Template:Conversation Dialogue/doc

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This template is specifically used for formatting the player's conversations with an NPC. This dialogue box starts out open, but the user can collapse it if they please.


{{Conversation Dialogue|NPC NAME
|Dialogue   = NPC's First dialogue, when the player clicks on them.
|Option1    = First Option the player can respond with.
|Option2    = Second Option the player can respond with.
|Response1  = The NPC's response to "Option 1".
|Response2  = The NPC's response to "Option 2".

|Option1a   = First Option the player can respond to the NPCs "Response 1"
|Option1b   = Second Option the player can respond to the NPCs "Response 1"
|Response1a = The NPC's response to "Option 1a".
|Response1b = The NPC's response to "Option 1b".

|Option2a   = First Option the player can respond to the NPCs "Response 2"
|Option2b   = Second Option the player can respond to the NPCs "Response 2"
|Response2a = The NPC's response to "Option 2a".
|Response2b = The NPC's response to "Option 2b".

If you do not specify the NPC name, it will take the name of the BASEPAGE.

Additional Syntax: Collapse

{{Conversation Dialogue|NPC NAME|Collapse=True/False
  • Collapse true means the table will be loaded on the page as collapsed.
  • Collapse false means the table will be loaded on the page as open.
  • This field is optional, if left blank or not there, the table will be loaded on the page as open.



{{Conversation Dialogue|Claude
|Cycle 16
|Dialogue   = [Player], my muse, my love. My future. Am I the only one having trouble believing that this is reality?
|Option1    = What makes our marriage so unbelievable?
|Option2    = I look forward to the songs you'll compose throughout our lives together.
|Response1  = It's impossible for me to imagine perfection. If I do something, then inherently it will have flaws. That's just how I've always been, and how I've done my music.<br>But... I can't seem to find anything imperfect about us. It's new to me, but I think I can adjust.
|Response2  = In the past, something like that might have made me feel as if I were put under pressure. But now, I feel excited. Inspired. This is the best I've ever felt in my life, maybe.<br>I look forward to the songs I will compose during our marriage, too.
|Option1a   = Well believe it or not, we're perfect together! {{Heart Points|+|2}}
|Option1b   = I thought you'd feel better about our marriage. {{Heart Points|-|1}}
|Response1a = I think so too, [Player]. I've committed my everything to you, and I know I won't ever regret it.
|Response1b = I didn't mean it like that, [Player]. I'm sorry if I upset you.
|Option2a   = It's nice to finally see you feeling so inspired.
|Option2b   = It's about time you got your inspiration back so strong.
|Response2a = Heh, is that why you married me? To see me inspired? I'm joking, of course.
|Response2b = Heh, is that why you married me? To see me inspired? I'm joking, of course.

Cycle 16
Face Claude.png: [Player], my muse, my love. My future. Am I the only one having trouble believing that this is reality?
Player: What makes our marriage so unbelievable?
Face Claude.png: It's impossible for me to imagine perfection. If I do something, then inherently it will have flaws. That's just how I've always been, and how I've done my music.
But... I can't seem to find anything imperfect about us. It's new to me, but I think I can adjust.
Player: Well believe it or not, we're perfect together! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Claude.png: I think so too, [Player]. I've committed my everything to you, and I know I won't ever regret it.
Player: I thought you'd feel better about our marriage. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Claude.png: I didn't mean it like that, [Player]. I'm sorry if I upset you.
Player: I look forward to the songs you'll compose throughout our lives together.
Face Claude.png: In the past, something like that might have made me feel as if I were put under pressure. But now, I feel excited. Inspired. This is the best I've ever felt in my life, maybe.
I look forward to the songs I will compose during our marriage, too.
Player: It's nice to finally see you feeling so inspired.
Face Claude.png: Heh, is that why you married me? To see me inspired? I'm joking, of course.
Player: It's about time you got your inspiration back so strong.
Face Claude.png: Heh, is that why you married me? To see me inspired? I'm joking, of course.


{{Conversation Dialogue|Billie|Collapse=True
|Cycle 1
|Dialogue   = I like to think I'm changing people's lives by changing their look. You should really give me a shot!
|Option1    = What got you into the salon business?
|Option2    = When you say I should "really" give you a shot...
|Response1  = I used to cut my whole family's hair. It's the only skill I have other than archery, but that doesn't make much money.
|Response2  = Oops, there goes my mouth again. I don't mean it like an insult. But it's never a bad time to update your look, you know.
|Option1a   = Archery? That's impressive!
|Option1b   = Why do you like archery?
|Response1a = Thanks! I practice all the time so I can join the army. I figure joining the army as an archer is my best bet to travel the world for free!
|Response1b = I practice all the time so I can join the army. I figure joining the army as an archer is my best bet to travel the world for free!
|Option2a   = I don't care what you think about my look. {{Heart Points|-|1}}
|Option2b   = I like that you're up front about it. {{Heart Points|+|1}}
|Response2a = Okay, sheesh. I was just offering to help. Thin skin, huh?
|Response2b = Some people call me blunt, but I think I'm just honest. I'm glad you can take it.

Cycle 1
Face Billie.png: I like to think I'm changing people's lives by changing their look. You should really give me a shot!
Player: What got you into the salon business?
Face Billie.png: I used to cut my whole family's hair. It's the only skill I have other than archery, but that doesn't make much money.
Player: Archery? That's impressive!
Face Billie.png: Thanks! I practice all the time so I can join the army. I figure joining the army as an archer is my best bet to travel the world for free!
Player: Why do you like archery?
Face Billie.png: I practice all the time so I can join the army. I figure joining the army as an archer is my best bet to travel the world for free!
Player: When you say I should "really" give you a shot...
Face Billie.png: Oops, there goes my mouth again. I don't mean it like an insult. But it's never a bad time to update your look, you know.
Player: I don't care what you think about my look. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Billie.png: Okay, sheesh. I was just offering to help. Thin skin, huh?
Player: I like that you're up front about it. +1 Heart.png Points
Face Billie.png: Some people call me blunt, but I think I'm just honest. I'm glad you can take it.