border=True/False/Blank}}

This piece formats the header of the table. The name of the cutscene will be on the left.

  • If Collapse = True then the table will begin collapsed, and the user can open it.
  • If Collapse = False then the table will begin open, and the user can collapse it.
  • If Collapse is left blank then the table will not be collapse-able at all.

Table sizing follows all other tables on the wiki, using the same classes as other places to keep sizing uniform.

  • If Size = Medium or Blank, the table will be 69% of the width of the page.
  • If Size = Large, the table will be 99% of the width of the page.


  • If Border = True then a border around the entire table will appear.
  • If Border = False then no border will appear around the table.
  • If Border is left blank then a border around the entire table will appear.

Content: Speech

{{Event Scene|indent= |Speaker Name|Speaker Text}}


This indents the text, for dialogue reading. If left blank, or 0 it will start at the far left. Each number increases the intent by an additional 5% of the table. The maximum number this supports is 4.

If the player has a choice of dialogues, it should be indented to the next line. If the NPC has unique responses to each of those lines, it should be intended again. If the NPC has a common response for both lines; it backs out an indent.

     Player Response 1
          NPC Unique response to 1
     Player Response 2
          NPC Unique response to 2
     Player Response 1
     Player Response 2
NPC common response to both

Player Only Response
NPC Response

If the player has a single choice of dialogue, it should stay on the same indent as the NPC.

Content: Action

{{Event Scene|action=}}

This line is for various "action" text in the cutscene. It will be formatted to span across the whole width of the table, and will always be in italics.


{{Event Scene/footer}}

This should be placed at the bottom of the scene as a whole. It closes the table.


  • Please review the "indent" scenarios above.
  • If the dialogue is race specific, use the Race Template
  • If the user sees XX or [Player] in the data/data-mine docs, they should convert that to {{PLAYER}}
  • If the user sees [] in the data/data-mine docs, they should convert that to <br>
  • If the player gets a relationship increase or decrease from an option, they should include that in the text by using the heart points template
    • {{Heart Points|+|2}} -> +2 Heart.png Points
    • {{Heart Points|-|1}} -> -1 Heart.png Points



Just a silly headcannon to show everyone the great indent examples. This example displays a table that is set to medium width (default) and is not collapse-able (default).

{{Event Scene/header}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|Claude! What are you doing back in Withergate?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Claude|Oh, Darius...}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Claude, how well do you know Darius?}}
{{Event Scene|indent=2|Claude|We were... well antiquated prior to me leaving Withergate.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=3|Player|I would love to hear that story sometime.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|You two know each other?}}
{{Event Scene|indent=2|Darius|We were... well antiquated prior to Claude leaving Withergate, spent a lot of evenings together.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=3|Claude|...Evenings at the movie theater! The public movie theater!}}
{{Event Scene|indent=0|Darius|Glad to see you back in town, stop by the castle sometime.}}
{{Event Scene/footer}}
Face Darius.png: Claude! What are you doing back in Withergate?
Face Claude.png: Oh, Darius...
Player: Claude, how well do you know Darius?
Face Claude.png: We were... well antiquated prior to me leaving Withergate.
Player: I would love to hear that story sometime.
Player: You two know each other?
Face Darius.png: We were... well antiquated prior to Claude leaving Withergate, spent a lot of evenings together.
Face Claude.png: ...Evenings at the movie theater! The public movie theater!
Player: ¬‿¬
Face Darius.png: Glad to see you back in town, stop by the castle sometime.

Headcannon 2

This displays an example of a large table that is collapse-able, and it defaults to being open upon page load.

{{Event Scene/header|Introduction|Collapse=False|Size=Large}}
{{Event Scene|indent=0|Darius|Claude! What are you doing back in Withergate?}}
{{Event Scene|indent=0|Claude|Oh, Darius...}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Claude, how well do you know Darius?}}
{{Event Scene|indent=2|Claude|We were... well antiquated prior to me leaving Withergate.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=3|Player|I would love to hear that story sometime.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|You two know each other?}}
{{Event Scene|indent=2|Darius|We were... well antiquated prior to Claude leaving Withergate, spent a lot of evenings together.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=3|Claude|...Evenings at the movie theater! The public movie theater!}}
{{Event Scene|indent=0|Darius|Glad to see you back in town, stop by the castle sometime.}}
{{Event Scene/footer}}
Face Darius.png: Claude! What are you doing back in Withergate?
Face Claude.png: Oh, Darius...
Player: Claude, how well do you know Darius?
Face Claude.png: We were... well antiquated prior to me leaving Withergate.
Player: I would love to hear that story sometime.
Player: You two know each other?
Face Darius.png: We were... well antiquated prior to Claude leaving Withergate, spent a lot of evenings together.
Face Claude.png: ...Evenings at the movie theater! The public movie theater!
Player: ¬‿¬
Face Darius.png: Glad to see you back in town, stop by the castle sometime.

