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This page lists the dialogue lines for Claude.


When speaking to Claude for the first time in a new game:

Face Claude.png Hm, you must be the new farmer. I'm Claude.
Player: I'm [Player]. Good to meet you!
Face Claude.png Sure thing. Er, you too.

Stranger Lines

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Claude.png:"I'm not really in a mood to talk, thanks. I've got a lot on my mind."
Face Claude.png:"Sorry, what did you say? I was off in my own world."
Face Claude.png:"Sorry, I'm quite busy."
Face Claude.png:"Why is it that everyone insists on talking to me when I go out?"
Face Claude.png:"... Hm? Oh, I must have missed what you said. I was thinking of an interlude in the song I'm writing."
Face Claude.png:"No thanks, I'm not feeling too chatty right now."
Face Claude.png:"I just don't feel like talking right now."
Face Claude.png:"Hm. Spring doesn't make being out and about much more bearable, as far as I'm concerned. Spring Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"It's starting to get hot. Summer isn't coming already, is it? Spring Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"I'm not a big fan of the events Sun Haven hosts... but the Music Festival is an exception. Summer Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Too much sun in summer. I'd prefer if it were... less so. Summer Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Hm? Oh, sorry. I guess I didn't see you there. Summer Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"I don't hate being in the sun. It's just not what I prefer, that's all. Summer Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"I can't imagine we'll see each other much, given how differently we both operate. Summer Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Chill winds blow in from the north. I can feel winter on them. Fall Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Leaves change with the season, just like a melody takes shape over time. Oh, sorry. I was just musing out loud. Fall Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"The crunching of leaves... so distracting. Fall Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Fall is the season of harvest. It must be important for a farmer like you, huh? Fall Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Yeah? Did you need something? Fall Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"There's a gentle beauty in undistrubed[sic] snow. It makes the cold worth tolerating. Winter Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Season of giving? I don't know. That just sounds silly to me. Winter Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"Heating my whole house isn't worth it. When do I ever have more than a few guests over at once? Winter Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"They say no two snowflakes are alike, yet there's so many of them. How can that be true? Winter Token.png "
Face Claude.png:"It's a little cold for talking, don't you think? Winter Token.png "

Friend Lines

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Claude.png:"Have you been doing well, [Player]?"
Face Claude.png:"I'm a bit busy, but it's nice to see you."
Face Claude.png:"A friend like you is great to have, [Player]. Not many other people really understand me."
Face Claude.png:"Don't be afraid to drop by for a visit sometime. My house is big enough for the two of us."
Face Claude.png:"I'm doing well today. Thanks for dropping by, [Player]."

Dating Lines

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Claude.png:"Nathaniel said he noticed a skip in my step. I guess I'm feeling a bit better these days."
Face Claude.png:"Hey, [Player]. I always have a moment for you."
Face Claude.png:"I never thought there'd be someone like you for me, [Player]."
Face Claude.png:"Seeing you fills me with a sort of spark that I never thought I'd be able to capture."
Face Claude.png:"I hear music each time we speak, [Player]. A lovely duet."

Married Lines

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Claude.png:"How are you today, my muse?"
Face Claude.png:"You've shown me the kind of happiness I didn't think was possible, [Player]."
Face Claude.png:"Everything seems so golden and new to me. I have you to thank for that."
Face Claude.png:"How is everything with your work, my love?"
Face Claude.png:"For the endless source of inspiration you've given me, I will forever be in your debt."
Face Claude.png:"Let spring wither and rot for all I care. You're the only thing I need. Spring Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"The winter is gone, and I'm with you. It almost makes me feel... rekindled. Spring Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"The heat of summer is lukewarm compared to the intensity of our love, [Player]. Spring Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"Hello there, my muse. What did you want? Summer Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"I don't mind stopping to talk. Summer Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"The summer sun seems less oppressive when I'm with you, [Player]. Summer Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"You're the brightest thing in my life, [Player]. Summer Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"Seasons come and go, but you and I will be forever. Fall Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"The world around us is changing, but my love for you will always stay the same. Fall Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"A walk through the autumn woods is about as good as it gets for seeking musical inspiraton. Next to being with you, of course. Fall Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"I wonder if the leaves changing color is painful for the trees. Heh, I'm sorry, [Player]. It's easy to get lost in thought when I'm with you. Fall Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"Nature is slowing down, yet I can feel myself only ever speeding up. Fall Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"Lucia will no doubt be on my case to attend our Winter Festival this year. Such is life. Winter Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"The tranquil snow is the perfect compliment to your company, my dear [Player]. Winter Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"I hope the winter snow doesn't make your life too complicated on the farm. Winter Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"Don't worry about me, my muse. The cold doesn't bother me as much as it does others. Winter Token.png"
Face Claude.png:"For once, there's something I'm thankful for this season. It's you, of course. Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "Thanks for going through the trouble to get this [item] for me. I mean that."
  • Liked: "This is a good [item], thanks [Player]."
  • Good: "A [item]. Great."
  • Disliked: "A [item]? Next time, just don't bother."

