Kitty's Garden

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The quest Kitty's Garden is a character quest that has the chance to be available anytime after the player has introduced themselves to Kitty. Kitty is requesting that the player water her flowers. Water them and report back to her.

At certain times in the game, characters will have a Quest.png quest icon above their heads. These quests are one-time quests given by that NPC. Generally these quests do not have time-limits, so the player is able to complete them at their leisure.


Requirements Rewards Bonus
Coins.png Coins × 200Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 25Community Token.png Community Token × 5 Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 40Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 40


  1. Accept quest.
  2. Water Kitty's garden in front of her house.
  3. Turn in to Kitty.


The in-game description of this quest:

“Kitty has asked the player to water her garden outside her home.”



Kitty's Garden
Face Kitty.png: Hey [Player], this is perfect timing! I just realized I forgot to water my garden before coming in today. I'll give you a potion if you help me out.
Player: Where is your garden?
Face Kitty.png: It's just on the side of my house, you know, stuck in the dirt like plants are.
Player: I'll take care of that. Quest: Kitty's Garden
Face Kitty.png: Great. You're really helping me out, [Player].
Player: I'm too busy right now.
Face Kitty.png: I guess someone doesn't want a top-quality potion.
Player: What do you need me to do?
Face Kitty.png: Just make sure all my leafy babies have enough water. I'd be crushed if they withered in the sunshine. Let me know when you've finished so I can repay you.


Upon turning in this quest, the NPC will say:

Face Kitty.png:"Here you go, just like I said. Thanks for helping out!"


  • None