Peace With Withergate

This is part of the Peace_with_Withergate quest. This displays an example of a large table that is collapse-able, and it defaults to being closed upon page load.

{{Event Scene/header|Peace with Withergate Cutscene: Diplomacy|Collapse=True|Size=Large}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|What is this? I've not seen you before in my city, monsterfolk. Who are you?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|I, uh, am...}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Their name is Luciafur.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Their name is... uh, uh... Throne... window. Thronewindow.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Their name is Swampfeet.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Hm. A horrible name. Certainly one fitting a proper citizen of my city. Tell me, why have you come before me?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|Enough of this nonsense! Father, this 'monsterfolk' is clearly a Human wearing some sort of infantile disguise.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|...Eep!<br>Hm. Fine, then.}}
{{Event Scene|action=Lucia takes off her disguise.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone saw through my disguise.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|''WHAT''?! What is this?! An invader? In the throne room? MY throne room?!}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Quell your anger, my king. I am Lucia, archmage and leader of Sun Haven.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Hm?! Oh, I see.<br>So your little slug of an ambassador ACTUALLY went and convinced Sun Haven's leader to walk right into my clutches. I must say, when you tell this one to do something, you can count on them to do it.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|So that's what this was? A trap to lure me in so you could take me as a prisoner?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Hmm. Why shouldn't I? With Sun Haven's leader under my thumb, your town will have no choice but to bow to my whims.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|That's not really what you want, is it? Fighting with Sun Haven?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|...}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|Father, let me say a few words to this Human.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Speak, my son.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|It should have been obvious to us that the moment my father told {{PLAYER}} to fetch Sun Haven's leader that we would be meeting face to face... with Sun Haven's leader.<br>Our lack of preparedness to actually meet you is entirely our own faults. On behalf of Withergate, and as its future king, I apologize.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Hm. Apology accepted.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|You came all the way here, alone and without weapons of any kind. My father is right, you walked right into our clutches.<br>So you must be serious. You want peace between Sun Haven and Withergate?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Not only peace, but friendship! The rift between Human and Monsterfolk is-}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|Enough. Wishing for 'friendship' like that is pointless. It will never happen. Or at least not right now. But I agree that Withergate and Sun Haven can have peace. I'm convinced now of that much.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Hmm. Peace, my son? Is that what you truly believe?}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Darius|It is.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Our future king has spoken. We shall entertain a truce with Sun Haven. We shall never attack it, and it shall never attack us. You will recognize us as a proper city, and your people will keep their fear to themselves. }}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Agreed. I have no terms for Withergate. I simply want peace. In time I hope the rift can mend between our peoples, and friendship can be shared. }}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Demon King Minos|Hmph. Very well. Then it seems this meeting has concluded. Thank you for your time, archmage. Now please if you would...<br>''Get out of my city''. }}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Player|I'm getting out of here before I get trap door'd again!! }}
{{Event Scene|action=The Player and Lucia leave the throne room and appear back in Lucia's office.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|I must say... that was... quite the adventure. Withergate is a marvelous city. The Demons truly are fantastic. Maybe someday I'll be able to go back there and study their knowledge...<br>We might not have gotten what we wanted, but we made progress! And everything was all thanks to you, {{PLAYER}}. }}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Player|You did plenty yourself, Lucia. }}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Hehe. You're right, I suppose. For now, though, I'll take what we were given, and I'll keep waiting for the day that Withergate and Sun Haven can be true friends. }}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Me too.}}