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Claude a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Claude's birthday is the 24th of Spring.

Face Claude.png:"I won't lie to you, this is a disappointing gift. And on my birthday? Oh well."
Face Claude.png:"Not a bad birthday gift. Thanks."
Face Claude.png:"For my birthday? I like it. Thanks."
Face Claude.png:"Did you know it was my birthday, [Player]? This is... really nice, thanks."

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Claude.png: A potion, [Player]? I should drink it? If you say so.
Not Married
Claude drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Claude.png: Kind of gross. If you give me more stuff like this, I might have to rethink this friendship of ours.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Claude drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Claude.png: Well that was kind of gross. Thanks for sharing, though. Say, do you have any idea why I'm wearing this wedding ring?


Claude has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted Spicy Ramen:

Face Claude.png:"I don't know how anyone stomachs something like this. No thanks."

When gifted a Record Player:

Face Claude.png:"I needed another record player, but it looks like you took care of that. Thanks."

When gifted a Tomato:

Face Claude.png:"I won't turn down a good tomato. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Spaghetti:

Face Claude.png:"Spaghetti was always a little heavy for my taste... but I won't say 'no'. Thanks."

When gifted a Cinnamon Apple Pie:

Face Claude.png:"Apple pie? With cinnamon? Hmm... thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Red Veggie Soup:

Face Claude.png:"It smells... divine. How did you know I liked this kind of soup? Thanks."

When gifted Tomato Soup:

Face Claude.png:"Tomato soup? Yeah, I'd actually love some. Thanks, [Player]. I admit, this is a really nice gift."

When gifted Tomato Bread:

Face Claude.png:"So you remembered, huh? Heh, I won't complain. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted a clove of Garlic:

Face Claude.png:"Garlic? Absolutely not."

When gifted Claude Wedding Ring:

Face Claude.png:"Why would you...? Forget it. I'll take it back, I guess."

When gifted Claude's House Key:

Face Claude.png:"I gave this to you for a reason... never mind. It doesn't matter."

When gifted Claude Record:

Face Claude.png:"You didn't like the music? I see..."

When gifted Claude's Performance Record:

Face Claude.png:"Is this my song from the music festival? Heh... thanks, [Player]. If you went through the trouble of recording it, I suppose I can hang onto it."

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem

Face Claude.png:"Wait... this is-... OOSH'A WIXLIASHA! O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZZZAAAAAA!!!! RAAAA!! ...I... Hm. I think I want to keep this. The voices... I need to hear the voices."

Morning Gifts

When married to Claude, there is a chance he will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above his head, and will be available until the player talks to him.

When gifting Spaghetti.png Spaghetti:

Face Claude.png:"I made you spaghetti today. Huh? No, I didn't order it from anywhere, I made it. I like to cook, especially if it's for you."

When gifting Tomato.png Tomato × 5:

Face Claude.png:"A merchant had some fresh looking tomatoes on sale the other day. I picked one up for you."

When gifting Tomato Soup.png Tomato Soup:

Face Claude.png:"I felt like soup, and I wanted to cook for you. So I made tomato soup. Take some, please."

When gifting Tomato Juice.png Tomato Juice:

Face Claude.png:"Take some juice today, in case you get thirsty. It's important to stay hydrated."