Museum/Nel'Vari Crops Bundle

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The Nel'Vari Crops Bundle is a museum bundle in the Hall of Culture. The Hall of Culture holds bundles that are generally related to farming, but it also has bundles related to foraging, combat, and potions.

This bundle requires crops that are planted and harvested in the mana rich soils of Nel'Vari.


Requirements Rewards
Acorn.png AcornRock Fruit.png Rock FruitWater Fruit.png Water FruitFire Fruit.png Fire FruitWalk Choy.png Walk ChoyWind Chime.png Wind ChimeShiiwalki Mushroom.png Shiiwalki MushroomDragon Fruit.png Dragon FruitMana Gem.png Mana GemCat Tail.png Cat TailIndiglow.png Indiglow Walk Choy Pet.png Walk Choy PetShiiwalki Mushroom Pet.png Shiiwalki Mushroom Pet

Collection Complete Text

Upon completing this collection, the plaque for this bundle will read:

“These preserved crops were grown in exotic lands nearby Sun Haven. They are not documented in any scholarly records and have yet to be properly studied. The Sun Haven Museum is honored to host these samples and gives special thanks to those who donated these wonderful crops.”
— Bundle Plaque


  • 1.0: Museum and associated bundles introduced to the game.