Jun's Lesson

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The quest Jun's Lesson is a character quest that has the chance to be available anytime after Spring 7, Year 1. The objective of this quest is to bring Jun four cookies to give to his students as rewards.

At certain times in the game, characters will have a Quest.png quest icon above their heads. These quests are classified as character quests, and are one-time quests given by that NPC. Generally these quests do not have time-limits, so the player is able to complete them at their leisure.


Requirements Rewards Bonus
Cookies.png Cookies × 4 Coins.png Coins × 100Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 30Community Token.png Community Token × 5 Coins.png Coins × 225Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 45Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 4


  1. Accept quest.
  2. Gather four Cookies by baking them in the Cooking Pot. One batch of cookies will produce all four cookies needed for the quest.
  3. Turn in to Jun.


The in-game description of this quest:

“Jun wants some cookies to hand out to his students as rewards. I should bring 4 cookies to Jun in his desk at the library.”



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Upon turning in this question, the NPC will say:

Face Jun.png:"Thank you [Player], I'm sure the kids will love these! This is a big help."