Dynus Altar Room/Fruit Altar

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The Fruit Altar is a Altar bundle from the Dynus Altar Room. Each altar has a theme and a set of required of items. All of the rewards from the altars cannot be received in any other way besides completing the altars, making them unique. This room only be comes available to the player once they have progressed far enough in the main quest.

This altar is comprised of several types of fruit, most of which come from trees. When the player is first beginning the game, they will find these trees all over Sun Haven and surrounding areas in the Eastern and Western forests. These trees can also be bought as seedlings and planted on the players Farm.

The Berry item is found on the ground, all over Sun Haven and Nel'Vari. They can also be harvested from the barn animal, snacoons later in the game.


Requirements Rewards
Raspberry.png Raspberry × 20Peach.png Peach × 10Orange.png Orange × 20Blueberry.png Blueberry × 20Berry.png Berry × 10Apple.png Apple × 20 Butterfly Ring.png Butterfly Ring

Collection Complete Text

Upon completing this collection, the plaque for this bundle will read:

“This is the completed text.”
— Bundle Plaque
