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Pen-Pals is a passive skill that sends mail to the player every week. The acquisition of the fourth letter starts the quest Asking Pod. Upon receiving the final letter, a Pen Pal Quill.png Pen Pal Quill is attached, which permanently awards Community Token.png Community Token × 2 every day.


Mail.png 1st Mail (Peter)
Your 1st Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Peter

'Hoy! I did this whole pen pal thing because I thought I'd have lots to say. Honestly, though, now that I'm sitting down and writing... I'm not entirely sure what I want to say. It's good to pass the time while fishing, though. Gotta keep your mind sharp between bites, otherwise you'll nod off and miss.

The writing stops here, at a splash of ink. It continues directly below.

Er, sorry about that, pen pal. Just had a bite. Anyways, I'm not so sure this whole pen pal thing is going to work out for me. Hope you have better luck with it.

- Peter
Mail.png 2nd Mail (Camila)
Your 2nd Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Camila

Hello! I've always enjoyed writing letters, but I've never had a lot of people to write them to! I was so excited when I heard we were going to set up a pen pal program, it's such a perfect idea to share letters and stories with one another.

I don't know if you know or not, but I host guests in an extra room. Get this - the other week I had Demons staying with me! I wasn't sure if my normal old room was going to be comfortable for them, but they actually enjoyed their stay and were very polite. Strange to say, but I guess you have to be ready to give anyone a bed when you're in a business like mine. It's certainly fun to see new people, though. Sun Haven seems to have plenty of that, it's always made me wonder what it is about this town that attracts different kinds of people. Isn't that interesting?

Finding time to sit down and write your thoughts is a privilege, I hope you'll agree. Okay well, take care of yourself!

- Camila
Mail.png 3rd Mail (Emmett)
Your 3rd Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Emmett

I don't have a lot of time to write, I'm even skipping lunch for this because Bernard said this was good for the community.

Guess what! I'm getting close to saving enough gold to pay off my debts! But I'll keep working hard after they're paid off. The difference is, then I'll be saving up for myself! I've always dreamed of having a nice house of my own with a luxurious bathtub and a biiiiiig soft bed... So, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

I'm already running out of time here. Lunch breaks never last long enough, do they?

- Emmett
Mail.png 4th Mail (Pod)
Your 4th Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Pod

hi it is me pod i am writing this to say hi . my mama says penpails like to write to each other but i don,t like to write

The next several pages are scribbles and doodles, before it gets back to written words.

mama says i have to write and cant just draw. she works realy hard all day . i wish someone could bring her dinner onse.

- Pod
Mail.png 5th Mail (Amanda)
Your 5th Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Amanda

Salutations. I don't know who you are, but I'm going to assume that you're someone with whom I can discuss books. Honestly, I don't even care if you read this letter or not - I just have to get this off my chest.

I recently finished a novel by Harriet T. T. Gerning. It was HTTG's most recent publication and, really, HTTG's works are critically overrated. Her narrative threads end up going nowhere and she spends hundreds of pages building up to, ultimately, zero payoff.

Honestly, I should just quit this library job and review books for a living! The newspapers of the Great City would go to war with each other over the rights to my critiques. Anyways, I hope you appreciate my astute opinions. Regardless, I'm pretending that you do.

- Amanda
Mail.png 6th Mail (Raimi)
Your 6th Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Raimi

Hey, I don't know much about pen pals but this seems like the perfect opportunity to spread some word on the situation around Sun Haven. The leafy monsters grow in number each day. It's like they grow on trees or something. If you ever find yourself surrounded by them, keep your cool. They're dangerous, but small. I consider the leafy problem to be threat level: Green.

I've been running into these massive purple monsters lately, as well. They seem to slumber at all times, but I'm sure once they awaken they'll be up to no good. I've attempted to defeat one, but all of my arrows merely disappeared into its fur. And it didn't even wake up! When I got closer to investigate, it slapped me away in its sleep. I consider these beasts to be threat level: Double Red.

Any information on dealing with these purple menaces should be reported to me, and the Sun Haven guard. It's only a matter of time until one of them wakes up, and then there's no telling what nefarious plot could unravel.

- Raimi
Mail.png 7th Mail (Ronald)
Your 7th Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Ronald

Fancy some quality food? In need of some good company? Why don't you come on down to the tavern and we'll get everything sorted for you. Ah, I'm sorry. Mari told me that if I was going to mess around writing letters for a pen pal that I had to advertise the tavern. What did you think of the sales pitch, though? Did it tempt you to pay a visit? Oh well, how are things going with you? Things at the tavern are busy as ever, we can't seem to keep enough food and drink on hand to serve everyone. It's good to complain about having too much, though, don't you think? Sun Haven isn't the biggest town on the map, but I'm glad we can count ourselves as one of the most prosperous, even in the face of everything.

Come by the tavern and I'll get you a meal sometime, on the house.

- Ronald

(P.S. - Don't tell Mari about the 'on the house' part)
Mail.png 8th Mail (Tonya)
Your 8th Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Tonya

I used to do pen pal stuff when I was a little girl. Well, my mother would make me do it. I never really wanted to, but she insisted. To help my penmanship, she said... I guess my handwriting was pretty awful at first. Mother told me penmanship was like running - you have to keep at it if you want to improve your mile time. Or, something like that. My handwriting did get better, of course. After all that practice it had to. Who knows, maybe she was right. Heh, that's strange. I haven't thought about my mother this much in a long time! Maybe I should write her a letter, too.

Okay, it's decided. Topi will start his penmanship exercises tomorrow morning! He'll hate it, but his handwriting is atrocious.

My hand is cramping up, better stretch it out. I'll sign off here - thanks, penpal! Maybe I'll see you when I deliver this letter.

- Tonya
Mail.png 9th Mail (Judith)
Your 9th Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Judith

When I first heard that Sun Haven was going to establish a pen pal network, I thought it would prove to be a waste of time. I suppose after seeing how many people are participating in it, however, I must say I was quite wrong. I underestimated my fellow townsfolk and their interest in ink and paper. When I was young we'd have plenty of festivals that brought us together, but as time went on the town grew too busy. There was simply no time for such frequent festivities. Writing to one another has helped the town feel more connected once again... so I'm glad that even as I'm now retired, Sun Haven still reminds me of the good old days.

Oh, perhaps we can do more festivals, too? Ah, a young girl can dream, at least. Oh- I know, I'll have Albert pen you some words.

The words cut out, followed on the next line by more writing in a considerably sloppier hand.

Hello, I'm not great with writing but Judith really wants me to give it a go. So, here's a joke. What does an envelope say when you lick it? Nothing, it shuts up. Oh, now Judith is giving me a look. Stay safe, pen pal.

- Judith (and Albert)
Mail.png 10th Mail (Bernard)
Your final Sun Haven Pen Pal letter comes from Bernard

To XX,

You've been a member of our pen pal exchange for some time now and have received quite a few letters from our residents. At this very moment, many people in the program are still sending and receiving correspondence. I've also been working with Jun to measure the individual responses of the participants in the program. It seems that most people who wrote letters described feeling more "interconnected" within their community, as Jun put it.

Therefore, I am proud to declare that Sun Haven's pen pal program has been an overall success in our little community!

Thank you for helping Sun Haven write, it truly has brought our community together. It means a lot to me, to the Archmage, and to everyone involved in our pen pal program.

- Warmest regards, Bernard

As you reach the end of the letter, you realize there is a surprise attached to the end of the parchment...

Skill Synergies

There are many skills that when combined together will produce a greater effect than the singular skill alone. This could be to maximize profits, improve various abilities, or quality of life increases.