{{Event Scene|indent=1|Player|Eh, don't hold your breath.}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Oh! That reminds me, though. What of Nel'Vari? Have you forged a good friendship with them yet? Something tells me that once you do, it may be the Nel'Varians who reach out to you - instead of the other way around!<br>It's just my intuition, but if you've yet to forge good relations with Nel'Vari, then please continue to do so. They seem like a friendly people, I'm sure you'll know as soon as they're ready to be friends with Sun Haven!}}
{{Event Scene|indent= |Lucia|Alright, makes sense to me.}}
{{Event Scene/footer}}
Peace with Withergate Cutscene: Diplomacy
Face Demon King Minos.png: What is this? I've not seen you before in my city, monsterfolk. Who are you?
Face Lucia.png: I, uh, am...
Player: Their name is Luciafur.
Player: Their name is... uh, uh... Throne... window. Thronewindow.
Player: Their name is Swampfeet.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Hm. A horrible name. Certainly one fitting a proper citizen of my city. Tell me, why have you come before me?
Face Darius.png: Enough of this nonsense! Father, this 'monsterfolk' is clearly a Human wearing some sort of infantile disguise.
Face Lucia.png: ...Eep!
Hm. Fine, then.
Lucia takes off her disguise.
Face Lucia.png: I suppose it was only a matter of time before someone saw through my disguise.
Face Demon King Minos.png: WHAT?! What is this?! An invader? In the throne room? MY throne room?!
Face Lucia.png: Quell your anger, my king. I am Lucia, archmage and leader of Sun Haven.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Hm?! Oh, I see.
So your little slug of an ambassador ACTUALLY went and convinced Sun Haven's leader to walk right into my clutches. I must say, when you tell this one to do something, you can count on them to do it.
Face Lucia.png: So that's what this was? A trap to lure me in so you could take me as a prisoner?
Face Demon King Minos.png: Hmm. Why shouldn't I? With Sun Haven's leader under my thumb, your town will have no choice but to bow to my whims.
Face Lucia.png: That's not really what you want, is it? Fighting with Sun Haven?
Face Demon King Minos.png: ...
Face Darius.png: Father, let me say a few words to this Human.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Speak, my son.
Face Darius.png: It should have been obvious to us that the moment my father told [Player] to fetch Sun Haven's leader that we would be meeting face to face... with Sun Haven's leader.
Our lack of preparedness to actually meet you is entirely our own faults. On behalf of Withergate, and as its future king, I apologize.
Face Lucia.png: Hm. Apology accepted.
Face Darius.png: You came all the way here, alone and without weapons of any kind. My father is right, you walked right into our clutches.
So you must be serious. You want peace between Sun Haven and Withergate?
Face Lucia.png: Not only peace, but friendship! The rift between Human and Monsterfolk is-
Face Darius.png: Enough. Wishing for 'friendship' like that is pointless. It will never happen. Or at least not right now. But I agree that Withergate and Sun Haven can have peace. I'm convinced now of that much.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Hmm. Peace, my son? Is that what you truly believe?
Face Darius.png: It is.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Our future king has spoken. We shall entertain a truce with Sun Haven. We shall never attack it, and it shall never attack us. You will recognize us as a proper city, and your people will keep their fear to themselves.
Face Lucia.png: Agreed. I have no terms for Withergate. I simply want peace. In time I hope the rift can mend between our peoples, and friendship can be shared.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Hmph. Very well. Then it seems this meeting has concluded. Thank you for your time, archmage. Now please if you would...
Get out of my city.
Player: I'm getting out of here before I get trap door'd again!!
The Player and Lucia leave the throne room and appear back in Lucia's office.
Face Lucia.png: I must say... that was... quite the adventure. Withergate is a marvelous city. The Demons truly are fantastic. Maybe someday I'll be able to go back there and study their knowledge...
We might not have gotten what we wanted, but we made progress! And everything was all thanks to you, [Player].
Player: You did plenty yourself, Lucia.
Face Lucia.png: Hehe. You're right, I suppose. For now, though, I'll take what we were given, and I'll keep waiting for the day that Withergate and Sun Haven can be true friends.
Player: Me too.
Player: Eh, don't hold your breath.
Face Lucia.png: Oh! That reminds me, though. What of Nel'Vari? Have you forged a good friendship with them yet? Something tells me that once you do, it may be the Nel'Varians who reach out to you - instead of the other way around!
It's just my intuition, but if you've yet to forge good relations with Nel'Vari, then please continue to do so. They seem like a friendly people, I'm sure you'll know as soon as they're ready to be friends with Sun Haven!
Face Lucia.png: Alright, makes sense to me.