For the Animals

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For the Animals is a passive skill that triggers a one-time cutscene with the Fairy Cow Mother Fairy Cow Mother.


Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: Helloooooo there!
Player: How did I get here?
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: Ah, please excuse me for teleporting you here so abruptly, [Player].
My dear [Player], I am your Fairy Cow Mother. I've been watching over you and your farm animals ever since you came to Sun Haven.
And now, I have something very important to tell you.
Player: You can talk??
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: Of course I can, silly. I'm your Fairy Cow Mother! I've been watching over you and your farm animals ever since you came to Sun Haven.
Please excuse me for teleporting you here so abruptly - for now, I have something very important to tell you.
Player: You've been expecting me?
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: [Player], it has become clear that during your journey in Sun Haven, you have had the udder-most desire to bring happiness to your neighbors and the animals in your care.
After leveling up and having so many paths to improve at, you, [Player], ended up choosing this one.
Player: You mean the Farming skill I just learned?
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: Yes, [Player]. Instead of choosing all the options for riches and fame, you chose the one that would make others happy.
You understand that progressing yourself is not just about coins or armor, but instead about the positive impact you have on the world.
... ...
[Player], you are a good person. Wholesome, kind, fair, and just. Now with my wand, I do what I must.
Roses are red, violets are blue, chickens say cluck, and cows go moo.
With a wave of my wand, let it always be true, all farm animals, will always love you.
The Fairy Cow Mother casts a spell on the player.
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: And there we have it! The deed is done.
Player: What did your spell do, exactly?
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: I've placed my blessing on you, [Player]. From now on, your animals will be able to see how kind of a person you are.
Now when you see them smile at your presence, I want you to remember this moment - I want you to remember how kind you are to have chosen this path.
[Player], you are awesome. Now go forth and continue to spread goodness into the world.
Player: Thank you, Mother.
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: Of course, my dear. Now, I've placed my blessing on you, [Player].
From now on, your animals will be able to see how kind of a person you are.
Now when you see them smile at your presence, I want you to remember this moment - I want you to remember how kind you are to have chosen this path.
[Player], you are awesome. Now go forth and continue to spread goodness into the world.
Player: Thank you for your blessing.
Face Fairy Cow Mother.png: Farewell, dear.

Skill Synergies

There are many skills that when combined together will produce a greater effect than the singular skill alone. This could be to maximize profits, improve various abilities, or quality of life increases.

  • There are no other skills that synergize with this skill.