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This page details out the mail the player receives from Claude. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Claude will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
Dear [Player],

I want to welcome you to Sun Haven. Unlike even my most trusty bass, I have yet to find you out of tune. I'm curious what kind of song you will conduct in Sun Haven. You appear truly unique, but we will only know once we get to the bridge of your piece.

I do hope your farm is prosperous here. Perhaps I could even get to know you further.

- Claude
Tomato Seeds.png Tomato Seeds × 5

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Dear [Player],

In my days, I have spent much time alone working on music. Yet, I have only ever finished a single song that I liked. Though I dislike sharing it and have gone to great lengths to prevent those here from finding my records, you listened to my songs - unfinished or only barely started - with a smile. I feel like I can give this to you with the confidence you will enjoy it without judgment.

- Claude

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Dear [Player],

I have traveled for years and heard songs from across the world that simply did not inspire me, but never has something spurred my creativity as much as yourself. From melody to chorus, you are entirely one of a kind.

Continue to play your song, I cannot wait to hear it.

- Claude